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Everything posted by Suckrates

  1. * Alina Habba ** Laura Looney *** Pam Bondi Melania Trump
  2. Sorry to disagree on the Trump spawn, but they are opportunistic Nepos, and complicit in their dads illicit and corrupt behavior. But on a positive note for Don Jr, he will make a good poster boy for the dangers of heavy cocaine use, and picking loud, obnoxious duck lipped girl friends. And I see Barron as the up and coming leader of the Neo Nazis, young, charismatic and extremely dangerous given time.....I dont see anything good in ANY of them. As the old saying goes, "the apple doesnt fall far from the tree".... And they all have a head start with their large MAGA following.
  3. Congrats to Ellen Degeneres and her wife Portia for leaving the Trump chaos and danger behind in the US for the peaceful calm of the English countryside, purchasing a huge estate where they can live quietly and safely, in a place that isnt polluted by toxic Orange air..... Live & Love girls......
  4. HEIR TO THE THRONE ???? Interesting article on WHY people have a growing obsession with Trumps youngest son Barron, and why he may be dictator in training to step i nto Trumps role as MAGA Master. Lurch appears to be extremely popular with the Gen X, Tik Tok crowd, especially amoung young men who see him as a "young Donald"..... https://www.aol.com/barron-trump-why-people-obsessed-130216532.html
  5. All Aboard The Trump Train 2024, where ONLY MEN travel and women ride in the baggage compartment..... Whoo-Hoooooooooooo 😡😡😡😡
  6. Pam Bondi....HOT STUFF PYT (pretty YOUNG thing) !!!!! Kinda reminds me of Ivanka, and you know how much Trump wanted to Fuck HER ? How long before he grabs Pammy by the pussy ? You know, when you are a celebrity, they let you do it. Let's just call her "Pussy Pam".....
  7. I guess the Madmans popularity was overrated ?????? He certainly had an electoral college victory, but as far as being popular, HE AINT ! Trump better get himself a new publicist....EmmetK isnt doing a Very Good Job .
  8. His slogan should be "Make America GROAN Again"......
  9. Can you imagine the unlawful and illegal activity this Douchebag wants to keep hidden ? The report should be public regardless, and Goo Goo Gaetz BANNED from any public office for LIFE.... Sorry Emmy Lou, you LOST this one !
  10. Sadly, I am in TOTAL agreement. These GOP pussies are scared to death of Trump, and will NOT sacrifice their jobs to serve America.
  11. Trumps MAGA Mission for his second term to "Make America GOLDEN Again".... Steal from the POOR and "GIVE" to the Rich !
  12. Jimmy Kimmel lays the Trump Travesty on the line, and makes us Laugh at the same time.. Thanks Jimmy ! Spot On.....
  13. FOOL ! if they are a mixed status family, the family will be deported TOGETHER. Or did you miss Homans statement ? Start to read without your partisan glasses on. GEEZ !
  14. Did I say it would be MY victory ? Dont put words in my mouth comrade.... If EmmetK were Trump, YOU would be JD Vance, or worse, Elon Musk. Obviously your ideas of Democracy are limited and flawed, since you never lived in one, and supporting a forum member that is clearly anti-democratic makes sense in your case, although still distasteful and in the minority here. But since we are still a free country, for now, enjoy your Bromance with EmmetKlown.... Everyone needs a "friend"
  15. Linda McMahon, another flunkie that PURCHASED her cabinet position for almost 20 million dollars. And when Trump FIRES her, she will "body slam" his fat orange ass.....
  16. And in 2 years, they will be running BACK.... Trump will fail at his mission and supportive Americans (except EmmetK) will turn on him, and it WILL BE ugly. .
  17. Trump is picking his cabinet , made in his image, Quacks, charlatans and Frauds. Taking health advice from any of his picks is a guaranteed DEATH sentence.... but hey, what the hell, Trump killed over a million people with Covid, what's a few more million ?
  18. Trump and his party are still driving a false narrative they they won in a Mandate. UNTRUE, current numbers show he won the popular vote by less than 2%, hardly a Mandate..... And from the looks of things, and the people selected for the cabinet, Trumps popularity will PLUNGE very quickly, and every mistake made will be HIS FAULT, as it should be. Trump has 2 years before the American people that elected him will be turned against him, and all he will have left is EmmetK, still trying to convert people on this website.
  19. Its not payback, although you and your countrymen might see it that way. Its indoctrination, and NO Trump train is running over ME.
  20. Perhaps, Latino voters will give their friends and relatives a basket of eggs while ICE is dragging them to detention camps. The latino voters can reflect "But he didnt say he meant ME".......
  21. OPINION: Since the election which ended in Trumps win, resident troll EmmetK has been working overtime to foment and spread Pro-Trump propaganda on this site. At any time of day you can see his posts in every single thread on this Forum, often countering and dismissing comments from other members that are Never Trumpers....discounting FACTS and common sense info for his own Partisan "fantasy". He counters EVERY post made by members. The irritating part is that his posts arent simply "comments", they are ridiculing, antagonizing, often "parody" posts to boost Trump and promote his dangerous and harmful agenda HERE...... Trump WON, YES, but everything else he posts is BULLSHIT. Has EmmetK taken over the Politics forum and turned it into a Pro-Trump battleground and headquarters ? Dont get me wrong, he has EVERY right to post and comment anyway he feels fit, but the antagonism, and incessant attempts to "convert" forum members "To the trump train", when the Trump train is clearly a Facist , authoritarian movement, is troubling and off-putting, and makes ME not want to participate and have civil discourse and debate Here. Not sure if other members feel the same, so I speak for myself, and have taken Kesslars position to sometimes just "vent"...... Here's a taste of his latest post..... WTF is that ???? Get run over if you oppose Trump ? Sounds like a dangerous dictator to me. Trump may be trying to take Democracy out of out government, but can we allow EmmetK to take the democracy out of our forum ? "Sucky" Historical Note: EmmetK was Bozo the Klown over at the other site COM, where he was instrumental in the demise of the political forum by running that Trump Train ad nauseum, and employing the same strategy he is using HERE against its other members that werent aligned with him. It just goes to prove that regardless of his name, Bozo or Emmet, , a Klown is a KLOWN !
  22. And Lara Trump as Senator of Florida ? "How ya like me now ?" (Vegas is missing a Stripper !)
  23. Trailer trash doesnt "dress up"........
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