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Everything posted by Suckrates

  1. GOD BLESS AMERICA ! It should Always be the Land of EQUALITY....... (hear THAT Daddy?)
  2. Excuse me RA, when I want chicken, i'll go to KFC. I go to the Keys for man-cock....
  3. What ? No crown, no cape, No fucking title ????? WTF is up with THIS site ???? I want a colored "status" dot when i hit a milestone Bitches.
  4. Oh Adam, they must have been Trannies and wearing Very tight shoes?
  5. Well if indeed City asked you to do his dirty-work over "there", thats was wrong of him, however, I dont interpret his current post as a call to arms, nor a cry for support.. He's merely telling HIS story, as you had the opportunity to do when your just got Banned and came here. Noone bashed you for telling your story. We listened, so I think its a bit selfish and indulgent not to afford city the same opportunity. If I recall, you were Banned several times "there" and went back each time, never mentioning the issues you were Banned for. So lets not resort to the "pot calling the kettle black" thing, especially when we are trying to distiquish Boytoy as a more "equitable" site. !
  6. Lucky, me thinks you have stayed TOO LONG at the Fair, and it resulted in acute paranoia ? Considering you had over 10,000 posts over "there" and over 5000 posts here, EVERYTHING has your name on it ! And if the name fits, wear it proudly. People are supporting you here, that should put your mind at ease. And it therefore seems to me you are supporting the same censorship HERE that you chastised over there? Wherever you move this thread to, it can be discussed and your name can be attached to it. You did nothing wrong this time, so lighten up, and do as you said you wanted to.....MOVE ON !.
  7. And isnt that the MATURE and RATIONAL thing to do ?
  8. City. i never thought that I would say this, but I agree with you in this case. If an escort with a reputedly shady history cant be discussed on a site dedicated to discussing escorts, then that site is a farce and has absolutely NO value.... But on the other hand, this is your 3rd ?? Ban.... so I am sure you saw the writing on the wall..... When will you learn your lesson and tell those people to go Fuck themselves ? I saw the comment deej made to you about being an attack dog because of your comments to Noah. However when escorts like Steve Draker or Kevin Slater attacked ME on the site for comments to threads that I made, that was OK, and they werent attack dogs.... If you want to return AGAIN to that site, perhaps if your greased Daddys palms with a few Greenbacks, he and his ladies in waiting might cut you some slack ??? I'm just sayin !!!!
  9. With all DUE respect to everyone that has posted, THIS is "just a topic"..... Stop making more of it than it is.... Like any other topic, it should be able to be discussed, THAT WAS THE POINT ! For those that want to move on, move they should... for those that want to linger, that option should remain as well. As we have seen time and time agian, discussions burn themselves out, and its only those who actually continue to post "I am ready to move on" that bring the focus BACK to the topic.... As far as cocks...remember, there ARE hard cocks elsewhere, only not on OPEN screen... it takes a few more clicks to "get to the meat of things"... I live by "accurate information" always.....
  10. He should just be BANNED !! :yes:
  11. My comments were made more as a Praise to Boytoy than a slam to the other site. Without using it as comparison however, the Praise would have had Less of an impact. Sorry to have rattled your cage NC...... not my intention either. And your loyalty is honorable.
  12. No COCK here either ????? Where has all the COCK gone ???? Cock-A-Doodle-WHO ???????
  13. NC, YES I realize that, but others didnt and should have still been allowed to discuss it if they chose to, as long as no TOS violation was committed. I am not looking to argue this point, as it has nothing to do with THIS site, perhaps I should suggest THIS thread be closed?
  14. You are all missing the point of my post. Its not about the escort or the contest. Its about the fact that when the mgt grew tired of its members talking about it, some suggesting the contest be discontinied, they locked the thread down so it couldnt be discussed anymore. Regulating what members CAN discuss is not endorsed by me......
  15. It sure looks Beautiful, but Where's the Cock ????
  16. Seems there is "another" site recently dubbed The Steppford site, because it seems that there can be no discussion with any Difference of opinion there, and its members must agree with the opinions of management in order for a discussion to continue. If not, the thread gets closed.... Recently an esteemed escort responded to the sites ongoing Escort of the Year contest , and questioned HIS exclusion from the list. Well there was the usual "dont worry bout its", and the ass kissing "you are the bests", but it didnt satisfy the escorts question as to WHY he was excluded from being a contender. Well after several pages of ying and yang, most members questioning the reason to even have such a competition, there was no resolution, and apparently the MGT had had enuf discussion about HIS policy so another "locked down" thread. If only life could be that easy, you dont like something, lock it down ! Kudos to the Boytoy mgt for allowing members to "freely" and openly discuss topics with differing Opinions and voices. Apparently if members are treated as adults, they will behave accordingly. People dont need to agree, they just need to Respect and be respected. will we find a cure for Cancer ? NO.... but there will certainly be some interesting discussion about it along the way. Thank you BoyToy. The sites' Maturity is quite Refreshing !
  17. Um, lets see.... do you collect Food stamps ? That will work too !
  18. Well Adam, I do Love that psalm, and its even better that I am "on my knees" reading it !
  19. AND they are faux fur to boot ! Got em on EBAY when I typed in RARE sneakers...... I clawed my way to the win !
  20. Yes, and my shoes rarely get any wear to them since my feet are usually "over my head"..... :no:
  21. Dont lose hope hito, I am still "open" if you have a bunch of "Family money"....?
  22. Hmmm NC, funny you should say that, as I have already seen some "leopards" who usually NEVER visit here "sniffing" around, I suppose trying to get a handle on whats being said about the "Other site" situation..... Appears to be a VERY covert operation... probably took days of planning and several closed close administrative meetings. But their selection of the "Operatives" interests and intrigues me.... Even their Camo uniforms doesnt ellude me.... They are amongst us and we MUST take heed.....
  23. Ill give it only if you tell me how much is in your IRA ?
  24. Well then Ill just have to knock him off his shoe pedestal.... Just added these RARE Cons to my collection......
  25. BiBottom, i dont KNOW you, but welcome you just the same. I love colorful and creative avatars. I hope you have matching "shoes" ?
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