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and thanks for the memories...
I believe some clarification is necessáry regading my recent posts: I was trying to let somebody that seems unfamiliar to Brazilian saunas that the gorgeous guys seen in pictures are very unlikely to Walk around stark naked with a hard-on and even the guys that do it would never agree to a blow Job in plain view. Some people that has never been to Brazil fantasyzes is a place where everything goes and is not exactly, some stuff is just unnaceptable. Regarding the atractiveness of sleaze boys, if they look attractive to you it's all that matters, who cares what the majority thinks? The important thing is getting the one you expect will give you a good time. Regarding the sleaziness depending on each one fantasy, that's exactly the Point, right? So if is your case just get the public wanker, Take him to a suite and have a ball, nothing wrong with it. Regarding boys wearing a brief I totally agree, they most likely have a small Dick, although they are not necesserally snotty, in many cases they know their dicks are not their main selling point and they try to avoid nixing a deal right up front. In my case if I don't see it even in a quick flash is a total deal breaker, I don't care how attractive the guy is. I believe the customer is entitled to see the product he is paying for. Regarding the chit-chat for me is totally part of the experience. The sound of the voice of the guy I fancy is the sound of heaven.
So we partially agree, the "top of the line" boys are never seen doin'g the sleaze stuff, but I insist that at Lagoa there is a "dressed sauna boys" scene that are never seen wearing towells.
Sorry, but we have to disagree on that, I really don't see the top-notch boys masturbating around or walking around naked with a hard-on just because they don't have to. The few ones that do it are always the same ones, usually well-endowed, and they do it cause is their only Point of attraction, if they did not show it nobody would bother, and still only certain people cares. I do not know the level of your Portuguese but I talk with a lot of those guys and the fact that society (we) perceive them as a bunch of low-lifes that have to sell their bodies to make a living does bother a lot of them, specially the ones that do it cause there is no other alternative, so they like to show a sense of self-worth to their peers and to the customers that know them by name. In São Paulo's Lagoa, the sense of hierarchy reachs the verge of absurd where the top boys just wear street-clothes, towels are beneath them, they stick around in little cliques, just talk among themselves and to be seen walking around on anything but designer outfits means an outsider status forever. To make things worse not every boy in street clothes are actually attractive, some just like to pretend and sell this imagem to the customers and to be admitted in the in-crowd. Is a known fact that the once popular night "boys nus", " naked boys" at 117 had to come to an end because only attracted the most undesirable boys, check around, is part o the annals of Rio's sauna scene culture. Similar night at Meio Mundo (actually a "towell optional" night) came to an end very likely de to the fact that was a vision from hell. Finally calling as "timids" the ones that don't Walk around naked and masturbate in plain view is descrinbing as such a good 90% % or more of the boys, even some unnatractive ones that have a sense of self-respect.
There is an unbelievable sense of hierarchy among sauna boys. A boy seeing masturbating in public or walking around naked with a hard-on is telling to his colleagues he is cheap and ain't worth much and is perceived as such by the regular customers, so only the most undesirable ones go to these extremes, hoping they can catch an eventual size queen. Seeing a guy stark naked standing around is not a common sight, specially the upper half. Regarding a blow Job in the social areas I have never seen despite beeing dozen of times at the saunas and I believe would not be toleranted, even at a steam room would be extremely unusual and would make the other customers unconfortable, I've seen a couple times very discreetly and the room was nearly empty with people walking away as soon as they open the steam door. That would not be toleranted either by the management. These practices would be better off at at some sex clubs with everybody naked (mandatory, no clothes allowed), there are several in both Rio (clube do ape) and São Paulo (RG Bar, Clube dos Pauzudos).
Lagoa - Sao Paulo - packed (cheio)
Gotti replied to mvan1's topic in Latin America Men and Destinations
As usual Tomcal has the perfect insight on all things Brazilian. If you like pretty boys (muscular or not) Lagoa is the place to be, boys that you don't see in any Rio sauna. Lots of attitude,should be added and Rio boys are warmer, other than that Lagoa all the way. Full disclosure: I was not there THAT night. -
Lagoa - Sao Paulo - packed (cheio)
Gotti replied to mvan1's topic in Latin America Men and Destinations
As usual Tomcal has the perfect insight on all things Brazilian. If you like pretty boys (muscular or not) Lagoa is the place to be, boys that you don't see in any Rio sauna. Lots of attitude,should be added and Rio boys are warmer, other than that Lagoa all the way. Full disclosure: I was not there THAT night. -
Lagoa - Sao Paulo - packed (cheio)
Gotti replied to mvan1's topic in Latin America Men and Destinations
One of the first transgender stars in America , Andy Warhol's Holly Woodlawn has just died from cancer in a L.A. hospital. Subject of Lou Reed's classic "Take a Walk on the Wildside" she starred with Joe D'Allesandro in "Trash" and several other Warhol/Factory movies. América loses one of it's first gay-underground icons. Rest in Peace.
Although there are no "hustler bars" in Rio, there is a place where is possible to meet working boys. Is a gay disco called "Le Boy", located in Copacabana. It's a regular gay disco but is where some of the finest guys in Rio go looking for some money. It's not a prostitution place per se. It opens at 11 PM and stays open until 5 AM, is huge, several hundred people, maybe a thousand at full capacity and some of the best hustlers in town, put any sauna boy to shame. One important thing to know about Rio/Brazil: is a TV country, the only way to be famous in Brazil is to be a soccer star (before they leave to Europe) or a soap-opera star, if one is a pretty boy only the last option applies. What that has to do with this discussion? If one is pretty, does not have any skills and want a career on TV he cannot work on a sauna or have a picture on a web-site, that is why no drop-dead gorgeous guys can be found at the saunas, if he becomes famous everybody will know of his past and a prostitution background is a major no-no,so where he goes when he still trying and is short in cash? He goes to "Le Boy"! Hundreds of people are there just to have fun, not every good-looking boy is a prostitute, so how do you know? You stare at someone that catches your fancy and he if he stares back at you,and is out of your league, he is a prostitute! Is true that some language skills are helpful, is not in-your-face like a sauna, some of the guys do speak some English and you can even have a test-drive! There is a back-room where a blow-job is a regular occurence and if you really like what you got, you don't have to take him to your place, there is a sauna upstairs with rooms, steam room and everything else. Important: The sauna despite being in the same location of the disco works as a stand-alone bath without working boys. Do not bypass the disco and go to the stand-alone sauna (called "Le Boy Fitness") looking for working boys cause there isn't any. You have to do your chase at the disco! Important about "Le Boy": Although is open 11 PM to 5 AM the back room only opens at 3 AM, do not expect using before, they are smart enough to know is the main attraction and they want you to wait, hopefully drinking! If you are at the disco, the admission to the sauna upstairs is free. On Tuesdays is strip-nights with strippers totally naked (I've only been once on a Tuesday, the strippers not of my liking, just buffy types, no twinks). The admission costs R$15-R$30 reais, depends on the night of the week, Women are admitted but pay more than men, ain't that nice? Local celebrities with a taste for the demi-monde can be seen regularly, occasionally some international one when in town (Rihanna, Naomi). If you are over 35 or 40 at best, do not expect to like the music (techno/trance). The sauna (again: "Le Boy Fitness") opens at 3 PM and stays open until 5 AM. In a good night you will find boys way above what you see at the saunas/web-sites but expect to pay substantially more (R$300 reais and up). Is also convenient for an occasional blow-job very late at night (R$100 reais or so) and you will not regret it. Best nights: weekends including Sundays. During the week Tuesdays is the best nights for hustlers, although not a sure bet.
Sao Paulo - Bar Fama (show and hustler bar)
Gotti replied to mvan1's topic in Latin America Men and Destinations
There is an important feature at Bar Fama that should be mentioned here: There is an area in the back where hustlers lean on and pull out their dicks for anyone interested in oral sex, with a fee of course. Is an area that you have to walk around looking for it, you don't see it if you are having a drink at the bar or watching a show, but is not a regular back room where anyone interested in sex hang out, is for hustlers and their clients. As far as I know there are no rooms for rent, the only sex activity are blow jobs provided by hustlers. I was at the Fama 3 times, one was pretty much dead and it was way after midnight, the other 2 were busy, there is a curtain at the entrance and you can take a peek before you pay the admission. The working boys are quite interesting, both times I got in there were 10-15 boys, a couple you see at saunas and several that you do not, the types that stop by to get some change for the weekend and do not do prostitution regularly. The fees are in the R$30/R$50,00 range, $7 to $12 dollars, depending how attractive they are. The bar was closed for several months a while ago for allowing minors inside but since re-opened does not seem to have any additional problems. Customers have to use some discretion on who they choose, the bar is located in the Arouche neighborhood, sort of gay bas-fond of Sao Paulo, some street walkers do stop by and should be avoided unless you are into the real wild side. Very convenient for foreigners since the only conversation between hustlers and customers is regarding the fees, after agreed upon, just get on your knees. -
I forgot to add: I país about 30 to 35% less, according with the local (first time in Baltimore).
I'm surprised with Tomcal post, with my understanding Uber was stupidly banned all over Brazil. The last time I was in SP cabdrivers were paralizing the transit all over town, good to know that good sense prevailed at the end. I'm currently in Baltimore and used Uber for the first time this past week,good quality cars and drivers and is fascinating watch on your phone as the car approaches. That's what can be called "killer application", soon in the tourism business to ban Uber will be a liability, looking forward to use it again in NY next week.
Not true at all, apart from the latest Junior/new sauna move, the number of sauna-with-boys in Rio is decreasing, old timers know that 5 or 6 years ago there were more options, same with Sao Paulo. Besides, the demise of a major player, if it happens, will show that this line of business is not for the faint of heart. Regarding the 117 Tuesdays , the lack of must -go night is bad for everybody and harder for out-of-towners that will have less chance to score an occasional decent night by trial.
An extended price war usually ends with the demise of the weakest, if it happens we will have less options,and is not a good omen for a shady line of business that caters to a minority. Besides, the heavenly Tuesday nights, the night we would spend the price of admission knowing that the best talent would be there, will lose it's appeal, which means we would not go out knowing we would score.
The mighty 117 throws the towell and lets the world to know: It's desperate! The free suítes are no longer tuesdays only, now includes wednesday, tuesdays, fridays and saturdays! The competition (Point 202) untill now hás only similar offer only wednesday and saturday but certainly will have to act. Stupid price war by stupid owners, they will both lose, without ever figuring out that hot boys is what matters at bath houses. Time to bring back the naked boys nights! Any info if anything similar is happening in São Paulo would be greatly appreciated.
Free suítes at 117...on a Saturday!
Gotti replied to Gotti's topic in Latin America Men and Destinations
Hi Tom, last time I saw loverboy was the night before new years eve, last time I was at 117. Not a night to remember. Guess you miss him too, Who would't... -
Free suítes at 117...on a Saturday!
Gotti replied to Gotti's topic in Latin America Men and Destinations
Stop the presses!!! I have just learned Point 202 coounter-attacked offering identical freebie on the same date! It's WAR!!!Book your flights, it might not last long, neither the promos or the places. Scary! -
117 is announcing free suítes this coming Saturday 08/15. According to a friend that lives in Brazil full time it never happened before any other day besides tuesdays much less during the weekend. If anyone had any doubt Brazil is in a deep recession, Monik just made it official!
So, the guys at Meio Mundo had money in the bank! Who Knew?! Despite having money enough to buy a better business they never spent a penny on their own business, Just to enumerate a few to those who have never been there-for at least a decade hot water ( a essential on any sauna establishment) was only available in a single shower, the last time I was there, 7 months ago, all toilets were "out of order" on the ground floor at the same time! and let's not talk about the one-person-at-a-time spiral staircases in the back, but let's say all is forgiven, it's a new beggining and let's hope the rather nice 202 won't fall in desrepair in just a few months. How about some innovation, like bringing back the "boys nus" night ("naked boys). I know, the hot boys were never fond of the event at both 117 or Meio Mundo, they feel it showed too much to everybody, but what about something more tame like a "sarong night" once a week, aren't we all tired of the godamm towels all the time? This way the good boys would feel confortable and the bad boys would have lots of possibilities making the customers very happy. Hopefully this and other ideas will be considered. In the meantime congratulations to Tomcal for the scoop of the year on the sauna business in Rio, or maybe the biggest scoop ever!
Possibly Kelvin?
Around a year ago Brazil and United States made an agreement that visas for citizens of both countries would be valid for 10 years instead of 5. Of course this was not considered worthy news by American media but for obvious reasons was a big deal in Brazil, so anyone that request a visa nowadays gets 10 years (or nothing).
A few months ago, Tomcal, this site extraordinary curator, introduced us all to his then boy-du-jour Alex Surfer-Boy to overwhelming acclaim. I recall some members begging for his contact, others inquiring the days he could be found at Point 202 and so on. It didn't last long because Tomcal, to overwhelming disappointment inform us all that surfer-boy could no longer be found at the saunas. Well, it happens that I found out of his whereabouts, and yes, you still can have him! He is alive and well and surfing (so to speak) in Sao Paulo, just click the link below and book your flight. (if it the link does not work just copy and paste on your browser). http://www.malicia.com.br/free/acompanhantes/freeguys/show_guys.php?id=6789&cidade=1&descr=0&ordem=1&pagina=2 No, I did not meet him (yet), I was just perusing on my favourite rent-boy Brazilian site "Malicia" and there he was, since I check on their site on a regular basis, I'm positive this is a fairly recent development, by the way, on the site he claims he is active only, don't know about that, I believe only Tomcal knows the truth. In case you are a veteran of the sauna scene (6 or 7 years) in Rio, you probably are also familiar with another (delicious) garoto currently on the Malicia stable, a guy called "Peterson", this one I've had many times, he also claims he is also "ativo" and it might be true (I've tried). He dissapeared from the saunas in Rio a few years ago, until last year I bumped into him at Lagoa. On Malicia site he usues a different name, "Smith", Very boyish, a little on the uptight side, but does not disappoint, done repeat business with him and hopefully will do it again. Here is his page: http://www.malicia.com.br/free/acompanhantes/freeguys/show_guys.php?id=7206&cidade=1&descr=0&ordem=1&pagina=9 Both garotos have a phone number listed on the site, so if you are a little proficient in Portuguese arrangements can be made right away, just add Brazil area code (55) before the #. Good luck!
So the sauna owners are trying to cut costs. Hopefully the useless drag-queens are the first ones to go!