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Everything posted by Suckrates

  1. I got MY eye on the pro Artem..... He looks delicious.......
  2. I saw it on Perez and LOVED it too. Although Barbara never deviates much from her roots, the addition of added voices makes for a Fresh twist on her sound.... And Jimmy sounded pretty good too..... I cant wait to hear the whole thing. You can never go wrong with Streisand.
  3. The Audience is on the Edge of Their Seats........ WHO will snatch the coveted "Headie" Crown ???
  4. They Wanna PUMP You Up.......
  5. HE likes it, he really, really Likes it !
  6. In the spirit of the Beloved Joan Rivers, the following categories should have been included: - Biggest Asshole - He's a Douche, but I like him - Biggest Loudmouth - He's just TACKY - Most Dubious thread Hijacker - He Must be a FAKE ! - Poster of the Most "Who the Fuck Cares" topics" - Miss CUNTY And the Coveted "OH, NOT HIM AGAIN" HUMANITARIAN AWARD Remember Boys, it's an HONOR just to be Nominated !
  7. Well he's LATIN; they have perpetual Hardons.......
  8. Well, That only makes sense.... If I were a votin man, I'd nominate you for those categories TOO !
  9. WoW, I wish someone would put that cock on ME !
  10. All those tats are Distracting from the Assholes cuteness. There is no cohesion to them, although I am sure they all must have significance to him ?
  11. All they would have to say is "Oh fuck yeah"......
  12. At least a Dildo is QUIET...... I would prefer it to Davey ANYDAY !
  13. While I think lurkers CONCEPT is cute and clever, I can understand low participation for the following reason: some of the categories can be interpreted as having a "negative" connotation. As we are a close knit group, perhaps some members dont feel comfortable with some of those categories, and singling out people for negative things, eventhough the nominations are anonymous. And while I anxiously await to see which members will have their Sally Field moment and squeal "You like ME, you really, really like ME", I also cant wait to see how the winners in the "negative" categories will react (where I Do expect to see MYSELF) ! Like the Hookie Awards, which are given for the BEST in EVERY category, lurkers' awards are more like 1/2 Hookie and 1/2 Razzie, and I think the Razzie part killed the interest. Obviously just MY opinion though. I wish lurker GOOD LUCK with the extended time frame. Just remember, We are ALL winners...........
  14. I want a "title" like that ! Here's Sucky, "The Rutabaga Queen"......
  15. While OO may be healthy, I have always advocated "Brand loyalty"..........
  16. hito, I think you need to eliminate the word "TOO" from your vocabulary ?
  18. hito, although your wedding sounds like it will be the party of the century ( ) please dont send me an invite.... I am busy that day; there's a new Muppets movie opening at the local theatre, and the 7 Eleven is giving away Free slurpies..... So, I'll just send you my Congrats now, and you can keep them on ice !
  19. Well, that leaves MY neighborhood out !
  20. SOLD !..... i'll take Peter
  21. Well Davey remains really, really ANNOYING, and Topher is really, really cute, but just seems so DUMB. (that really dont matter though, when his cock is in my mouth)
  22. THESE are quite Yummy, and Versatile, might I add ! (AND, have saved MY life on my occassions)
  23. Awww, I want a post like THAT !
  24. I am still using 2 soup cans and string...........
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