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Everything posted by Alaskabear

  1. Thanks for the heads up! Does anyone know if you enter before that deadline but leave after it goes into effect, are you still obligated to get the visa? The fact that’s it lasts ten years for only $80 makes it not too bad.
  2. I was wondering the same when I’ve read stories about hooking up. My first trip in 2011 I was coerced into a shop near the bridge to zamelak from tahir square. The guy was super hot and totally my type. So I was game. He led me into his shop and his brother who was not cute took over the rest of the process. He went on his spiel and then started rubbing himself and asking if I had a wife or girlfriend I could buy his products for. That line of questioning led to him being overt in his rubbing and direct in his questioning lol. Eventually he pulled his dick out but he was not at all my type. I was like what about your brother? Haha. But his shop was not in a souk and was easy to be private. As for khan el Khalili souk it is crowded and difficult to be private. What I assume what would happen is trading information for hookups later. I was with a girlfriend of mine and even though it was assumed we were a couple I traded glances with lots of cuties in the souk. Perhaps late at night or early in the day is better. I’m not sure. It was Ramadan and early in the evening the times I went and it was absolutely packed with mostly local folks.
  3. That’s good to know about the security barrier in the Marriott. And great tips about going offline for conversations. I don’t think I’ve ever had as much attention online as I have in Cairo. I think much has to do with having a real profile with real photos coupled with being an outsider which makes locals feel safe in that if they are truly on the down low they won’t be outed by a stranger. There are simply thousands of handsome men all over this country. I’ve always gone for guys with darker featured and more melanin and Egypt provides.
  4. Hi guys! I’m currently in Cairo and want to give an update to the current state of affairs as I’ve seen them. Grindr is packed with guys and so many seem effortlessly masculine. I’m a middle aged bear and the first night I stayed in Zamelak which is very central and decided to do a Grindr boost for an hour just for research purposes. I got 125 messages in that first hour. There is a warning when you open the app that speaks about police profiling. I asked a few guys and one even laughed about it. The general consensus is it’s not an issue and two even said they wouldn’t touch a tourist at all. The difficult part is for obvious reasons they only show disappearing photos so it quickly gets out of hand when it comes to remembering who you are talking to when you’ve got five or six possible suitors in conversation. I stayed at the Marriott on the island using points I saved up and it was nice. But security was tight getting in. Possibly going to dinner first in the hotel and then sneaking up later would work? (It must be said I’m not meeting with anyone this trip because I’m traveling with a close girlfriend). The Airbnb I’m currently in would absolutely work though for hookups as there are no doormen at all. I won’t be able to comment on the availability of guys further south in the historical zones of Luxor and Aswan as I’ll be on a cruise and unable to meet up. waking through Khan el-kalili souk was incredible and I feel if I were alone I’d be able to street cruise. Egyptians have been very gracious and welcoming of me and are proud of their country. It’s been very endearing and I’m glad I’ve come back after a dozen years gone. I’d like to come back solo and really have fun. The talent pool seems endless here.
  5. Measured by what standard? Millimeters?
  6. This is a perfect place to ask this question. What does the S number mean in these profiles?
  7. Absolutely positively do not douche with local water in developing countries. I learned my lesson many years ago on my first trip to India. If you hesitate to drink it then for sure do not douche with it.
  8. I’ll be there this winter and I’m really excited. I’m actually planning on staying for a few weeks total in the country and I’d love to get insight on which is a better large coastal city to “live” in for a couple of weeks. Tangier, Rabat, Casablanca. I love the idea of being in a more typical city for a bit vs a tourist city where you just get hounded to death from touts.
  9. Thanks for the report! I’m so eager to return to Egypt. I’d like to spend a month traveling to various parts of the country. I’m especially interested in seeing the southern regions where North Africa fades into Nubian lands. Did you find much difference between regions in Cairo when it comes to hooking up?
  10. I’m bumping this thread. I’ll be in Colombia in two weeks. Does Colombia still require this god awful check mig registration now?
  11. I went to BAngkok hospital pattaya as well! But it was like pulling teeth to get an appointment in the afternoon when I needed one. But eventually they relented
  12. Hi guys! I fly back to the states on Wednesday at noon. I’m having the hardest time finding information about getting a rapid Covid test 24 hours prior to my flight. Is there a testing center in the bkk airport? What about a place in pattaya I can take one to get an acceptable print out for my flight? thanks guys
  13. Oh that is interesting as for me the two couldn’t be further apart. Well, Imguess it does make sense if you want to offer different products. I prefer the hotmale for sure. I actually just came back from another night there. I would say close to 20 boys and probably 25 customers during my time there. Another great night and a lot more of a typical party atmosphere. My date and I actually stopped in Tawan since it was near my hotel (The Quarter). There were probably 5-6 boys . Though one I wasn’t sure if he was a boy or a customer. Which isn’t a good sign. However there were three young and cute guys there dancing. And it was a lot more intimate not just in size but also interaction. I saw some naughtiness happening between customer and client which was a welcome sight.
  14. Ok, Hotmale has redeemed my faith in the bar scene a bit. Tonight was impressive for the amount of guys. I think I counted 14 maybe 15 boys. Probably an equal or great amount of customers filtered through during the hour and a half I was there. They all were a high quality version of boy next door type with a couple of really cute ones at that. They had a big cock show with five stunning guys showing off their goods. This is what I come for. Well the camp-only in Thailand- atmosphere as well. But it’s a lot of fun to see how they behave in person. See what they are packing etc. the boys were in pants. I should note that they are supposed to be in pants per rules. But somehow showing off exposed genitalia is ok. I don’t know the logic but I’ll stop judging them for walking the tightrope of compliance with the authorities. But what struck me most with the boys at hotmale is they all were attentive and seeking eye contact. Unlike the bored boys of moonlight. Perhaps it’s a management thing with this bar. At any rate I felt welcome and I was happy to pass around tips justly deserved for the show of flesh. I ended up meeting a guy there and though we didn’t go home tonigh together I’ll contact him tomorrow. I’m not much of a night owl and prefer to have daytime contact. If we could conjoin moonlights higher calibre performers with the eagerness and sincerity of the boys at hotmale you’d have a winner on all fronts. As has been said a million times before, they would make more money dropping the price of drinks. I would approve of a door charge or minimum drink purchase. But if the patrons are more drunk, they will certainly open their wallets more. Just turn it into a local watering hole that happens to have naked boys cavorting around on stage. That’s a fantastic concept!
  15. Alaskabear


    Well, it is very good to be back in Bangkok after a 7 year hiatus. And good news! The city still smells the same as it always has. I’ve managed to visit two bars in the two free nights I’ve had so far. Dreamboy the first night and moonlight tonight. Dream boys felt a lot like what I remember the bar scene to be in bangkok. A couple dozen boys rotating on stage then the campy show with drag queen, big cock and fucking show. The mamasan kindly suggesting boys for me. I was satisfied with the amount of guys and the variety. But definitely more boy next door than model type. However it was worth my time. I thought the sexiest guy was the blond DJ and I should have asked if he was available. I did off a cute guy who partook in the big cock and fuck show. Very sweet guy. Moonlight however was very disappointing. And I think so because it has so much potential. There were 7 bored but cute but fullly clothed lads on stage. Fine, dreamboys started out this way but they changed into briefs when the show started. Well, moonlights show didn’t feature any of the boys and instead seemingly showcased professional performers? I was confused. The drag queen trans lady was exceptional. She could be drag race quality. I was impressed. The boys who lip synched were very very cute. As well as a sexy bull/matador skit. I was thinking wow this is going to be incredible. The caliber of guys here is top notch! Then the show ended with a bikini pageant with the performers in cute skimpy shorts. And that’s it! I was bummed it didn’t get racy at all. And then they left! To be replaced with the (still cute mind you) bored fully clothed boys. Where did the hotties go? What’s happening? Where is the sex appeal? The fantasy? Just totally let down and bummed. Is moonlight too cool to be camp? To be naughty? What’s going on? So, I’ll check out hotmale tomorrow. I’m trying to be as generous as I can. It’s Covid. It’s (extra) strict Thailand, it’s also shoulder season in a normal year. But Bangkok has lost some of its excitement for sure. I was so pumped to come back. Ready to relive those crazy nights I’ve had in the past here. I’m hoping it’ll be better in the weekend. Dreamboys was a promising start. Moonlight was a big bummer. I’m excited to see the other places. Even if it’s slow. I can totally dig a boy next door type who’s eager and engaging. He doesn’t have to be a stunner. I love the whole atmosphere Bangkok's boy scene used to provide and I’m hoping I can get more of that. I think I’ll check out a massage place but I’m not sure where to start. Masculine big cock guys are my thing. And Thailand provides on that front.
  16. To add to this discussion, I have a google pixel phone with a google fi phone plan. I’m not exactly sure this service is available to non US customers but with it I get phone and data service in pretty much every country in earth minus the typical north koreas of the world. It’s amazing. Plane lands in any country and I’ve got service while still on the plane. Prices are good as well. im pretty sure most new generation smart phones can get the google fi sim card as well. Worth checking into.
  17. I took this photo myself. It shows you the volume of water flowing when I went a few weeks ago. (Early February).
  18. I was at Iguaçu falls a few weeks ago and the water levels were at historical norms according to my driver. He was looking at a daily forecast of water levels. But yes, there has been a drought that’s slowed the volume. Check before you go but honestly Iguaçu was incredible from the Brazilian side. I’ve been all over earth and I consider myself a bit jaded. But this place really blew me away. It’s worth the side trip for sure.
  19. Aren’t most hotels in Europe this way by default? You could also just rent an Airbnb and never have to think about it
  20. Has anyone had any experience with Chill Host Bar? Their twitter handle is @changshabar. The boys there look really attractive and masculine. But it seems like it’s on the far outskirts of the city. Do these bars typically have rooms? Or is it an off fee/take home situation? Would a farang be welcome in these seemingly local places?
  21. I’m excited for Thermas because of the variety. My first time there I was with a Greek, Egyptian (the infamous one) and a Venezuelan. Three continents in one spot. I loved it and I hope it’s just as diverse as before
  22. Thanks for all these responses. I am also curious about the rates they are charging. Now if a dozen or so Brazilian guys move to Bangkok then we would have quite a lovely assortment. I just bought my tickets to Bangkok and I’m beyond excited to return and explore the city. I’m hoping the nightlife can return to decent levels by then. At any rate, airbnbs seem so cheap now and the flight was cheap. So it’ll be a lot of fun regardless.
  23. As happy as I am to be back in Spain I definitely was sad to leave Brazil. One thing to note for myself, I think I’ll come in Brazilian spring months of September to November. It was incredibly hot and humid in January. So much so that I didn’t venture out during the day as often as I would have liked. My shirts would be soaked in sweat within 15 minutes. Nighttime temps were moderate and fine. But mid day in Salvador and Rio were at times oppressive for me.
  24. Well this is my last day in Brazil. As is often the case, my plans and ideas about what I would do before I arrived changed once I arrived. I spent very little time at the saunas and play areas, which was my “goal” prior to arrival. So what happened? Brazil happened. These forums are mostly for the GP/money boy scene so I won’t bore you with details not pertaining to that. But over the course of the month I met a few amazing guys on Grindr. Between Rio, Salvador and São Paulo my time was spent exploring and loving and beach combing these wonderful places with a wonderful guy by my side (plus a solo weekend trip to Iguaçu falls-beyond what I imagined. Simply breathtaking and worth the side trip). So much time was spent with a guy that when I did have alone time I was well enough spent that visiting the sauna was the last thing on my mind. One thing is clear though, I’ll be back. Brazil has charms few countries posses. The guys are adorable. The atmosphere is generally very relaxed and life here seems meant to lounge on the beach and eat fruit and fuck and fuck and fuck. (This is not to say life is easy for the typical Brazilian) I especially appreciate the online hookup culture here. In the states at least it seems so difficult to snag a date or hookup. So much back and forth and ghosting. Here in Brazil (especially Rio) it’s very much like : “hey what’s up? Want to meet up? Ok great! Where is your place?” And it happens No hemming and hawing which is refreshing as fuck. So I apologize for lack of sauna info or anything else similar. I do however feel that this country is certainly worth a visit. Im flying to Spain and Thailand next and like before I do plan on partaking in the sauna/ boy scene at least once. I have to!
  25. Hi guys! I’m going to be in Thailand in a month. It’s been about five years since I’ve last been and I’m so excited to return. I’ve been peaking around on Grindr the last few days and I notice several very attractive black guys advertising. Does anyone have the story on this phenomenon? As much as I am excited to meet up with some hot Thai guys, these new arrivals would be a very welcome addition. Also, Grindr seems active. I’m thinking of downloading Blued as well. Are there any preferred platforms for Thailand currently? Do moneyboys congregate on one platform vs another? thank you gentlemen!
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