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Everything posted by Suckrates

  1. that Grandma was an Objectopphile.... objectophilia is a form of sexuality focused on particular inanimate objects. Those individuals with this expressed preference may feel strong feelings of attraction, love, and commitment to certain items or structures of their fixation.
  2. When someone ASKS for others opinions, they should be OPEN to those opinions and realize that they may be positive or negative. If there is a precursor that ONLY positive opinions be posted, that should be stated. Otherwise all replies should be accepted and handled graciously, even if you dont agree with them. Remember, you ASKED for it, so noone is on the attack, except perhaps YOU. ?.
  3. I hope he carries a "pooper scooper" ?
  4. TOO LATE !
  5. So much for HIS much anticipated visit ! Dont Fuck with a QUEEN.
  6. Now, I finally understand what this means.....
  7. Leave it to the GAYS.... (is this what they mean by HORSE HUNG?)
  8. What about the LOWER half ?
  9. Doesnt sound as SEXY as "handcuffs".... Brits are so Bland !
  10. Is KellyAnn Conway ? Is it MY imagination or is KellyAnn conspicuously missing from the Trump posse ? It's been some time since we've seen or heard anything from the infamous lass... Could Trump have banished her to some cornfield, or perhaps he's holding her imprisoned in the White House dungeon ? Call me silly, but I miss Crazy ! (man cannot live on Sean Spicer alone)
  11. OR, All BAD HOMBRES ?????
  12. Well, there SHOULD be One.... And share it with someone you Love (or paid for!)
  13. Feels like THIS !
  14. I live in NYC. The wallet and the perpetrator would be gone before I could say "Whaaaaa" ? (maybe I should attach a chain to the wallet?)
  15. Well all I can say is that Donald Trumps bullshit Diva behavior was ALSO rewarded. So if you are looking for justice in today's world, you aint gonna find it.
  16. Well SHE scored another Diane Sawyer TV interview to talk all about it, and stay in the spotlight for another hot minute....All calculated.....An attention whore is an attention whore.
  17. Its all about MONEY. Her Trump connections got her shunned and she lost endorsements and mag covers. And maybe now that she actually had her dick removed, she has second thoughts since she actually HAS a pussy to grab and aint feelin it.
  18. How to spot a FAKE..... (Now ya know)
  19. INDULGE yourself......
  20. Jaden Smith rocks a new look ! BYE... HELLO.......
  21. I honestly dont know if the general public makes any distinction between Trans and Gay. To THEM, its all the same shit, and as much as we would like to believe the general public is more accepting, I am not so sure.
  22. GIRLS just wanna have Fun !
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