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Everything posted by Suckrates

  1. "Double your Pleasure, double your fun... Get 2 MAGA candidates for the Price of one" Trump/Vance 2024
  2. Nothing to offer but a permanent tongue in Trumps ass. Just another MAGA lunatic. I am sure you identify ? Lets see how much time it takes before HE'S indicted for something. Oh right, if Trump wins, he and all his cronies have ABSOLUTE protection, Trump by SCOTUS and the cronies by pardon. They have the green light to "tear it all down" without any accountability or legal action. Welcome to RUSSIA.
  3. And why wasnt this made public from the start ? Changes the entire story. On a separate note, "I'd Blow him"...
  4. Is that Tim Scott ?????? 🤣
  5. The only qualification for winning Trumps VP pick was undying Loyalty and willingness to break the law to achieve Trumps MAGA agenda. Certainly his RESUME didnt qualify him to ever be President, with less than a year in the Senate and NO foreign policy experience. I guess Trump felt he will ALWAYS be President, so Vances's leadership expertise was of no consequence. Lets see how long it will take for Vance to try and steal some orange spotlight and start Trump plotting to get rid of him ? Could there be a gallows in his future, or perhaps a guillotine ? Remember folks, Trump now has ABSOLUTE Presidential immunity. There is no doubt Trump will make Vance the Fall guy by making him the #1 Implementer in Chief, and remain the good guy by distancing himself from P2025. .
  6. it comes as no surprise Trump has officially chosen the MOST MAGA of his VP final ass-kissers to be his running mate. Now its double MAGA all day EVERY day. However, there are rumbles it doesnt sit well with his party, as the fear of HIM ever becoming President might be off putting to voters other than their core extreme MAGA base. Vance started off as a never-Trumper, harshly criticizing Trump when he hit the scene, then slowly krept up his ass, where he currently resides as Trumps new lap dog..... HE supports the harshest of the P2025 policies Trump wants to unleash, including NO aid for Ukraine. Vance was the candidate originally proposed and voraciously supported by Trumps son DJT Jr......
  7. At this point, does it really matter ? Trump CLEARLY has the "bigger" , more captivating story to tell, and just his presence will suck any Biden life out of the room. .
  8. God is obviously just "fucking" with US now !
  9. These henchmen dont even TRY anymore to veil or conceal there dubious deeds. They just make their decision and hold up their middle finger to Americans. You GO, Lady in Waiting Cannon..!.
  10. Suckrates

    CANNON Ball

    Partisan judge Eileen Cannon in Florida has shot her cannon, aiming at the Classified Docs indictment of Trump, and DISMISSED the case on grounds Prosecutor Jack Smith should have never been appointed to the case. This issue had been previously litigated, and Cannon was sitting on her decision, for MONTHS on the issue. Her 90 page decision came down today. I guess Trumps near death experience this past weekend "softened her". ? Cant help believing tossing the case out was Cannons goal from the start. Watch for her future appointment to the Supreme Court
  11. At this point in time, after almost 10 chaotic and damaging years of Trump, the loss of many of our rights, and a shift in the moral compass of America, THERE SHOULD BE NO UNDECIDED VOTERS....
  12. While you are right about gun violence and its impact here and around the world, fixing guns WILL NOT fix the Trump problem. Thats a problem unique unto itself and taking a few guns out of Americans hands cant change that, although its imperative it be done.
  13. I think this Donald Trump stunt has done exactly what he wanted it to, it has made us lose sight of the fact that HE is a sick, dangerous man looking to grab back Power, destroy the American experience, take away our rights and freedoms, and STAY in power till the end of his life. Our goal is to defeat him at the ballot box. But Americans have now been distracted from that goal, even some having sympathy and empathy for the man that is trying to destroy our government and unseat our way of life.... Whatever the case, Donald Trumps existence on the Political field has given Americans license to hate and commit violence in pursuit of political power. Sure it probably existed before Trump but he has magnified the rhetoric to the breaking point , prompting an attack on his life. I cannot agree with @RockyRoadTravel that Trump didnt deserve what he got. If memory serves me, Trump has called for the execution of General Milley, members of the Dem House and Senate, judges, D.A.'s, witnesses, all because they chose to follow the rules of law, do their jobs, and disagree with his lust for corruption and unlawfulness and didnt bend their knee to aid and abet him..... . So he gets no Pass from me. As they say "whats good for the goose, is good for the gander". I have more sadness for the passing of Shannon Doherty and Richard Simmons than I do for an attempt on Trumps life, for which I have ZERO. This softer, kinder Trump we are getting for the last 2 days wont last, its simply him milking the sympathy angle. At his core, DJT is a sick, dark, corrupt and lawful man that doesnt give a fuck about Americans and America. DJT wants to stay out of jail and be The King of the World, and will not stop trying to achieve that. WE are the only ones that can stop him, since it appears that our governmental guardrails, checks and balances have "abandoned" us. WE ARE ON OUR OWN ! And while @lookin wrote a beautiful piece above, as he always does, with which I would normally agree wholeheartedly, we are dealing with Donald Trump, so I cannot apply his message to the situation we are in. ANY avenue or resource we have to show & tell WHO & WHAT Trump is show be employed. This IS a battle of sorts, but only because Trump "made it so".....
  14. Apparently, Trumps Pennsylvania rally lunacy has turned out to be sort of a git to President Biden. Media sources have turned their attention away from the topic of Biden being replaced, and by the time they back back to THAT topic, it will be too late for the Dems to actually replace him.... Although, we dont know what conversations are still going on in the Dems camp. Hopefully the Dems can make some lemonade out of the lemons Trump and his team just gave them, if they even know how to do that ?
  15. TRUMPS assassination attempt on our government and Democracy on Jan 6th - "No Big Whoop", Tourist event BUT, an assassination attempt on Trump - OMG, the right is losing their mind. The world is coming to an end One thing is NOT like the other, in Their minds, BUT it should be ! Sorry Donald, you taught America how to do this. NO sympathy for you ! Not even Thoughts & Prayers. (now go pick out your head bandages for the RNC. You really want to WOW the crowd) "How's THIS Mr Trump ?"
  16. OK then, BLOW ME Melania !!!
  17. I agree completely. Any individual able to break free from the Cult of Trump has a rational and practical view of the country and world politics, and no doubt would end up as the opposition to Trumps goals.
  18. The only piece that surprises me here that if this was an orchestrated "plan" by the Trump team, wwhy the shooter was a young, WHITE registered Republican. It would have been much more representative of Trump to make the shooter an Immigrant, or person of color, since that would enhance their narrative even further.
  19. Gentlemen, Thank you ALL for allowing a calm and CIVIL conversation on this topic. We all may have different opinions here, and not agree on things, but at least we are keeping it "Classy" I appreciate all your cooperation and reserve. Sucky
  20. I think Moses meant in the repercussions of the attack. The plan is to make Biden take the hit (fall).... As well, many Republicans, those with a modicum of brain tissue are not down with the P2025 plan and oppose many of its policies, at least the ones they can understand. So I would not be suprised that Trump would garner many right wing enemies.
  21. While in theory I would agree with you, but we are talking Trump here. Seconds after the incident his team starting bombarding the airwaves with "left-bashing" and this whole event is staged to make Biden the whipping post and take the fall. I'm sorry but Biden will have every right to counter attack in any way he feels appropriate, and I support it.
  22. They interviewed several Trump supporting yokels as they were leaving the event, who were upset and crying. when interviewed, they said "this should NEVER happen in this country. He is a good man trying to help us all and Save the country"..... WHO are these morons, probably the ones that cant read P2025. Violence is OK when its acted upon the left, but NOT on their side.... "Why would someone want to kill a God fearing man like Trump" ? Get a grip you LOSERS, your guy Trump created all this. Political violence is his Viagra. Dupe you once, you get a pass Dupe you twice, OK, maybe you fell asleep ? Dupe you multiple time, YOU ARE JUST A BRAINLESS SCHMUCK and cant be redeemed. IMHO, the only person in this scenario "trying to save America" WAS THE SHOOTER. May he rest in Peace.
  23. Sorry Melania..........
  24. Believe me, any Sharpshooter that would undertake that task, WOULD NOT MISS....... They got Kennedy, didnt they ?
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