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Everything posted by Gotti

  1. Disco just lost a legend:Joni Sledge. We were family.
  2. I believe the correct spelling is YAKISOBA, I think is not even that rare in the states, in NY at least is widely available and when done properly, absolutely delicious, better than the Brazilian counterpart, but don't tell that in Sao Paulo, the believe they are the soul of Japan.
  3. I believe that what makes Fernando a killer specimen ( which happens not to be the same Fernando others are talking about) is his killer physique, his boyshness, and extreme masculinity, a devilish combination. Very often he is the outstanding garoto at 117, but his aloofness is a problem for me, but I'm sure is an additional turn on for lots of people. I agree that the attractiveness of 117 boys is somewhat overated, I seldom find more than 2 or 3 boys that I would do on a crowded Tuesday night with more than 3 dozen boys available, I often find as many on a Wednesday night at Point despite they usually have only about half the number of boys. Sao Paulo's Lagoa beats'em all !
  4. Assembling 4 different almost perfect clones at the same time during a short visit to a city is a fantastic display of firepower. A force to be reckoned with!
  5. Hi Paris, as you must be aware I know the Fernando you are talking about, we discussed this about 2 years ago, and could not possibly be the same person others are referring to, no one on earth would describe your Fernando as "very friendly"! Despite being delicious and a major turn-on he is by far the most arrogant guy at 117, he takes arrogance and nastyness to another level. Yes, I would love to have him but first I would have to figure out which persona I would assume to handle the totally uncharted territory.
  6. At first I thought it was a trick (well done) with the same guy in different positions, then I started noticing the differences like the tattoo, underwear brands etc... Puzzling!
  7. Yes, I believe is valid, I have used Bookings.com in the past (not in Brazil) and it was a good experience. Is important to notice that often the booking sites have a better deal than going to the hotel website, or even calling them directly, despite the fact that obviously the hotels have to compensate the agencies. Go figure!
  8. The expansion apparently isn't helping the bottom line!
  9. So it might be true on the Atlantico case, the Hyatt in Rio use to be on the $500.00 class and up. The Atlantico caught my attention cause they were the preferred lodge for Boy Toy members since they are known to accept overnight guests without many questions. Apparently hotels are becoming cheaper than Airbnb, and all that at the peak of the summer! Such deals probably won't last too long, since some of them probably will go out-of-business.
  10. If anyone is planning a trip to Rio in the short run is a good idea to check Hotel Atlantico rates. The $250.00/$300.00 absurd nightly rates are all the way down to around $60.00, at least according to messages (unrequested!) I'm getting from bookings.com. I have no idea if there are any small prints behind it and since I'm not ready to book I can't really find out, if anyone is in the market for it is worthwhile to double check and please advise. If is true Rio's tourism is in deep trouble!
  11. The occasional sauna boy that hangs out at The Week is certainly not middle class, but they are very few and far between, when I was there the admission was $30.00 to $35.00, very high or on par with US / European standards (but the time it closed a few years back, New York Roxy, The Week's closest equivalent, was charging $20.00/$25.00 admission, I've been to both), besides that, the scene couldn't be more alien to Brazil lower classes, especially the heavy and loud techno/trance, they have lots of options on that regard, all of them massively popular in a substantial more affordable environment. No, not even Shaquira or Rick Martin are ever played there, Yes, The Week is a middle class or better yet, predominantelly upper middle class affair, anyone looking for programas will be disappointed, and at best will be perceived as a desperate misguided queen/throll.
  12. Badboy is right, it's an upscale spot and many guys there (not all), probably have more money than you!
  13. Yes it is, if you are under 30, otherwise cash might work in some cases...
  14. Hi, redxs is right, The Week had re-opened and has a party scheduled for Jan 28, great news for those into muscle boys or techno/trance music, (preferably both).
  15. I might be wrong, but as recent as 2 or 3 months ago The Week (the one in Rio) was closed by the police because of drugs (use and traffic), if it has opened since I haven't heard about it. Keep hearing about "Buraco da Lacraia", not sure if is a hustle bar, but definitely some sex activity going on (Lapa neighborhood).
  16. You are right Tom, no government agency would be concerned about diversity at saunas, but I consistently observed the establishment with bigger proportion of blacks is Meio Mundo, followed by 117 and then Point, also twinks are predominant at Meio Mundo, Buffy types at 117 that is also some mature men there doing programas, just a few to be sure, but there are hardly any elsewhere and finally whites/light skinned at Point, since the owners have no saying, garotos certainly know their turf!
  17. My experience: Wednesday has been good at Point for quite awhile. Reason: is a free suite night, several weeks ago I wrote here about how surprised I was when I realized that were 3 or 4 guys that caught my eye, which is a better average that my picky self gets in any sauna in Rio, where in the past I have left empty handed in all of them. Important: I'm not making a statement that Point is the best sauna in Rio, which is not the case, but chances are they have the best Wednesday in town. A critique: they have the best designed steam room of all, why is always so stupidly hot that nobody can stand more than 2 minutes? An observation: hardly any blacks or dark skinned garotos. How Junior gets away with this?
  18. I'd like to know more about "Green Zone", never heard of it, am I missing something that I shouldn't?
  19. I'm surprised nobody mentioned the hottest latino at Gaiety in the ealy 2000's, he was known as "JT", a knock out, another monument czech boy Nikolay and of course Jordan.
  20. Why is insulting preferir White guys and not insulting to prefer other races? Thats not well explained, also doesnt mean that I don't have a ball with hot Latin boys in Rio! Often go back and always will.
  21. You certainly didn't go till the very end, yep 25 bucks. Since the guys were dancing on stage, I call them "dancers", every pretty boi is a hustler in potential, there were more whites cause they got a lot mors tips than the non-whites ones.
  22. In the ealy eighties there were cabins in the back, but mid+ eighties it was over by mayor Kock trying to curb the AIDS epidemic I'm pretty sure it did not get to the nineties,even then only the dancers and his clients were allowed to use the cabins,a hustler could not walk from the Street and do his trade it ended at the same time of St Marks baths and all other major saunas, along some notorious back room like The Anvil and Candle Bar uptown. mid eighties was the first major shock in repression in NYC Mayor Koch did it and maybe he had to.
  23. Of course every young boy that undresses for gay man is after money, the dancers would do business for sure, but was not a place that would attracti hustlers looking for customers, first of all cause the admission was pretty steep ($25.00 ten years ago) and alcohol was not allowed or served. The buffy type were a minority, twinks and jocks were the norm, the nights they had 14 boys only one or two were non-whites, the business ended cause the Howard Johnson building was sold. I enjoy the boys at Rio and São Paulo but I think they cannot hold a candle for Gaiety top talent, maybe a questionar of taste.
  24. I've seen on this fórum my beloved Gaiety been mentioned with other venues that has absolutely nothing in common. Rounds, Steellas, Cats, the place on W 10th St that nobody seem to remember the name They were all Gay/Hustle bars while the Gaiety was a totally diferent business, it was a theater, with stage, a curtain and a Cat walk where 7 boys on week days and 14 on weekends paraded completely naked. The boys were mostly twinks and jocks, very seldon a body builder or a buffy type. Imagine young Tom Cruise or young James Franco dancing completely naked in front of you. After their act the boys would go to adjoining foyer, dressed, to interact with the customers, that could take them to a hotel nearby, nothing happened inside the Gaiety premisses, the vast majority were White and undet 25. They stayed in business for 35 years and surprisingly were not closed by Giuliani, like all hustle bar, but he imposed a draconian zoning restriction that the only other options was to go to the West Side Highway, not a good spot for a night venue, unless you cater to truck drivers. Denise realized a diferent New York had arrived so she just let it go. The woman made history, nobody that was in NYC during this long períod will ever forget, every one will remember certain boys for life knowing they will never have a chance to see something similar again. Don't even think about Rio, São Paulo or whatever. Gaiety was the greatest place!
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