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Everything posted by Suckrates

  1. That Better Be My CLIENT...... I've been waiting 2 Hours.... Better not be another "Stand-UP" ?
  2. Book your Trip NOW ! (Dept of Tourism)
  3. Suckrates

    Derek Hough

    Hmmm, perhaps he should try "Dancing with the Vac Pump " ?
  4. Sorry, I DONT do Requests !
  5. Hey Calli, here's some Sincere advice..... now that you've broken up my and MsAnn'sact, why dont you and Zippy take YOUR act on the road ???? Maybe you can find a long and winding DIRT road, or perhaps take it up the Hershey Highway ? Grandma Knows Best
  6. "Killer" being the operative...... Gee, thanks "Queen of Retorts".... Goodnite FELICIA !
  7. However, I personally Prefer THESE 2 clowns........
  8. Well we've heard from Tweedle Dee, but once again, up pops Tweedle Dum, not making any sense with his pointed remark.... Proofread Girl, Proofread ! CALLIP ZIPPY
  9. I know, everyone has Faults but YOU..... How the fuck did that happen ??? Shhhhh, here's a secret: (YOU are pretty fucked Up)
  10. Maybe in YOUR world it is...... ?
  11. Well I learned from YOU to stick my 2 cents into places they arent wanted and dont belong..... Perhaps if you dont want people up in your ASS, maybe you shouldnt be all up in theirs ? BTW, I was gonna post more asshole pics tonight, but couldnt find a pic of YOU..... But in the spirit of hatred, this ones for YOU. (A pretty good likeness of you, dont you think ?) But, I digress.......
  12. It IS beautiful if you like that sorta style, but I cant imagine DUSTING that shit !
  13. Potatoe, Patato...... Gurl, you just too Semantical......!
  14. Well HELLO Alex & Charlie.........
  15. Mixing again Dear ??????? Find a Hobby....... You people are Ridiculous and the whole Topic is BORING !
  16. It cant help but strike me that YOU are not so much a savior as a troublemaker.... Not exactly sure WHY all this bothers you so much? And, are you now JC over at Daddy's ????
  17. Love, Grandma
  18. I am having a "Blue Lagoon" flashback, and it aint because of Brooke Shields !
  19. Guess the Diva HAIR influenced Him ?
  20. Grandma feeling Nostalgic Today..... Where does the time go ????
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