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Everything posted by Suckrates

  1. My great optimism is that in 11 days we will be rid of BOTH Trump and YOU..... You can take your Trump profits and move to Dump-A-Lago....
  2. And its that vengeance thats taking him FAR in this race. If it aint broke, dont fix it. right ? 😬
  3. At this point, its just Prayers and Luck. The people have already made up their minds even if they DONT want to admit to doing so.... Turnout, turnout, turnout !
  4. "You voted for Trump, but I'M gonna be the actual President "
  5. 13 Days to Election days and Trump has "begun his descent into Madness" GOP and MAGA response, "Nothing to see here" !
  6. We know Trump wants unchecked power, he's been saying its since his appeals in all his indictments, so what's the big news here ? And since the Supreme Court has granted his wish, Trump 2.0 will be quite destructive and transformative for America.
  7. The problem here Sis is that voters DONT think Trump is being unhinged. They are so used to his antics and crazy they just think " Trump is just being Trump", a funny old man that amuses them, so his behavior is Normal to them.... Perhaps, once hes elected and his damaging and discriminatory polcies affect THEM negatively, only then will the trump fever break.... BUT then its TOO LATE
  8. In a personal roster circulating of Trumps proposed administration candidates for his transition should he win, JUDGE AILEEN CANNON'S name appears for Attorney General. Remember, she is the judge that tossed out his stolen documents case in Florida. IF Trump promised her the job, which I am sure he DID, then this should be prosecuted as tampering with a case judge, and should be considered Bribery..... Just more Trump corruption, and a taste of what is to come if he snags a Win.
  9. Trump picks his NEW Vice President....
  10. IF people turn out, thats the unknown, whose base is more motivated, and while you would think its Kamala's, I think Trumps henchmen are on a mission to teach Dems a lesson, and be able to laugh and gloat.... IF, IF, IF !!!
  11. Carville, being interviewed by Ari Melber yesterday seemed doubtful and VERY concerned....
  12. OR, it will be the reasons that he IS........It seems to be what America has become, and what Americans want.....
  13. I'm looking into my Crystal Ball (and its a BIG one) and I see Trumps future......
  14. To steal your talking point, TRUMP had 4 years to do and fix ALL those things but did Nothing. The chances of him doing anything about any of it this time around are Less than zero. He is not a competent leader, does not know how to govern, and is in mental and physical and mental decline. HE JUST WANTS TO STAY OUT OF PRISON, and rip-off Americans. And those people that are loyal to the core and support this IMPOSTER will learn very quickly they were DUPED. As Trump said at his rally, "I JUST WANT YOUR VOTE".
  15. Donald J Trump is showing us in the final days of his campaign that he can be as vulgar, violent and batshit crazy as he wants to be and people will still adore and VOTE for him. The rails are off, and he is showing us what we will get this time around, am old vaudeville buffoon, unfocused, unencumbered, unhinged and undemocratic. The Trump train is rolling towards the finish line and his arrogant confidence is showing that Win or Lose, HE INTENDS TO WIN, and he has worked for 4 years to put everything in place for him to TAKE the election should he legitimately lose. As for Harris, there is nothing more she can show or tell the american public re: who she is or what her presidency will do. The bottom line problem for Harris is that she is still a woman, and one of color, and in our country THAT one thing is a problem for a huge slice of eligible voters. So I will be having a huge Garagae sale this weekend to sell off all my belongings so when I move out of the country, I can start fresh, without the threat of Trump. Ya'll are welcome so ya'll come !! 😏
  16. How long did it take you to "make that shit up" , full of lies and mis-info..... I see why Why brought you back from your basement to campaign for him. You can never have enough LYING surrogates.
  17. Hey Dude, whatever YOU think of her (which is what Trump tells you to think), she SANE compared to YOUR guy, who has shown the past few weeks, is a raving, angry LUNATIC.... I guess thats why he needed that "musical interlude" in Pennsylvania town hall to unwind instead of answering voter questions? The comic dancing and swaying calms him, right ? So appropriate for a President of the US.... And you take issue with Kamala "laughing" Dumb Ass.
  18. Well, it ALL comes down to this, doesnt it ? SANE Democracy or CRAZY Autocracy ! The people will decide and either rejoice for Freedom or get what they asked for and pay a very huge price.
  19. Trump supporters and potential Trump voters are finding his increasingly erratic and Insane behavior and language Amusing. They like how hard he is hitting Kamala and the Dems, and the more he does it, the more they egg him on to get even worse. It appears the entire slice of Trump Americana is in lock step to "own the Libs" this time around, and I really fear for the country if Trump loses, what these people will do this time....Its a truly dangerous and unknown situation, and the Israel/Iran situation is making things worse, because people are using Bidens bad unwavering decisions on Israel as their excuse to NOT vote for Harris, especially the younger voters....They still see Kamala as an extension of Biden, and she hasnt done enough to distance herself from Biden policy decisions on the war that are unfavorable. That could sink HER. Four more years of Trump sickens and frightens me, and even if he drops dead early into his term, then we are stuck with lunatic Vance, who is a younger, smarter, MORE dangerous and hateful person than Trump. I better apply for my Canadian Visa and start researching housing real soon.....
  20. I wasnt speaking of his numbers, but of your comparing him to Jesus, Moses and Budha. Thats quite a ballsy stretch. Insane actually.
  21. What you mean to say is that Jared's parents are WHITE.... you aint foolin noone with your faux concern for "legality"... Everyone here sees right thru you by now.
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