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Everything posted by Suckrates

  1. I've had United Healthcare since 2017 as a supplemental plan to Medicare. It costs me $400 monthly, BUT I have NEVER had any claims denied, and was never billed for any out-of-pocket costs, and I've had 2 major surgeries during that period totaling $400K, and I visit several specialists every 3 months, again with NO copay or out-of-pocket costs... So my experience is quite different than a lot of others, but I agree insurance companies are finicky and difficult to deal with. Same with auto insurance companies.... And I do understand Luigis pain and frustration, however he and his family are Wealthy, so I would assume they have Great insurance, better than the insurance I have, but perhaps because mine is in conjunction with Medicare, it works differently than a stand alone plan ? If Greed was a cause for Murder, which can be justified and accepted, then what can we say about our INCOMING President Trump, who is the poster boy for GREED ? He better keep his secret service real close, and treat them well. Nevertheless, I do agree he is HOT, and would certainly Blow him, but as I posted in a thread in the politics forum, he has a doppelganger, Ezra Sosa, a pro dancer on Dancing with the Stars.... They could be TWINS.
  2. Donald J Trump, the first person to be named Person of the Year and Fast Food Employee of the Year at the SAME time. Who knew slingin Fries AND being a convicted criminal were so lucrative ? One thing is CLEAR, they aint BLACK jobs !
  3. SO, Trump made all sorts of Promises on the campaign trail, 2 mainly about immigration and food prices.. people Believed him and ELECTED HIM. "I will bring prices down REAL FAST" IN his new Time interview, he walks all that brag & bluster back.... PROMISES MADE, LIES TOLD (again) .... Now, he is saying, "Well I cant do shit to lower prices" So, WHO are the BIG LOSERS here ? All those Stupid MAGAts that were once again duped by Trump... You elected a man that promised to be a man for the average man who was gonna HELP you, but you got a Dictator that aint gonna do jack for you but make your lives harder, more expensive and less free.... Sorry EmmyLou, Trump is making you look like a Big Ole FOOL.... Keep fighting back, and spin those hard TRUTHS ! All the billionaires and "fat cats" are dancing in the streets, while you and your "ilk" still wont afford the price of eggs.
  4. You mean to say EmmetK didnt buy up ALL the inventory ? I smell something Fishy here...... 🤪
  5. Trump is not a person to be respected, emulated or honored, whether hero or not. Time has normalized all Trumps irrational, illegal and corrupt behavior for over a Decade, and gives license to him to continue and escalate actions, which now will go "unchecked", and without ANY accountability. Person of the Year should go to an inherently GOOD Person, which Trump is NOT. He's a manufactured comeback King, which is now so dangerous for America, and Time should be held partially responsible for what Trump is about to unleash on America. They are basically saying "You Go Donald, its ALL OK"......... Trump is NOT worthy of ANY HONOR., PRAISE or APPROVAL...
  6. When the Trump euphoria fades, and SANITY returns, I expect that Trump will suffer the same end as Assad ? And I will be applauding his and Emmetk's exile. 4 years is a long time, but my faith sustains me .
  7. It's Official, America is now the "Shittiest Hole Country" in the world, with a leader that is not only crazy, but incompetent and corrupt. America is DOOMED, now that TIME has normalized and "approved" Trump. His threat to them must have been a "doozy" ? DISGUSTING & ANTI-AMERICAN Show your ANGER Americans ! This is NOT Normal. Trump is NOT a HERO in any Universe. (and a muffin basket to EmmetK)
  8. IF he's named, I hope thy use THIS pic..... or why not just use his MUG SHOT ???? WORST Person of the Year 2024
  9. Hmmmm, what should that mean for a fat Orange man that was responsible for a million Covid deaths in the USA ?
  10. He hasnt been named YET...He's on a short list. If he gets the nod, its because he either PAID Time magazine for the honor, or THREATENED them with retribution if they didnt honor him. I hope Time will revoke the title once public outcry declares the nod to Trump as a Travesty and Disgrace. Time is asking us to respect and honor: a convicted felon, sexual abuser, business fraudster, conman, insurrectionist, anti American, LIAR, racist, misogynist Crook, as the most WORTHY person of their title ? And as a business decision, lets see how well that works out for them ? Hopefully it will tank the RAG Mag ? Trump is the most UNWORTHY person of any honor, except PIG of the Year.
  11. SHE's one woman, and you are right, I have NO respect for WHO she is, not WHAT she is, but does that me me a misogynyst ? Personally, I LOVE sluts, @stevenkesslar, my SIS is the biggest slut in history, and I wouldnt trade her for anyone else. However If it does make me misogynst, then I can call you a racist for the comments you have made about people of color, whether you meant it for one person, or a group... Labeling goes BOTH ways. You cant throw insults around and expect them NOT to reflect on who and what YOU are just by not taking responsibility for them. And might I add, supporting Hegseth and his woman hating rhetoric and abuse, and belief woman should NOT be in the military would clearly show YOU sir have NO respect for women. Your habit of blaming others for flaws that YOU have is so reflective of your Grand leader Trump.... So sad you cant even see who YOU are anymore....You so want to be like HIM.
  12. Gee, she could be Donetellas DAUGHTER....
  13. Just because shes a Pro at taking it UP THE ASS, doesnt make her expert in Greek culture
  14. SHE always looks like a hooker taking a SLUT WALK ! Just the type Trump likes..... Now that shes not with Jr anymore, maybe Daddy will FUCK her ? Or is THAT how she got the position ?
  15. She was even REJECTED by the "Real Houswives of Staten Island"... She wasnt suitable to represent a "landfill" but is PERFECT for Ambassadorship.... Only in Trump World. Shes the PERFECT postergirl for WICKED ! What a BRUHA !
  16. Luigi HAS a Doppelganger..... EZRA SOSA, pro dancer on Dancing with the Stars
  17. Unfortunately, THIS is a young man that in HIS mind was giving up his own life , knowing he would go to prison, for the betterment of Others. And then we have Trump, who will forfeit the wellbeing of OTHERS for the betterment of HIS own....
  18. And HE can cum right over to Daddy Sucky's house since his backpack is ready !
  19. Trump makes it clear that a Primary priority is revenge and retribution against all those that criticized him or tried to hold him accountable for his illegal and corrupt actions.... On day 1 of Trump 2.0, Trumps DOJ and FBI will embark on Trumps mission to target Trumps enemies and "punish" them, whatever that will mean ? MAGA and Trump supporters elected him because they Believed his campaign promises that he will make eggs and rent cheaper, and make better the quality of their lives.. It will be interesting to see how Trumps "believers" will react to him spending millions of THEIR tax dollars on his PERSONAL vengeance vendetta, instead of using their dollars to better their lives "as he promised", and once they realize he played them for fools ? (which they should have realized long ago)... Some, like Trumps press secretary EmmetK will never realize it because he is incapable of Reality, or admitting the error of his ways.... And the idea that Time magazine is even "considering" Trump for "Person of the Year" honor is revolting, insulting and Anti-American, because nothing Trump has done EVER would make any sane, rational person want to emulate, respect or honor HIM.
  20. They ALL look like they are attending a Funeral. That's the Trump effect when everyone around you DEPISES you. And Why TF is he acting like HE is the sitting President ??? DISGRACEFUL !!!!!!! Stay in your lane and wait your turn, Orange Pig.....
  21. I wouldnt offer ANY of Trumps shit even at a tacky, low rent garage sale.. All Garbage. Perhaps a Bondfire.? Maybe the MAGA's cant afford eggs because they are spending all their cash on Trumps crap, making HIM rich, then blaming the Dems ? BUT, I am absolutely Giddy about wiping my ass with THIS, after eatting a spicy Burrito !
  22. And I WONT until the Trump regime is overthrown by the American people, like they did in Syria ! Dictators got to GO ! The clock is ticking down to the next 2 years.... America should be damaged enough by then for the people to FIGHT back...
  23. FRAGRANCES ??????? Now, smell like Trump for $200. his newest GRIFT in time for the holidays, for those that voted for Trump because they COULDNT afford the price of eggs, are his Holiday edition fragrances, one for men and one for women, that want to smell like MAGA Trump... Keep robbing the people, Donald...... Will Melania be wearing this "toilet water" ???? Not sure I want to spritz on a scent that smells like "farts" and "poopy adult diapers"..???????? For those that DO, Merry Smellmas ! But if you want the PERFECT Xmas gift (the one I am sending to our EmmetK) is the Ladies of The View coffee mug . DRINK UP !!!!
  24. Donald Trump is the spawn of Satan.
  25. Let's see, WHO will be on Bidens Christmas Pardon List ? Liz Cheney Adam Kinzinger Adam Schiff Jamie Raskin Bennie Thompson Zoe Lofgren Hillary Clinton Dr Jill Biden EVERY Democratic Governor Judge Chutkin Judge Marchand Letitia James Fani Willis Judge Engoron Alvin Bragg And so many more..Biden needs to stick it to Trump so he'll have noone left to go after
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