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Everything posted by ihpguy

  1. I'm very bad when it comes to technology. But I just received a Facebook post in Portuguese from a friend and don't know how to post it here. I is a new report about the death of a cardiologist on the shore of Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas, He was stabbed and killed by a 15 year-old, who has the nickname "The Bicycle Supplier." He and a group of sub-16 year olds steal bikes and resell them. This is the second article on O Globo that I have read this year. It doesn't mean that there haven't been others. But all of the neighborhoods that border the lake are considered to be upper class neighborhoods. And under 16 there is no jail for juvenile offenders. A word of warning when approached by even 1, 2 or 3 kids. Here is the link I just found in English. But it is firewalled and I do not know how to cut and paste. Sorry. Someone might help http://www.wsj.com/articles/knife-attacks-shake-wealthy-rio-de-janeiro-neighborhood-1432146829
  2. I am not exaggerating. For anyone coming here for the first time or the fiftieth, I have never seen it quite like it is now. All of my friends warn me about the crime rate these days. As I live in a very safe place, very out of the way, I pay little attention to crime. But this year in Centro all the way to Copacabana, I personally have seen more crime than ever before. There are more beggars on the streets at the entrances to shops, office buildings and metro stations. It is quite impossible to walk quickly away from trouble as there are more street vendors everywhere blocking sidewalks and corners. Makes one a sitting duck for pickpockets. More homeless people are sleeping on the streets not only at night but during the day as well. I've been told that I should not sit by a window on the bus and use my cell phone as the kids jump up to an open window and rip it out of your hands. Wearing a necklace is simply an invitation for bodily injury. I saw last Friday in Copacabana a pickpocket get caught on a bus, thrown off and beaten and kicked into submission by a couple of other passengers. Yesterday at the Mercado Popular on Rua Urugaianna by the Metro exit, the same thing with a thief at one of the stands. It is all a recipe for trouble. Airlines prices are the cheapest ever right now. Umemployment is on the rise. Juvenile crime has gone up 300% year over year, if memory serves. Which means that they only get reprimanded and then released, Not going to jail for theft or shoplifting. Beaten up certainly. Prices are up, much higher than the inflation rate. So come on down but please be careful.
  3. I was at 117 last night. Many new guys it seemed to me. I talked with four who caught my eye. All were either ativo or ativo liberal, I nixed the ativo only. One ativo liberal didn't perform oral (chupar) and the other refused to answer the question. Just kept repeating that I would have a pleasurable suck on his memeber. I tried to kiss him and he instead kissed my neck. NNixed him off my list. Some of the clients seemed to be regulars from Monday nights at MM. I neded up going with a really hot guy from BH who works at Olimpos sauna there an came here for three weeks only. He was hot, checked alI of the boxes, I was horny and I didn't even try to bargain him down from his 100Reais to the norm for Brasilians of 80Reais. He was very fun. So for those who come here, do be sure and ask your questions so as not to be surprised with what ends up happening in the suite, cabine or quarto.
  4. Actaully, the Gavea station is really behind schedule. More puff peices. They have now turned the six line VLT tram system into only two lines. Only one of which will supposedly be ready for the Olympics. They have basically stopped work on the pedestrian walkway replacing the Perimetral. Yesterday on Avenida Rio Branco there were just a handful of people working. DO NOT BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU READ. **** Two weeks there was an interview with someone in the government here for the environment who stated for the record there was never a chance to clean Guanabara Bay for the Olympics. As I had said back in 2010 when there were no contracts being issued. The problem was the same 500 Million US in the budget to clean the bay was also earmarked to build the Deodoro site fo the games. They did the same thing years ago when the built the Ramos water park instead of building another water retreament installation in Rio de Janeiro. Even as far away from the entrance to the bay as Soa Conrado is, the water is too dirty to hold last and this week's Surfing World Cup competition.
  5. But I think more and more younger guys will be looking for whatever extra they can make as salaries are definitely not keeping up with the inflation here. Even one programa at 56, 60 0r even 80 Reais less entry and transportation is better than nothing after a lower-paying job that occupies 9 to 12 hours of the day and might net 50 Reais/day?
  6. In yesterday's news, the interest rate on credit card purchases have gone up to 296%, with compounded interest 1000.00reais porrowed on a credit card in one year will cost the borrower over 3450,00reais. Like Ed Norton said,"..and that's a lot of semoleans." After 13 straight years of increasing sales for the week before Mother's Day, this year sales fell. Passenger airport taxes/fees have been raised by ANAC by 9.83% Crimes committed by minors who have been aprehended here in Rio have increased by 300% over last year. At the State University of Rio de Janeiro(UERJ) next to the Maracana, the third-party, outsourced cleaning staff have not been in 5 months and have stopped working. At the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro(UFRJ) at the Urca location, the teachers have called off classes for AT LEAST a week as the campus security details and cleaning staff have stopped working due to no salaries paid. Garotos de programa might not have not gone up in prices much but tourists should be extremely aware of the possibilities of theft, assaults, etc.
  7. For the guy in Porto Alegre I did do that as well as invited to fly him to RJ in fact.
  8. I got an even better deal in Porto Alegre on an in-call at the Quality Hotel that TomCal has written about. 150Reais for nearly three hours. I'm sure my Portuguese does help when it comes to negotiating prices.
  9. Meio Mundo it is 60 to 70. Another 20 to have them cum. A friend here only pays 50 at Meio Mundo and that is with them "gozando" but then he is a Brasilian native. I do not go often to 117, but the last time I was there the price was 100Reais and I got into a disagreement with a miche who wanted to charge me 150Reais and I refused.
  10. Street vendors are now charging 2,5 to 3 Reais for a 350ml or 500ml bottle of water and 4 Reais for soft drinks. Nearly double what the prices were a couple of years back. It used to be you could get a salgado. filled,fried pastie and a drink for 3.50 or 4Reais, now prices are at 7.50 to 8.50 Reais. LOL moment. McDonald's has a triple bacon cheese burger for 6.50Reais. It seems like a great deal but each patty is about as thin and maybe a touch larger than a White Castle slider. Electric, water and cable have all gone up here. By about 30% or more. Prices in restaurants have gone up as well. Most clothes are still about the same. And salaries really have not followed because they only go up by the government's official inflation calculation. So even if someone is working and making the minimum of about 800Reais gross(not take home) per month, the cost of surviving has escalated. Few places to hunt out more money quicker than at a rent sauna these days. That or criminal activities.
  11. Even worse here is the inflation in prices. I was in a sports store in Copacabana on Friday. After I had just finished making my selection on a swim cap for the gym's pool, they came along and slapped new price tags on their stock and raised the prices by 25%
  12. Monday night at Meio Mundo, even Jorge the hot little stripper from when Meio Mundo had strippers nightly before the drag shows, was back trying for clients.
  13. It is cold and wet, with rain off an on right now. People are definitely dressed warmer at night. Daytime was great yesterday. The whole city seems to be sniffling, sneezing and hacking right now. Including myself. Change of weather. High mid-70's and low mid 60's today. Sweater weather here. Even more popular are that lots and lots of guys wear hoodies. When it gets humid and the wind comes off the water, it feels much colder than official temperature.
  14. Last night I left at 7:45PM as the first wave or all of the waves had arrived in there was no Jefferson sighting. The place was busy. The had a special CHER show last night so most everyone was congregating in the bar instead of the TV room, A few were downstairs, but not many.
  15. In person, Jefferson's penis doesn't look as large as pictured. I thought you were exagerating as to how much it grew. i need to take a much closer examination.
  16. Firecat69 thanks for admitting you have never been. Bruges and Ghent are packed with tourists throughout the year coming in on buses from Brussels. Lots of Brits coming over on the Eurostar as well. I think I have been there five or six times. I don't know the numbers for each city but there are many who visit both. I'd say many more than when I spent 4-5 days in Krakow And in fact I had asked my Mom, may she rest in peace, about the Holocuast and what was going on in the camps. There were rumors of terrible things happening. But no information until much later about the industrialiazation of the mass murder. Her parents as well as 2 of her sisters were born in NE Poland and came to the US in pre1910. As a great aunt went back to where that side of my family originated to try to find her children. She was never heard from again. So I do know a bit. Did you happen to visit Auschwitz 1 or Auschwitz 2 when you toured the "most beautiful city in Europe?" By the way, for anybody with an interest, rent "SHOAH" and then go back to Krakow as well as both extermination sites. And how can one compare Krakow to places like Venice and Florence in Italy? Seville and Granada in Spain? I just got back from 5 days in Madrid and am planning to go back for a month. Have you been to any of those places? No comparison. Referring here only to older cities. Not forgetting Paris, London, etc,
  17. . Err, stupid is as stupid writes?
  18. 3 million Jews were killed a stone's throw from Krakow. A good friend from Hungary was sent there and survived. Another friend of the family escaped from there. I have relatives that ended up there. If one is going to travel to this "most beautiful city in Europe," just don't forget to take a look at the ugly side. And know that these sweet, kind people looked away as three million of their fellow Poles, who just happened to be Jewish were cremated there as they turned their heads and ignored what was going on. I've been to Zermatt a couple of times, and cannot agree that it is prettier than all of them. All of ??? According to Wikipedia, a population of a large town is 20,000 to 100,000 Bruges is listed as 116,000. Ghent is listed as 241,000. So they should both be considered shitties, err cities. As opposed to your shitty argument. Zermatt has 5800 by the way.
  19. See the other side of things of this evil complicitous anti-Semetic nation. Make sure to spend most of an entire day visiting both Auschwitz-Birkenau 1 and Auschwitz-Berkenau 2. No film or TV show can ever show the true horror. Denials that the Poles had no clue? Easy decision. On a lighter note, take the day tour to Wieliczka Salt Mine. At least a half-day at Wawel Castle Both memorable. IMO, Bruges or Ghent are hands down more beautiful.
  20. Victor's boyfriend seems to be the sweetest and cutest Mineiro anyone would want to meet. Off of the market and being exported soon to the US of A,
  21. I need much more rest than TomCal, so my dancecard is wide open, as are other things, waiting for his castoffs.
  22. That picture was taken in one of the fancier "suites" at Meio Mundo
  23. Who you calling girls? Three aging broads.
  24. Funny.I've never heard anyone use "papai mamae" here. For "frango assado" also works is "nas costas" and "de lado" for "de ladinho"
  25. On another thread that I cannot locate, TomCal mentioned that construction must stop while a firm or firm are being investigated. Well, I can confirm that the tunnel replacing the Perimetral along the edge of Centro has stopped work. Sad to not see any new progress.
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