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Everything posted by ihpguy

  1. Look for me tomorrow at the Maracana. Opening Ceremonies - Section 115 Row O. Oprah is arriving with Michelle and the girls. Maybe we'll be sitting together LOL Saturday and Sunday with fencing followed by sessions of men's and women's gymnastics in the Barra Olympic Park. Monday with swimming and more fencing back in Barra. Tuesday at Marina da Gloria to see the sailors get ready. In my younger days I raced 2 different Olympic classes -Finns and 470 Wednesday out to Deodoro for 6 games of Rugby 7's with the men beating on each other - maybe I'll see an New Zealand haka? - followed by Canoe Slalom. Way too cool. Thursday I am working doing the floral designs for a supper in honor of the Grand Duke of Luxembourg back out in Barra by the Maripendi Lagoon. Friday through Monday in Sao Paulo with a friend visiting from up north. The second week has cycling at the Olympic velodrome, a session of track and field at the Engenhao and finishing up with the men's basketball semifinals and final. Go Team USA. I've been in and around the city the past few days. Yesterday's 6 women's football games went off without a hitch in Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and the Minerao in BH. Today the men are in action. Tomorrow the Sambodromo hosts some archery even before the official opening ceremonies at the Maracana. The VLT line is completed and operation. The second line was never planned to be operating before the games began. Praca XV has been turned into the "Boulevard Olimpica" with over a dozen food trucks, dozens of Skol beer stands, a Nike video cube, Nissan hospitality installation. Various video screens. Multiple bathrooms with water tanks in places that look like mini mobile homes. The CCBB has an art exhibition with 85 post-impressionist works from the Musee D'Orsay and Musee de L'Orangerie. They've got the tunnel open and the route is completed linking Santos Dumont past Praca Maua all of the way to the bus station Novo Rio. I was in Copacabana last week and the beach volleyball stadium is completed and enormous. Casa Suica at the Lagoa baseball field is done. I was by the Stock Exchange today and nothing showing that Casa Australia was ready to open. It looks ready to open the new Praca Candelaria by the Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, the workers are gone, but the temporary construction fences are still up. The even have my favorite, the Diana fountain running. The biggest no-no is Guanabara Bay which I see and smell daily. Two or three months ago there was an interview with a politico who said that it was never in the card as the money for building the Deodoro complex came from the installations of new sewage treatment facilities.
  2. Information from CNN International and ESPN: WADA has decertified the Olympic drug-testing lab only 6 weeks before the start of the games. It was supposed to be working 24-7 testing blood and urine samples Much better is that I succeeded yesterday in getting tickets for the two men's basketball finals. Tickets for the final sold out in under a minute. I was in the process of filling in my credit card info and my purchase was cancelled. But I did get the two semis for half-price senior citizens resident's discounted price. The closing ceremonies still have tickets available for 4200 Reais/seat and then I would get a ticket for half-off. 2100Reais seems a bit much. But who knows?
  3. Paul

    Do you have WhatsApp?

    I have lots more information for you.


  4. It's a lot worse than that. Although there is supposed to be 3 billion Reais arriving in Rio de Janeiro from Brasilia, the request hasn't been granted because every other state has there own hands out begging for financial help. Yesterday there was a shootout at Rio's largest public hospital, Souza Aguiar, which is across from the Praca da Republica on the eastern side and just south of the Central train station. Two killed, others injured. Why? The imprisoned drug kingpin's mob broke him out. A friend of mine got tackled getting into a taxi downtown a couple of weeks ago. The third sailor from here for the Olympics got mugged yesterday while riding her bike. The Metro might open or might not before the opening. Interim president Michel Temer had his fourth cabinet appointment resign because of bribes. This was with the Tourism appointment. Quite fitting. He's got a Swiss bank account with USD 500,000 and other papers revealed he had accounts with another USD 14 million for 15 years ago. Politics in Brasil pays very, very well. Oh, ditto on Senator Romario, the ex-football star.
  5. Right around the corner from your hotel is a sex club called Rex. There are 4 bars on Vieira de Carvalho towards the Praca da Republica end which can be fun. I like very much the Peruvian restaurant at the corner with Rua Aurora. All around Largo do Arouche are a bunch of t-rooms.
  6. A bit slanted, but fair enough. The author neglects to mention that most of the forced expulsions were from favelas, whose residents are being provided with some form of substitute housing. I found interesting, although not surprising, that Mayor Dudu Paes has fed so many of the concrete contracts to the family of the tourism secretary. Not nearly enough was written on certain issues like the Metro Line 4 and Guanabara Bay cleanup. Nor the coup against Dilma Rousseff. http://www.playthegame.org/news/news-articles/2016/0179_rio-de-janeiros-olympic-gamble/
  7. Sometimes you just can't make this stuff up. Anti-Coruption minister resigns over leaked recordings. Cunha, Temer et.al. voted out Dilma and put in their own cabinet, all white and all male. Already three are gone for being caught on tape trying to end the Lava Jato investigations. http://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-brazil-corruption-idUKKCN0YL14V And little Michel Temer is the owner of investment property. Quite the entrepeneur http://plus55.com/politics/2016/05/michel-temer-corruption-son-owns-millionaire-estate
  8. 63000 jobs were lost in Brasil during the month of April 2016 Moody's has predicted further recession here as the efforts by Temer and his band of crooked right-wing usurpers fails to restart the economy Temer is supposed to be attempting to sell stock shares in public companies to bring in funds The vote to impeach Dilma is supposed to occur sometime after August 2nd, around the start of the Olympics and now there is the youtube video of the gang rape of the teenage girl here
  9. State of Rio de Janeiro defaulted on a debt payment of USD 8 million to a French development bank today. Probably once the Paralympics end, the construction here will come to a grinding halt. Maybe an even better selection at the saunas.
  10. LOL Has it really been that long? Armistead Maupin autographed his first five to me at a signing many decades ago in Chicago.
  11. Michel Temer is a crook and a tool of the right wing elite. Brasil has taken a step back. A large step back. Miss Tina "Nutbush City" Turner did follow her heart and moved to Europe decades ago. I followed my heart and moved to Rio de Janeiro 7 years ago.
  12. I was at Meio Mundo last night. Many new young guys. I was chatting with an American who comes down a lot. He told me that Medellin is phenomenal. And I found out why he is so popular with the guys. He pays them all 200Reais to get plugged. I think It took the boy all of 10 minutes. One week's take home pay at the minimum wage. I translated for him and set up a repeat date for today. My guy from Duque de Caxias in the Baixada was happy to get 80Reais and spooged. Friday night was 100Reais including ejaculation for a guy from Volta Redonda. A very long bus ride. Things will probably slow down before they get better. Post-Olympics, the building projects in Rio will mostly come to a halt. The new Metro Line 4 will only be partially running with a rate of 25Reais/day for participants, officials and spectators. Only after the Paralympics will the public be able to ride it. A lane in each direction on the Estrada Gavea from Lagoa to Barra will be reserved for bus service only. This has been the Plan B for months. When the plan was accidentally revealed almost 3 months ago by the Minister of Transport, the Mayor got him to resign. I have my doubts if the spur to Gavea and the PUC/Pontifical Catholic University will ever be completed. Supposedly the short stretch needs another billion Reais.
  13. Thanks for the info. Definitely on my bucket list. Along with the Meteora.
  14. Dilma is out for up to six months. Here crooked Veep Michel Temer has appointed a new cabinet with 8 less ministers to save money, Something Dilma wanted to do over a year ago and couldn't get passed by the obstructionist House of Delegates. The new cabinet is all-male and all-white, no one brown or black. By the way, Temer is not permitted to even run for election in 2018 or 2022 because of past political shenanigans. Whether or not Dilma didn't want to see what was going on at Petrobras while she was chairman, we now have a verified crook as president. Every time I see a mosquito or get any type of bite or irritation, I'm scared shitless that it is either Zika or Chikungunya. I know more and more people that have been getting infected with one or the other. Remember to spray yourself with off on your arms and legs. They say that the mosquito that carries the viruses isn't active at night. I don't believe the reports. If you don't have screens, turn on the air conditioning and leave the windows closed. All of the airlines here are facing contractions in their businesses. I've found that GOL is doing the worst, facing bankruptcy and hoping for another cash injection from Delta. Check for fair sales. LatAM, Azul and Avianca as well have had great fares depending on the day and destination. Inflation is rising. Business is contracting. Not a good combo. And the Minister of Finance is predicted to lower the interest rate to try to promote some business growth. Personally, my fixed line phone bill has gone up nearly 20 percent this year and my satellite TV went up 12 percent this month. The French rolls have gone up 15 percent in price here and the bakery is producing a smaller roll as well. Starbucks hasn't yet raised prices for coffee, Frappes or baked goods, but then the average Carioca isn't spending 20 to 30 reais daily like I do. LOL AND MOST IMPORTANT - THE BOYS ARE STILL DOING THE DEED FOR 80 REAIS and 20 MORE TO COME. Meio Mundo has raised their entry to 57Reais Mondays and Fridays, 50 Reais on the other nights.
  15. Yesterday was interesting. The leader of the House of Deputies, Eduardo Cunha, was voted out unanimously by the Supreme Court. It probably didn't help that in a sworn depostion he had testified to not having a connection to any foreign bank accounts. Oops. They found some in names of people in his family to the tune of USD4 million. Fitch and S&P both downgraded Brasil's debt and forecast that 2017 should be another year of economic contraction.
  16. Go the www.netgay.com.br and then go to roteiros, scroll down to termas/saunas. Listings are by states. Belem is in Para and there are 5. Curitiba is in Parana and there are 3 listed. Florianopolis is in Santa Catarina and there are 2 listed. I have been told by a boy from Santa Catarina that Floripa has more than two. Ditto Curitiba. But it's a start. I was in Sao Luis Maranhao twice in 2015 and I have a friend who lives there. There are at least 3 saunas in that city. So the listings are not complete.
  17. So far no blood. I was in Sao Paulo in April during one protest. The Avenida Paulista was packed fro one end to the other. No blood. Part atmosphere. The corrupt inmates are running the asylum. Cunha and Temer are both dirty as hell. Yesterday the Supreme Court agreed to take up the investigation of Cunha, who has recieved bribes upwards of US$40 million and washed them through his evangelical church. Veep Michel Temer's supposedly taken US$12.7 million. Nothing so much as a real-life reenactment of George Orwell's Animal Farm. So far, nothing concrete against Dilma. Supposedly the excuse of switching funds between accounts at government banks is something that every previous administration has done. Congress and the populace think that someone else can drag this country out of this recession. Things seem to be getting worse before they get better. The collapse of the seaside elevated bicycle lanes near Sao Conrado, just weeks after opening, is the latest indication of what is gong on here. similar to what happened in Beo Horizonte before the World Cup..
  18. I have a friend who lives near me. I don't know why I've never thought about him when people request someone. His name is Guilherme. He is gay. Professional tour guide. Speaks a few languages including English, Spanish, German, Portuguese.I also believe French and some Italian.He normally takes Brasilian groups to Europe but with the fall of the Real, less Brasilians are traveling to Europe. What are your April dates when in Rio? Any idea on the number of days needed and dates and I'll ask him. He is definitely not a sauna boy. If I remember correctly, he is in his early 50's. Dies the saunas, Sex clubs, etc.
  19. Torogen For intergeneratoink nonrent; Ursos do Rio in Catete st Espaço Marim Lá Cuevá on Rua Miguel Lemos in Copa Sauna Leblon in Ipa on Barão de Torre Non rent sauna sex busy Friday night and Saturday night on Correa Dutra at Sauna Catete. Definitely you should do a free register on HORNET
  20. Yesterday Goldman Sachs predicted a contraction to the Brasilian economy of 4.0% and Santander of 3.7% in 2016. December domestic air travel in December 2015 vs. 2014 showed a decline of 4.55% year over year, 2016 vs. 2015. Fun times. Zika virus new can only makes things worse.
  21. Rua Figueiredo de Magalhães is one of the busiest streets in Copa. If you do choose to rent, find out what floor and if the apartment faces the street or not. Depending on location and floor, there can be lots of street noise from trucks and buses, Let alone music from neighbors.
  22. This was a nice overview of the situation. One point not mentioned was that because of the Petrobras "Lava Jato/Car Wash" scandal, the lack of transparency has scared off much foreign investment which could have helped the economy.
  23. 4.0976 today.
  24. The price that the prefeitura of Rio de Janeiro will be charging for those caught urinating in public this year during Carnaval.
  25. How about "VAZIO" and "LOTADO"?
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