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Everything posted by mvan1

  1. After a dull Thursday night at Lagoa, I decided to return to Lagoa last night (Friday). I arrived a little before six. Unlike Thursday night when the sauna was terribly dull, last night there were lots of clients but more important there were lots of garotos. Depending on likes and dislikes, I found several garotos that were extremely handsome and many were just ordinary in appearance, and, a few were not so good looking. While I was talking with some of my friends at the sauna, an exceptionally handsome garoto kept looking over at us and smiling and winking. After a minute or so of exchanging glances, the garoto came over to talk with us but he focused his attention on me. Garotos at the saunas are not at all timid. This garoto has a great personality and has a unique charm and gorgeous looks. While he was talking with us, his towel kept "accidentally" falling off. Each time his towel fell, his dick got harder and harder (he helped it along while touching and pulling it). It was one of the largest and perfectly formed dicks I have ever seen. Without much more delay, he quickly introduced himself. When he shook hands with me, he grabbed onto my hand and pulled it to his hard dick and with his other hand, pulled my other hand over his hard dick. He then laughingly said "Agora, que espremer" (now squeeze it). I thought this was cute and quite unique. I couldn't help but laugh. Mind you, this incident took place in a crowded open sauna with other people looking on. I have had more than my expected share of great times in the Brazilian saunas. However, this was the first time something like this ever happened with me and I was rather pleased, to say it mildly. Only in Brazil could an event like this take place. Incidentally, the garoto's name is Leandro, he is extremely handsome, he is age 20 and he lives in the City of Guarulhos, near the Sao Paulo airport. He told me that he takes the bus from his house near the airport and is usually at Lagoa on Wednesday and Friday evenings. I highly recommend him. By the way, I have heard incorrect reports claiming that the garotos at Lagoa charge outrageous prices for their services. Leandro asked the going rate (R$100) for one hour in a cabine. At today's exchange rate, that is roughly thirty eight dollars. What a gift. -
  2. Tomcal is correct, there is no "off season" at the Brazilian saunas. There is, however, certain months when it is very hot in the saunas. January to March is hot. When you visit in August, you won"t have to contend with the heat. In fact, the weather should be pleasant. If you visit in Brazil's summertime (now), the heat does not create an "off season" but it certainly influences the amount of time that clients and garotos spend in the saunas. The heat can make being in the saunas very uncomfortable. Fortunately, the heat generally doesn't bother the garotos as much as it bothers the clients. Rio is generally hotter than Sao Paulo, which also has saunas and there is no "off season" at the saunas in Sao Paulo, either. When you arrive in August, the temperature should be pleasant but you will hear garotos claim that it is cold. Many will wear a sweater or jacket. I used to think it was funny to hear the young garotos complain about being cold or "frio" in 70 degree temperature. I am currently in Brazil and the heat is in the 90s during the day. Despite the heat, I am happy to be here. Have a great trip to Rio and be sure to do your "homework" with respect to scouting out the locations where you want to visit and how you will get around while you are in Rio. A good start might be to learn the Metro system for the areas you expect to visit.
  3. Here is a Washington Post article that is more informative concerning the supposed changes with respect to Americans traveling to Cuba for tourism: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2015/01/15/precisely-what-the-new-u-s-cuba-travel-rules-mean-for-americans-hoping-to-visit-cuba/ Reading through the article confirms that tourism by Americans to Cuba remains illegal, despite misleading headlines in the news recently. Here is the second paragraph of the article that is quite specific about it still being unlawful for Americans to visit Cuba, solely for tourism. "For starters, these changes will not allow official tourist travel to Cuba. Senior administration officials clarified in a conference call this morning that the new regulations "are not meant to facilitate tourist travel to Cuba, as tourist travel remains prohibited by statute." In other words, headlines that have run rampant in recent weeks telling Americans that they can now travel to Cuba are overstated, or, at the very least, misleading." For those Americans who were told by various travel agencies that their travel to Cuba is lawful, are misinformed. Until the U S Congress removes the ban on general tourism, Americans cannot currently travel unrestricted to Cuba.
  4. Despite my knowing that Thursday is generally not a busy night at Lagoa, I got talked into going there last night. It was an absolute waste of time, effort and money to go there. There were some garotos in attendance but (in my opinion) very few good looking ones. The clients out numbered the garotos by at least two to one. That inverted ratio tends to cause the garotos to become a bit aggressive and nagging about taking them to a room. I stayed only a couple of hours due to the composition of the sauna. But, today is Friday. I expect tonight at Lagoa will be its usual jolly and "cheio" status with lots of available garotos. I expect to be there before six o'clock. By the way, for those who find the hot and humid weather in Rio to be oppressive this time of year, you might want to give Sao Paulo a try. Although it is summer in Brazil, Sao Paulo is more than two thousand feet elevation which means that it is cooler and less humid than Rio, which is at sea level. There are only two decent rent boi saunas in Sao Paulo and there are only two rent boi saunas in Rio. There is more to do and see in Sao Paulo during "non sauna" time. The airplane from Rio to Sao Paulo takes less than one hour. It is also possible to take an "executive" bus which takes between five and six hours, depending on traffic. The executive bus is quite comfortable and stops half way through the journey for lunch. The executive bus might be something to do - once.
  5. New York Times article dated today - 1/16/2014 Things WILL be changing soon - good news - Congress approval will be needed prior to lifting ban on general tourism. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/16/world/americas/us-eases-decades-old-rules-on-travel-to-cuba.html?partner=rss&emc=rss
  6. Actually, it is hoped that some day Americans can visit Cuba as a tourist. As it now stands, there are severe restrictions for Americans who visit Cuba. Americans can only LEGALLY visit Cuba if the American travels with a licensed "People-to-People tour group, licensed by the U S Treasury Department. Here is a link to a U S News article that discusses the restrictions placed on Americans who wish to travel to Cuba for tourism: http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2014/07/02/how-americans-can-vacation-in-cuba Note in the article, this paragraph that certainly diminishes any thoughts of "alone time" for Americans visiting the local sites unrestricted: "In contrast the "meaningful contact trips" are legal ways for Americans to travel to Cuba and even get a direct flight from the U.S. to Havana. The catch with these trips is that Americans have to keep a schedule assigned by the group they travel with, they have a tour guide follow them on the entire trip, and people can’t simply break the agenda to visit Cuba’s Varadero Beach, says Chris Sabatini, senior director of policy for Council of the Americas." There are some unethical companies that advertise and claim Americans can travel to Cuba via Canada or Mexico or another country to avoid detection for unlawful travel. Don't do it - the consequences are not worth it, if you get caught.
  7. I found it in the Brazil forum on Flyertalk.com If you click on the pull down menu that opens at the link for Iris, you will learn a little about her and how she got the job announcing flights in Rio. Flyertalk.com site contains a lot of information about all travel and lodging even though the name of the site would make you think it deals only with flying. There is helpful data for just about anywhere people travel. Anywhere you think you might want to travel, just go to that site and do a search for any destination or any subject. You will find more information than you expected, including the link to the Rio de Janeiro - Iris, the airport flight announcer.
  8. Thanks for the clarification. We all have our personal ideas relative to what is or is not humor. Now that you posted your interpretation, and perhaps the intention of the author of the post in question, I can see what may have been intended. I did not initially see the “humor” because I, like many who post to this board, travel on airplanes a lot. In my case, I travel between 150 -200 thousand miles each year. Therefore when an incident like this occurs, I don’t think it is a laughing matter nor do I think it is funny. Fortunately, the incident resulted only with damage to an aircraft. The result could have been catastrophic had a fire erupted and it could have.
  9. Even if the passengers saw the smoke and debris from looking out the windows, it does not mean that the smoke or objects got into the aircraft. The doors of the aircraft were not open while the aircraft taxied to the gate. Therefore, there should be no damage to the interior of the plane. Boeing made an ESTIMATE to repair or replace damage to the landing gear, tires, rim and other parts that were damaged because of the incident. It is doubtful that Boeing personnel would do the repair work. The work would most likely be done in Rio by local repair people. -
  10. Interesting that you mentioned the Concorde. Not many people remember that it once landed in Rio de Janeiro. If anyone is interested in seeing the approach and landing of the Concorde at Rio, check out the below link. The report is in French but the photos speak for themselves, therefore, the narrative is not necessary to understand the arrival in Rio. Notice, also, in the background on the arrival of the Concorde, several Brazilian air carriers that no longer exist, VASP being just once such carrier. -
  11. For those that have been to Rio and have waited for their flight, this link should bring back some fond memories. It is the voice of the lady whose voice is used for flights departing Rio. Her name is Iris Lettieri - http://www.irislettieri.com.br/
  12. Here is a link to some photos that were taken of the aircraft after it was towed to a hanger in Rio. http://forum.contatoradar.com.br/index.php/topic/113527-767-da-american-estoura-4-pneus-durante-pouso-no-galeao/ Notice the close-up photos of the severe damage to the main landing gear and tire rims. It is a wonder there was no fire after the landing that caused all right gear tires to disintegrate. It is reported that the pilots continue to maintain that they did not notice any problem after the tires blew out. The aircraft is still in Rio - Estimates to repair the damage - close to one million, according to estimates given by Boeing - -
  13. Check out this link: http://avherald.com/h?article=47f968b7 The article at the link says that the pilots were not aware that all four tires had blown out on landing. The pilots continued to the gate as usual. In the above link there is a video that one of the ground workers made of the aircraft smoking its way to the gate. It is difficult to understand how or why the pilots were unaware of a problem given all the smoke generated from the blown tires and the burning rubber. Could it be the pilots were in a hurry to get to 117 or Meio Mundo and did not want to be delayed upon arrival? Just kidding. The article also said that the bare wheels caused some damage to the ground but no one was hurt. The continuing flight to New York was cancelled and the aircraft is still in Rio since yesterday.
  14. Most likely dated. I have not been there in almost five years. You know how scenes can change - almost as often as the wind changes. The cines were "hit and miss" in that some days were good and other days were dismal. Today, I cannot offer any suggestion except to say that if you plan to be in Panama City anyway, check these places.
  15. Check out this site for three "cines" in Panama City http://www.qtraveller.com/Panama/panpcci.htm There are minor caveats shown on that site for each of the "theaters"
  16. - That is a good question. The searching of garotos is a “control” idea/decision from a relatively new manager. The manager is attempting to cut down on garotos smoking marijuana or using drugs in the sauna. Supposedly, the searching is also to find possible weapons. Considering that a new law prohibits smoking of any kind in indoor places, including saunas, it seems silly to search for marijuana when smoking it in the sauna would be immediately detected. As to possible other drugs or weapons, searching garotos is not going to solve that issue. As I said previously, a client can carry in things for a garoto, assuming the client and garoto are familiar with each other. Clearly, the searching of garotos has a negative effect on Fragata because it drives away a lot of garotos and consequently, because there are fewer garotos, fewer clients visit the sauna. This equates to less income for the sauna owners.
  17. You are correct on both points. The body searching is aggravating to some of the garotos and Friday is not usually a good night at Fragata. Tuesday and Sunday are the best nights at Fragata. Some of the garotos told me they don't like being searched. Some told me that being searched is a big influence in their avoiding Fragata and, instead, going to Lagoa to meet clients. If you visit Lagoa you will see that it is much busier than it was prior to when the Fragata garoto searches began. Also, at Lagoa, you will see many of the garotos that were formerly seen at Fragata. I previously commented on the searches after I noticed two garotos (that entered just before me one night), were not searched. At that time, I was told the searches were discontinued. However, for some foolish reason, the searches resumed. If a garoto wants to conceal a prohibited item, the garoto can ask a client to bring the item into the sauna for the garoto. Also, depending on what the item is, the garoto can conceal the prohibited item. Searching garotos is unproductive and creates bad will. I recall three other popular rent-boy saunas in Sao Paulo that began searching garotos a few years back (Alterosas, Bois Clube and Bon Vivon). Those three saunas went out of business not long after the searching began. Many garotos quit going to those saunas. Fewer garotos caused clients to choose other saunas. As a result, each sauna had too few garotos and clients and then closed its doors and now those saunas are mere history.
  18. Lookin, you're not going anywhere. You are fine right here. You are always cheerful and you have a great attitude. No hiatus for you. -
  19. I have never seen or heard of a hustler bar in Rio or Salvador even though there might be one there. There is a "sort of" hustler bar in Sao Paulo. A few years ago, it was a fairly good hustler bar. Due to the popularity of the bar, over the past few years the bar has made many changes. One change that I don't like is the loud "shows" (lots of singing drag queens). One change that I occasionally like is the male strip shows. They are fun to watch. The bar opens late (near midnight). The loud music sometimes makes it difficult and awkward to converse with the garotos. Many of the hustlers are garotos that earlier in the evening were at one of the two rent-boy saunas in Sao Paulo. Therefore, if you go to Bar Fama and also frequent the saunas, there is a fair chance you will recognize some of the hustlers from the saunas. Also, many of the hustlers are the same ones that hustle in the nearby Republic park and/or the several cines that are nearby. Here is a link to the bar - http://famainflama.blogspot.com/ and another link to a Portuguese description of some of the activities of the bar - http://www.guiagaysaopaulo.com.br/1/est--bar-fama--103.htm Please be cautioned - Bar Fama is not at all like being in one of the saunas. The building is small and when there are lots of people there, it can be uncomfortable especially when the loud drag queens do their howling, I mean singing. If you happen to reach an agreement with one of the garotos, there are no rooms to rent on the premises. However, there are several hourly hotels within a short distance of the bar. Or, depending on the situation, and if you feel comfortable with the garoto, you can take him back to your hotel, if your hotel allows visitors. Some nights at the bar are good (lots of garotos) while other nights are awful (dead - fraco). It is similar to how the saunas get "bad" nights and "good" nights. I do not recommend making a special trip to visit this hustler bar - it is too unpredictable (many customers versus very few customers). However, if you happen to be in Sao Paulo and are up late and are staying in the downtown area, it might be fun to stop in - you might have fun.
  20. - I recognize Spa 73 - in Rio - now closed -
  21. I agree with the above very helpful information. However, the web address in the Axiom post is not correct. The web address that is given is a link to reviews of various escorts, in general. The web address you want is: http://www.message-forum.net/forumdisplay.php?32-Escorts-South-of-the-USA -
  22. I am not aware of a thread that discusses terms for use in Rio saunas. However, there might be some phrases posted on the site. I assume this will be your first trip to Rio. If you have read the postings in this site, you know that Rio currently has only two “rent boy” saunas. I assume that you will be visiting one of the saunas and that is why you want to learn “bathhouse Portuguese” As one who has traveled more than one hundred times to Brazil, let me offer a little comfort for you in knowing that it really does not matter that you do not speak Portuguese for visiting rent boy saunas. I know that seems difficult to believe, but it is so. Countless visitors to Brazil’s rent boy saunas speak little to no Portuguese. Few, if any, have a problem despite not knowing the language or even a few phrases. Let me suggest that after you enter one of the saunas, you not allow the first garoto (rent boy) who approaches you to convince you to go to a private room with him. Before you go alone in a room with a garoto, first get settled in at the sauna and look around a while. When you feel comfortable after a “walk through” of the sauna, you should change into sauna attire. You will be furnished with a locker key (and number) plus a couple of towels and shower clogs when you enter the sauna. As I said above, even though it seems difficult to believe, despite your not knowing any Portuguese, you will still be able to negotiate with garotos. Most of them are really nice guys and are not difficult - most are very friendly even if it is only through smiling and body language. The only thing that I caution is that once you begin a “somewhat” conversation with a garoto, be certain that you both understand the agreed price for the encounter. One simple way to confirm the monetary agreement is to take a piece of paper and write down the agreed amount. That way, there will not be any misunderstandings after you and the garoto leave the private room. There are some terms that I could tell you but you really don’t need them. There might be other posters who read your question and my response and might offer to list specific and graphic phrases for you. You said you will be visiting Rio next month, which is summer time in Rio. The weather will be great for beaches but the saunas will be hot. Have a great trip.
  23. Speaking of Fragata- If anyone visiting Fragata happens to like “real” Mexican food, there is an authentic Mexican restaurant only a couple of blocks from Fragata. The name of the restaurant is “El Mariachi Cantina Mexicana” The address is - R Dos Pinheiros, 412 | Pinheiros, Sao Paulo The phone number is - +55 11 3081-0055 http://vejasp.abril.com.br/estabelecimento/el-mariachi http://www.cantinaelmariachi.com.br/cardapio The wife of the owner is from Los Angeles, California and is of Mexican descent - this means that she probably knows authentic Mexican food. My experience is that this is the best Mexican restaurant in Sao Paulo (or maybe in all of Brazil). The food is good but is not of the quality one would find in Mexico or in a good Mexican restaurant in Los Angeles. I visit this restaurant a few times a year while in Sao Paulo. Trip Advisor has forty-eight reviews on this restaurant. Most of the reviews are favorable. Of course, not every reviewer is going to rave about a place. Trip Advisors reviews - http://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurant_Review-g303631-d4469728-Reviews-El_Mariachi_Cantina_Mexicana-Sao_Paulo_State_of_Sao_Paulo.html If you meet and get along with a nice garoto while at Fragata, you might consider taking him to this restaurant. As I said, it is the best Mexican restaurant in Sao Paulo - a garoto might want to try Mexican food. The restaurant is set up for single, couples or even for a fairly large crowd.
  24. It is no fun getting lost in any city, especially a city like Sao Paulo. For other readers who might visit Fragata or if you use the Metro again (instead of the bus), and if you get lost, just ask any Brazilian you pass while walking "where is MacDonald's?" That is a landmark often used to locate less known places (like Fragata). Also, in addition to the tall MacDonald's sign, there is another large and tall sign for Banco Itau (the bank with the large ugly orange painted building) which is another landmark very close to Fragata. Both MacDonald's and Bank Itau are near the corner of Reboucas and Enrique Schaumann. From there, Fragata is just a little walk. If you locate either one of these landmarks, getting to Fragata is easy. Here is a link to the map that shows the aerial view of the metro station in relation to the location of Fragata. https://www.google.com.br/maps/place...c8e1977879a092 This information will be helpful for future visits to Fragata. -
  25. mvan1

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