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Everything posted by mvan1

  1. Headline from today's article - Massive Increase of HIV Cases in Brazil in Young People https://riotimesonline.com/brazil-news/rio-politics/society/massive-increase-of-hiv-cases-in-brazil-in-people-between-15-and-24-years/
  2. mvan1


  3. mvan1


  4. mvan1


    "What the hell is it with people who think they can judge another's whole life based on a few words on an anonymous message board?" You missed the facts. In the case of this individual asking about a DNR, he is at a high age. He lives in a nursing home and is chronically ill. He admitted in a prior post that he recently sat for days in his own feces because he could not help himself or get help. Do you really think that he has joy living as he described himself in his prior posts? If he were to die naturally, as nature intends for us all, his miserable existence would be finished. On the other hand, if he insists on heroic measures to keep him alive with machines and feeding tubes and machines and/or other means, what purpose is served? What quality of life will he have living artificially? You wrote, "This is what you get. If you want to cut yours short, by all means, be my guest." Having a DNR order is not cutting life short. Refusing a DNR lets nature do its intended purpose. As I said earlier, nature is wonderful. It takes its course and usually works quite well.
  5. mvan1


    Why would you decide against such an order? You wrote that you are at a high age, are chronically ill and are not able to get around without help. You also wrote about a recent incident where you sat for days in your own feces because you could not get up and had no one to help you. If nature causes your heart to stop on its own, why would you want to prolong the inevitable by having your heart restarted? A person who is chronically ill without the possibility to recover is not living. They are existing. There is no quality of life. Nature is wonderful - why get in its way by refusing a "Do Not Resuscitate order"? This post is not meant to be mean It is meant to be practical. - We all will die someday. Ben Franklin, in 1789, wrote "In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes"
  6. I feel that Sigmund Freud, were he alive today, would agree with your decision -
  7. ALSO http://oppc.mentalhealthexcellence.org/therapy-within-reach/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw19DlBRCSARIsAOnfRehKwnD2UGeH4KgRMWLHLXUwmWtWL1SVLqajtpAir2N7BfYi3aGqE5UaAtFJEALw_wcB
  8. Definition of worry 1- mental distress or agitation resulting from concern usually for something impending or anticipated : Seeing examples of what already happened to famous stars of the past could cause depression. It certainly would not cause "worry" - - My goodness, where did that come from?
  9. Ah ha, I got you to look at the video. I think many people could become depressed to realize what is in our future.
  10. The only time I found sauna Termas without a lot of hustlers was when it rained. The sauna is fairly large with three levels. One level might not have many hustlers while another level might have. You have to walk around the sauna to determine where the hustlers are. Some are found on the cruising level (dark floor with very little light). Some are on that same floor in rooms with the door open talking with other hustlers while just spending time hoping for a client. If you walk around that level, often a hustler will see you and come out to chat and see if he can score some business. Sometimes it is possible to engage a hustler while in the locker area/changing area. The hustlers and the clients' locker area are together unlike the set up in Brazil. The "bar or snack" area is another place you might engage a hustler. That is the same level as the jacuzzi is located. If there is no rain, you can be fairly confident there will be guys available. Even if it rains, there will be some hustlers but not as many as on dry days.
  11. Sorry about that. The majority of people in this Latin section write about Brazil. Someone posted two posts in this thread about Brazil comparing it to the abundance of escorts versus Lima. There is not much written about LIma because there is not much of an escort scene there. In response to the other posts about Brazil, I responded about Brazil. When a thread gets a lot of readers, many times the topic goes to a completely different subject. It just happens without malice aforethought. My threads often get derailed. I just go with the flow and understand that it happens.
  12. I know Barcelona fairly well. I have visited that city many times over the years. I know what you mean about loving sauna thermas. It is a fun place. It was remodeled a few years ago and it is modern, clean and not a bad place to spend time from about four in the afternoon until roughly eight or nine at night. The sauna is open 24 hours but the busy time when most of the hustlers come to work is the above hours. Some hustlers spend the night at the sauna, thus saving them rent or hotel costs. They pay only the sauna entrance fee and any food or drinks they consume. As you know, the rooms are free (except for the fancy large rooms), there are showers and a restaurant downstairs in the lower level. I can understand why some hustlers choose to spend day and night at that sauna. Those guys who stay at the sauna round the clock, are also available for sex while they are there, and if you and the hustler like each other, you can offer to spend time together away from the sauna. As to recommendations "for hot men" outside the saunas, that is a tough call. The easiest way to meet guys for fun away from the sauna is as I suggested above, i. e. to first meet them at sauna thermas and then, if you are compatible, ask the guy to meet you during the day or at your hotel or away from the sauna. I believe there are no hustler bars in Barcelona. If there are any, they would be awful compared to the sauna. Therefore, you are limited for meeting guys except through the sauna, through online ads or through the apps. Good luck.
  13. Thanks for responding. I know your intentions are genuine. You may not remember that I have visited Brazil more than one hundred times going on nearly sixteen years. There were years when I visited Brazil almost every month. I prefer Sao Paulo and that is where I spend at least two-thirds of my Brazil time. I have never seen Brazil like it was during my last three trips. My last three trips to Brazil were terrible, including the mugging I got last November. The injuries I got from being mugged last November got me to experience being flown back to the U.S. on a private jet, thanks to my travel insurance policy I keep in force. A small jet has to make stops because it cannot fly the full distance from Brazil to the U.S. without stopping to refuel. Sauna Lagoa in Sao Paulo could always be counted on for being busy on Wednesday and Friday night. My last few trips there were either a low turn out of good looking garotos but not the same kind of garoto that visited the sauna recently. The garotos that I recently saw come to Lagoa were "delicate" or twink types which I do not find interesting. At times, the sauna had only a handful of garotos and very few clients. I tried the app - yes - tons of "for pay" guys - the trouble is, I tried the apps twice and each time the garoto was using photos of another person. In other words, when you hire over the internet, sight unseen, any garoto can use fake photos which happened when I used the apps. My Brazilian friends that I have known a long time complain about the same situation - lack of masculine garotos. I will be back in Brazil next month. Hopefully, things will have improved. What do people say - cross your fingers for luck?
  14. Hi, some of the escorts list their phone number but often it is a number that is screened which means the escort must return your call. Many escorts use whatsapp while many use text messaging. Some escorts use an agent. Preparing a believable and inviting introductory sales pitch will be work for you, without a doubt. You might want to include in your introduction that you are considering going into the escort field and that you wonder if they or someone they know would be interested in sharing living quarters with you in exchange for what you have discussed in your posts. Although you might not get a "yes" from many, it is worth a try if that is the arrangement you seek. The idea is unique. You might get lucky and find what you seek. A word of caution. Be careful who you accept as a roommate. Not knowing anything about the person then quickly moving in together could be dangerous or be a horrific mistake.
  15. What to write is easy. The difficult part is knowing WHERE to post your ad or ads. Rentmen is the largest source of escort advertising. I don't know if they would allow an unconventional ad as you suggest. It is a tough one. As an alternative, maybe you could access rentmen in your city and contact different escorts and ask various escorts if they have any interest or know any escort with an interest in what you seek. Good luck -
  16. Yes, and those type ads get flagged and deleted when caught by Craigslist.
  17. What you presented is NOT an escort ad. It is an ad for a massage. There is no sexual discussion in the ad at the link you posted. The OP comment is - " I mean I can't put an ad on Craigslist and say, looking for rentboy to be my roommate. Love excitement!" Now check out the below article that supports what I wrote: https://www.wired.com/story/craigslist-shuts-personal-ads-for-fear-of-new-internet-law/
  18. You know that Craigslist no longer has personal ads. Probably one year or more has passed since those type ads are forbidden. You can thank the holier than thou loonies for that -
  19. The above statement was true, based on my experiences. However, during my last three trips to Brazil, the garoto pickings were not so good. Many of the saunas I visited were either near empty or filled with feminine twinks. I return to Brazil next month. I will keep my fingers crossed hoping that the sauna scene has returned to the way it was for many years.
  20. Now the exchange of words back and forth makes sense. You are interested in escorting. Living with or associating with escorts will be a teaching lessons for you as well as fulfilling a fantasy. Good luck and glad you liked the video.
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