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Everything posted by Suckrates

  1. Suckrates

    Good Evening

    Hello Daddy, Can I Come home ???
  2. Suckrates

    Good Evening

    In the short span of a week, he came (seeking supporters) , he saw (that we all saw thru his bullshit), and he Failed to conquer, hence his departure. Not to support Draker, but I can clearly see why the guy took a dislike to Miss Stevie. He certainly lives in his own Bubble, which contains a few loose bats in his belfry..... Thank goodness THIS crazy was shortlived.....
  3. Suckrates

    Good Evening

    Whichever you meant Annie girl, you aint whistlin Dixie.........
  4. Suckrates

    Good Evening

    WOW, I am Good !
  5. Suckrates

    Good Evening

  6. Suckrates

    Good Evening

    Miss Stevie, one would think as a new participant here you would try to acclimate yourself in a friendly, non-confrontational manner ? But you apparently havent chosen that route as you have resorted to the Draker technique of pvt message for harrasssment, the SAME harrassment you say you endured over at Daddy's. Well I dont appreciate it coming from YOU..... You sent me a message which questioned a PUBLIC post I made, to which I gave a polite reply, which you did NOT agree with, and your response then is "DEAR ME, you are just like all the rest of them"..... and then you delete me.... Seems you are more like Draker than you care to admit, huh bloke ? Well my dear, you certainly havent made a good First impression, and I wont lose any sleep of being deleted by you, but I must tell you sir, you have chosen the WRONG person to FUCK WITH ! You have sought asylum HERE..... you need US, we dont need YOU, or your constant whining about being mistreated and un-supported by Daddy & Co.
  7. Suckrates

    Good Evening

    Daddy obviously doesnt appreciate THAT comment ! WHAT Ham ????
  8. Awwww, thank you, but I'll have to re-gift this since I am totally "Manscaped".......
  9. Looks like SteveEscort got HIS wish ? REAL MEN here !
  10. Way better than "Latkes".......
  11. Love, Grandma Suckrates
  12. Suckrates

    Good Evening

    Moi would never think to throw fuel on a fire, unless I really wanted to burn the house down. Oh wait, I see a few old houses over here.......
  13. If it aint Scat, it's FARTS...... But, nothings says "HOLIDAY" like a big, ole, wet TOOT !
  14. So what YOU are saying is that she uses her Pussy as a scratching post for her Cat's ? Gotta give it to that Martha, she is a clever one !
  15. Suckrates

    Good Evening

    Most of these site are created "for the public entertainment", however Daddy's site is created for Daddy, simply so that an old, fat, unnattractive man can get close to hot boys, get some Free nookie, and have them cower at his feet solely for their publicity. When the members of Daddy finally realize they are supporting a singular cause, the tables may turn. But thats not about to happen because the dysfunctional troop that resides there need each other. They are birds of a feather who believe Daddy is offering them something special. They wouldnt get "laid for pay" if it werent for Daddy.... and Daddy gets a new pair of overalls, straw hat and a trip to Palm Springs and Vegas every year. !
  16. That is Incredible, but who the fuck has the Time ???? That bitch's pussy must be as dry as the Sahara desert ??? She needs to get the fuck out of that kitchen, and go to the DownTOWN Abbey and pickup a hot sailior ! .
  17. Suckrates

    Good Evening

    So you think it fine for Daddys subjects to sit by quietly and let the injustice occur, just so they can continue to participate on the site without a target on their backs ? That's simply rubbish... I have the least respect for people like that. And dont be fooled steve by those lovely emails you received from the Daddy members. I too received THOSE emails from those people, many of whom were also instrumental in the many witch hunts and attacks against me while I was there, which finally led to my decision to leave. I am jjkrkwood, and you and I spoke many times about the climate of the site and the demeanor of the members while I was till there. Most of those lovely blokes are just 2-faced ass-kissers, and you can take their words and wipe your arse with them.... Whether Draker is nuts or not, eccentric, irrational, obsessed, possessed or the like, he is basically a spineless sock puppet with Daddys arm up his butt, and his behavior is carefully "controlled" there, as you can see... When Daddy and deej have had enough of his antics, he's given a respite, until the time they are again ready for some Draker entertainment.....
  18. Suckrates

    Good Evening

  19. And the Coveted Snoop Sister Award goes to Ms Annie.... Damn, you're GOOD girl !
  20. Axiom riding it ???? Duh, NO ! But Grandma is forgetful, so MAYBE !
  21. I'm sure AXIOM would Agree ????
  22. Why does Everything always turn to FARTS ??????
  23. Suckrates

    Good Evening

    That Ain't Gonna Happen !
  24. How can she still be Baking, SHE'S DEAD !
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