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Everything posted by EZEtoGRU

  1. Carlson is a sleazeball. He was perfect for FOX. Lemon is just a light-weight journalist not really up to the job he had. They should have had lemon covering entertainment/celebrity stories instead of real news. Chris Cuomo was a much better journalist…and much smarter than Lemon.
  2. Why would there be a hush-money $30k payoff to a doorman at Trump Tower for a story that wasn't true?
  3. One of the hush-money payments that was made was $30,000 to a Trump Tower doorman who allegedly had information of Trump having an illegitimate child out of wedlock. Is there a bastard Trump child somewhere? Did we hear about this before? https://www.cnbc.com/2023/04/04/-donald-trump-unsealed-indictment-ny-arraingment.html
  4. LOL. She still forgets that was Michele Obama's "saying" which the Trump team stole and pretended they were Malanie's words. So funny!!
  5. Trump just entered the NYC courthouse. He is now in custody and officially under arrest🎉 Woo Hoo!!!
  6. Manhattan Grand Jury votes to indict Trump. WooHoo!!! I can't wait to see the perp walk and the mugshot! https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/30/politics/donald-trump-indictment/index.html
  7. I agree. He must be charged in all these cases...large and small. I also agree with the other poster expressing dismay that it is taking so much time for all the various charges to be brought against Trump formally. I need to see him in an orange jumpsuit before he dies!
  8. Under DeSantis, the state of Florida has taken over the governance of the property on which Disneyworld resides. The state has appointed the board of directors who are decidedly rightwing. They have promised "big changes" in the coming months. Given DeSantis' frequent pandering to extremist rightwingers, what can we expect? Will Disney's "gay days" continue? This story is worth following. Be prepared to change your travel plans from Disneyworld Florida to Disneyland in California. https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/disney-world-board-picked-desantis-180343763.html
  9. I answered this question on the other politics forum (now closed) and I'll answer again here. I believe Biden should not run given his age. However, if he does run and becomes the Dem nominee I will enthusiastically vote for him. Echoing another posters comment, I see no potential republican candidates out there that have the chance of earning my vote. Trump? Forgetaboutit! DeSantis? Too anti-gay/anti-black to be considered. Anyone previously associated with Trump in his administration (think Pence, Haley, Pompeo, et al)? I would never consider them due to the very poor judgement they exhibited in deciding to work for Trump. They will be forever tainted. Anyone that has ever praised Trump during his presidency is tainted goods as well as far as I am concerned. That takes people like Cruz and Rubio out of the running. Kasich and Jeb Bush seem relatively normal for Republicans but I don't see either of them running. As far as Plan B for the Dems? I do like Elizabeth Warren, Pete, Klobuchar & Gavin. Not big on Harris though. Trump winning the Republican nomination would be a godsend for the Dems. Literally any Dem nominee would beat Trump easily.
  10. It's been some years since I stayed there but it certainly was not a dump. As TotallyOz said, the rooms are on the small side. Service and food are excellent. I love it's location.
  11. Donald Trump was the president
  12. So sad to hear this. Whilst I never made it to the new Fragata, I did visit the old Fragata many times...particularly when I lived in Sao Paulo from 2005-2007. It was always somewhat inferior to Lagoa but was a more friendly place. Also it was relatively close to where I lived so I could walk from my apartment to the sauna in 25 minutes. RIP Fragata.
  13. I think it is far too soon to judge how well or poorly the exit from Afghanistan was handled. It's still going on as we speak so we need to let it play out. We (the public) don't know all the facts yet surrounding this exit mission. How much wiggle room did Biden actually have from the deal Trump negotiated with the Taliban? Trump himself said in a speech this year something along the lines of having boxed in the Biden administration on getting out of Afghanistan. He openly boasted that was the case. In the fullness of time, we can make a judgement about how things have been handled during the exit (given the constraints of the pre-set agreement with the Taliban). For now, everyone involved needs to be focused on making the rest of the exit as successful as possible and minimizing further loss of life. I am all for accountability. If the exit is fairly judged to have been handled poorly, let's hold the appropriate people responsible. If people need to resign or lose their jobs...so be it.
  14. I don't really understand the connection between the confiscation of sex toys in Thailand with whether size matters or not to people. Perhaps I'm missing something. That being said, in answer to your question: Yes size matters to many of us😁.
  15. Biden had no choice but to leave. He was boxed in by the Trump/Taliban deal and had to proceed. Also, leaving is the right thing to do. Twenty years was more than enough time to learn we couldn't actually change the local culture and have a lasting impact (duh??). It is and will continue to be messy as we exit. The images are ugly and could get worse. The potential for substantial loss of life (of Americans and foreigners) still exists over the coming weeks as our exit proceeds. It is pretty much dependent on how the Taliban acts as people try and get out. I am given to understand that many Americans and allies in the country are still not located at the airport. Will they all be able to get to the airport for safe passage out? Probably not all of them. The price we pay as we exit should be a lesson to all future leaders of the cost (in human lives) of wars and limitations that wars actually have. I support Biden's decision to exit Afghanistan (working within the timing framework set by Trump). Staying on and fighting would be pouring good money after bad there with zero chance of success. I hope the further loss of life will be minimal. I fear it won't. Oh...and let's stop pretending we can export democracy to far-flung countries that we know little about. Democracy hardly functions in the USA. You can forget about it in Afghanistan.
  16. I read yesterday that COVID cases have been increasing all across Greece...including on many of the Greek Islands. it's possible some areas of Greece could go back into code red shutdown again....or at least severe restrictions. If you're planning on going there soon, be sure to check up on the latest pubic health information.
  17. Does it really matter? The company (the family?) pushes their religious views on the public via the days they choose to operate (No Chik-Fil-A on Sundays or some holidays) and the causes they choose to donate to. I don't want to spend a dime at a company that is driven by extreme religious beliefs which include hating on the gays. It's a free country and you can do what you like but you really should have your gay card revoked. I have zero respect for any gay person that spends money at Chik-Fil-A knowing full well that they have demonstrated time and time again that they do not accept homosexuality. It seems that "Pray away the gay" is their secret company motto. It's very clear that "Black Lives Matter" to you but gay lives do not. Sad. Get educated.
  18. Chik-Fil-A has supported anti-gay marriage AND pro-gay conversion therapy causes as recently as 2018. As you say, they claim to have changed...but for me anyone that was supporting those type of positions still in 2018 is hateful and unaccepting of the gay community. Normally those sorts of extreme positions are driven by religious beliefs such as "Gay marriage and being gay goes against the word of the bible". It's all crap. They don't deserve my business. Frankly, they don't deserve any business from anyone that is gay or even gay friendly. Many of us do not patronize them for that reason.
  19. I'm right with you on that. Once learning how "Christian" and ant-gay Chic-Fil-A were, I never stepped foot in there again. I'm amazed how any self-respecting gay person could patronize such a hateful organization.
  20. Agreed. Bangkok sounds like there is a lot more eye candy than there is in Hong Kong.
  21. I've been to Chile many times including living in Santiago from 2002 till 2005. Very conservative and.....yes....the women are more attractive than the men. When I was living there, I would go to Montevideo or Sao Paulo for the weekend to find fun and hot guys. I like the safety and security of Chile....but for hot guys you need to go elsewhere.
  22. Haha. Good one. It's true that I don't go to Walmart very often....its my store ofvery last resort. However I have to say Walmart runs a close second to Hong Kong in terms of unattractive people. At least at Walmart, you know you will eventually see some dumb redneck hottie with his fat wife. I saw no hotties in the whole of Hong Kong....and I was looking.
  23. Thanks for your comments as well. I'll hope the airport is not affected during my visit. My flight out is two days after the election. Fingers crossed.
  24. Thanks for the feedback. I'll try and stay on top of things.
  25. Well looks like I will be in BKK on election day for my first ever visit to Thailand. I've already booked the flights and hotel. I wonder if I should reconsider. I am an experienced international traveller but mostly to Latin America and Europe. Election Day in and of itself doesn't bother me. I've been in many cities in Latin America during presidential elections. I'm more concerned if serious unrest is expected however. Thoughts from those of you that know Thailand better?
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