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Everything posted by Suckrates

  1. Some people just need to get their priorities straight. To think you would spend so much time blabbering here about NOTHING when there are so many other important issues to discuss such as covid, the 2020 election, racial inequality, and extreme enviormental issues, shows the true nature of your personality, choosing to COMPLAIN on a gay site devoted to escorts and pretty boys ABOUT the quantity of pics of naked, pretty boys. Its mindblowing and laughable. You are annoyed by pics because YOU dont look at them, but news flash, this site is NOT about you.... there are others here that like naked boys and enjoy looking at the pics, and indicate as much. . However now that i am blocked, there is no issue. Your request was selfish and out of line. but now that all of this is put to rest, we can return to business as usual. So here's one for the road....... Stay SAFE guys.
  2. Its your opinion and your opinion only. I dont think this site needs to pander to singular requests. If you dont like my pic posts or think there is too many of them, just dont VIEW them. And if you want a site tailor made for yourself, START ONE..... As for me being a complainer, I said NOTHING until you chimed in with your nit-picking crap. All I did was provide eye-candy for the members here. Apparently you dont like to look at naked boys, you just like to complain ? And if the site has become difficult for you to navigate because of the quantity of my posts, look around...if I dont post there really isnt much activity, so not sure WHY you have a problem ? Maybe you should look into that?
  3. STOP complaining and try contributing more. If you havent noticed, this site isnt very well traveled, so any contributions that invite viewership should be welcomed.... If you are having a problem with the mechanics of the board, speak with the Admins about it. I dont believe this site was designed specifically for YOU and your comfort level? I guess there always has to be one "complainer" in the bunch ?
  4. And now it starts....Trump, McConnell and the GOP ghouls will try to STEAL that seat....Just watch !
  5. The Trump voters DONT care about issues. They just want to rant, curse, holla, be Racist and carry their guns... As long as Trump continues to allow them to do it, and supports them doing it, they are a lock... And there are also a shitload of stupid, gullible people that are gonna believe his bullshit about "rioters coming to your neighborhoods and burning down your homes"... You know, those trailers and winnebagos are valuable ! All I'm saying is, dont get yer hopes up about a Trump LOSS, no matter what the polls say.... As much as I want to see that turd flushed, it just may float back up to the top? This wait till election time is torture........
  6. Polls, schmoles... IF Trump were running a FAIR race, they might matter...but he's NOT.... He's playing dirty, trying to disrupt and destroy the election in any way he can for HIS OWN benefit: propaganda, post office, fear, Lies, and a big hand from his Russian Daddy. So polls mean jack here, and YES he could probably win, and probably Will, at least in his OWN mind... Of course Trumps entire existence is occurring inside his OWN mind, and even if election night results show he lost, he will still claim the win, and convince his "hangers-on" that he has WON..... and any poll that even in the slightest indicated that he would win will be used as EVIDENCE and PROOF..... The man is a psycho, and when you are dealing with CRAZY, its a whole different ball-game.
  7. Trump AINT gonna let Biden win....One way or another, Trump will wreak havoc and not go quietly. And then we need to deal with those crazy Trumpers who wont accept their Gods loss ! Its gonna be a mess, and a long way to a confirmed Biden victory.
  8. I thought so too Sir, but after playing around, I found it.... After you post, In the upper right corner of the message there are 3 boxes (Author/Members/....) If you click the box with the 3 dots, there is a drop down that has choices, and one of the choices is EDIT.... i am not sure how long the edit option lasts. but it IS there right after you submit your post.... Good Luck.
  9. Oh cum on, wouldnt seeing Jared in stripes on his knees getting butt fucked TIT-Tillate you just a bit ? I am leaking just thinking about it ! And Ivanka with her head shaved munching on muff ? And DJT, in a solitary cell mumbling "Obama did this".....
  10. Kessie, Lets start our own POLL.... How many from the GOP will be going to prison if Trump loses ?
  11. "My cock is staying in tip-top shape, since it is my Only friend in Quarantine and I am taking VERY good care of it!"
  12. Always ask your "overnight guests" to wear a Mask" ! (and it's better if its Designer)
  13. FORGET a vaccine for awhile, even if it becomes available so quickly, can you trust it ? I'll just keep doing this ALONE at home until it is safe to "partner-up" again !
  14. I pay NO attention to polls. Most people dont speak honestly when taking a poll.... They give the response they feel will be most palletable. And Trump is a Very divisive and controversial figure. Although his rabid supporters will speak freely and honestly, believe there are many "in-the-closet" Trump supporters, most of whom will help HIM is a private, secluded voting booth. And lets not forget all those 2016 polls that said Trump would NEVER win, and Hillary had the thing in the bag. And I dont give a flying fuck about the "popular vote" wins.... Its the archaic "electoral college" bullshit that decides, and Trump may still have a lock on that ? So no matter how many FACTS, CHARTS, POLLS, ARTICLES and common sense arguments my dearest sister @stevenkesslar presents here, I am NOT comfortable with any of it... Trump is running a nasty, dirty, and destructive campaign against Biden that may really resonate with alot of people. The VERDICT will be spoken on ELECTION DAY , although it may have been tampered with.... GOD HELP US if we end up with another 4 years with the Crazy Orange Buffoon... and PUTIN !
  15. Trump AINT history unless WE make it so... VOTE HIM OUT !!!!!! "I'm READY, are YOU?"
  16. "Did you READ about Trumps ace-in-the-hole surprise, the FAKE placebo vaccine he will unveil before the Election ? IF you TRUST it, you're a FOOL"
  17. Daddy's right wing posse' is unable to divert from their rhetoric, even if facts and common sense dictate they should. It's their dialog and they stick to it, so its not unexpected that they defend the WHITE killer, who crossed states lines with an assault rifle and placed himself in the middle of a Protest... They will say he was just there for a "picnic" and found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time. Yeah, uh-huh ! We know the righty's are gullible and will buy any bullshit Trump feed them, so perhaps they think WE have the same gullibility DNA and they can feed it to us too ? And then when you have the in-ept leader of our country defending the action too, what do you expect... These people are like rusty old cans tied to the bumper of an old jalopy headed to Crazy town.... Fucking Fools...
  18. But much like the "Imaginary plane full of Anarchists" hired by the Left to disrupt wreak havoc in areas they dont belong, Daddy is always there with his full support of them.... yet I rarely see them on time-Out, while if anyone smears or name calls the Orange Asshole, they get BANNED for it...... It's just how things are these days. THOSE people are living in an "alternate Universe" where all reality and normalcy has been suspended.
  19. Perhaps THIS will remind you that BLM, more and more EVERY day ! (something HAS to get that message across)
  20. And when HE'S gone.....we can All REJOICE !!!!!!!!
  21. @stevenkesslar, I hope you can appreciate the fact that a lot of people are moved by FEAR, and Trump is working overtime to stoke those flames, and is doing quite a convincing job of it. Couple that with the images we see on TV of the riots, and the "MIS-information" that is being spread, Trump DOES seem like the savior and Law & Order President, eventhough any SANE person can see his rhetoric is ALL smoke and mirrors bullshit propaganda. Creating mass hysteria seems to be Trumps ticket to RE-election . Lets not become too complacent of a Biden win here and create a "Hillary will Win" corona-virus bubble that we will live in till election day, only to be slammed in the face with another Trump WIN.....(a VERY possible outcome)... Lets keep our eye on the prize, be diligent, and counter every bit of scare propaganda our DICK-tator puts out there... We cannot let him go unchecked or unchallenged. and on election day we need the biggest tsunami of Voters to VOTE, vote vote. Let's not count Trump out until he is actually OUT !!!!!!
  22. @Gaothanear has been a member over there since 2016 but has only posted 72 times, therefore considered a lurker... He crawled out from his roach hole to let us all know what HIS side is in all of this, as if we cared..... Dont think he is a reincarnation of any of the usual suspects, but certainly a supporter of that team. Look, everyone has some opinion and should be able to give it, but when common sense doesnt prevail, I turn-off..... I dont understand what these people need to see or hear to make them see what's actually going on. And Trump will continue to fan the flames and promote anarchy because it is better for his side. Then since he is the Law & Order President, he will swoop in with his WonderWoman cuffs and handle the situation and CLAIM hero status.... Anyone can see his demented plan...... And then today he releases this sick, twisted LIE about "someone" he knows being on a plane and seeing it "filled with rioters, looters and anarchists" simply because they were all "wearing dark clothing"...... No proof, just word of mouth.... YES girl fan those flames of fear and terror, spread that FAKE NEWS.... it will get you another 4 years ?
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