"I wouldnt Wanna Post there ".....
That appears to be the mantra of many of the visitors to THIS site, and I just dont get it ????
I counted over 65 people visiting this site TODAY, and they have been up to 81 visitors recently, but only a small handful actually contribute anything.
For me personally, the most pleasure is derived from actually CONTRIBUTING to a site, either a new idea, or a comment to an exisiting post. Its like having a conversation. Are people intimididated, uninterested, detached, afraid ??? I wouldnt think they are too Busy, since they do have the time to visit, and a post only takes a few seconds.... Many of these people are REPEAT visitors.
Perhaps this is just one of lifes Great mysteries ?
In my opinion, a site can only be as good as its contributors, and as interesting as THEY make it....
Come on guys, if you are reading THIS, try posting. Really, I dont bite, (unless you ASK me too), and if you prefer, ill remove my teeth