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Everything posted by Suckrates

  1. I'd rather tell em ALL to go Fuck themselves BEFORE I croak !
  2. i LOVED the last episode. The Bollywood number was a GAY wet dream, so inspired the way they incorporated ALL the main characters, even weasel Ellis stealing the pearls. And the song was catchy too....I can see some PoP star giving it a contemporary twist and it becoming a HIT. The Baby Grand number was a show stopper, making me want to see this production on Broadway even MORE !
  3. HELL YEAH ! the week Steven Tyler was pressing him to comment on his hot backup dancer and he stood there like a deer in headlights.... Helen Keller could see hes GAY.
  4. Philip isnt a singer, for me he is more of a song "stylist". not sure how it would translate to radio though?? Yes I do love Joshua, but he is perceived as a bit too Church lady for a young mass market appeal....
  5. Harry has a delicious body !
  6. ihp, you are obviously out of touch with teenage boys. Walk thru any HS, full of gay boys these days, and I doubt you will find any engaging in public sex ? Their reaction was normal and appropriate. I am quite sure Mr Murphy, who is 100% gay himself knows what he is doing ? you seem to be carrying a huge chip on your shoulder, and also seem a bit homophobic ?
  7. Not sure WHAT the attraction is ?
  8. Calvin always goes for the same type of guy. NOT my taste at all.... I think he preys on the ones he can CONTROL ????
  9. I thinks its gonna be Philip Phillips, not that HE is MY choice.....
  10. I thought the "no-kiss" was appropriate under the circumstances, considering the problems they have been having, and the fact they were in a counselors office didnt make a kiss seem conducive to the scene. I dont think there was any anti-gay agenda here. The tone of the scene was perfect IMO.
  11. I Totally agree with you Tampa, but HOW a person expresses themselves is as much a part of the personality as their DNA. To expect a person to tailor their comment, tone or delivery, would be like asking a person to give up a part of themselves. I would rather see the person for WHO they really are and appreciate their honesty. You will NEVER like everyone you encounter in the course of your life, and will also never agree with all of them. Yet your experience with them will color your life in ways you may not always realize. Eventhough Rockhard seesm to be one of the nastiest people on the boards, totally full of himself and so "above" everyone else, I have stopped arguing with him and learned just to read his comments and move on.. However, the impression he leaves on me is indellible.
  12. Well, I have only concentrated on his VOICE, so your guess is as good as mine !
  13. I chuckled when I read that comment comming from, of ALL people Rockhard. He is one of the nastiest, meanest, judegmental, argumentative "Queens" over there and has the nerve to talk about others. "People in Glass houses".....Or is he just Clueless ??? I guess people never see their OWN flaws ? I suspect YOU didnt like my comment on your "Out of this world Twink" thread Lurker ? I am sorry, but I didnt know it was mandatory the replies to threads could ONLY be agreements. I thought we were able to offer our opinion, and sometimes those opinions are negative and not flattering. Kinda like the REAL world operates....
  14. Yeah so now he has ANOTHER boytoy "model" pornstar. Money gets honey !
  15. I thought the whole episode was exceptional. I have a hard tiome however believing that Blaine could be SOOOOOO infatuated with Kurt. But, what do I know. ? I loved the stoyrline of the dread-locks guy and the wheel chair girl. So touching....
  16. Well they are Pandering to a Hetero audience..... Only one gay in the bunch, Matt Bomer.
  17. Well that may be, but still doesnt account for the fact that he is FLAMING !
  18. Lots of str8 younger guys are into Manscapping.... But the Latin guys take it a little TOO far. Dudes, you make your eyebrows look like drag queens.....
  19. Oh Geez, another movie about a hooker with a heart ! Looks dreadful, but who cares. Most will go see it for the EYE-CANDY !
  20. i DONT THINK THE PUBLIC WAS FEELING COLTONS blonde LOCKS ???? aND HE REALLY SOUNDED AWFUL, AND CAME OFF COCKY WHEN ASKED FOR A FEW WORDS ON HIS EXPERIENCE ON IDOL. They kids get Attitude real fast. the elimination was a reality check for him. He was shocked !
  21. Always worry.... Its only a natural response to life....
  22. Iont want to have a carry a weed-whacker around. A guy dont need a jungle between his legs. That doesnt make him man ! and its really kinda GROSS..... Trim it Dudes....
  23. Thats True, but if its on the Taxpayer dollar, not so true. If I withold paying my taxes, maybe I can use that money to hire MYSELF some hot escorts ?
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