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Everything posted by ihpguy

  1. ihpguy


    How about killing two birds with one stone....Oops, that wasn't quite right. Um, perhaps a nice pigeon under glass would be an option? This once happened to me, a couple of decades back. Now if I could only remember correctly, I did a reverse-Poltergeist? You know, with Carol Ann? Turn off the lights, darken the house, leave the door open.
  2. A Toast To The Happy Couple!
  3. Sorry I goofed on the title. This is actually the first gay marriage in the state of Rio de Janeiro.
  4. A Rio de Janeiro registry office in Estacio has performed the first gay civil wedding here yesterday, Wednesday 24 August. The headline in O DIA was "And the Justice said "I declare you Husband and Husband"" Estacio happens to be very close to the Prefeitura/City Hall. Just past Central do Brasil, the Sambodromo and Praca Onze. Rio - A história de amor entre Cláudio Nascimento Silva e João Batista Pereira da Silva ganhou nesta quarta-feira o selo da Justiça. Em uma cerimônia simples no cartório da 7ª Circunscrição, no Estácio, eles se tornaram o primeiro casal gay do estado do Rio e o terceiro do Brasil com direito à certidão de casamento. A history of love between Clausio Nascimento Silva and Joao Batista Pereira da Silva won this Wednesday the stamp of justice. In a simple ceremony in the Estacio 7th registry, they were the first gay couple in the state of Rio and the third in Brasil with the right for the certificate of marriage. A troca de alianças chamou a atenção de testemunhas e convidados — cerca de 150. Em vez de um anel para simbolizar a união, o casal optou por duas. “Uma delas é de ouro e a outra de tucum (tipo de madeira), que representa os direitos humanos”, explicou o cabo reformado da Marinha e assistente social, João da Silva, 40 anos. Já o superintendente de Direitos Individuais, Coletivos e Difusos da Secretaria de Direitos Humanos do estado, Cláudio Nascimento da Silva (ele incluiu o ‘da’ no nome de casado) garantiu que está nos planos a adoção de uma criança. “É preciso planejamento financeiro e controle emocional porque criança exige cuidado, mas queremos”, contou. An exchange of rings called the attention of the witnesses and guests, close to 150. Instead of one ring to symbolize the union, the coupe opted for two. One was gold and the other of tucum wood, that represents human rights, explained the retired captain of the navy, Joao da Silva, 40. Already a superintendent of Individual Rights in the State Secretariat of Human Rights, Claudio Nascimento da Silva(he included the "da" in his married name)assured that it is in their plans to adopt a child. "A financial plan and emotional control are needed because a child requires care, but we want this, he said." Com mais de mil cerimônias matrimoniais no currículo, o juiz de paz Leandro de Oliveira Rodrigues disse que encarou o primeiro realizado para unir um casal gay com orgulhou. “É um marco para a sociedade carioca. São cônjuges e têm direitos iguais a qualquer casal”, explicou Leandro. Com três recepcionistas drag queens na porta, a festa foi realizada em restaurante ao lado do cartório. With more than a thousand marriage ceremonies performed, the justice of the peace Leandro de Oliveira Rodrigues said that he faced the first gay marriage with pride. "It is a mark for Carioca society" They are spouses and have equal rights of whichever couple, explained Leandro. With three drag queen greeters in the doorway, the party was celebrated in the restaurant on the side of the registry office. O casal, em união estável desde setembro, pediu a conversão para casamento civil em 1º de julho. Dia 15 de agosto o juiz da Vara de Registros Públicos, Fernando Cesar Ferreira Viana, deu sentença favorável a Cláudio e João, mas a notícia só chegou na sexta passada. Ontem, entre as 6 testemunhas do casamento, estavam o secretário estadual do Ambiente, Carlos Minc, e o desembargador Siro Darlan. The pair, in a civil union since September, requested the change to a civil marriage on July 1st. On the 15th of August, Justice Fernando Cesar Ferreira Viana, on the Public Registry Staff, Gave a favorable ruling to the happy couple, but the news only arrived the Friday before. Yesterday, between the six wedding witnesses, there were the State Secretary for the Environment, Carlos Minc and judge Siro Darlan. “Com esse manto de legalidade, eles dão um tapa de cidadania no ódio homofóbico. Depois que o Supremo Tribunal Federal reconheceu a união civil, agora juízes e cartórios a transformam em casamento”, resumiu Minc. “O Brasil precisa ser uma república inclusiva, que respeita a dignidade do ser humano”, concluiu Darlan. "With this cloak of legality, they gave a slap of civility to the hate of homophobia. After the Federal Supreme Court recognized the Civil Union, now justices and registries are transforming marriage" summed up Minc. "Brasil needs to be an inclusive republic, that respects the dignity of humanity" concluded Judge Darlan. <FORGIVE MY PUNCTUATION AND TRANSLATION>
  5. CBS is developing a Texas version of "Survivor," the popular TV show. Contestants must travel from Amarillo through Fort Worth, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio and back to Amarillo, through San Marcos and Lubbock. Each will be driving a Volvo with a bumper sticker that reads: "I voted for Kerry, I'm gay, and I'm here to take your guns." The first contestant to complete the round trip is the winner.
  6. Model Murilo Rezende was murdered yesterday. Shocking to the Brasilian world of fashion. He was found stabbed to death in an apartment in the elegant Sao Paulo neighborhood of Jardins. Murilo was brutally stabbed to death, and also found at the same location was the body of a systems analyst Eugenio Brizola. According to the Police of Sao Paulo, there is a suspicion that a third person killed them and then fled with Bozola's car, a Honda Civic, which disappeared from the garage.
  7. They do not take international credit cards here on line from my experience. Whether GOL, TAM or Webjet. The easiest and cheapest way here to di it is to print out the boleto bancario and pay at the local loterica. How to do it from the US, I have not a clue. Also if you attempt to pay at the airport at the counter for your on-line reservation on the same day you made it, they of course charge a counter service fee as well. A part of living life in paradise.
  8. Oz, I had already thought of this and am getting you some December 2011 monthlies to look at. ihpguy
  9. ...and let's not leave out the Ghanaians, Russians and Indonesians as well.
  10. Seven years later for the start of the road films. However, this film was the beginning of the famous pairing of Ginger and Fred.
  11. I live here and see it every day. Some of it is real. Some of it is not. The prices quoted are of course for tourist/Zona Sul areas of the city. Go to upper middle-class neighborhoods like Tijuca, Andarai, Humaita and Laranjeiras. Things are not so inflated. Salaries here have gone up. The firefighters just finagled a minimum 25% raise. Yep. 2-5%. Teachers are now screaming for raises as well. Last spring(fall in the US) the bank employees struck and received raises. I expect the same again. Ditto in the news last week the social security payments to retirees are going to be increasing. The percentage rate is under discussion. But, and a big but, if one eats at the por quilos or cooks at home, prices are reasonable. McDonald's (which is mentioned in the article)and Burger King do nor even taste like back in the US. I get my freshly-ground eye of round steak here for $5.00/pound and boneless/skinless chicken breast for $2.00/pound. And I love to cook. So I'm still happy. As to the rest? Haggen-Dazs costs $12.00US per pint, imported from France, but I've never met anyone who has tried it. Just crazy. It all depends on where your interests lie. I can still see free movies and plays around the city. And Petrobras is bringing in the Kirov for subsidized performance of "Swan Lake" at the end of August. Just saw the ads yesterday for the shows at Teatro Municipal. Meio Mundo is still reasonable and last week the programa was only 70 for a full hour. He was thrilled as that more than covered his entry and transport. I satisfied his stomach with a plate of food for 9Reais and he more than did the same for me upstairs. And how.
  12. Me too. On my next trip back to the States, I will need to stock up. Although was happy to see that one of my faves made the top 30 on the charts, Casey.
  13. Although no fan of the misdeeds and sweeping-under-the-rug response of the Catholic Church, I'd like to note that my next door neighbor growing up is now a provincial prior of the Dominican Friars and really just a wonderful man. It is always difficult to think of him as being part of the same group and in the same line of work as the "Nazi pope."
  14. Police: Drunk JetBlue flier urinated on sleeping girl Here's one flight you can count your lucky stars you weren't on. The New York Post has the head-scratching report on JetBlue Flight 166, writing "chaos erupted on (the airline's) red-eye flight from Portland, Ore., to JFK yesterday when a drunk allegedly urinated on a sleeping 11-year-old girl." The incident came when an apparently intoxicated 18-year-old stumbled toward the lavatory but didn't realize he hadn't quite made it the whole way to the bathroom. I was drunk, and I did not realize I was pissing on her leg," the 6-foot-4, 195-pound Vermont man is quoted by the Post as saying to authorities. The newspaper says he told them he had eight alcoholic drinks, though the Post did not say whether the man had claimed to have had those drinks on the flight. The girl's father, who himself was in the bathroom at the time of the incident, came back to his seat just in time to catch the man "midstream," the Post writes. Flight attendants had to separate the men as the enraged father appeared to be on the verge of violence, witnesses tell the Post. As if that wasn't enough for one flight, Flight 166 was beset with another incident. The Post says another man on the flight began complaining about chest pains about an hour before the flight was to land. He eventually vomited, and -- after calls for a doctor on board went unanswered -- the flight crew did its best to clean up and comfort the man until the flight landed. Six police officers met the Flight 166 when it arrived. Four officers were for the urinating teenager and two for the ill passenger. No update was provided on the sick mans' condition, but the 18-year-old was released after being charged with indecent exposure.
  15. Lucky after a difficult evening at the saunas?
  16. De nada, meu amigao!
  17. ihpguy

    The Glee Project

    I find it quite disappointing. And I had read news of the Julliard spin-off with anticipation. Real casting could have discovered better talented possibilities than these reality rejects.
  18. Yesterday was a splendid day in Rio. Warm, not too hot, bright and sunny. The BBCC had a great exhibition covering the life of Miles Davis. Way cool and co-sponsored by the Cite de la Musique of Paris. Lots and lots of interesting people wandering around. Interesting stuff including his high school diploma, original art work created for album covers, sheet music and costumes. Many different small areas to appreciate his recordings. Next door at the redone Casa Franca-Brasil was the start of two weeks of interactive performance art with varied "Stuff" including a hard-to-describe, musical performance on mechanically-operated, deconstructed instruments. Very strange. Interactive art created by kids throwing around colored aquarium gravel with a musical accompaniment. Every hour throughout the day, larger musical groups as well. I also got cruised by a very cute guy. Somehow in the crowds I missed chatting him up. Continues for two weeks. And next door at the CC Correios, an exhibition of the art and colored, line drawings of di Cavalcanti. After this, across the street to Meio Mundo and a great programa. Nice assortment of guys. They all were looking for 50 plus 20. So many last night were my type too. It was a delicious buffet from which I had to make a difficult choice. 24 year-old Jhonathan. About 6'2", on the thin side with 21cm and fully-versatile, oral without condom. He was very nice. We spent an hour in the cabine without one word from him about calling for an end to the fun. Then off on a nice walk up the Primeiro de Marco past the Antiga Se. A very chic wedding was going on. As we passed by, buglers were playing the wedding march after the bride and groom said their I Do's and the mass continued. Across the way at the Paco Imperial, the decor was every bit on a par with NYC, Miami or Chicago. Very upscale. But then there is tons of money flowing through here now. WE continued to Amarelinho of Cinelandia on the Praca Floriano. Beautiful night to sit out side and dine. The Teatro Municipal was illuminated. The stained glass windows quite impressive. As we were leaving a supper, the opera's attendees were just exiting. Nice day/evening. Great sex. good sights. Fun.
  19. What about the 14th amendment? I think that might have something to do with it? Although I don't hold a PHD on the subject. Nor an MA.
  20. Quite funny. I saw the recipe title and wondered why there weren't walnuts included. Then I scanned the list of ingredients. I guess I'm not too bad at this stuff.
  21. Not too big. Quite tasty. And much fun as well.
  22. Nope. Not at all.
  23. The last post in this thread is kind of funny. I went to see the shoulder specialist today. He told me the best thing for my shoulder is to apply heat for 15 plus minutes a minimum of four times daily. He confirmed what I had feared. When you have a massive injury like mine, surgery is the only option. When one has the tendons of the biceps and triceps completely torn, chiropractic is not going to help. Quack, quack. Just to clue you in, I cannot even lift a 200 ml water bottle. He told me until the surgery date, to do nothing with the shoulder. I asked if I could cut/dice veggies as I am a lefty and the damage is to my left shoulder. He laughed at that and said yes. He also warned me to avoid grabbing a large, heavy one and attempting to raise it in order to kill someone. ANND, there is a loss of muscle mass that has occurred over the last three months. AND damage to the labrum and where the ball of the humerus joins to the socket. He explained the MRI shots to me. So after the surgery, I'll be totally immobilized for six weeks and then 6-8 months of physiotherapy. Minimum 3 times weekly. So, again, I'll make the same request. Anybody know of any sites where I can see various types of physio exercises? By the way, he is cute, single, Jewish and gives off a gay vibe. Or so my friend here with finely-tuned Carioca gaydar told me. A tasty Kosher delicacy.
  24. Thomas Jane is also rumored to have escorted upon his arrival in Lotusland, while attempting to get started in the acting biz. Or so I've read.
  25. Been banished as well, but from a different site.
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