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Everything posted by Suckrates

  1. I woke up in the middle of the night, AND caught Santa !
  2. In all fairness, he said he was taking a break for the Holidays. Guess it was the "shortest" Holiday on record ?
  3. If You've been NAUGHTY, he'll be over to PUNISH you !
  4. Going to the sex club for the Xmas eve party.... I have hoping to cum away with lots of creamy egg-nog !
  5. Not from here, and dont know why... But that's for pvt conversation.
  6. BANNED !!!!!
  7. From Grandmas house to Yours.... Have a Jolly, Jolly Christmas !
  8. Yeah, those conservative Fat Cats are grinning and doing the jig, celebrating "fooling" the American public once again... Anyone who thinks THIS is a win is a bigger moron then Trump....
  9. It almost sounds like all these guys you are shuffling back and forth are "sex" commodities, not people.... Not exactly sure why, if its only for sex you need to traffic these guys to the US ? Surely there are plenty of men here ?
  10. How can you possibly be "in the moment" when you are so consumed with documenting everything ? I'm confused ! Is it because you are concerned with the cost (at which point you shouldnt be spending) OR are you just a very anally detailed person ? I could never, but give you heaps of credit for your commitment.
  11. I am CHEAP, so I probably wouldnt fare well in the open market ? And I agree, when you are spending your own money, you can/should spend it anyway you want, BUT sometimes you need a little "wake up call" ....Somehow when LUST takes over, you dont think with a clear mind.
  12. Fuck You is a GREAT answer on many occassions !
  13. 102 hours of companionship ? Are you really THAT needy ? 1 good cocksucking session with a big cock is more than enough for me !
  14. My God, you NEED a vacation after all that planning for vacation. That's probably WHY I dont travel... i am not willing to invest so much time and effort into it, and I am certainly NOT that detailed. A vacation should be easy-breezy. What YOU have presented here would STRESS me out to no end. I hope you arent terribly disappointed IF any of your plans doesnt turn out the way you wanted.? There are alot of expectations attached to your trip. The BEST of Luck, safe travels and lots of boys !
  15. Like many, many others before him......
  16. Or he needs to hold a FUNDS Raiser like Daddy does every time he is in need !
  17. It aint OVER till the Fat Pig sings......
  18. But you know what Bozo would say: The Daily Beast...What a leftist Rag.....All FAKE NEWS"
  19. His crazy Tweeting will ultimately be the Death of Him....You know he's gonna unconsciously "spill the beans".... Tweet away TRUMP!
  20. Melania has a "flair" for the Dramatic ! I kinda LIKE it.
  21. Interesting. My understanding was that Lurker was of the Jewish faith, which doesnt support cremation? Do you know who made that decision on his behalf ?
  22. Oh honey, numbers have nothing to do with it... when it comes to pathetic attention seekers, YOU win the prize with your "hit & run" posts, usually Braggy Trump style and always self-centered. Who have you "purchased" to spend Thanksgiving with YOU ?
  23. Silly little boy...its not a matter of Life, its a matter of who is always trying to stir up trouble, and that's what I am "tasting" on my finger, a vindictive TROUBLE MAKER who gets LIFE BANS from websites because of his Bullshit !
  24. WOW, the OP has alot of time on his hands... Maybe HE should just mind his OWN business ???
  25. There are all kinds of PREDATORS, but if you happen to be Rich and WHITE, chances are, you can get away with the behavior,,, (for awhile)
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