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Great Changes In Rio de Janeiro
Gotti replied to ihpguy's topic in Latin America Men and Destinations
The distinction of Rio having the most expensive hotels in the world might be explained in part by the upcoming sports events but that has nothing to do with the fact of Brazil, as a country being one of the most expensive countries to live. The exorbitant prices are not restricted to Rio hotels and fancy restaurants. A recent article in the press mentioned that Brazil has the most expensive McDonalds in the world, the research was done with items common in all McDonalds like hamburgers and Big Mac meals, the junkiest food available anywhere, not fancy at all. In a recent post Tomcal mentioned that the Atlantico Hotel has not changed rooms furniture or made any renovations since 1975. Is a fact that Brazilian hotel workers make only a fraction of their American and European counterparts, so what explain the high prices? extorsion and greed that is, and a total lack of vision. If they don't invest in a world class structure when the money is flowing in, what will happen when the novelty wears thin? A major Brazilian magazine (Veja) had 2 different cover articles in the space of a few months about the insane cost of living. The most recent one mentioned a long list of products that are more expensive in Brazil than anywhere else like the iPhone ($1300), Lewys jeans ($120, the same jeans that in New York cost $35/$40) and so it goes. The international press has also written extensively about Brazilian prices. The New York Times even mentioned a $35.00 martini in a hotel , wonder which one. The huge amount of money being spent in construction jobs is not because of higly minded politicians, is a demand by the organizations that handle the Olympics and the World Cup. Contracts were signed by the Brazilian authorities commiting improvements in stadums, public transportation and things like that, otherwise Brazil would not get the events, it's not like they had a choice, and things are not going as they should. Periodically the orgnizations send inspectors to evaluate what is being accomplished and just a few weeks ago a group of inspectors from FIFA (World Cup) expressed their dismay at how slow things are going and expressed their doubts that the country might not be ready in time. To make things worse the billions being spent are marked by a well known local desease: corruption. Several finacial scandals involving the money being spent for the events have exploded in the news, the most recent one with a company that is renovating Rio's stadium and it's shadowy deals with Brasilia's authorities. Rio's governor (the same one that sign for the allocation of most funds) was recent on the cover of a major magazine for receiving improper perks from corporations and banks. In the end is just a tip of an iceberg, and how much money just dissapeared nobody will really know. There is also a lot of poverty in Rio. More than a million people still lives in shanty towns (official statistics) and you see homeless people sleeping in the streets of affluent neighborhoods, but I'm certainly diegrassing from the real reason of this section of the forum, our beloved sauna-boys! Will Brazilian prices make sex trips unnafordable? Is the quality of the boys worse than in used to be? According with some testimonies some people think that is not as good as in the past, some people thinks that it hasn't really changed. What will happen in the future if the economy expands? I wouldn't worry too much. Not all these guys are lazy fucks. Many of them already have other jobs and the saunas are just an excuse to do something they actually love: sleeping with men! -
Lagoa is a must-go destination in Sao Paulo. It has the best sauna facilities in Brazil and in some nights the best boys. On most nights I would rate the boys as comparable with Rio´s 117, with a slight edge to 117 because of the bigger number, but some nights Lagoa gets some extraordinary talent, by that I mean Abercrombie & Fitch types (yes, I´m not exagerating) that you never ever would see in Rio. Is at the most 2 or 3 in the same night but it does happen and is not that rare. But there is a catch: lot´s of attitude, they basically stay at a certain corner and only talk to other gorgeous boys or good clients they already know. Don´t bother trying to make eye contact because they only look at people they already know or have some kind of lead. For a unknown person at the place maybe an expensive bar tab at the tables would attract them, but is just speculation cause I don´t have this kind of money. Do not assume that being a "gringo" holds any kind of appeal. The years of "gringos" fascination is long gone, nowadays "gringos" are perceived as the guys who try to pay less! How much they charge I don´t know either, never been with any of them ( by that I mean the drop-dead gorgeous ones) but I guess if they charge R$300,00 some people would pay just for their looks. The regular guys are on the R$80.00/R$100.00 range. Another special feature of these beauties is that, unlike the other ones, they almost always wear street clothes, probably believing that towels is beneath them. Lagoa is also the most expensive sauna in Brazil. Admission is R$50.00 Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays and R$40.00 the other nights. The suite that in Rio is R$25.00 they charge R$40.00. The best night is by far Fridays. Wednesday is also good occasionally. The boys also pay more to work at Lagoa. They charge R$15.00 to the boys while other saunas charge R$10.00. The owner is known to have a soft spot for the pretty boys and they don´t pay to get in. The other supposedly good sauna with boys in Sao Paulo is Fragata. Only been there once. The facilities are well below Lagoa´s and the good night is Saturdays (every other Saturday is disco night). Night I went was Sunday and it was just so-so. There is another sauna with boys called Labirinthus, never been there, just heard about mostly negative remarks, like uncleaniness and shabby facilities. Maybe is São Paulo´s Meio-Mundo.
The subject of this tread is Channing Tatum and I need to see Channing Tatum naked, full Monty, him and Ryan Reynolds, please!
Hi Tom I have a question about boys at hustle bars in Porto Alegre, a city I have never been but look forward to. You mentioned that there are "bedrooms" at the bars which I assume are backrooms (please correct me if I'm wrong). How much these hot boys charge for a quick activity in the back and what kind of activity we can expect.
This photo was taken at Le Boy Fitness a sauna connected to a disco ( Le Boy) that supposedly do not allow working boys. Go figure!
Would be of great help if you could supply the names of the guys you meet, so we could look for them when we get to the place. Would you have the names of the guys you met at 117?
Thanks for the info. Beautiful smooth masculine ass, I'll have it!
Great to find somebody who has met him, since I was quite impressed. With me he claimed to be top only. Did you have a different experience ?
Adorable guy, his name is Kelvin. These photos were taken at least a couple years ago, unfortunately heis a lot buffer nowadays, doesn't work at 117 anymore but does service certain clients on call basis.
When I wrote "most seen everywhere" I did not mean most people are circumcised, what I meant was that circumcised penis are the ones that are more reproduced in drawings, illustrations, published photographs, porn movies, even bathroom stalls, so they are perceived as more aesthetically pleasant. If an uncut guy try to get hired for a porn movie or a photo shoot his chances are pretty slim. Why? because that's not what most people want to see. The vast majority prefers to look at a circumcised penis, this is what sells. Can this be denied? And more embarassing even in the regions of the world where circumcision is not the norm (the regions mentioned in a previous post) the imagery of a circumcised penis is the prevalent one.
Circumcised penis is the iconic penis. Is the one seen everywhere, when a penis is drawn or illustrated anywhere is always circumcised, so there must be an aesthetic reason for that. The vast majority of people that cares for penis fancy a circumcised one. Uncut IMHO is boring and un-sexy.
Andrea True the singer of Disco era biggest song-"More, More, More" has passed away in New York. She was 68 and no cause was given.
John Lennon in the sixties spent one entire week in Spain with Brian Epstein (the Beatles manager who was gay) , only the 2 of them together. At the time it raised quite a few eyebrows in Liverpool, but since then has been forgotten. IMHO Wings was a pretty good pop band and Paul McCartney album Band On The Run is the best solo album released by a Beatle member and is considered by many critics as a classic.
If anyone is thinking about not seeing Spiderman on Broadway due to the poor reviews, the photo below probably will make everyone run to secure front row tickets. The boy is hot, the outfit very cooperative, and he got the package.
Hi,I don't mind sharing at all. I did in NYC in the late eighties in a doctor's office with him and a nurse. Local anesthesia. The whole thing lasted for less than an hour, after resting for an additional half hour I was sent home with a painkiller prescription. I did not feel any pain during the procedure, the pain came later, but was acceptable, the prescription took good care of it. I did not have to return to the doctors office cause he used one of those organic threads that comes off by itsef a week or so later. I only miss work one day after although I would suggest a couple more days off for comfort. About 2 weeks without sex and that' it. Nowadays things might have changed for the better. For one thing I would Google the doctor which it was not possible in the eighties,although nothing bad happened to me. And from a personal perspective I have no doubt that people prefers circumcised dicks specially in places where you expose yourself like gyms, saunas, nude beaches, dark-rooms etc. The circumcised dick is unquestionably iconic. My point with the thread is aesthetes should have a voice in the matter especially gays and women, the ones that wil suffer diminished pleasure (the majority that prefers cut) but unfortunately they will only listen to bureaucrats that should know better but will pretend they don't want to, and mothers that are no longer in the market.
San Francisco is about to put in a ballot the legality of parents to circumcise young boys. There are lots of arguments concerning religion traditions, suffering (some doctors believe causes trauma on the infants,some say the pain is negligible), AIDS prevention, ethnic/racial costumes and others. Althought legitimate concerns, none of that is what we want to discuss here, the traditional media is taking care of that, what they are ignoring is the aesthetics of a cimcumcised penis. I believe the vast majority of people prefers to look at circumcised dicks. Women, gays and yes even straight guys favor cut dicks, seems to be sorta easy in the eyes. The porn industry, both straight and gay, overwhelming hires circumcised guys, even in regions where uncuts are a majority (Europe, South America). When we see naked guys in erotic art in galleries, books, films, modeling, the circumcised guys have a huge edge In getting the gig. In my opinion is akin to the clear eyes/ dark eyes situation: the majority of people prefer to look at green / blue eyes instead of dark eyes,is in advertising, movies, showbiz etc. which does not mean that their significant other has to fit the bill. I myself got circumcised in my late twenties and through my life have loved both types. I just wish future generations are not deprived of admiring and experiencing an iconic view of male sexuality.
A couple of Brazilian saunas recently increased the admission fees. São Paulo´s Lagoa is now R$40.00 weekdays, R$50.00 weekends. Rio´s Point 202 is now R$40.00 every day of the week (up from R$35.00). Club 117 so far remains the same (R$35.00 every day). The dollar in the meantime keeps going down: R$1.64 is the latest quote. Point 202 at least has some facility improvements: A new bar-lounge on the third floor with a smokers section. The bar is actually bigger and better than the one on the main floor and is a nice spot to relax and talk with the boys. Been there recently and I think the new lounge is helping the improve the vibe of the place. Hopefully it will attract more talent, which 202 badly needs. Lagoa has more bad news: Boys also have to pay more to work there, now they charge them R$15.00 to get in (before was R$10.00-a 50% increase!) which probably will make them increase their fees as well. Been there on a Thursday night, 1 week before Carnival and it was a so-so night. What hasn´t changed: The hottest boys still have that unbearable "Lagoa´s attitude".
Although I'm not by any means loaded, IMHO Tomcal's Breno is well worth more than that, if he delivers, that is. I thought that I will never say that but Meio Mundo occasionally gets it's share of greatness,apparently.
I totally agree, been 3 times at Fragata and never scored, but what really puzzles me is Meio Mundo: the guys there might fit some specialty tastes but the facilities are very bad and unsafe (healthwise). Can't believe people have sex in matresses used by others without a sheet!
Kindly let us know in which sauna Breno hangs out.
Correction: I mean to say all 3 of them are cut, circumcised, sorry for the mishap.
the last guy on the pictures,(the uncensored one), has one of 117's 3 best dicks. I'm talking about beauty, not size. I've seen somewhere on the forum somebody asking if it was easy to find uncut dicks in Rio. Is not that common but this guy is one of them. I believe his name is Marcelo. The other top dicks at 117 are Ferraz (the #1 and in my opinion the best dick in Rio!) and Diego, a relatively new comer, that is also the best erection in the house. All 3 of them are uncut.