OMFG....last nite was EPIC again. And I felt sad for the demented killer clown..... AHS Freak Show last nite gave us the backstorys to several of the major characters condition. Many of them tugged at the heartstrings. There was compassion, heroism, psychosis and many other layers leading to several unexpected twists....
I do believe this is the BEST AHS of them all.... at the very least it is the most creative.
Silly hoover, you know GAY marriage is legal in places, and even in places where it aint, Gays wear bands to show comittment, i think so eatting dick is natural from them.
And ONLY a gay boy will wear a camelhair coat with a rainbow scarf. Pulleeeeeez !!~!
I love the show and the way they present a new case each week, but always with the backstory of the girls murder... The gay sex is icing on the burrito. And when an actress is fearless enuf to remove her wig and makeup on camera, you gotta support that !