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Everything posted by Suckrates

  1. While there is alot more "traffic" elsewhere, the responses often tend to be "preachy and condescending".... Many respondents (especially the escorts) fancy themselves EXPERTS and will often discount comments of others, or "overspeak" them.... Some will write long, rambling dissertations. (you know, the MORE words the more convincing, right ?) So MORE is not always better. It boils down to the quality of the post, its honesty and sincerity, presentation and content. A post made simply to show you are better or more knowledgeable than someone else is a post NOT WORTH HAVING....
  2. I STILL say we need more COCK here !
  3. Well let's not quibble and be Thankful there were not apparent casualties for this incident (YET).... What I can tell you is that all of us that signed the petition are on Daddy's radar, and that's not a good thing. He probably takes it as a sign of being "crossed" ? Ya'll give him too much credit for being a sensible, logical, reasonable person... My sense of him is that he is driven by "emotion", he holds a grudge, and feels he is always RIGHT.... I'm just sayin...........
  4. Well we should be thankful for members that post HERE often.... Otherwise, this site would be pretty much a wasteland... If you havent noticed, it doesnt get alot of "active" participation, eventhough "traffic numbers" are high.... most people just lurk
  5. His posts may not be better (noone said they were), but they are intellectual and interesting. He has a unique POV and macabre wit. He may be an acquired taste for some, but you have to admit, there is not another poster like HIM.
  6. Some people are NOT capable of admitting wrong and apologizing.
  7. If all is as Mr Smith described, the only TOS violation I see is disagreeing and confronting Admin, who's attitude in most instances seems selfish , childish and bratty. At least Mr Smith had the luxury of actually discussing his case with Admin.... I never had that, I was totally blocked from any discussion about my alleged violation. Now, saying that Daddy will realize the error of his ways, and realize what's good for the site and pardon Adam, is like saying Trump will realize what's good for HIM and admit his misdeeds.. Never gonna happen. So although a loss, I am happy Mr Smith made a definitive decision NOT to return.. I wish I could grow a pair of Balls that big..... All I can say is Adam made THAT site better, and now he is doing that HERE.... Long Live the Queen !
  8. People are fearful of "crossing" Daddy. That is why noone ever publicly talks against him, and if they do, they dont last there long. Where are all those people that contantly praised Mr Smith on the site ? Where the fuck are they ? They are THERE, but cowering in their wet panties.
  9. I react to NO DRAMA the same way I react to NO FATS, FEMS or BLACKS.... Fuck Off ! The NO Drama Queen is the BIGGEST Drama Queen.
  10. I feel a Storm approaching (over there!)
  11. If AdamSmith is allowed back, we will ALL celebrate !
  12. We may need to get Flea powder ? (jk)
  13. Adam, while I dont know why you are banned for life, I can only imagine that the reasons are elevated in the Old girls mind... I felt the same way you do, that I was a valued contributor, and didnt deserve the scorn I was getting from her. But once I was on the Old girls radar, i was doomed... She seized every opportunity to take a minor offense and make it into something TOS worthy, and once you get Banned, there is no communicating with admin or even trying to "discuss" the action... It's quite dictatorial.. While I respect Lars and latbear for their altruistic action, I dont think it will end well for them... You know what they about an OLD girl scorned ? I truly understand your Void, I felt it each time I was exiled, and its the reason I went back, to endure even more scrutiny and abuse there.... I miss it when its gone.. (the site, NOT the rule!) But you have always been a guy that makes lemonade out of lemons, so sweety, START SQUEEZING !!!!!
  14. Maybe Mueller is "onto" Daddy too ?
  15. Suckrates

    The Organ

    This thread is frustrating.... All this talk about Organs, and not a single 10 incher in sight... And it appears Unicorn gave up posting his pic galleries, so will someone PLEASE post some cock !
  16. If anyone is following the revamp of Will and Grace, you will know they resurrected the main cast and most of the supporting players. We've already seen Harry Connick Jr, and Leslie Jordan... But the iconic maid and nemesis to boozy Karen has never appeared, although they did make reference to her in the background.... This week we said Goodbye to feisty Rosario, she died of a sudden heart attack, and the episode forces Karen to deal with her own feelings and grieve in her own way. R.I.P Rosario. - we hardly knew ya....THIS time !
  17. Internet certainly gives SOME people BRAVADO....But its like The Wizard of OZ behind his curtain, without it they are lonely, insecure Losers.
  18. So is that why you are now HERE ? To try and destroy THIS Forum ? I am just trying to grasp your weird psychology. Why push anybody to that point. IF you dont like the venue or the administration, then just fucking leave. It's pretty childish to play silly BAN ME games... That's kind of vindictive on it's own.... Any of us who have been the victim of Daddy wrath feel some kind of retaliation and since we cant do it "there", do it from somewhere ! That's diff from vindictiveness.
  19. You forgot to add "Any and ALL contributions always Gladly needed/accepted"....
  20. Adam, getting Banned from Daddy's is a "right of passage", but being Banished, perhaps is a Blessing ? It's pretty much the SWAMP that needs to be drained. Why the fuck do I keep going back after exile ? I am a mutherfucking Crazy glutton for punishment.... Perhaps I really am a submissive pussy who likes being tortured by a sadistic Master ?
  21. Sure, if that's what it takes........
  22. I like doing public SERVICE !
  23. He may be in Trumps ear, but he's out of the White House.... At least a dozen more corrupt racists to go....
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