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Everything posted by ihpguy

  1. Wow. This post of mine definitely got hijacked.
  2. It has been announced that the festivities on the Copacabana Beach will not be taking place. Will Carnaval be next? I cannot imagine the Sambódromo either in Rio de Janeiro or Sāo Paulo hosting the desfiles/parades. Supposedly the sauna/hotel Chili Pepper has permanently closed. No one here had posted anything but I was told that country passed a law that ended at the end of June 2020. Any renter of a space for residential or commercial purposes was able to cancel their contract with zero financial penalty. Now that places have reopened for the moment, it is sad to pass by my regular restaurants and not have them open for business. Not even for pickup and delivery.
  3. In São Paulo, Cine Dom José behind the Teatro Municipal on Rua Dom José do Barros has boys hanging out in the surrounding lanches waiting for clients and/or selling substances. Cine Paris on Avenida Ipiranga not far from the Praça da República usually has boys hanging out on the sidewalks waiting for clients. I prefer to take a stroll over the two bridges in the Praça da República and then head over to one of the three lanches in the first block across from the Praça on Vieira de Carvalho for a juice before heading back to the Praça da República for another look see. Good exercise at least although easier and safer with one of the tantric massage guys on Grindr and Scruff.
  4. Meats by Fragata is really good. I second Riobard's recommendation. I think I gave been there four times. Never disappointed.
  5. Just down the hill from Lagoa is Villa Grano Breads. Which has an excellent buffet à quilo. Near the new location are Mestiço, Athenas, La Frontera, Sujinho and the food truck park on Rua Augusta
  6. Nope. Ah some of the câmbios, people are desperate to get rid of the reais and buy dollars. Journal Globo was reporting last week that the rate at the cambios was 4.60
  7. On the Journal here in São Paulo last night, cambios were offering 4.60 reais per dollar
  8. No my puppy is from a small city in the interior of São Paulo state, not far from Campinas.
  9. Apologistas for Rio de Janeiro crime, go f_ _ k yourselves. #1) I have lived here ten years. #2) I was assaulted RECENTLY, February 2019 on the sidewalk in front of the beach in Ipanema at about 2pm on a Sunday afternoon. Directly in front of Posto 10. I speak fluent Portuguese. I told the pivette I had nothing for him, as I changed from my tennis shoes to chinos. #3) No one came to help or chase the pivette #4) thenowner of the quiosque called me an ambulance, the police and the firefighters. For 20-30 minutes, no one came to help a tourist, and I heard the owner talking on his phone. He gave me two bags of ice. After the bleeding to my eyebrow reduced, I grabbed myself a taxi to Copa D'or in Copacabana, where I received three stitches. #5) Apologistas for the dangers that can take place in Rio de Janeiro, just stop. If it can happen on a Sunday afternoon, near the Ave. Vieira Souto at 2pm in front of a lifeguard station, in can happen anywhere. #6) The pivette got nothing from me, except a free escape, no one went after him, no authority ever showed, I took it upon myself to arrange my own care. #7) So to the apologistas.....stop already.
  10. My favorite guy at 117 charges me R$200 per day plus bus fare to visit me in São Paulo.
  11. By the way, disregard the phone number, it isn't his but rather a TIM call center.
  12. With this guy, I have no need to ever go again to either Lagoa or Fragata here in São Paulo. He is from a smallish city near Campinas but lives near Largo do Arouche. Both in-calls, out-calls and overnights. R$100-R$250.
  13. Everyone should try www.garotocomlocal.com.br instead of worrying about who or when someone might be at a sauna. That is the way things here are headed. But don't take my advice, I've only been here permanently for ten years.
  14. This isn't news to me. I was assaulted three times in February. A tall younger Brazilian friend was visiting me in the center of São Paulo on a weekday at 11am, was assaulted and robbed. I posted a warning six months ago, and most of the members on this site made light of it. I gave up. It seemed no one wanted to take the advice of a gringo who has been living in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo permanently for the last ten years.
  15. A friend of mine, mid-fifties and about 6'4", Carioca, resident of Rio de Janeiro was assaulted yesterday at 5:15pm. Rush hour. Centro. Corner of Rua da Assembleia and Rua do Carmo. It is where the 45ish story Torre Candido Mendes is located. 6 male teenagers knocked down a woman in front of him and stole her purse. As they were running away and passed him, one of them threw a punch that connected with his chin. Streets crowded with people at this time. No one did a thing. Be careful.
  16. You probably mean Oscar Freire as the name of the station on the yellow line for Jardins.
  17. São Paulo should be safer than Rio, if Bolsonaro wins against Haddad.
  18. My spelling sucks, a long with autocorrect. They call the young teen thieves "pivetes"
  19. I'll be here through the 7th.
  20. Sunday I was assaulted at 2pm directly in front of a kiosk and Posto 10, at the corner of Anibal de Mendonça and Vieira Souto. I was wearing only a fake watch, sitting in the shade on a bench on the sidewalk right next to the kiosk. Single adolescent. My backpack was securely between my knees and lower legs. I told him in Portuguese that I had nothing for him. So he hit me above the eye and ran. The street, sidewalk and beach were crowded. No one went after him. The police would have let a young teenager walk anyway. Down here they are called privates. The owner of the kiosk got me two bags of ice and plenty of paper towels to stanch the bleeding. Also called the tourist police nearby in Leblon, firefighters and ambulance/EMT. After waiting twenty minutes, two other customers walked me to a cab across the street. If he had a knife or gun, and I had been stabbed or shot, I would be dead. Hospital Copa D'Or saw me immediately. Two stitches. No waiting. My best friend down here, who happens to also be an attorney, told me that the new thing is if a purse, wallet or cellphone isn't visible, they now go for backpacks. Everyone reading this, take care or go somewhere other than Rio de Janeiro. The economy here is in the dumps. Since the start of 2017, over 20 hotels have shut down. The Copacabana Palace laid off a bunch of staff last week. Sofitel is closed probably for up to 2 years. Think of a reopening in time for Reveillon 2020. Just 2 examples. If Bolsonaro wins on Sunday or is in the second-round runoff, things could get much worse for gays here. People have been attacked on the new VLT at night as security has been cut back. Also, if you go to a sex motel, don't let the michê choose. At his, he might be in cahoots with whoever is at the front desk. Set-up for a robbery. I normally never go south of Botafogo. First time to Ipanema since March or April. If I didn't own places both in Rio and São Paulo, I would be doing the circuit of Ibiza, Sitges, Barcelona, Mykonos, Athens, Lisbon and Porto.
  21. Orquideas lindas
  22. Actually, I kind of disagree with Lurkerspeaks. Take the camera but keep it in a backpack unless you are physically taking a picture and then always have someone with you watching your back. On your own, I wouldn't risk it. A simple point and shoot camera would be cheaper than a smart phone. I had a smart phone stolen right out of my hands by a kid on a bicycle. It can happen that quickly. I normally do not take my cell phone out of my pocket unless I am in a protected area. I'll go into a bank branch, office lobby or Starbucks to use it. Corcovado/Cristo Redentor/Christ the Redeemer and Pao de Acucar/Sugar are safe. They are filled with tourists and thieves won't go up top normally, That costs money and there there are levels of security to pass through.
  23. 25 to 50 Reais is not nearly enough money. After being in the hospital once more for my heart before New Year's Eve, I was finally feeling well enough to take the sun for more than an hour. I was at the beach on Sunday with a friend. One bottle of water, one juice, one agua de coco, two chairs and an umbrella cost 47 Reais. They do offer a special. If you eat and drink 40 Reais worth, you get the sun umbrella and two chairs gratis. I brought my own suntan lotion, No food consumed. I was always go to Barraca de Miriam #53. They have wifi, so bring your cell. I've always felt very safe and protected by the team that works at this barraca. And they accept debit and credit cards.
  24. Fortaleza - Jericoacoara then overland by 4x4 to Cabure / Atins, standup and kite surf, Lencois Marenhenses, then to Barreirinhas and finishing in Sao Luis. I've been twice.
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