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Everything posted by Strafe13

  1. Could you please post this info in this thread for all of us to see? I'm thinking of planning a trip this February or later, and this sounds like a lovely excursion. Thank you.
  2. I never had his contact info, unfortunately. I'm left only with the memories.
  3. Which websites are you talking about, where you met your guide? Inquiring minds want to know!
  4. I wasn't going to offer his name on the forum, Tom, but since you did, then I guess it's okay. I met Issac on my very first Rio trip back in 2008, and saw him a few times after that during later annual trips, but he then disappeared for a few years. Like I said, we reconnected around 2015 or so, and I was so infatuated (and happy to see him after so many years) that I almost spent way, way above local market prices to have him for an entire evening. I came to my senses, so I didn't hamper myself (or disrupt the local market like many visiting Americans and Europeans do). He seemed upset about the cancellation at first, but we rescheduled for later in my trip at far more reasonable prices. While Issac's a fun lay, and I find him to be really handsome, he's definitely a pro, as he can be rather aloof. As with most garotos, as long as you don't lose sight of what's really going on, you can have a good time with him. The guy in the middle (whose name I forgot) has the most beautiful, sparkling green eyes, and had an absolutely ripped body when I met him, although he's pretty short. He's one of the few men I've been with who've gotten me to cum from being fucked (and, being the insatiable nelly bottom that I am, I've been fucked by a LOT of men, both pro and regular, on 3 continents). He's sex on a stick! I last saw him at 117 in 2014 or 2015, I think. I definitely miss him. ***sigh***
  5. I've seen both the guy in the middle and the one on the right at Club 117, so between Tom and myself, we can vouch that all three have worked the saunas. The one on the right I keep in touch with through Facebook, but haven't seen him since 2014 or 2015, which is when he was last at 117, although that itself was after a hiatus of several years. He's trying to get me to visit Rio in June, which he says is during his birthday. Assuming that's true, I take that to mean, "please spend a lot on me because it's my birthday!"
  6. I've been to Rio some eight times in the past eight years. There's no true answer to your question, as the price will be whatever you and your man of choice agree to. If I'm not mistaken, the very prolific TomCal gets the best prices because he's so well known amongst the guys, due to his going twice or more per year for many years, and maintaining contact with his favorites even when he's back in the states. I think he told me (&/or the forum) that his guys accept like $150 or $200 reais for all-nighters, but I could be mistaken. I think I've paid in that ballpark most recently, but in my early years, before I knew better, I've paid significantly more than that. The guys know when they've got a new American or European visitor, and will try to bargain for the highest rates they can get (both per sauna session and outside) on the chance that a newbie won't know any better. So, it's good that you've done your research. Best of luck to you, and please let us know how your trip goes.
  7. It's not just debit cards. My credit card was cloned towards the end of my recent trip to Brazil. I returned to the U.S. in early August, and about 2 weeks later was alerted by my bank that close to 20 charges had been made in Rio, after I'd left Brazil. I never used my credit cards to take money from an ATM, so I suspect that some unscrupulous waitstaff or manager at one of the restaurants I used the card at cloned the card when I paid for meals. Oh well, it seems to be a sign of the times now. P.S., as someone mentioned receiving a new card with a microchip in it, my old credit card did not have a chip. The new one that was issued does. The chips are supposed to offer much improved security, and all credit and debit cards are supposed to be phasing them in now. In fact, it's pretty much standard to get a chip on all cards now, from what I understand.
  8. Just remember that the mailing back of the passport with the visa inside is not standard everywhere. Here in NYC, where I live and had to apply for the visa, the consulate does not mail them back to you, nor are there even any directions on its website pertaining to this as any kind of option. When I submitted my application and payment, I was instructed to return on a date certain with a claim ticket, and informed that if I lost the ticket, I'd have to present ID, leave it with them, and come back in a few days to pick everything up. So be sure to read the rules on the website of whichever consulate office governs your area.
  9. As an update to this thread, thought I'd let you all know that this time, I received a 10-year visa. My first visa was a 5-yr one. I didn't do anything different this time. I guess it really is a matter of individual discretion. Nice to know that I don't have to worry about this again until 2025. Cheers!
  10. Does Mikey work at the saunas in Porto Alegre, Tom? I'll be there later this month, and would like to meet him. I never could find that construction guy you mentioned. Couldn't find the soccer player or his cousin, either. Maybe I just have bad luck when I visit. :-(
  11. Thanks so much, gentlemen. I arrive on Sunday, July 19th, and cannot wait to see the wonderful men, dine out, and just enjoy myself!
  12. Wow. How on earth did this dispute even come about? I hope this thread doesn't get derailed. I look forward to going to some of the restaurants suggested here, and thanks to the posters for the recommendations. I'll be in Rio for a little over 2 weeks starting mid-July. Tomcal's restaurant sounds great to attend with one of my best friends from Los Angeles, and although I suspect it will be on the expensive side, I think it'll be worth it. Does anyone know how affordable the other restaurants are? Are they good (& feasible) to go to often with the garotos? Advice much appreciated. Thanks in advance
  13. Thanks for the recommendation. I downloaded it to my Android phone today. The reviews on the Google Play store are pretty good, so I anticipate using this a lot for my trip to Rio and Porto Alegre this July and August.
  14. I left that portion blank in the visa application I just submitted this month because I had yet to book any lodging. By the time of my appointment last week at the Brazilian consulate (here in NYC), I had booked an apartment, but could not update my application because, as Mvan1 said, everything is automated now, and the application had previously been submitted via the consulate's website. i took in a printout of my apartment reservation, along with the printout of my airline tickets, and explained to the clerk what had happened, but she returned the apartment reservation and said it was unnecessary. I hope this doesn't negatively affect my visa. By the way, contrary to what my friend Tomcal said, not all Brazilian visas are for 10 years. The website says that the duration of the visa is at the discretion of the issuing consulate. My original visa from 2008 was for only 5 years. I had a friend who told me that he received only a 2-year visa a few years back. I have no idea what length of visa I'll get this time. And contrary to what Mvan1 said, at least in NYC, it's not standard that they mail the passport and visa back to you. The clerk gave me a receipt and told me to come back on a specific date in June. So, I think the rules will vary based on the consulate. I'd love to get a 10-year visa, but would be fine with another 5-year one. I just don't want a short 1-year or 2-year one. It's a roll of the dice at this point.
  15. Sadly, as recent events have shown, this doesn't sound all that dissimilar to the U.S. :-(
  16. He's a really nice guy. Tom introduced me to him at Meio Mundo and we spoke for a bit. I'm not into twinks, so we never hooked up, but he was very nice and conversant. When I was hosting an American friend, we saw Yuri at this huge party in an abandoned old train station in Central Rio. Yuri gave me a big hug, was gracious to my friend, and we spoke for a few minutes before parting ways. Really nice guy.
  17. That's the hottest freakin Santa I've ever seen. I'd forgotten how good looking Bryce Johnson was. He was always cute in those teen-type roles from the late 90s and early to mid 2000s. But damn if he hasn't grown up to be one extremely handsome man. He's way more attractive now, IMHO.
  18. I am so glad this World Youth Journey event is over. The millions of extra people were a commuting nightmare. As I may have said in an earlier post on another thread, Rio's mass transit system simply was incapable of handling so many people, particularly when the events were concentrated in a relatively compact area that is served by only one train route. Since I'm renting an apt in Copacabana, I had the most difficult time getting out to the rest of the city during the day, and it was much worse returning home at night. Plus, the restaurants were serving only limited cuisine, and the million-plus slumber party in Copacabana on Saturday night in expectation of the Pope's Sunday morning mass (sleeping bags & port-a-potties everywhere!) just made things so hectic. I, and I'm sure many native Cariocas, particularly those living and working in Copa, am so happy this is over with. Now, back to my regularly scheduled ho-ing!
  19. Beautiful pictures. But this world youth day/journey (week-long event) is really annoying. The city's mass transit system cannot cope with all of these extra people, and the streets of Copacabana are so full that the people are flooding into the roadways, obstructing traffic. They temporarily closed down the metro system Tuesday afternoon, apparently because of the swarms of people. I can see why the regular folk are angry at being subjected to such inconvenience (much less me, as a foreigner), and being forced to foot the bill, when so many of their needs go unmet. I have no interest in what the pope says or does. But the crowds of people singing religious songs, while oblivious to the fact that they're forcing others off the sidewalk, make me want to barf.
  20. Their prices for the Ipanema property seem a bit much to me. I just looked at a week-long stay in early August (low-season), and they wanted US $150/nt for the studios and US $175/nt for the 1-bedroom suites. That'd be an okay deal for a hotel (no breakfast, but free wi-fi), but definitely more expensive than renting an apartment (although not excessively so, for Ipanema). The "no guest" policy is a deal-breaker for me. I don't often bring guests back to my place while in Rio, but I definitely enjoy the freedom to do so. I just don't tolerate such policies. That being said, mjd, the location is ideal (assuming the Ipanema metro station is reopened by your January 2014 trip), and the property looks lovely. I hope you have a wonderful time.
  21. I appreciate the clarification, Expat. However, I am properly logged in (as I have just logged in manually) and the problem remains. Very strange...
  22. @Axiom, I chose this forum category because it seems like the most popular, and it's the one I've been most frustrated by the inability to view the pictures. @msclelvr, I was and am logged in now, but still can't see the pictures. No change between iPad and laptop.
  23. I apologize if this has been discussed before, but just in the past few days, I've noticed for the first time that I cannot see most pictures that were posted in various threads. At first I thought it was because I was viewing the forum on my iPad, but I just checked on my PC laptop, and the same problem exists. When reading the threads, I can see a poster (usually one of my faves, Tomcal) describe the pictures in his post, but the pictures simply aren't there. I think when i first started reading this forum, it was hard to see pictures when you weren't logged in, but I'm logged in now and don't see them. Plus, if I recall, a non-forum member would still see the "x-ed" out boxes where the pictures would be. But all I see now is the text of the poster's words, and were it not that I remember certain threads having pictures, or that the post itself references the pictures, often identifying people or buildings and such, I wouldn't be able to tell that pictures had been there. Is this just a problem with my devices and/or my forum account, or is this a larger issue that others have experienced? Or do all of the posted pictures have an automatic expiration date, and I just never knew that? Thanks for addressing my concerns.
  24. I echo RA1's comments. I'm particularly interested in the second place reviewed. It's nice to find restaurants to dine at outside of the touristy areas. I look forward to visiting there next month.
  25. I think I remember a variation of this complaint before on this site. I have no idea how long ago people are referring to, when they complain about the "quality" of the guys deteriorating, as if it's appropriate to even speak about human beings like the meat we purchase at the market. That being said, I've been going Brazil and the saunas every year since 2008, and the guys are just as hot as they've ever been, and the diversity in the types of guys has been ever-present. Anything before 2008, I can't comment on, but if the guys were even hotter back then, ... Then damn! As ihpguy and others have said, it only takes one guy to make for an amazing evening. In that vein, I've found, rather depressingly, that I tend to meet amazing guys that I want to spend so much time with, and want to get to know so much better, towards the very end of my trips (like the last day or day before I leave). I always enjoy myself in Brazil, but I always end up thinking that I would have had an "off the charts" kind of experience, had I met that one special guy earlier, rather than in the 13th hour. Sigh...
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