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Everything posted by Suckrates

  1. NO, because if it werent for Nit-picky people like you, people like ME wouldnt have anything to bitch and rant about on these websites.
  2. Hey, dont vote Clay out..... He was awesome on Celebrity Apprentice...
  3. A Blowjob and a herd of Cattle !
  4. If you come online for Good Grammar, then you sure missed the boat. Yeah yeah, I meant rap, not wrap, but when you are trying to piece together a cohesive, meaningful and witty post, grammar sometimes takes a back seat.... Big Whoop. Just stick to watching porn and cruising for sex when you logon and stop the quest for Education or perfection of ANY kind ! Your life will be MUCH happier and less STRESSED
  5. Well, for those of you still invested in American Idol after the recent lackluster Snoozefest of a Season, eventhough fan favorite Candice glover won, REJOICE....! Idol management decided to clean house, and can ALL the judges, although they are saying that Randy "Dawg" Jackson quit, and fill the panel with a new Crop of hip, Relevant judges.... Confirmed: Judge #1 The Diva JENNIFER HUDSON.... How Faboulous is that ? Seems the Idol plan is to fill the Panel with Past Idol contenders, and although Kelly Clarkson turned down the gig, still in the running are Adam Lambert and Clay Aiken. Cool plan huh ???? I think bringing back Idol alum will breathe the needed life into the dying show.... Who would YOU like to see on the Panel ????
  6. Trolls can be awfully Cute. I had one as a kid, and loved that thing. I use to love to comb its hair and give it Fabulous do's. And it always had its arms open wide, welcoming me into his heart Trolls get a bad wrap!
  7. And you use THAT information as a barometer ?
  8. I thought the Deal was a barter system. You donate Money and you get a good REVIEW on his site ???? It HAS to be a 2-way street for me. My charitable nature left me decades ago .
  9. hito, listen to ME... Memories are not made in a home Made dress, and chicken fingers on a buffet table... Come on girl, get with it. A brides wedding should be OVER THE TOP FABULOUS, no cut corners. even if you have to sell a few pairs of shoes to Pay for it, its Worth it. And you better damn wear a Big, poofy Priness dress with at least a 20 foot Train.... Since we all know that these days, MOST marriages END in divorce, you might as well have a GREAT BIG party and look Awesome so the experience wont have been in vain. LISTEN TO ME hon !
  10. Hito, are you registered at PAYLESS ?????
  11. They are Hardly TWINKS, and the obvious ommission of the Adorable and sexy Darren Criss upsets me, but it has to be CHORD for me...... Those lips are dripping Sweet saliva....
  12. Its Hard to choose without seeing WHAT is REALLY important
  13. And you have a GREAT sense of SMELL !
  14. Double agent ??? That means he needs to buy 2 pairs of EVERY shoe he wants since he has 4 feet...
  15. A step toward Humanity, and allowing people to decide their own fate and die with dignity. As it should be ! If I was in that position, i WOULD do it !
  16. TY, I truly and honestly believe that Everything we as people do in life has a purpose and agenda. Its what makes most people GOAL oriented. In discussing TB, his behavior and practices, the goal as I see it was to educate, and allow members to draw their own conclusions for their decision making. In very few cases here do I think the discussion was just vicious and malicious gossip mongering. and for the most part I think the discussion was beneficial for those that took something away from it. As an adendum to the story TB just posted a long winded explanation and apology of sorts, blaming depression etc, etc for his erratic behavior. For me, it was just Damage control, a lot of smoke being blown up the members asses, and the gullible ones who have placed TB on an untouchable pedestal believed him, and ate up his monologue. For me, any guy who thinks he is so important that he needs a handler distances himself from his clients. It sends a powerful message IMO. Respectfully - Suck
  17. Shes at that age where a Boytoy for her is around 45...... but the Bitch looks AWESOME... I'm sure she will be blowing out some younger candle ? YO GO GURL !
  18. When you Gotta GO, you gotta GO !
  19. OMG, I had this same problem, and could only use CHROME. Adam is MY hero too, so now you'll have to fight me for him hito.... All is good in Boytoy town now ! Toggle away !
  20. TY, I respect the opinions of the management here, and play by the rules at any site I choose to participate in. If I dont like the Rules, I LEAVE. The only comment I have to make on your previous post concerns the excerpt I have included. While we may NOT care about what happens OVER THERE, in this particular case it IS a concern because it involves Escort behavior which was exposed by several reviewers, and afterall THIS is a site about Escorts, is it not ??? I think the conversation is relevant, and in all fairness to you Mods here, you have allowed ALL opinions to be heard. Generally, peoples behaviors DONT change, and if they were BAN worthy over there, most likely they will be Ban worthy here, but still, they do deserve the chance you allow them. If they "make their own Bed, then they will Lie in it". I have always been a proponent of Diversity, and respect for that diversity. But you must EARN respect in ALL aspects of life, including your Internet life.
  21. Sorry hito, he's ALL yours.... NO, I would not ask him out Or propose. Looks like he would try out for an Asian boy band ! Not exactly my dream guy...so Good luck to you on your quest
  22. But I never say "Off with Their Heads".... My slogan is "Give Them HEAD"....
  23. Hito, that pic of ME was taken just Last week !
  24. If we ALL kissed each others asses, that would certainly Further the cause of getting along.
  25. Lookin buddy, we DONT know, nor should we care.... Its all just good ole Entertainment...ON with the Show !
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