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Everything posted by ihpguy

  1. I'm kind of wondering if others beside myself count calories on a daily basis? Or nearly? Anyone have a goal as to calories? Me. I try to stay under 2000, closer to 1500-1700 on days when I am not doing much active stuff. Other days go up when I'm very busy away from the house and then there are the binge days.
  2. Down here in Rio, they just got around to the season finale of THE GOOD WIFE. Loved it. The quick cuts. The music. The writing with the Mom and the kid pressing all of the buttons before they got on. The kisses getting more and more intense. The subliminal messages of he not being able to work the key to "open" the door. She taking the key from him, opening the door and having her follow him "in" for a 7800.00 plus Chicago's hotel sales tax fuck after basically two decades of waiting for her to SOGOTP. Cannot wait to see what happens next year.
  3. Yep. Add them to whole oats, skimmed milk, water, cinnamon and sweetener. The gummy texture thickens up the cereal and the extra water kind of balances it out. For me, normally very satisfying and a great 250 calorie snack/breakfast/desert. Not sure what other things are as tasty, filling, satisfying and beneficial to the system. Especially when on a low-cal diet and one might not be as regular as when on a higher, daily caloric intake.
  4. Many, many enjoyable activities besides saunas. And still programas are at that 60-70level. Three weeks ago I was proposed only 40Reais as it was one of the guys second trips upstairs. From the first session, his entry and transportation was already covered and now on the second session, just looking for extra. Besides the saunas, if there is anything better than spending a day with friends on the beach at Farme de Amoedo, I'm not sure what. Well, maybe with these two guys and a bit more privacy?
  5. From my reading, you need to freshly grind the seeds. Also supposed to have cancer-fighting properties in the flax seed as well as be beneficial in the breakdown of fat in the body, reduction in body weight. Not only for the poop assistance.
  6. Just a helpful hint. I've started in with ground brown flax seeds. Great for the digestion, colon, etc. I mix it with my daily bowl of whole oats mixed with cinnamon, stevia and skim milk. Really filling and very satisfying. Has pretty much taken away the urges for ice cream. And other "bad" things. It has been a relief to have my digestion regular as before, with the decrease in calories/fat, things weren't always "moving" too regularly. And senna tea can be quite a sensory nightmare. If anyone else has tried it, you'll know!!!
  7. One must admit that he does know how to cut and paste extremely well.
  8. As to artificial sweeteners, stevia and other newer products are the definite way to go. Not sure if all of the info on Aspartame is yet in. I, for one, have read enough about tumors on the optic nerve to be a bit nervous, even now after decades.
  9. Two of the major problems with Atkin's then, now and forever are: #1) What happens when you start ingesting the carbs once more? Have you learned to eat better or are you going to blow up in weight once again? #2) Gall bladder problems due to the normally large amounts of fats ingested. The original Atkins preached cream, eggs, bacon, steak, etc. But I have finally discovered what works for one, might not work for another. Everyone is built differently. So whatever works..go for it!
  10. ihpguy

    Is it my fault?

    Don't worry. By 9/11, the houses with boys were just about done in Amsterdam. If I remember correctly, in 2001, there were just two left and they were very uninteresting. And by that same time, ditto the hustler bars which were basically totally taken over by illegal Romanian immigrants. Berlin and Cologne were much better by that time.
  11. Great memories. It was always so delicious ordering varied types of hashish from the menu. Such a great way to spend the afternoon or early evening before heading off/coming back from the Day/Night Thermas, hustler bars on the Paardenstraat or the houses with boys. Those were the days. The Cafe Chocolata was my home away from home. My very bestest friend and I were in one bar by the Muntplein and he felt a cute guy massaging his ass. He was quite pleased by the attention. He had to go potty about then, turned around a kicked his wallet. Pickpocket. A big laugh. Shaking of head. Often rented a room from my "Aunt" Janny in the Jordaan, who traced her lineage and turned out to be one of the many "King's Bastards." She was great. Smoked grass all the time and in summer, walked around inside her house topless with titties swaying.
  12. One of my fantasies is Archie Punjabi dressed up as a lesbian leather dominatrix on Good Wife. And I'm always happy when Meryl's baby Mamie has a story. She plays "the supposed dumb blonde" so well. Michael J Fox, not so much. And doesn't anybody else think that Julieanna has overdone the botox? She's getting into that Marcia Cross-bubblehead never-neverland territory.
  13. Whichever way the drapes match the carpets...just sayin'
  14. Out of the past seven years, I've been at the Sambodromo for the desfiles of the Grupo Especial( the "Major Leagues") four times. Once I was not in Rio for Carnaval, once I decided not to go and once I was recovering after being in the hospital and still felt very week from extremely heavy doses of antibiotics.
  15. I was going through a disk of photos and thought I might post a few... First couple are of carros alegoricos from the first night at the Sambodromo. Third is a carioca on the metro going to the desfiles that same night. Next two are of the boyfriend. Followed by the toking on the terrace Finally two others guys on a different day at the pool. Fun times. Happy to be living here in paradise.
  16. I will do that.I saw him last night in all of his glory. Between the towel, he was wearing a beautiful pair of boxer briefs. Perhaps on a return visit I can show you a great choperia away from Ipanema with wonderful inexpensive galetos and broccoli rice. Last night was a highlight for me with an incredible twink named Gabriel. WOW! One of the top ten programas here since 2003. Honest.Notyet...

    1. axiom2001


      Bom dia [it's 9:52a in California.] I just noticed that I'd received a message from you which was dated May [if I read correctly!]

      Thanks and continue to enjoy your retirement in Rio de janeiro.

  17. You missed the most incredible, twink type at Meio Mundo last night. Only 18 years of age. Totally completo. Whatever I asked him to do, he did. Not a moment of rushing. Afterward, didn't even hurry to get up. Waited until I was ready to get up. Normally not my type, but the things he did to me in the steam room made the decision to go upstairs an easy one. The best programa I've had at a sauna in ages.
  19. 15Reais for a can of Red Bull and then talk on another 10Reais for the shot of whatever...even Gatorade is almost as bad! Stick to soft drinks, water or juice here in Rio.
  20. ihpguy

    Finally !!!

    I think it had much more to do with her damned religion and also her general decency. Brahmin Breeding and all things Bostonian.
  21. Nope. You never asked me. You seemingly reveled in writing about paying too much for meals, going to the saunas on the wrong nights and not sure if the Feria Hippie de Ipanema would even be open on a Sunday, in the case of rain. As a resident, I had offered my help, free of charge. Seemingly loving to muddle through and get less out of your vacation than was possible. That's all.

  22. I'll take the original Josh over the new one. I was so pleased to see he had a boyfriend this year. My gaydar really pinged for him. I guess it still works on occasion. The new Josh seems to "Ari Glick" for my taste. Het and/or Hot.
  23. Lots and lots of things to do. And at low cost or free. Ditto on restaurants, inexpensive, por quilo restaurants are everywhere. One just needs to know where to look. e.g. free music performances at Noon at the Light headquarters on Marechal Floriano.Always interesting, frequently changing art exhibits at the BBCC. Last month there was a great exhibit taking up multiple rooms on the works of Laurie Anderson. This past Tuesday begin a one month exhibition of the works of Mariko Mori. And right behind at the Centro Cultural Correios with a super retrospective of the works of poet/writer/critic/translator Fernando Pessoa. An unbeatable place to be after work on Friday at Rua do Comercio off of the Praca XV for the end-of-the week party with lots of live music, espetinhos/skewered-roasted meats and cheap beer followed by the rest of the evening in Lapa/Bairro de Fatima. Tons of cheap stuff. Including cheap boys at the Marinha da Gloria, Campo de Sant'anna and Central.
  24. Yep. Josh Flag - Gay...and my mangina is waiting for the attentions of his tongue. New Josh - Definitely Het. and HairsprayBoy Chad is too gay for words. Whether he likes pussy or penis, anyone with a Chinese Crested called Starla is too queer for words.
  25. Meio Mundo's rooms include condoms, lube and a sheet. They also have the free ones where lube, sheet and condom cost additional. Something to keep in mind. Another big surprise is at the end of the night, when settling the bill at the balcao, if you buy anyone something to drink. Gatorade and Red Bull are EXPENSIVE. Even a can of juice will cost more than a soft drink.
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