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Everything posted by Suckrates

  1. Suckrates

    to Hitoallusa

    FUCK all that, just send the Check......
  2. "I wouldnt Wanna Post there "..... That appears to be the mantra of many of the visitors to THIS site, and I just dont get it ???? I counted over 65 people visiting this site TODAY, and they have been up to 81 visitors recently, but only a small handful actually contribute anything. For me personally, the most pleasure is derived from actually CONTRIBUTING to a site, either a new idea, or a comment to an exisiting post. Its like having a conversation. Are people intimididated, uninterested, detached, afraid ??? I wouldnt think they are too Busy, since they do have the time to visit, and a post only takes a few seconds.... Many of these people are REPEAT visitors. Perhaps this is just one of lifes Great mysteries ? In my opinion, a site can only be as good as its contributors, and as interesting as THEY make it.... Come on guys, if you are reading THIS, try posting. Really, I dont bite, (unless you ASK me too), and if you prefer, ill remove my teeth
  3. OMG, so for those still following this Horror fest, Lana was sprung from the Looney bin by Sister Judy, and proceeds to kill Dr Thredson. But the spawn of Thredson is still wreaking havoc in modern day, and has his muderous cluthches on a black hooker after role playing a mommy dearest scene and suckling her ample breasts......Kit and Grace are also sprung with their infant son of Aliens, only to find Kits dead wife waiting for him at home.... Only a few episodes left. How will this end ????
  4. Suckrates

    to Hitoallusa

    If he wants to make MY like richer, he needs to send me a friggin Check..... or a pair of Loubatins..... Words are just useless words. I cant wear em and I cant spend em !
  5. To me, naked is Cock exposed..... anything less is just a TEASE......
  6. An Honor ??? A WIN is an honor... A loss is a LOSS.
  7. Twink meat?, now why would I be organizing that ???? Now if we are talking 30+, then maybe I might throw my sombrero in the ring.
  8. Ridalin is the new "Mimosa".......
  9. It said love COCKS, not Socks !
  10. He's a "Polar Bear".....
  11. Hopefully, they carry Size XXL ????
  12. To put all of your minds at ease, some of you have voiced concern over discussions of the "other site HERE, and felt it inappropriate to discuss the site, its management and its OWNER in light of several events over there, including members leaving and Luckys "dismissal".... Many have suggested we just "move on", and not talk about it.. Well, it has come to my attention, that THEY are discussing THIS site too, and some very unkind and slanderous things have been said about the management and owners of THIS site. So, although I "sometimes" agree in 2 wrongs dont make a right, I dont feel a discussion about a competing site is off-base or inappropriate. It may not be VERY interesting after awhile, but all things run their course, and turn-around is fair play now.
  13. Hito, there are 2 things I KNOW......shoes and COCKS !
  14. Well not sure about Milestones, cause at my age I am usually dealing with gall stones and kidney stones..... but the first 1000 just flew by..... This is easy...... Thank YOU ! Now Oz, give me a fucking "Title".....
  15. He's SMALL !
  16. Just lay him out on the buffet table and surround him with cum-diments !
  17. Sounds Dull, and he sounds stupid when he opens his mouth !
  18. OH GOD NO ! here comes another fucking Song !
  19. My image is of a bevy of "little people" tumbling out of a Zip car
  20. come on Lucky....Is that question for REAL ?????? The answer is NO.... I want a fucking colored Status Dot ! :frantics:
  21. Remind me to watch when he is sans PANTS....and UNDERWEAR....
  22. I am gonna start my OWN site, but it will be limited conversation. ONLY HUGE COCKS and ORAL,,,,,, I will be hanging out my shingle soon !
  23. I am sure that MY leaving after I was allowed back from my most recent Ban was viewed as me Surrendering, and also viewed as a Big win for those "inner circle" members who from day one made it their mission to get me out. I made no final poast, said NO goodbyes, just never posted again. And yes, the internet is a big anonymous Universe in which you are here today and Gone AND forgotten tomorrow.
  24. Someone needs to pull something together in nYC !
  25. I am Tit-tillated and anticipatory.... We should have a viewing party.... and then a circle-jerk !
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