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Everything posted by ihpguy

  1. That's okay. I didn't know it was so bad either. I am still clueless as to any websites that show rehab exercises. After whatever surgery, I'll need rehab and it is always good to see what is available besides the physiotherapy that I'll be receiving. But after 11 weeks and no improvement, thought it was finally time to see what was going on.
  2. Quack! Quack! NOT. I don't think chiropractic is going to be fixing tendons totally torn with two muscles torn away from the joint and the humerus floating in the socket. At least that is what the MRI results that I just picked up this afternoon showed. Unfortunate that I've been patient waiting all this time instead of going to the ER right away instead of the swelling going down. Ironic that the MRI still shows swelling in the socket. The wonder that is this body human is still trying to protect the injury. After 11 weeks. I guess I have a fair pain threshold for all the damage the MRI showed.
  3. I need some help and advice. 11 weeks ago I fell down. Nope, not drunk. Not drugged. I was feeling great, put on an unfamiliar pair of running shoes and went out with the dogs. First I stopped at the fruit and veggie market to pick up some things at the 10AM arrival. Then on the way back home, fresh in one hand, dog collar in the other, I fell going downhill. Transferring weight from one foot to the other, my sole caught on a rock sticking up out of the road. Hard on my shoulder. Dislocated my jaw, bit through my lip. Lots of blood. Luckily my tooth is still there. But my shoulder is a mess. Anybody have ideas for sites with rehab exercises? I finally realized it wasn't going to heal by itself and this evening get the MRI results, by the way.
  4. My take on the public fascination for Amy Winehouse concerns the waste of talent and apparent self-destruction. Ditto an addictive Lindsay Lohan and a bipolar Brittany Spears. Similar to watching a car crash. Sad all the way around.
  5. With the exchange rate down to 1.55 today, one must economize where one can. I am all for skipping the sunga and going native.
  6. Thought this was quite special
  7. Going somewhere tonight. I just cannot figure out where to search for some Carioca Paradise?
  8. They missed this one. Without a doubt, the most orgasmic, and probably the most expensive: Sprungli Creme Fraiche Truffes Du Jour. Entering the location on the Paradeplatz in Zurich is like entering a foodie's Valhalla. And only about $100.00/pound.
  9. ihpguy

    The Glee Project

    This GLEEK finds the show quite unfortunate. But after all, it is just an entertainment show. Not a def casting search. The winner will end up with some very minor spots. Can anyone say Dijon Talton from Season 1? I believe the producers of GLEE already have a handle on possible replacements. And none of these folks are it. If someone with the talent of Amber Riley was cut from AI, no one from this low-rent troop has a future as permanent cast member. Just sayin'...
  10. I decided to go into the city on the ferry today. Feeling very safado/naughty with much horniness/tesao. To start with, I have been corresponding by e-mail with a hot guy from Belo Horizonte(I do like my Mineiros)as a possible new boyfriend. Very, very my type. Anyway, even thought it is a Tuesday and supposed to be busy at 117, the last time I was there I wasn't so enthused. Lots and lots of steroidal muscle guys. Lots and lots of gay for pay kind of guys. Maybe you know the ones. They don't kiss. They say they do/ they will but they always seem to be turning their heads? A never-ending kind-of battle? So I went to Meio Mundo. On a Tuesday. The worst night of the week excepting Sunday when they are closed. Still hoping it was a good choice. Got toweled and sandaliad up and hit the steam room/sauna vapore and what follows me in? This well-built guy, about 6'1", big but not steroidal. Just big but not fat. Nice thick arms, thick legs, thick dick. The classic pile-driving Bahiano that are cast in all of the porn films or were before steroids got involved in a lot of it. Um, heck, without trying to sound racist, like in the movies, how to describe him, like one of the descendants of those Mandigo warriors that were brought over on the slave ships, the highly-prized studs who were strong-backed or whatever and indefatigable laborers. Well, he labored over me. Came right up to me through the steam, introduced himself, said he was new in town from Salvador, only his fifth night ever in the city,(which I believe, as he really asked me which was my favorite beach in Rio - and practically any gay person will say Farme/Ipa) bent over kissed my nipples, started to jack my cock, massage my prostate, poked a couple fingers in my whole. Bent farther over and started to suck me off and then moved around to let me return the favor. I guess we were both feeling very safado with a lot of tesao? Who knew? On a crappy Tuesday night at Meio Mundo? Needless to say,I felt like getting very naughty with this guy newly arrived from Bahia. Okay. Info on the guy. Very thick. Couldn't close my hand around it. A real 8 1/2 inches. No exaggeration. Opened my jaw and it basically locked open. No worry about scraping with the tooths. He pushed me off after it went down my throat. He said he didn't want to come too quick. This was still in the steam sauna, by the way. What else. Up in the cabine, it took quite a while to get it in. That thing is a monster. Once it was in it stayed hard. Not like a lot of guys who are just gay for pay. Three positions. It stayed hard. He still kissed well in the cabine. Still did all of the rest of the "good stuff" After we finished, he helped me on with my sandalias. Just very well-spoken. Good pronunciation. Not like many of the favelados from the Baixada with their atrocious Carioca accents. I'm a pretty good judge of these guys. He won't last long there. Someone is going to scoop him up quick. Oh, and hilarious fun thing. While we're screwing, they were practicing the night's drag show. Dame Shirley Bassey is wailing away downstairs in the bar. Coming through the floorboards. All just quite strange. And if I wasn't feeling so safado and have so much tesao from e-mailing the possible new boyfriend coming to visit me next week, I never would have even gone tonight and met this incredible stud named Julio. Shirl was wailing to "Get This Party Started" and "This Is My Life" while I was wailing about being impaled on a beer can made of black granito. Oh, and 70Reais by the way. I didn't bargain at all. His manner of attack/approach got me so hot and bothered, I wasn't go to bother really with 10-20Reais. I did ask him if I thought he wasn't very good if he would take 40 or 50 Reais. And hie came back with if I though he was excellent would I pay him 80 or 90 Reais. So I just chuckled a bit.
  11. I have been for varied lengths of time in 3 of the 10 cities on this list. Much of these costs really depend on how the expat is going to be living day to day. Big cost I suppose related to where one rests one head at night. And how this survey classifies expat-suitable housing. Ditto food costs. How a local dines versus a local can be quite different. Living here in Brasil with locals = ditto.
  12. I can second this post from TOMCAL.This past Tuesday night at 117 there were quite a few of the steroidal guys. You've got to remember that it is easy to get an MD's prescription here for legal steroids and they are cheap. Or so I have been told. The nickname for them here is "a bomba" and it makes muscle-building much easier/quicker. And remember that all of the other pills and proteins cost even more money than the steroid injections. Normally only one or two of these types of guys are working at Meio Mundo.
  13. Went to 117 tonight. Quite a big difference from Meio Mundo. Haven't been to Casa Creton in quite some time. It was pretty crowded from about 5PM or so. And lots and lots of clients and garotos. Lots of business going on, I think, as some garotos were leaving pretty early. So I assumed that they had already earned a bit of money. Smallish bottles of water are now up to 4Reais. Lots of cute guys. Some new ones. Some old timers. One I had been with a few times back in 2005. Every thing was very professional. Clean. Well-operated. HOT WATER in the showers. Normally, I go once-twice per week. Last couple of weeks at Meio Mundo there was no hot water in the showers. It is pretty cold here now. Lows at night in the high 50's/low 60's. Also a wet cold. Very humid. <One nice benefit of this weather is that the night-blooming jasmine are quite fragrant. Quite intoxicating> So, no Meio Mundo last night. Waited for Tuesday and 117. Another difference is lots more steroid usage. Much more. Guys less Baixada-looking. More Zona Sul to go with the steroids. Many. many were very vocal that they were ativo only. 35Reais entry tonight.
  14. And as The Beiste has pronounced:"That is a steer with six teets and no oink!
  15. They originally brought him in as the gay love interest for Kurt. But he clicked with Quinn. And then Quinn went back with Finn. So...no more good story lines. Also, last year he wasn't listed as a permanent cast member, only a guest star. For the coming year, Mike and Blaine have been made permanent cast members, they are going to bring in three or four newbies and the majority of the cast will graduate. Supposedly. If one would want to be cynical, one of the producers, show runner Ryan Murphy(even though he has announced his gay engagement) or someone else might have wanted to sleep with him and he turned him down. The old casting couch. If that is the case, then who is eating at the Y with Coach Shannon, "The Beiste"
  16. Thanks firecat69, I'll check into that. TripAdvisor forum is something that I never go to. I'll have to definitely read up. I've seen the photos of Angkor Wat and read a few books, both fiction and non, but it has been quite a while. Had not a clue that one could spend up to a week there and barely scrape the surface.
  17. I was there last night. It was very nice for the Festa Junina. There was a new guy there with a true nine and a half inches and it was thick. But there were many other biggies as well. Quite another wonderful party. Great atmosphere.
  18. Wonderful, wonderful news. I'd love it if someone other channel would spread out this footage into a two hour special. The interminable way that his current program is cut is on the edge of water torture for me. Quite ironic that Mr. Clean shows up as more than a bit dirty. Does FOX still have CHEATERS on the air?
  19. Thanks for the suggestion for Agoda, but I did not need hotel space, per my original post. I am going to visit a friend who has condominiums in both Koh Samui and just outside of Pattaya. I was hoping someone might know of a consolidator for Thailand that I could contact. Also any ideas as far as cheaper split tickets via Santiago, Auckland, Buenos Aires for example. I've already tried Sidestep and Kayak. Everyone seems to be starting at around $2300.00US for the airfare. Whether with Thai, TAP, EK, AA, QATAR, UACO or places like Expedia. Was wondering if anyone had any other avenues I might explore. Has anyone on here been to Angkor Wat? How long should I plan on being there? Any personal recommendations for overnight stays? Much thanks. The thing I am most excited about is that I am really a nut for Thai food. This trip I am visiting this friend but for the next.... there is a cooking school in Chang Mai I dream of attending.
  20. My plans include traveling to Pattaya and Koh Samui at the end of December through January. Going from Rio de Janeiro to Bangkok. Very flexible dates. And ideas on where I can get decently-priced airfare. I cannot use an air/hotel package as I will be staying with a friend who has condos in both locations. Thanks for any and all help/advice. I've never been. Also, thinking of going to Angkor Wat. Has anyone been? How long should I plan on going for? Fly? Bus? Where to stay while there? Recommendations?
  21. Way too cool. I'm glad RioTur and the Prefeitura spent the money on this video. Not much is better in life than a day on Farme. Of course, finishing with sundowners as the sun sets over the Dois Irmaos.
  22. And it's great that the muffins are for single servings. I'd be not only tempted, but would most likely consume all at one time if they are as tasty as they seem.
  23. Thanks for the recipes. Is the nutritional data on the bottom for all three or just final one. If so, do you have info on the calories in the first two muffin mixes?
  24. I've been logging my foods onto CalorieCount, actually. Minimum 80 ounces of water for me. On your program, is there anything about "starvation mode" with too-low caloric intake? 1000 for me and then the next day and I'm aware that the next day I'm going to be skimming 2000. The hunger takes over. And not for peen.
  25. Well, it is kind of chilly and brisk here in Rio. There is a nightly dampness. And I mean in the air. So, I am going to hopefully get warmed up tonight. I'll see what treasures await me this evening...
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