Should they or Shouldn't they ? Prince Harry and fiance Meghan are preparing their wedding guest list, and predictably, The Obamas are on it since Harry is friends with Barack, but the Trumps are NOT..
However British sources are saying it is causing all sorts of "concern" because on the infantile mentality of current WH resident Trump who they feel would be outraged by the snub, and consider it a personal insult which would result in a barrage of angry, insulting tweets which British Royals do not want to deal with.
Do you feel that Prince Harry should cave and invite the Trumps too, just NOT invite the Obama's, OR not give a fuck about Trump and his bullshit, and just invite the Obamas as planned ?
The sad part of this whole thing is that it is even an "issue" , but because the man-baby in charge is so fragile a simple wedding invite is the cause of international alarm....
Thoughts ?