So you think it fine for Daddys subjects to sit by quietly and let the injustice occur, just so they can continue to participate on the site without a target on their backs ? That's simply rubbish... I have the least respect for people like that. And dont be fooled steve by those lovely emails you received from the Daddy members. I too received THOSE emails from those people, many of whom were also instrumental in the many witch hunts and attacks against me while I was there, which finally led to my decision to leave.
I am jjkrkwood, and you and I spoke many times about the climate of the site and the demeanor of the members while I was till there. Most of those lovely blokes are just 2-faced ass-kissers, and you can take their words and wipe your arse with them....
Whether Draker is nuts or not, eccentric, irrational, obsessed, possessed or the like, he is basically a spineless sock puppet with Daddys arm up his butt, and his behavior is carefully "controlled" there, as you can see... When Daddy and deej have had enough of his antics, he's given a respite, until the time they are again ready for some Draker entertainment.....