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Everything posted by citylaw1

  1. citylaw1


    Headed to Thailand on February 14th with the BF. A bit concerned of course, but not sure if we should cancel yet. I don't trust the Chinese government, and I certainly don't underestimate the financial pressure shaping government responses in Thailand and elsewhere in Asia. Thoughts?
  2. citylaw1


    I've been to Maui countless times and am heading there next Sunday for a week. 1. You're referring to Little Beach, which is nude (if you want to be) and offers a cool drum circle every Sunday where the locals come before sunset, say 3 or so, and drink and indulge. It's a lot of fun. Little Beach and Big Beach are great fun and have huge waves. They are located in Makena - about 10 minutes from Wailea where I stay at the FS, which is great too. 2. Any nightlife at all is located in Lahaina, and to a much smaller extent in Kihei. There's a martini bar in "the triangle" which is decent and as close to gay is you're gonna get, which isn't very at all. 3. Mama's Fish is a must. We've eaten damn near everywhere and a lot of the big names are pretty average in taste while quite expensive for what it is. Where are you staying? Monkeypod (best Mai Tai and good food), Lahaina Grill, Merriman's Kapalua (for the best sunset on the island) for drinks and apps - dinner is average - gorgeous view, perhaps the best on the island, Spago at the FS - ask for Jeb as a waiter, Hali'imaile General Store, Star Noodle, Paia Fish Market, Mala Ocean Tavern, Sansei are all good. 4. Alii Nui sunset cruise. Reasonable and includes drinks and heavy app buffet. Much prefer the app cruise to sit down dinner. These guys are the best, offer a new boat, and you'll def see whales. 5. The Old Lahaina Luau is the best on the island, and the one at the Marriott in Wailea is pretty good too. Cuties and talent. 6. The helicopter tour that takes in West Maui and Molokai is awesome. My favorite excursion to date. Have fun!
  3. Headed with the BF to Italy for 2 weeks, arriving August 12th. Anything in Rome, Florence or Amalfi boy wise? Open for any suggestions.
  4. There is no way that this will get through the senate, but I wish that it would. People need to learn from their mistakes, and the states hardest hit will be those that voted for Trump.
  5. My parents retired about 6 years ago, and my father became very cheap. I thought this was strange, as they are comfortable, but my father is still troubled by spending money without money coming in, other than investment 4%. The uncertainties of life these days bring on a lot of stress. My parents moved to Naples, Fl, and are more active and social than either of them was while working. They both thought that they would hate FL, but they love it. And it's way cheaper than NYC, which has become unbearable on 600k per year.
  6. I haven't been in hiding - unlike some, I only comment when I have something to say.
  7. Like Trump's inauguration, your numbers are a bit off. You'll notice that this is the most visited, and commented on post in recent history. Furthermore, you're engaging in the discussion as well. I fail to see any evidence to back up your claim.
  8. I just received my 6 yesterday. Agreed.
  9. That's one of the points I was trying to make. Not only does he take over the thread, he rarely even comments on the subject matter. It's boring. Even if he didn't "threaten" outright to release a pic (which I doubt very highly that he has), he intimated that he could. How would this encourage anyone to join this board - especially escorts, that are out there with pictures already? It's a huge turnoff, and I can't imagine why Oz would pay for the bandwith to help dampen a real chance for success. This is real - it's not about name calling, which is just boring, it's about the growth of this site. I'm sure that there are many escorts that would love to market here. We sure don't make it easy, and that's a shame.
  10. I thoroughly understand that people come here for different reasons, and that's great. I was responding to a thread that addressed making the site better and increasing the traffic, more specifically, escort traffic. When you respond threatening to expose personal information, that certainly does nothing to make the site better, improve escort participation, or solicit serious posters looking for escorts, like myself. This, in my opinion, is a violation of the site rules, or at least should be.
  11. The fact that I hire boys is the reason I'm here, as that's one of the main focuses of the site itself. What have I brought here? I've reviewed some escorts, responded to some inquiries regarding escorts, etc. Um, yeah, it's an escort site.
  12. Yes, the Troll behavior is detrimental. The original Hooboy site was great, especially for the time, and Daddy's suffers from poor moderation and favoritism to the point where I question reviews there, where I once rarely did. This site stands a chance to be much better, in that Oz at least welcomes input, where Daddy begs for cash, and coddles ill fitted moderators. I come and go from here mainly because I grow bored. We do, however, stand a chance at recruiting posters from Daddy's, and growing the participation from elsewhere as well. Moderation and participation are key.
  13. First off, it's "Citylaw." I'm not "dealing with sketchy people." You took a well-intentioned thread geared towards improving a site, and did something, in my opinion, to make it worse. Your input didn't even address the topic! It's not about my comfort level, it's about quality for the participants. Banning someone for threatening to expose a fellow poster is far different from banning for not agreeing with their posts. Unlike you, I use this site for its purpose - to hire and share escort experiences, gay travel, etc. I would like the site to be a better place to come to for these purposes. I don't come here to "hang out or deal" with anyone. I take information and offer some when I'm able to. If others find you entertaining, well that's ok. Just stop fucking up our chances at winning over more, ahem, qualified participants.
  14. I'm not sure how true this is. I started hiring at 29, mainly because I was closeted and in a professional environment. Hooboy's site and Campus Escorts were invaluable to me at the time. At 46, I don't hire as often, mainly due to the disappearance of the agencies, and the online investigation required before hiring from the sites. When I do hire, escorts often tell me that they receive quite a few younger clients, with the majority, of course, being my age or older. Any way that we can attract escorts as posters here will help both parties. Advertising on Grindr might be a good way to attract younger posters?
  15. This is precisely the type of shit that hinders the growth of a good message board and site. If we are looking for escorts, and those of us that hire them, to participate here, the mere suggestion of outing people's personal information is not only off-putting, it's detrimental to the board itself. Looking for escort participation on here is a great way to improve this board, and your veiled threats of exposure go against the very mission. I'm communicating with an escort for an upcoming trip; I now know his real name and birth date (required for airfare), therefore I have looked at his Facebook, Instagram, etc. This is the delicate dance that is played between escorts and clients - a dance of slowly releasing certain information, especially where a trip is involved. If this escort goes on here and reads this shit, do you suppose that he would be more, or less likely to participate in this environment? Are you the kind of guy that would post his pic, social profiles, and call his family? If I owned this site I would ban you from it - for this post only. Your thousands of boring and argumentative rants can be ignored, like I routinely do, but this type of stuff is bad for business. You're on an escort site, don't hire escorts, never travel, and, in my recollection, have never offered any type of useful advice to the participants here that claim to have a common interest in escorts. I belong to a Yankee fan group, and I never go on there to discuss escorts, just like I don't go to Lugers and order fish.
  16. I think that this is a great idea. In the old days at the other site, it seems like escorts participated in the forums more regularly. Perhaps reach out to the Rentmen guys, and show them how a site like this can significantly increase their bookings? You might already do this? Back in the days the posters were younger (myself included) and seemed to hire more. I'm not sure how to attract a younger demographic, or if it's even possible, but I started participating on these sites when I was 32.
  17. Oy vey
  18. As an attorney, I find it very hard to believe any of this nonsense.
  19. I can't believe that 50 or more people took their time to request that Suckrates be banned. It makes me feel like a loser participating here, where there are 50 (which means 10 times that really, at least) posters that advocate for this. We openly discuss licking assholes, but a poorly written argument between anonymous posters becomes a source of discontent, and drives men to author emails for banishment - from men that hire strangers, welcome them to their home or hotel, fuck them, and then recite their experiences here? How can these same men be so bothered or put off by "drama?" SMH, as the kids say.
  20. I always liked RockHard's posts. I just realized how much I've missed him.
  21. Other than the obvious stalking, personal info, hate speech, etc., I really can't believe that posters here care enough to write emails requesting banning an anonymous poster from an escort review and discussion site, have the time or inclination to author said requests, or lack the ability to ignore topics and discussions that rattle their cages. Maybe I'm missing something, or perhaps some posters should hire some escorts and fill their time, and this board, with some reviews to help me find a twink to take to Maui. Feel free to call me names, and rest assured, I will not be emailing the admins to ban you for it.
  22. Always the case. Enjoy the battle, and long for the days of peace, all while reading every post.
  23. People are definitely paying attention. Look at the replies here - they're mostly from people saying that they have no interest in this stuff. Simply not true, and never has been. Any juicy threads have always, and will always, enjoy the most views. Follow the tracker. I'm not a fan of censorship, especially on these boards, but I'd advocate for it here. This could turn into something outside of the boards. But I really don't care either way.
  24. He makes it a real challenge.
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