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Everything posted by Suckrates

  1. Stick with what you know, RIGHT Trumpy ? CNN)President Donald Trump has hit on a new exit strategy as he struggles to mitigate the most disorientating political crisis of his presidency: the splitting up of undocumented migrant families. His obvious conclusion is that even though his hardline populism got him into the mess, only a more unfiltered dose of Trumpism will finally sweep it away. Trump fired off some of his most raw and authoritarian tweets about immigration yet Sunday and is also cranking up his trade war rhetoric to solidify the safe space where he always returns when he's in trouble: the embrace of his political base. "We cannot allow all of these people to invade our Country," Trump wrote in a tweet that hammered undocumented migrants on Sunday. On the political front, the President, characteristically, is choosing to attack. His tweet on immigration was a classic maneuver by a populist leader with authoritarian instincts. His use of the phrase "invade" was borrowed from a strongman's playbook in which outside forces, often of a different ethnicity, are used by a leader to portray his nation as vulnerable to forces that want to change its character. The tweet sparked immediate alarm from critics who worry about the philosophical direction of Trump's political project. One minute he says "I cant do anything about it", the next he is issuing an executive order to reverse the separation of kids. WTF ? He cant help but NOT to lie.... but the mentally crippled that make up his base just listen and salivate at every word. What about reuniting those kids that have already been separated ? Forgot about THEM ???? One of the trademarks of US President Donald Trump speeches is him constantly comparing himself to former president Barack Obama — always in a favor of himself, of course. Telling the audience how Obama administration has done everything wrong and how Trump is going to fix it has become one of the pillars of his political program — up to the point where Trump's critics say 45 is actually "trying to undo Obama's presidency,"
  2. Did you get a big send-off dinner at Red Lobster ? Consider this the first Day of the Rest of your Life !
  3. When you have the BEST Border Patrol.........
  4. They substitute LOUD for funny.
  5. Stay Strong, Proud, & RESIST !
  6. Oh so, the courts will punish him after the fact..? That's encouraging Pretty calm, civil answer for a very big and REAL problem.... Believe it when they say that "they dont like you Gays".... irrational feelings lead to irrational actions. But ill sleep better knowing our courts are on "Stand-by"...
  7. Yeah until he pulls out his Big "hunting rifle" on all you Faggots !
  8. I actually did not perceive Michelle that way, but OK....... I am just tired of Melania's "resting bitch face" and detached demeanor... Basically a non-entity, except for her "non-bullying" platform , yet supporting the Biggest bully there is ! LAUGHABLE !!!!
  9. How Long will their Honeymoon Last ?
  10. Bottom line, the message on the jacket is inappropriate for a First Lady, no matter WHAT context it was taken in..... she SHOULD be caring, about a lot of things ! FUCK THAT CUNT !
  11. You and Trump probably DO have some things to discuss then ?
  12. I hope you have enough for 2, because I dont have an ounce of sympathy for HER, not a single ounce. Whatever her motivations, she is complicit, and responsible for her own words and actions. Her "empathy for show" platform is as transparent as the mirror she looks into, and her concern is only fooling those that are "foolable"..... She's as phony as fuck, prancing around in her million dollar wardrobe speaking to the poor, unprivileged and abused, while really caring more if the color of her stilletos is right and her makeup flawless ! . So HERE for you Adam is something to help you wipe away that tear for Melania...
  13. That crap rolls off HIS back, and 15 minutes later, its forgotten by his base. He has been tarnished from the start from the rest of the country so thats a moot point. Plastic doesnt Tarnish ! And these Americans have a short attention span. We've now moved from murders in the classroom, to border separations. And neither issue has really been resolved. Just a bunch of outrage, turn your head, NEXT !
  14. Trump is the pussy cat with 9 lives, who just keeps coming back, outrage after outrage. It will take something really big to take this devil down. And if the abuse of children didnt tarnish him, will anything ?
  15. Strange Bedfellows......
  16. "WHAT Children ?"
  17. Melania vs Macron..... Who Wore it Better ?
  18. "Doonald, I am immigrant....Can I PLEASE leave country ?"
  19. And even if you some ritzy upper East Side conservative snob, THIS is how you are perceived now !!
  20. Misplaced Idolatry ? or just more ass-kissing ? Trump: "I want that Peace Prize soooooooo much!"
  21. Hubba, Hubba, SHE'S a 10.... but I still aint even a 1 !
  22. Suckrates

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