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Everything posted by Gotti

  1. Sorri, just post this in The wrong thead, should be o Saunas best nights.
  2. Tomcal do you mind elaborating a little on Your SAT night, especially The Lagoa portion of it? Lagoa is my favorite place and I'm a sucker (oops) for any occurence on their premisses. Also I've notice you are placicg Poointe good nights on the same level as 117 and Meio Mundo, is that for real? If it is God Bless Brazil.
  3. Thanks Tomcal for printing this landmark dialog he had with a sauna boy. When a john (like us) gives money to have access to something that by the order of nature he could not possibly get, does that makes him better? When you are on your knees in front of 3 naked boys, half your age, are you absolutely positive about your moral superiority?
  4. One word about Point: on my last Rio stay I did not go there but I also heard it's getting better, likely due to free suites on Mondays and Wednesdays,which are the days to go. Finnally Junior did something right, he must be out of drugs, hopefully he will soon realize he is nota on show-busimess.
  5. The brunette if I'm not mistaken is The one you've picked at Point, please correct me if I'm wrong. I must have him! He looks a little bit (actually a lot) like Kennedy Jr (an ongoing crush of mine), when he was at that age. It will be a Hitckock (like Vertigo) moment. Obsession. Would you be kind enough to let us know his name?
  6. Tomcal your "Drifting in Rio" narrative is absolutely fascinating, a worthy follow-up to the Porto Alegre romp (a city that you put on the map). Keep'em coming!
  7. Wow! You've changed your opinion quite drastically, just after reading a post, maybe you're right, forget about "male whores" and work on your personalitty instead.
  8. I did my best to stay away from this but there is an important aspect that hás not been covered yet:YOU! Are you too fat? You gonna be charged more. Are you too old? You are gonna be charged more. Are you unreasonable sloppy, repugnant ? You are gonna be charged more. Are you unreasonable ugly? You gonna be charged more. What about The color of your skin? It my be an issue for certain boys, and you gonna be charged accordingly. Of course the boys in low demand will overlook all that, The boys in average demand are the ones who will hike The prices and the boys in very high demand will tell you they already havê a customer.
  9. It's important to point out that although Lagoa does not have air conditioning in the common areas, it does have at the suites. So as long as you are fooling around, you are safe.
  10. I'm positive that about a year ago they had signs on the entrance mentioning the R$ 35,00 thing, and was not only on Mondays, however I canno't guarantee it was a year'round promotion, or just during certain slow periods, if you or someonelse is going to Lagoa at this time it would be relevant to double check on this since a lot of people would be tempted on a nearly 50% discount. Regarding the big cock freebie, in the past when Lagoa was a partnership, the benefit also applied to pretty boys (by the way, I was not aware Edgard had passed). Maybe the new sole owner is more strict (and hungry!).
  11. The discount on Mondays (cash X crédit cards) is around at Lagoa for about a year, since the last time I was there, although I believe at the time there were a couple of other nights as well, but even if is restricted to Mondays, is a smart way to energize an usual dead night. Suggestion to all sauna owners: Give free entrance to boys that manage to get 3 or more customers the last time they were working, the most attractive boys would be around more often and so would customers!
  12. Saw Your honey 2 weeks ago, After a year (thats how long I haven't b3en to 117 . He became a muscle man, doesn't look good on him, since he is far from being tall, looks out of proportiom. No longer The Adonis admired by all of us, but who knows, you might like it
  13. It's becoming awfully expensive for the locals, easily a R$200 a night (that is, if you are lucky enough to find a R$ 100,00 boy and stick to just one) at the moment is good for foreiners, but when the season is over Monik will spend money to open most nights, in the meantime The drag shows keep going Luke there is no tomorrow Infuriating havê to spend more money or go less times to support a bunch of minnimally talented "entertainers"
  14. Onde thing I forgot to add about the tale of 2 saunas (in SP). The other and most iportant onde ,LAGOA, trancends the sauna concept it is more like a demi-monde situation. By that I mean, The extraordinary looking guys that you see over there on occasion don' really go up with customers, They are there fully clothed, shirtless at best, are looking for a steady situation, if they don't make eye contact with you (they probably won't), all it means is that they don't think you are sugar daddy material.The bulk of fashion industry in Brasil is located in SP, agencies, magazines, designers,models etc. Demi-monde is no only accepted, but expected.
  15. Gap1972, you are doing an outstanding job of putting São Paulo back in the map, it's been Years since a member spents time in the city and reports accordingly. It seems that the city hás also become a tale of 2 saunas, with the subway making Fragata viable again. It will make a lot easier for the boys and the customers and a new reality may arise, if the owner figures he is in the sex business instead of show business and invest the coming income on the boys and not on drag queens! What about, the boy that goes up with a client 3 times or more gets in free next time,The attractive boys gonna love it, they will be back and customers will also approve. But anyway, since you seem to know Fragata really well, is it true that they allow women? Havê you seen any? Are they there to get the boys (commpetition!) or are they prostitutes offering an option to bissexuals? I saw one once (2years ago) thinking it was a TV, but certainly wasn't People who told me are positive about it, I'm trying to figure out the score. Thanks for Your insight!
  16. Hi Tom, according with the financial press the Real is at The lowest rate towards The dollar in TEN years! Congratulations for your impressive harem. The 4th, and The onde apparently called Jefferson are absoluta knock outs, BeT most of them are from Porto Alegre, probably with the recente Real devaluation the city with the best cuteness for dollar ratio in The world!
  17. ... And the stupid drag queens! It's not unusual a show with 4 drags, dressed to The nines, with wigs and elabotated make-up, doing 2 songs each with a DJ and occasionally with a specially designd scenery! OK, This ain't no Vegas production, but it does cost money, nobody works for free, This money should go for The boys, nobody goes there to see The drags, all that frquently to a semi-empty place! I remember one time at Point there was more people on stage than in The audience! And they even spend money with advertising, totally focused, you guessed, on The drags! Boys are just an after-thought. I understand a situation where a drag would be hired to MC a bingo or a Karaoke (urghh), but for some reason The owners of these places (both in Rio and SP) feel empowered by having lots of drags in The payroll. This non-sense makes them having to increase The price of admission for both boys and customers while The places are getting empty, but you would't guess it if you look at The stage.
  18. 117 charges R$ 20,00 on tuesdays and Fridays,and Saturdays, R$15,00 The other nighs, they tried R$20,00 all nights but did not fly. For The best of my knowledge Lagoa is charging R$15,00 for at least a year and a half, way before The new owner. Point 202 charges 15,00 but pretty boys that happen to be barely legal and white don't pay anything if they are willing to sleep with Junior, boys from out of state that fit the bill can sleep and Live on The premises, until Junior gets tired of them. I Was in Rio when Monik (117) jacked The prices and The place took a sudden beating, no more hour (or more) to get a room on a tuesday, and semi-dead The other nights, I even wrote about it here. I haven't been there in a Year, but taking from post by others, including The latest Tomcal, Monik hás not learned her lesson.
  19. It' about to explode in national news stuff happening in Sayerville,NJ where members of the high school football team (15 to 17 y.o.) regularly digitally penetrate the younger members of the team in front of others in the locker room under the excuse of "hazing". Unlike regular hazing rituals that happen at the beginning of the seasom, this is a regular practice, when the game end and the players hit the locker room, lights are dimmed, members of the team held the younger ones on the floor by his arms and legs, get their shorts removed and the seniors jump on the scène fingering their asses, and occasionally more. The New York Times was the first to relate the fact, and they are so repressed that nobody can figure out was going on, I had to gather other news sources to put things together, the reporting is so ridículos that people in the comment section begs them to explain whats really happening. The practice is supposedly widespread in schools in the country and unfortunatelly the implications will be swept under the rug by the mainstream " liberal" media that will focus on their favorite topic: Men are monsters, only the women and the female spirit should prevail, while the real subtext of this story is:men enjoy sex with other men, including the powerful ones, the ones that are calling the cards. We are talking about the alpha male of our society, the ones everyone looks up to as a symbol of masculity, the ones that could score any cheerleader they want but in the darkness of the locker room, under the excuse of "hazing" some inner instincts come afloat and...the greeks knew about it millenials ago. Hopefully the gay media will know (for a change) how to explore the situation, instead of having orgasms with the latest wedding in Idaho, they are in front of some huge game-changing truth and probably won't event figure it out, losing a one in a lifetime opportunity to prove a point that is a reason of its existente and responsible for much of its suffering The mainstream media will have a field day with the rape side of it and totally ignore the human nature aspect they don' t wanna face. In the meantime, in middle America, some queen is probably thinking "if only I could pass for a young jock..."
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