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Everything posted by Suckrates

  1. It was EPIC !!!!! Brilliant, and scary......... Can't wait for Next week. Brava to the "legless" Jessica...!
  2. did you REALLY expect me to read all that ???? Send me the Audio version. ! And, what the fuck is an Aurora anyway ??? All I know is Aurora Boyrealis, but shes a Drag queen in Anaheim....
  3. Well perhaps then the Queen should supply boys for her staffers so that way she can control it, like she does everything else.....?
  4. Oh well.... what do you expect ? He's FRENCH !
  5. I still see him as Dexter..........
  6. Like they say in the "Hood"...... SUCK IT !!!!!!!!!!
  7. I know, I know, but its an assault of my senses.... Now had they both been attractive, i probably wouldnt care !
  8. I watched the first episode, thought it was cute and predictable, but just couldnt get into it yet........ I will give it another shot.... I enjoy the retro aspect of the Goldbergs, whereby Blackish is just an illustration of today's upwardly mobile black culture....
  9. Hey Missy, no worries, if we started to agree on things, i would be a little worried. Yes Jimbo threw the first stone, but then the comments from William and armadillo are the ones that stood out to me. Apparently Boytoy is known as the site "that caters to five people", which strikes me odd since Daddys site is also a site whose participation is limited to the SAME handful of commentators, although its overall membership may be larger.
  10. Maybe Adam will make a NEW ad ???? Grey POOPon ????
  11. Not so, Re-read Missy, there were comments from Several Daddy particpants about the BoyToy site.... Who really pays any attention to Jimbo anyway.? Everyone knows what HIS agenda is.....
  12. OK, I wont slam Davey this time, because he makes some interesting points on this topic, BUT his voice is a constant megaphone. (that wasnt a slam, just an observation) LOL
  13. Just popped in to see what was going on over at Daddy's, and the first thing I noticed was a post about a recent banning of one of their "esteemed" members. As the post progressed, it took a turn, and many members started to say why they NO LONGER participate here.... WHY you may ask ? Well, it seems Boytoy members are obsessed with Twinks. Imagine that ! But the question arose: why is an obsession with Twinks any different that an obession with "scruffy hirsuitness" ....? That has always been a problem with most of the Daddy participants.... they have tunnel vision and dont see the idiocy of their comments relating to their OWN obsessions.....
  14. Most Definitely. And you dont need to wait for your golden years.... My happiest years were with my pets. Sadly I dont have any now because I dont want the resposibility, but they will ALWAYS be your best friend, and loyal without doubt.
  15. I can certainly understand the Reviewers pain, as I too am an older Jewish male who lost $55,000 on a loan to a friend that was NEVER repaid, and now that she is TOO gone, never will be.... But, Gone Girl is a film on my "To-see" list, and was to the bottom, but the more I hear about this film, the closer to the top of the list it gets... Although I already know the answer to the question "did Ben Affleck murder his wife", because Jon Stewart gave it away when interviewing him on his show... but I won't Divulge here ....... And, i am interested to see NPH and Tyler Perry in roles unconventional for them.....
  16. What an accomplishment....... so much Useless Trivia........ and I have enjoyed every single fucking Scatalogical second...... I wonder WHAT his BF hito will bestow him with to commemorate this momentous feat ??? I am sure at this very moment he is knitting his little , delicate hands off. I know you didnt think it was gonna be his "mussy" ??? Come on hito, 12,000 posts deserves you READY, WILLING and LUBED !!!! (and here's a secret..... Adam ain't that BIG, so there wont be any pain)...... BUT I cant make any promises about the MESS !
  17. When will the "kit" be available on Amazon.com ??? I'll take the XXL....
  18. I just EAT all my leftovers COLD from the fridge....
  19. I think your ex might have been trying to TELL you something ?
  20. Yeah kinda, but I hope your hands will be on the wheel. I dont wanna DIE for cock !
  21. Want company ? I can blow you while you drive !
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