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Everything posted by Suckrates

  1. Trailer trash doesnt "dress up"........
  2. Speaking of BEST people, where the hell is JD Vance ? Seems the Trump team decided it was better to keep him out of sight, and just let Elon serve as the VP, or potential President, eventhough HE sucks all the air out of every room he is in attached to Trumps fat ass, he is the dominant figure, and Vance is, well Vance is a LOSER here. He cannot compete with JD..... JD will have little to zero role in Trumps admin, and over time, Trump will find some way to lose the JD baggage And where the hell is CACKLES ? She dropped out of sight, and is media's forgotten daughter.... Looks like they want to erase Cackles from political history ? And word on the street is that she and Jill Biden are NOT on good terms... Ah, the lives of the BEST people arent smooth or happy ones. Pobrecitos ! .
  3. "TV" doctor Memhet Oz nominated for top position in Health and Human Services, directing Medicare and Medicade, which covers half of Americans. If Trump is hoping to get good "ratings", this is the wrong pick. but he loves TV personalities. Guess he thinks he's casting a TV show ? It'll be cancelled after 1 season. With Dr Oz and RFK Jr in charge of our health and well being, we might as well ALL drink bleach and end it now ! Anyone that believes that Trumps goal is to "Protect" us and keep us safe and healthy are IDIOTS, and needs to just look at his picks for this dept, and realize THEY were Scammed !
  4. History alone should tell you this is a NO brainer for GOP Senators, when Trump says jump, WE...
  5. As of today, Miss Lindsey G, and a whole list of the usual GOP suspects are walking back their opposition to Matt Gaetz nomination as AG..... They were shaking in their boots before, and they are shaking in their boots even more NOW, so even the smallest possibility that anyone in the GOP Senate will oppose and overrule Trumps desires is simply Ridiculous. No one is strong or committed enough to sign their OWN political Death warrant, and endure a life of torture and retribution.
  6. @stevenkesslar, WHY do you keep falling for and caving into the Antagonism of our resident Trump press secretary EmmetK ? I am starting to believe you enjoy the back and forth sparring with a person that is NEVER gonna agree with you on anything sensical OR factual, or concede to the notion that Trump is anything but a GOD... You spend so much time composing thoughtful, fact based posts, only to them mocked, dismissed, and demeaned. All the time you spend is time you will never get back, and could be better spent and more productive on other things or people. We are looking forward to 4 years of THIS. Is this really how you want to spend it, asking Trumps resident mouthpiece "why are you so cruel" ?, When you already KNOW the answer ? Move on and perhaps spend your valuable time on developing ways we can all fight back against the hateful and dangerous Trump attack. I am not, and would never criticize you, but am simply trying to make you see that your good will and common sense is "wasted" on broken, unredeemable and complicit people. 😘
  7. Joe and Mika, I SPIT on you..... First you groveled, and then you SURRENDERED !........ U R DISGUSTING !
  8. "Live and Let Live" ???? No more..... For Trump World, its "WE Live, YOU suffer"........ Trump Train ??? It's already TOO Late !!!
  9. Please STOP all the hysteria over the Matt Gaetz confirmation. Gaetz WILL be Attorney General, because Trump wants him to be.....
  10. America, "The Land of the FREE ?" No, no, no........ It's America, "The Land of the Controlled, Imprisoned and Deported"
  11. SHAME on Mika and Joe of Morning Joe for going to Mar-A-Lago this weekend to suck-up to Trump..... They have no more credibility in my eyes as 2 more ass kissers that are trying to SAVE themselves by giving "normalcy" to Trump, after bashing him for years. They claimed the GOP and Trump supporters were hypocrites, but there are no bigger Hypocrites than Joe and Mika, as Trump converts for self preservation. SHAME !!!!!!!!!
  12. Yeah, Trump is striving for the perfect CRIME !
  13. Trump believes that if you break the law there should be consequences ??? HA HA.....for everyone BUT himself ? Such a ridiculous and stupid comment.
  14. None of that shit matters, and we can repeat it till we are ORANGE in the face. The GOP feared Trump before, and they fear him more now that his base is bigger and more diverse, so with all that in mind, they will surely give Mr Pumpkin Head the cabinet he wants, with ALL the most "destructive" people. They buried their heads and looked away for 9 years. They wont start paying attention now, because bottom line, every one of them is self serving and wants to keep their positions. I hope EVERY American that voted for Trump feels the severe PAIN of his forthcoming actions, and many of those wave Goodbye to family members and friends as they are dragged to detention camps. Or when they find out their unemployment benefits were CUT when they lose their jobs. Or they have no healthcare for their sick babies. Your pain, suffering and REGRET will give me comfort for the next 4 years. Good for YOU mutherfuckers.
  15. While Donnie T may be the FACE of the 2024 Presidency, the person really running the show is ELON, a person MUCH smarter and MUCH richer than Trump. The mega billionaire was able to "purchase" the election for Mr Pumpkin Head, but I dont think he trusts Trump to actually run the country, HENCE his constant presence at Trumps side. Elon is having a say in everything from domestic to foreign policy, but like Trump, Elon HATES poor people and together they have NO intentions of making things better for the people that elected THEM.... As for the Bromance, history has shown us Trump likes the spotlight, and detests anyone that tries to steal HIS..... Therefore as Musky gets more and more involved and covered, Trump will quickly become unenamoured with him, and despite his cash infusion will quickly dispose of him. To speed the process, perhaps we and the media need to start referring to Musk as "Mr President". THAT will surely piss Mr Pumpkin Head off.... While Trump is no doubt dangerous, Elon is "deadly" because he is SMARTER..... and smart trumps a failed 3rd rate stand-up comic that blows microphones.....
  16. Trump voters believed that they would NOT be victims of his harmful policies, and that those were only meant for Democrats and immigrants. When they ARE affected, they will have noone else to blame except Trump, since he is in charge in a Tri-fecta govt. All the leftwing can do is counterpoint all lies and misinformation coming from Trump and the WH, since Dems hands are tied otherwise. America is in the WORST possible position. As for anyone believing that the Senate GOP will oppose Trumps nominations, thats the craziest thing I've ever heard. They didnt get rid of Trump during 2 impeachments, they didnt oppose him after an insurrection, they continued to fear him during his 4 years out of office 2020-2024, and caved to his every whim because they FEARED Trumps BASE, so what makes any rational person think they have grown a backbone to oppose his cabinet picks now that his BASE is even BIGGER and more diverse? I rubbed my crystal balls which tell me that ALL Trumps picks will exit the Clown car and be confirmed, with the goal to DESTROY every part of government and ultimately America. America was initially an Experiment, and the experiment backfired.
  17. Our New Attorney General, Matt "Chucky" Gaetz......
  18. Steven, I am shocked that you are so SLOW in getting the point, and the intentions of EmmetK, Trump and the GOP. In the words of the great modern day Nazi Stephen Miller "America is for Americans and Americans ONLY" However, he omitted the crucial word WHITE..... "America is for WHITE Americans and WHITE Americans Only", And while Trump even has little loyalty to his white supporters , he has absolutely NO loyalty to his black and brown ones, and any person of color that didnt support him. So fuck the cruelty argument. Thats exactly the point, and WHY you keep trying to negotiate it with a diehard Trump loyalist escapes me ? I refuse to spend the next 4 years sparring with ANY Trump bigot, racist, homophobe American TRAITOR.... They are worthless pieces of Shit and wont get my time. I KNOW their loyalty, AND their plan, and until Trump turns of THEM, (which he WILL) we have to live with what America decided was BEST for EVERYONE..... I resent that .. Smooches
  19. We MUST all be very vigilant on WHERE we get our information from going forward, because there will NEVER be a truthful statement coming out of the White House or the cabinet for the next 4 years. Trump will CREATE a media enviornment where everything he does is the BEST and well received, and everybody, all world leaders love and support him, and the courts applaud him. You will NEVER know of his "fuck-ups" or corruption, unless there are very diligent honest reports, but they will be dealt with quickly and harshly. All Trumps forthcoming misdeeds will be covered up and any danger or harm facing America will be suppressed, because in Trump world everything he does is PERFECT, and he fixes it ! Democrats have been weakened to the point of "uselessness", and not even state Governors will not be able to push back sufficiently to stop Trump from harmful actions. Blue states will be denied funding and aid, while MAGAts laugh in our faces. What HAS to happen is that the MAGA morons have got to start to suffer in some way from Trumps actions and policy. Only then will they turn on him and create an uprising so powerful to kick his ass out of Power. But they NEED to be harmed. However, the biggest INSULT to America is coming when Trump releases the J6 insurrectionist, I am sure there will be a big parade and celebration of their Tyranny, and a Fuck you finger to the American people. "WE now OWN the Libs"
  20. Trump is treating the selection of his cabinet like an episode of "PUNKED", selecting the most unqualified, reviling, vengeful MAGA morons to advise him AND America. Except, there is no punchline at the end, and noone jumps out and screams PUNKED ! This shit is real and EVERYBODY, including MAGA supporters should be concerned and afraid. Trump is basically punishing Americans for their treatment of HIM , "You dont like me so now i'll pick a cabinet that will HARM you"...... This man is depraved, I am praying so hard for him to DIE (YES, I AM that girl) 😈 ....ill deal with Vance later !
  21. There is nothing we can do about Trumps Presidency, except hope for his death.... He was elected fair & square . His nominations are a message to us all that HE and he alone is in charge, and his choices are meant to scare and intimidate us while staying loyal to HIM... In his 1st term, he nominated people that werent so bad INITIALLY, until he turned them corrupt and unlawful and worthy of Prison. However, in his 2nd term, he is STARTING with corrupt, unlawful people, so theres really nowhere to go besides DOWN.... BUT, what scares me the most, is that from the moment he takes office we will no longer get the truth from the White House about ANYTHING reagrding our Health, welfare or security. If you remember in his 1st disaster, when he KNEW the danger of Covid, he CHOSE not to tell the public because he didnt want to "create a panic".... If that is his mission again, we are in deep shit and may NEVER know if our lives are actually in danger. All damaging TRUTH will be kept from Americans while the WH only releases what Trump wants us to know. And all this while he rapes and robs our country behind our backs, making illegal deals and diverting funds meant for the public. And while EmmetK cheers and gloats, this is a catastrophe of immense proportion, and I am not sure how safe the Dems will be able to keep us, with Everyone ELSE in the government in Trumps pocket ? It took awhile, but the fools that put Trump in office have orchestrated the downfall of America... Now WE can be included in Trumps own list of SHITHOLE countries.
  22. NO she cant, silly. Elon Musk is actting First Lady !
  23. Brilliant ? Hardly, he can barely put a sentence together or hold a thought. What he did was Exploit peoples hardships, and make them believe they are Owed something, which HE will provide. He didnt do it in his first term, and once they realize they aint gettin nothing in his second, they can kick themselves in the ass. THIS is brillance ??????
  24. And WHAT ? is he gonna MURDER all Americans that dont succumb to him, like his girfriend Pooty does ? You would probably enjoy that ?
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