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Aesop had an answer to your dislike for the post that many national newsmedia felt was entertaining - the response is: "Please all, and you will please no one." I read your response posted, as you said, "at another blog" and was surprised at your use of a vulgar term to describe the video. Your response was strange considering that this video and story made the rounds, world wide, especially in Brazil. -
We all know that Brazilians are demostrative and are outgoing. Here is a cute little story and video of a famous Brazilian fighter who "accidently" kissed his opponent when their face got too close. This event took place prior to the fight last night in Las Vegas where the former champion got defeated and no longer holds the title of champion. The fighter owns several gyms in Brazil. His defeat last night might put a damper on the number of new customers he can get to join one of his Brazilian gyms. http://fansided.com/2013/07/05/anderson-silva-chris-weidman-kiss-at-weigh-in-video/
"Ready to visit a white‑sand beach or explore the rain forest? You can do both in Brazil. Save 20% when you book a flight to Rio de Janeiro, Manaus or Salvador on aa.com. We now offer more flights* to Brazil than any other airline, giving you more opportunities to discover the country's vibrant culture. Plus there is a new way to enhance your comfort when traveling in the Main Cabin. We call it Main Cabin Extra, and with this seating option you will get up to six inches of additional legroom and a front of the cabin seat so that you can get a head start off the plane. Purchase your ticket by July 5th, 2013, using the promotion code** below and travel between August 7th, and September 30th to enjoy these savings. Promotion Code: BRFJG7J37WV9" As you can see from the above advertisement, American Airlines is offering a short period discount to Brazil. If anyone is planning to visit Rio, Manaus or Salvador and will travel between the dates shown in the above advertisement, it is a fair (also a fare) savings. Be sure to enter the promotion code, otherwise, the discount will not be shown in the ticket price. Boa Viagem
Rent Boy Paradise – The Boy Toy Guide To Gay Havana
mvan1 replied to TotallyOz's topic in Latin America Men and Destinations
“If U.S. travelers buy tickets to the island through Mexico or another third country, they can go almost anywhere, renting rooms in private Cuban homes, eating in private restaurants, and traveling around with taxi drivers, all of which would expose them to the full range of Cuban feelings about Fidel Castro and his brother Raul, Cuba's current president.” “But those trips are not allowed under U.S. law, and travelers would be risking a fine from the U.S. Treasury Department, which doesn't allow Americans to go to Cuba in an independent, unstructured way.” ____________________________________________________ ENTRY / EXIT REQUIREMENTS, TRAVEL TRANSACTION LIMITATIONS: The U.S. Department of the Treasury enforces the Cuban Assets Control Regulations, which apply to all U.S. citizens and permanent residents wherever they are located, all people and organizations physically located in the United States, and branches and subsidiaries of U.S. organizations throughout the world. The regulations require that persons subject to U.S. jurisdiction be licensed in order to engage in any travel-related transactions pursuant to travel to, from, and within Cuba. Transactions related to travel for tourist activities are not licensable. This restriction also prohibits tourist travel to Cuba from or through a third country such as Mexico or Canada. U.S. law enforcement authorities enforce these regulations at U.S. airports and pre-clearance facilities in third countries. Travelers who fail to comply with Department of the Treasury regulations could face civil penalties and criminal prosecution upon return to the United States. See this from the U.S. State Department: http://travel.state.gov/travel/cis_pa_tw/cis/cis_1097.html#entry_requirements On the other hand, if an American wants to travel to Cuba solely for tourism and wants to go there without fear of civil and criminal prosecution upon return to the U.S., there are a few “licensed” travel tour agencies that get around the above laws/warnings which makes it legal for Americans to visit Cuba. The tour I used was not expensive because it included air fare from Miami, seven nights in a decent hotel, free meals if I chose to eat at the hotel assigned by the tour company, medical insurance and a visa plus airport pickups and delivery and an English-speaking guide. The eight-day tour I took varied in numbers of other tour persons. There could be as many as 24 other Americans allowed on the tour but when I took the tour, there were less than 15 - but it varied in numbers. While not visiting sites in Havana, the tour company provided a bus (the tour company called the bus a motor coach) but it was a somewhat older bus that had nice interior padding on the seats. The bus was scheduled and used to take tour members to other areas of Cuba and around various places in Havana. If a tour member chose to skip a tour out of Havana (possibly due to illness from the food or whatever), the person missing the bus ride was free to visit on the economy and go just about anywhere. A couple of my American friends went to Cuba through other cities. One went via Mexico and another went through Toronto. Both friends had a wonderful time except for the worry of being caught upon return to the U.S. for violating rules against tourism by Americans to Cuba. These friends had to pay everything in cash because if a credit card or ATM card is used in Cuba, the American government would know of the transaction and would prosecute those friends for visiting Cuba and spending money without a proper license. Of course, Americans must ask Cuban immigration NOT to stamp their passport both coming in and going out of Cuba. Cuban immigration complies but could make a mistake and stamp a passport. With a stamp in the passport, it is possible that American CBP would see the stamp at some time in the future and refer the traveler for prosecution. The tour I used not only included the items I listed above, a legal “license” which is really a visa was also provided in the cost of the tour. Americans are instructed to carry this visa or a copy of it in the event they are stopped. I was never stopped and never had to show any identification except at the airport and at the hotel. The narrative by OZ is accurate in that the abundance of rent boys is beyond imagination and the prices are less than rent boys in Brazil. There are certain clubs and coffee shops, areas and streets where rent boys can be found, and other places. The guide by OZ is better suited for non Americans only because of the possible negative consequences if caught without a visa/license. The hotel that is chosen by the tour company is one of the best hotels in Havana (although if the hotel were located in the U.S., I would merely call it “decent” enough for comfort). I never had a problem bringing back a visitor. In fact, there were some amusing events with the hotel personnel offering visitors. If anyone is interested in visiting Cuba, they should use the material that was initially posted by OZ. However, it should be emphasized that by going through another country to avoid the restrictions against Americans touring Cuba could result in problems, down the line. See the State Department site I attached here. Another bad thing about sneaking into Cuba without a bonafide visa is the potential of needing legal or medical assistance in case something goes wrong or if you have an emergency and must leave Cuba quickly. There is no American Embassy in Cuba. If an American is in Cuba with a legal visa, the American can take advantage of an agreement the U.S. has with the Swiss government to assist Americans with potential problems. Going to a legally “forbidden” country and worrying about legal issues for breaking the entry law could spoil the enjoyment of the trip. Therefore, I heartily recommend using a tour agency. Some agencies are more expensive than others. The one I used was (as I said above was an eight-day, seven night tour with hotels and air and food and visa and airport pickup) cost $2,100.00. That is a cheap price considering what you get (most of your expenses are paid) and the fact that you will not have to worry about civil and/or criminal penalties upon return to the U.S. -
Berlin- It better be worth it!
mvan1 replied to TownsendPLocke's topic in European Men and Destinations
Hi Townsend, I am not familiar with any of the three bars you mentioned. The last time I was in Berlin (last summer), I did not try to find a hustler bar because I was with family and because I had looked a few years ago and found none. I just looked up the three bars you mentioned. You know, of course, that reviews from the internet can be accurate or can be inaccurate. Reviews heavily depend on the likes and dislikes of the person writing the review. Some reviewers hate hustler bars and give the place a bad review. Others like hustler bars and give the place a good review. Reviews are merely the experiences and likes of the reviewer. Even a review of an escort can be misleading. If you do not happen to like the type of escort or are not attracted to the type, you would not find the escort appealing and thus would tend to write a negative review. In other words, not everyone likes or sees things the same way (but you already know that). Of the three bars you listed, Blue Bar appears to have the most descriptive review. The other two seems hit or miss but those places might be just fine. The Blueboy Bar had one comment that I wish to expand concerning the nationality of the supposed available hustlers - "Poland, Romania and beyond —" My experience with guys from Romania has not been good. Most of them will tell you anything to get you to agreed to a session with them. After you agree and start, you owe the money but their performance is less than mutually agreed. I have run into Romanians in the sauna in Barcelona, in the sauna in Zurich and in the sauna in Vienna. Each and every time was negative. I will be returning to Berlin this summer. I will check out the three places you listed. I know this summer will be too late for your upcoming trip but at least I can post something that can be confirmed. Hopefully, you will post your findings as well. Talking about reviews, if you look at the review for Sauna Thermas in Barcelona - one example is - http://www.nighttours.com/barcelona/gayguide/thermas.html. The review is not complimentary of the place. However, I was there only last month and found the place clean, remodeled and pleasant. I met some great sauna guys despite the awful reviews I read before my last visit. I would like to be more encouraging but I can only report my own experiences. Have a great trip to Berlin - you will find plenty to keep you entertained even if you do not find any hustlers, but I hope you are successful and find lots of them, all compatible. - -
Berlin- It better be worth it!
mvan1 replied to TownsendPLocke's topic in European Men and Destinations
Hi Townsend - Unfortunately, the street trade in Berlin is non existent, to my knowledge. I have visited Berlin many times and I never saw any areas were it was overtly obvious that hustling was in progress. There were signs that hustling could be occurring but nothing outright. In fact, I am not aware of any hustler bars in Berlin. The regular gay bar scene can be disappointing because the patrons usually get into a "click" and do not readily talk to other bar patrons. I do not recommend wasting time looking in a gay bar for company, based on what you wrote. In some parts of Berlin's Tiergarten I have seen guys that appeared to be hustling (standing around looking at passer-bys and saying "hello" in various languages) but they did not look safe. They appeared to be Romanian or Bulgarian based on their accents. I have talked with some of these guys but I always got a sense that they could be trouble, so I never pursued any of them. My prior caution about using gayromeo.com is valid. However, you might get lucky and meet someone from that site. The problem is what I previously wrote, the photos might not be genuine. If you could convince an "escort" to meet you in a cafe or coffee shop near your hotel so that you could confirm details without the person first being in your hotel room, you might luck out. There definitely are some truthful guys on gayromeo.com. Just, don't forget, guys from certain countries tend to be dishonest and will write an interesting advertisement only as a way to attract an unsuspecting "customer" who ends up being ripped off by the supposed escort. Unlike many South American countries, where the escorts do not speak much or any English, in Berlin, you will be pleasantly surprised that English is readily understood by many. I hope this helps. - -
Berlin- It better be worth it!
mvan1 replied to TownsendPLocke's topic in European Men and Destinations
The below post is almost correct. Not all the boys are on drugs, as was written. But, many are. My experience was that enough guys were using drugs during my last visits. This is a turn off for me. I do not mean marijuana. I mean heavy duty drugs. The reports of being ripped off in the bars/clubs is accurate. The nonsense of adding charges to a client's bill for buying a beer for a guy and later finding the bill showing two or three expensive drinks that were not purchased is a common trick done to foreigners in Prague. This can be quite annoying. After a while, the petty behavior together with the drug use diminishes a desire to visit Prague. Yes, I agree that Prague is no longer the bargain it previously was. On the other hand, Berlin is a marvelous city with so much to do and see. Even if the particular airport for a flight is unknown at the present time, Fodors and/or Google will give directions from each airport to a hotel or destination. Having maps and directions from all airports, will make it simple after arrival in Berlin. Don't expect any rent-boy saunas or the like in Berlin. There are three gay areas in Berlin. Depending on your likes you will chose the area that has a reputation for having what you want to see and do. A gay guide is available in most magazine stands. The guide books tell you what to expect in each of the three areas. The use of gayromeo.com might be of some benefit. However, be aware that some guys do not post current photos and sometimes they post photos of other people. Then, there are the good guys who are honest and are worth pursuing. It is difficult to tell based on an internet web page. It is very easy to get around in Berlin. There is the subway (unterbahn) and the street cars (s-bahns). Restaurants are plentiful. You did not say what you like or expect when you visit Berlin. Therefore, my information is limited. I travel often to many different cities. Berlin is one of my favorite cities. Prague is my least favorite. - -
New year trip to São Paulo and porto alegre
mvan1 replied to gap1972's topic in Latin America Men and Destinations
Hi gap 1972 That's great you were able set another appointment with you friend Maikon. If you can convince him to visit the Banespa building with you, I am confident that you both will have a splendid time. Remember, the building is within walking distance of the Praca da Republica. Also remember that the building was "inspired" by the New York Empire State building. It is not a copy or anything as grand as the New York building. However, for Sao Paulo, it is quite a nice building to see. The personnel who regulate the visitors are organized and keep the flow of people fairly constant. If you do go, you should check a map and take the route that passes the BM&F Bovespa which is quite near to the Banespa building. The BM&F Bovespa is Brazil's near equivalent to the U.S. New York Stock Exchange. If you are interested in business, you might want to look inside the Bovespa building some time. The area of the Banespa and Bovespa is a general business area and is quite safe to be there during the day. The route to the Banespa (if you pass the Bovespa) will take you past many nice restaurants in the general area of the stock exchange. Being a financial area, the restaurants are all very nice. The restaurants are open during the day (for the Bovespa workers) and nearby business people and those willing to pay slightly higher prices than one pays at an ordinary restaurant in Sao Paulo. The prices are not excessive but they are slightly higher than restaurants in other areas of Sao Paulo. After visiting the Banespa building, on your return, you could stop at one of the restaurants you pass on route there, assuming you see one you like. If it is raining, there is a good chance the observation deck is closed. If it is cloudy, and the deck is open, the view might be hampered somewhat because the clouds can interfere with the view. With luck, you will find a clear day or time to visit the building. The above is solely something to consider even if you went there alone. I have enjoyed your posts and look forward to the next installment. - -
New year trip to São Paulo and porto alegre
mvan1 replied to gap1972's topic in Latin America Men and Destinations
Hi gap1972 Too bad that Porto Alegre was not as enjoyable as it so often is. The sauna scene can be compared with going fishing. Sometimes it is a good day and we get a good catch, other days are for the pits. I have had some enjoyable times in Porto Alegre. You just happened to be there at a time where things did not align for you up to this point in time. Maybe tonight things will improve for you. You wrote that you are thinking of cutting the Porto Alegre trip short and will return to Sao Paulo. In that regard, if you return to Sao Paulo and if you happen to meet up and spend time with your friend Maikan (or some new garoto), here is a thought for you to consider (even if you are alone). Other than for the time you spend together for sensual things, during the day Sao Paulo has a lot to offer. One thing I have done, many times with various garotos, is to take a new garoto to the Altino Arantes, aka, Banespa Bank building not far from Praca da Republica. That building with its observation deck is generally unknown to many Brazilians, particularly, garotos. Most Brazilians think the building is just another of many buildings in Sao Paulo. The building was once the tallest building in Sao Paulo. The building was "inspired" by the New York, Empire State building. During the day, it is possible to visit the top of the building via two different elevators and stairs. The view from the top is incredible. Each and every garoto I took there enjoyed the excursion and view. Some garotos told me that they later took their parents, friends and others to see the building's observation deck. The building is within walking distance of the Praca. Here is a web address for the building which you might enjoy seeing if you return to Sao Paulo early: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Altino_Arantes_Building You will and your co visitor (s) will need identification to enter the elevators to the top of the building. Garotos have their documents. Foreigners can use a photo copy of their passport or driver license. On weekends there is generally a long wait to use the elevators, therefore, it is better to visit the building during the week. On another note, Sunday night and Tuesday night are the best for Fragata. You might want to think about a visit to that place before you leave Brazil. I hope the above suggestions are of interest to you. Actually, anyone visiting Sao Paulo might want to consider a visit to the building. Plan on at least two hours for a visit given the crowds and elevators and viewing the sights from the top of the building. - -
New year trip to São Paulo and porto alegre
mvan1 replied to gap1972's topic in Latin America Men and Destinations
Hi gap1972 Do you expect to return to Sao Paulo before you return to Canada? I was looking forward to reading another post of your Porto Alegre experiences. I hope that your absence from the board over the past couple of days means that you are busy because the smaller city in the South of Brazil was and is being kind to you in many fun ways. - -
Here is another article that does not say there is a "gay gene" but it does say that homosexuality, in theory, is passed down to the child from the parent. More research, with a larger subject pool, needs to take place to either confirm or disprove the suggested theory. Admittedly, the article is not from a highly recognized source. Whatever anyone wants to call the theory, be it a gene or not a gene, homosexuality appears to be inherited, and not a choice or preference as so many politicians and religious and other misinformed people chirp. Here is a more current article regarding the subject: http://www.salon.com/2012/12/11/study_there_is_no_gay_gene/ Note this small excerpt from the article: "As a press release explains in almost comprehensible terms, the study finds “sex-specific epi-marks, which normally do not pass between generations and are thus ‘erased,’ can lead to homosexuality when they escape erasure and are transmitted from father to daughter or mother to son.” There will be more research on this controversial subject. I personally believe that gays did not wake up one day and decide to be gay. Other than through heredity, what else could be the reason?
Hi hitoallusa Although recent studies are still being conducted, you and others might want to take a look at this article concerning the "gay" gene. Nothing is concrete and definite, yet. However, logic and research, to date, strongly suggest that homosexuality is inherited. http://www.medicaldaily.com/articles/10287/20120613/homosexuality-gene-mother-reproduction-evolution.htm
There are none so blind as those who do not want to see. The parents of the boy who died were typical of many bigoted individuals who let religion control their emotions rather than control what is right, compassionate or logical. Science has proven that homosexuality is genetic. Yet, despite this fact, there remain countless people (like the parents depicted in the film) who erroneously believe it is a choice or "preference" made by "sinful" individuals. Like I said in my initial post, the gays are the only remaining group where prejudice is still condoned in law and in religious settings. It will take time but eventually, if enough states vote for gay marriage, the prejudice might remain, but equality will be forced as a matter of law. -
What a sad but truthful presentation. It is certainly emotionally moving. The example shown in the film confirms that gays are the last group of individuals in American society where certain politicians and certain individuals can continue to practice rampant discrimination (and get away with it). Hopefully, things will change soon. If more states vote in favor of gays marrying, eventually, the federal government will have to acquiesce and change the antiquated laws surrounding this issue. Thanks for posting the film. -
New year trip to São Paulo and porto alegre
mvan1 replied to gap1972's topic in Latin America Men and Destinations
Hello Gap 1972 I am really pleased for you that you met up and visited with your friend, Maikon, again. I can fully relate to how you feel about Maikon. I have had many similar encounters with special garotos over the years, while visiting in Brazil. If you continue to visit Brazil in the future, you will most likely find other encounters that are equally enjoyable. Not each trip will be as enjoyable as your current trip. You just happened to get lucky and find a nice person where you have compatibility. Some trips/visits to Brazil will not yield such luck, but there is always the next trip. If you spend a lot of time in Sao Paulo, you will find many things to do either by yourself or with Maikon, or with friends or with future garotos you are likely to meet in Sao Paulo. Sao Paulo is a unique city that offers something for everyone, regardless of different likes and dislikes. One example about Sao Paulo is the fact there are more than 80 museums there. Plays and concerts are often available at various facilities in Sao Paulo. The attractions outshine the saunas. I think you will enjoy visiting Porto Alegre. However, that city if nothing like Sao Paulo, although it is a nice place to visit for a short period of time. Given what you wrote about your friend, Maikon, I suspect that if you had not already booked your Porto Alegre trip, you would be content to remain in Sao Paulo provided you could be with Maikon. Although I have visited many cities within Brazil, I always find my most enjoyable times in Sao Paulo. If you continue to return to Brazil, perhaps you will eventually find Sao Paulo your most preferred city in Brazil. By the way, thanks for reporting on your trip. I can relate to all of what you wrote. I will be returning to Brazil in less than two weeks (my 104th trip). Of course, my time will be spent in Sao Paulo. - -
Madrid - Gay Romeo escort prices versus Saunas
mvan1 replied to pylonguy's topic in European Men and Destinations
What a shame, you did not get a response to your questions of six months ago. I shall try to be of some assistance even though your trip has more than likely taken place. Maybe you can compare your experiences with what I present here for you. Others who might be visiting Barcelona might learn something from my post. First, it is not logical to compare the prices for rent-boys on gayromeo versus the prices paid in the sauna. This is because there is a completeley different situation in play. In the sauna you meet (hopefully) someone you find appealing. You and the rent-boy talk for a short while (maybe) and then, if you are compatable, you agree on a price ( 40 - 50- Euros) then you both go to a cabine located on the second floor of the sauna. In the cabine, you both spend only about 20 or 30 minutes. Seldom does the rent-boy climax with you. Those rent-boys found in the sauna often advertise on gayromeo.com. Even if you have already experienced the same rent-boy in the sauna for 40 -50- Euros, you will pay a higher price if you arrange a meeting from gayromeo.com. The reason for the higher price from the internet is the fact that the rent-boy comes to your hotel and spends one hour (or longer depending on facts and circumstances) and the rent-boy will climax before he leaves your hotel. So, it is a matter of convenience and comfort which method you choose to meet. One method is cheaper, quicker but less fulfilling while the other method (gayromeo.com) is longer and more fulfulling. This is why there is a greater cost differential even if it is the same rent-boy in both cases. If you want a quickie in the sauna without a climax, you pay less money than you pay the same (or different rent-boy if you prefer) if he travels to your hotel and spends more time with you and climaxes. That is the difference. I prefer to meet the guy first in the sauna. That way, you know what you are getting. If I am compatable with the guy, I either get his phone number while we are together at the sauna or I check out his web site and make arrangements for him to come to the hotel. I prefer this method because so many guys do not tell the truth on their web site and will come to your hotel having used photos of another person or the photos used on the site are very old. Remember, what works for me may not work for you. I have heard good reports concerning meeting guys from gayromeo.com and I have also heard bad reports. Therefore, I prefer my method of first meeting in the sauna prior to any rent-boy coming to my hotel. I hope you or someone will benefit from this tardy response. - -
Your experience mirrors my last few trips to Prague. The only difference is that you did not mention meeting rent-boys who were using drugs, which I found to be very aggravating and unpleasant. Prague used to be such a fun place. It is certainly a beautiful city. Tourism is superb. The sites are historical. As we know from the history books, the city did not get bombed out like so many other old European cities did during the war. During the past couple of years, many (most) locals regard tourists, particularly gay tourists, as something to exploit. Over-charging tourists (ripping them off) is the norm and taking advantage of the tourist is just part of visiting the city. Clearly, for a tourist to visit Prague, it is the pits compared to visiting other cities where this does not occur. Maybe Prague will revert back to the nice place it once was. However, I am not too optimistic about that. -
You did a splendid job of listing the gay saunas in Prague. However, as I pointed out in another post regarding Prague, there are no official "rent-boy" saunas in Prague. It is possible that one might unexpectedly meet a rent-boy at a Prague sauna but that possibility is slim. If it did occur, it would be rare and the one-time exception would not mean that the sauna is a rent-boy sauna. Just as in any city, one MIGHT find a rent-boy in a sauna. The OP wrote that he will be in Prague on New Years weekend. If the OP is locked into being in Prague, he can count on disappointment if he is looking for the type of action found in a sauna. Another thing about Prague is the heavy use of drugs by young people, particularly, rent-boys. This is a turn-off to me. If there is any way to change cities, Ryan Air, in Europe is rather inexpensive. If it were I, I would take a plane to Barcelona where a grand time is almost guaranteed. In Barcelona, the train (Renfe) from the airport goes directly to the center of town or to the Sants station which costs only 3.6 Euros each direction). Sants station is about six blocks from Sauna Thermas. The weather is warmer in Barcelona and the hotels are more often far more reasonably priced than the hotels in Prague. I was in Barcelona only one week ago where I had a malvelous time. During the day, the weather was in the high 50s and at night the temperature dropped to the middle 40s. This means that I required only a jacket to remain comfortable when out and about. In short, Prague = no rent-boy saunas = drugged out street or bar hustlers and cold weather. I hope this information helps you. -
Budapest does not have saunas typical to what is found in Brazil, Barcelona, Madrid and Zurich (and Vienna). Meetings of rent-boys take place in bars, from the internet or on the street or in certain restaurants (coffee shops). Although it is possible to meet a rent-boy in Budapest, the likihood is slim that you would meet someone compatible, considering you have so little time (only a weekend) and the lack of easy access to them (except for the internet). Meeting from the internet can be difficult because you are taking the word of the rent-boy's advertisement and seeing pictures that might or might not be genuine or current. Prague I used to like a lot. However, I have not been there for a couple of years because of the heavy drug use by many (most?) of the rent-boys. Prague is a beautiful city that was not destroyed during the war as were many other cities. But, for a weekend to meet rent-boys in Prague would be hit-or-miss. Of course, there are areas were street hustlers can be found but between the language barrier and the drugs, I would not recommend going to Prague for the purpose you stated. It is simply too dangerous. On the other hand, if you had more time to spend there, you eventually would meet someone you like. But, in the winter with only a weekend to spend, I would not be optimistic that you would have success. -
If you are looking for an unusual weekend with lots of sauna guys, without question, Barcelona is the place. Barcelona has lots of saunas but only one "rent-boy" sauna named Sauna Thermas. It is open twenty-four hours but it is busiest around three o'clock p.m. (or so) until eight o'clock p.m. The sauna was recently redecorated and is clean and somewhat cheerful. On the other hand, there is Madrid with only one rent-boy sauna (Sauna Adan). This is a smaller sauna than the one in Barcelona discussed above. It is not as clean and the atmosphere is not friendly due to the attitude of the person who supposedly manages the small Sauna Adan. The employee or "friend" of the owners who works at reception is incredibly rude to most customers and rent-boys. He comes out of his little cage where he collects the entrance fees and while he is in the sauna, he does a good job of making customers and rent-boys uncomfortable. Until that person is no longer working at Sauna Adan, I will not enter the place again. In Madrid, in the evening, if you are looking for good looking hustlers or rent-boys (if you prefer that word), there is a bar that is called "Black & White" which is easy to find (just google Black & White - Madrid) and you will find the address. The bar is on a corner and is often filled with handsome available rent-boys. Another place in Europe would be Zurich. There is a very nice sauna (with rent-boys) called Paragonya. It is in old town and is extremely clean. This sauna is in a commercial building and is listed on the building directory as "Wellness Center - Paragonya" You can find the address from Google. The available rent-boys at Paragonya varies from very handsome and masculine to very "nelly" and quite lound and queenish. The nelly rent-boys comprise about one-fourth of the available rent-boys. There used to be a bar near Paragonya named Carousel. It is still advertised but when I was there a couple of months ago, the place was closed without any sign. I went there several different days. The telephone listed rings but no one every answered. If you pick Zurich, you might want to check it out. The address and telephone number can be obtained from Google. I hope the above information will be of use to you. Happy travels. -
You mentioned that you are going again on business to Rio. I assume that you know the requirements for a business visa are quite different than the requirements for a tourist visa. You will want to be certain that your visa is in order or you will not be allowed past immigration in Brazil after you arrive. Second, don't believe the reviews that state "it being difficult at that age to get the guys to come up to you" The sauna guys in Brazil are there to make money. It really doesn't matter how old you are. If you look very young, some of the garotos might mistakenly think you are not a client but you should be able to dispell that misconception after you enter the sauna. "I was wondering if someone could walk me through what you are supposed to do when you enter etc, once you've changed do you just walk in with a towel or can you wear other clothes t- shirt etc?" You have answered your own concerns. After changing (or not changing if you prefer), you enter the sauna. If you see someone you like you can make eye contact and decide if you are compatible. You really should not worry about the process of getting along in the sauna. Things will go well for you. -
Although the weather forecast says there will be thunder storms in Sao Paulo, those storms generally happen in the late afternoon (but not always). Therefore, the morning and several hours in the afternoon will be rain and/or storm free. This is the season for rain in South America. It is summer in Sao Paulo and consequently, thunderstorms are common. Usually, the storms do not last long. I hope you find something interesting to do for New Years eve. One thing you might consider is a walk or stroll on Avenida Dr. Vieira de Carvalho which intersects one of the gates leading from the Praca da Republica. There is a lot of foot traffic on that street on New Years eve. There will be several bars open for New Years but the chances of having an experience like a sauna visit is slim to none. Like I previously wrote, as an alternative, you might have to find a good book to read rather than enjoy a New Years night in Sao Paulo. A book will be a memorable experience as your New Years highlight in the largest city in South America. -
I am not a local but I have visted Brazil more than one hundred times. I spend a lot of time in Sao Paulo. In response to your question, I assume you know that if you found a "fun club or parties" on New Years, you would encounter a language problem as few Brazilians speak English. While it is true that Lagoa is closed New Years eve, the sauna will be open on New Years day after 2 o'clock in the afternoon. If you must be in Sao Paulo for New Years eve, I suspect that you will not find much to do unless you are fluent or can speak a fair amount of Portuguese. In an earlier post you asked about directions to Fragata from the Praca da Republica. Therefore, I assume you are staying somewhere near that area. You know, of course, in the evening, the Praca can be extremely dangerous. In the daytime, it is safe. Sorry I cannot offer more encouragement to you about New Years eve. I hope you like to read or that you know some handsome garoto who will keep you company for that one evening. -
Is there any way to edit a post after on clicks "post" I see that I made several typos in my prior posts. It would be nice if I could go back and correct the errors. Does anyone know if it is possible to fix typos? Thanks
Other than the fact the two saunas have "rent boys" they are quite diffferent from each other. Lagoa is larger, cleaner and more expense than Fragata. Lagoa generally has a larger selection of "good looking" guys than does Fragata. Unfortunately, sometimes, with the good looks comes an attitude. Often, the guys at Lagoa do not bother to ask your name, simply walking up to you and asking if you want go to a room with him. Some people like the brief but sudden way to meet. On the other hand, Fragata does not have as many good looking guys as Lagoa. I know, looks are in the eyes of the beholder. Depending on what you like, Fragata can be nicer than Loaga because of the different "down to earth" type garoto found there and the relaxed attitude. At Fragata, the garotos are less "pushy" and will spend time talking with you. That way, you can decide whether you would feel comfortable escalating to a higher level of interaction in a cabine. Of the two saunas, I prefer Fragata. Good luck. Fragata is generally better on Sunday nights and Tuesday nights. It often depends on the weather and other factors such as holidays. -