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Everything posted by Suckrates

  1. Although recent Iowa numbers show optimism, most pundits concur she probably WONT win Iowa. Everyone is getting just too over-excited with every changing poll report. Its enough to drive you to the brink, and then over it.... People are encouraged because numbers show Harris surging, BUT (wait for it) Remember HILLARY... Trump is beyond desperate, so who know what Orange rabbit he'll pull out of his hat. We've already seen him give a microphone a "blowjob", and call for firing squads to Kill Cheney and the Fake Media..... And his base is becoming increasingly ANGRIER...... And then, theres still the GAZA thing that keeps popping up, and the UNpopularity of Biden is still a drag on Harris...Plus lets not minimize the effects of the 3rd Party candidates which are pulling war-angry Voters... OMG, I cant take it anymore, and dont ask me what i'll do if Orange Pig wins....... As for Tim Miller, she's a bit over-reactive and dramatic. And she wears Pearls !
  2. Early TRUMP voter exit interview........ What THEY believe... Interviewer - So, who did you vote for ? Voter - Trump, he's the man.... Interviewer - So, you are OK with him being a Dictator ? Voter - YUP, it wont affect ME ! 🤔🤔🤔🤔
  3. Golly Gee Sis, sounds like a rally @ Madison Sq Garden ! WOW..........😵
  4. Well, i'll just say this about that, "REMEMBER HILLARY CLINTON "..... and i'll keep sayin it until the Official Winner is called.
  5. I also listened to the MAGA Morons making excuses for Trump, some saying that "he is the Only one that will keep them safe"..... SAFE FROM WHAT ???? And yet then they CANT explain how HE will do it ? It seems they just latched onto to his rally talking points, where he never explains how he will do anything, just makes claims over and over again. Guess that strategy worked ?
  6. More IFs and skewed polls. Polls depend on the interests of the pollsters and the message they want to circulate. So I have stopped reading polls because if I went by the polls, Trump AND Harris have already won..... 4 days to go, and to know if our nightmare will be ending, OR just beginning.
  7. If Trump loses, he is no longer any use to Putin, who will write him off in a split second.
  8. If he keeps spiraling, by election day we may actually see Hannibal Lecter. The man is having a breakdown in plain sight.
  9. We need to stop listening to all these news feeds of "He's gonna lose, "she's gonna lose". because there is an extraordinary amount of Fake news and false info swirling about Both candidates. With 10 years of negative news and corrupt action under his belt, Trump is STILL a leading contender with a good chance of winning if White Men have their say.... At this point its not about issues anymore, it will come down to character and turnout.
  10. Yesterday, JD Vance said that "The NORMAL Gays will be voting for Us ".....
  11. Miss Lindsey, johnson and Cruz, and all the other Trump sock puppets response, "OH, he didnt mean it"...... But we've heard this before, Trump callng for General Milley to be executed. And his other constant calls for violence. "This is just Trump"....😈😈😈 Pay attention, this is a former and potential new President of the USA calling for the execution of an American citizen just because she opposed him.... This is reminiscent of Putin and Navalny, and we know how that ended.....
  12. BROS for Trump !
  13. What a fucking MESS !....... He should be President of Tropicana, Not the US of America.
  14. No doubt our lives are increasingly stressful in these final few days, so @stevenkesslar I will allow you the space and grace to spill your guts and give us your thoughts on the outcome of the Grand finale.... However, your posts seem more like attempts to convince "YOURSELF" of a Harris win, than to convince us..... The fact that we even have to have a conversation with Americans about choosing either an awful, psychopath, ignorant, hateful, racist Pig, OR a sane, rational, measured, intelligent Leader is beyond understanding, and at this point, anyone saying they are undecided is LYING to themselves and US.... For almost 1 decade Trump has been showing us the Worst of himself, people know HIM and his playbook, and they now know Kamala after only a short period as candidate, but also 4 years as Vice President. The choice between the 2 should be a no brainer, but the fact that it isnt says alot about the destruction and corruption of America already realized.. Half the country is a fan of Trumps shit, and will eat his shit if they had to. The more hate Trump has, the more his base eats it up. And then for Trump to say, "To be President, you need to LOVE Americans", is the most egregious use of hypocrisy since he spews HATE at Americans every day, simply because they dont support HIM..... Yet here we are, with YOU trying to convince us, and yourself Kamala will win.... With the mindset of the country now, I wouldnt place any bets on your theories. (But I still love ya though)....America is on "Life Support"... Will Americans be able to SAVE it, or will we ultimately "pull the plug ?" ... And luckily I have enough Xanax to carry me thru the next few days.
  15. How can WE elect a President that vows to be President for ONLY half of American citizens ? Trumps declarations that he will only be President for those people that SUPPORT and fawn over him, while rejecting anyone that has a negative view or opinion of him. He doesnt care about anyone, but especially his non-supporters, who he has alluded will face his wrath by either investigation or imprisonment for negative comments, press or posts..... So how can he hold rallys and press conferences where he expresses that he will "fix everything for everyone", but actually only speak to half the country ? This is acceptable behavior for the leader of the free world, and noone blinks an eye ? Will the American people SAVE our Democracy or let it dissolve into Trump mania ? Dont FEAR Trump, VOTE to prevent him from stealing our country and endangering our Liberty.
  16. Happy to see you have a Fresh talking point.... Your others were "tired"..... When he loses, the stock will TANK, then i'll have something to Gloat about. But i'll still contribute when you need to post a "GoFundMe" page to raise your mortgage payment. 👍
  17. This mutherfucker needs to "be taught a lesson".....😈😈😈
  18. Sounds as if YOU and @Pete1111 have conceded to a Harris Loss ? Dont run out of steam at the final hour Sis..... It aint over till the cock CUMS.......
  19. Interviewer speaking to a Latino male voter on his opinion of Trumps MSG rally and the comment about Puerto Rico. Interviewer: "So what do you think about the Puerto Rico comment at the MSG rally" ? Voter: "I think it was bad timing, but it isnt gonna change my vote" Interviewer: "So you werent offended and are still voting for Trump " ? Voter: "Yes, I am not changing my vote. Trump is the only person that will HELP the Latino community". Although the interviewer didnt continue to ask HOW Trump was gonna help Latinos, it represented how deeply Trumps lies and rhetoric have rotted Americans perception of reality, and why there is a strong "probability" of a Trump win.
  20. While I totally agree, it will be what it will be, I am trying to be a bit more optimistic, although my GUT is telling me otherwise.
  21. The point here is that the comedians jokes "mirrored" the opinions of Trump and his campaign. The fact that chose that overrated D-list comedian to express their opinions was a Bad decision. But the truth is the truth, and HE spoke THEIR truth.....
  22. Donald Trump wont be fixing anything for anybody...He's not about issues, He likes issues so that he can Complain. And he'll be too busy punishing people and trying to stay out of jail..... He cant make the Georgia case go away, so theres still hope even if we need to wait 4 more years. If Trump was able to solve anything, he would have done it in his first 4 yrs so we wouldnt have those problems NOW...... I guess you miss that point ?
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