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Everything posted by mvan1
Proverb there are none so blind as those who will not see Understanding cannot be forced on someone who chooses to be ignorant. See also 2. you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink
Hi, you commented on Polish citizens not being able to visit the U.S. Here is a link to National Public Radio's take of the matter with an interesting history of why (or why no one know why) the Poles were left out of the visa waiver program. https://www.npr.org/2015/09/05/437873853/left-out-of-visa-waiver-program-polish-visitors-ask-why-not-us
Let's see - you approve of many things Trump actually does - For example, do you approve of the fact that for eight years Trump hounded Obama and made countless false public statements claiming that Obama was not born in the U.S. and thus was not qualified to be president? Do you approve of Trump's public interview when the White Supremacists in West Virginia caused violence and shouted hateful things about Jews and others? Do you approve of Trump's cozying up to Putin, ignoring the fact that U.S. Intelligence agencies confirmed that Russia interfered (and continues to interfere) in U.S. elections? Do you approve of Trump referring to people from Mexico as murders and rapists? Do you approve of Trump's attempted Muslim ban? Do you approve of Trump cozying up with the dictator from North Korea and to the Saudi leader who authorized the killing of a New York Times reporter? Do you approve of the fact that Trump has told more than 10,000 major lies in public speeches since taking office? Do you approve of Trump running his businesses from the White House despite it being illegal and Republican senators ignoring that fact? Do you approve of the fact that Trump regards himself above the laws of our nation? I could list countless things Trump has done and said. What do you think would have happened if Obama had done the above things?
Inserting a reference to Hitler in a dispute over the definition of the word "visa" is clearly bizarre. For you to defend such behavior (inserting Hitler into the discussion) is equally bizarre. You should head straight to your local pharmacy. It is clear from your post that you, too, are off your meds. If you are traveling away from home, rush to the nearest emergency room for treatment.
The poster went off on a long, intransigent narrative criticising the definition of the word "visa." - His writings were tantamount to a town crier with his one-way interpretation of the simple word - visa. Thus, I referred to him as a muezzin-like town crier. Anyone, except for that poster, would know that I was not bringing religion into the discussion. However, the poster responded to my muezzin comment by saying my response was "approaching Godwin's Law" which we all know has to do with Hitler. His comment was absurd and is commensurate of someone deeply disturbed or misguided. I have never read any thread or post on this forum that compared a forum users post with Hitler or even approaching anything to do with Hitler. The poster, as was noted previously by an earlier poster, appeared to be off his meds, so to speak. There was and is no need to compare a dispute over the definition of a visa - with Hitler. My, oh, my!
Misterbnb.com: The Gay Equivalent to Airbnb
mvan1 replied to axiom2001's topic in Latin America Men and Destinations
Genau! Not to mention how awkward it would be to explain away the visitor. -
https://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/hotels/2019/06/27/taco-bell-hotel-reservations-sell-out-in-2-minutes/1587139001/ 1
You said that Saturday is "shower day" where you stay. How many days do they make you wait in between showers? Curious minds want to know.
You are probably a very nice person. You are entitled to support whichever political party you prefer. However, I am bewildered how you or anyone else could possibly believe that Trump is anything except for someone who should not be the president of the United States. Among other things, Trump is a documented habitual and chronic liar. That character flaw does not fit with the person who leads America. Trump has fractured our country. It will take many years after Trump is voted out of office for the U.S. to recover good relations with allies. Due to the bizarre things Trump repeatedly does and says to America's long-term allies, it is a wonder we are not at war. Trump's so-called "trade war" (if enacted) could very well cause a major recession for America this year and cause major economic damage for America's allies. Trump is a heartless and selfish man. Most of America's allies laugh at us for having such a freak as president.
Exactly, that is the key to end Trump's king complex. Fortunately, Trump supporters are in the minority. Trump will be voted out of office. Won't that be grand when it happens?
Don't you realize that Trump is getting more wealthy by running his businesses while in office?
There is no change in location for Lagoa finalized yet. Nothing has worked out so far for locking in a new location. It seems greed and stinginess are at play in a possible new location for Lagoa. As of now - the lease is gone - However, Lagoa is staying put - month-to-month - A few places that looked promising have not been locked in. Therefore, anyone going to Lagoa should check the address unless ads and their website notify of any move. Who knows, the month-to-month might turn into years. Here is the current address which might last into infinity: http://www.thermaslagoa.com.br/thermas.lagoa.htm Now, wouldn't that be nice?
Hi, I would not call that area "the most convenient for sauna access" but I would call it a "general touristy walking around" area. Avenida Paulista is fairly close to Fragata but not to Lagoa. However, Avenida Paulista is a great street for sight seeing. If you like museums, you have MASP which has a frequent turn-over of exhibits. At the far end of Avenida Paulista is Trianon park. Depending on the weather, it is possible to find hustlers in that park. They are obvious when you enter the park. Have a good trip to Sao Paulo
Speaking of legalizing prostitution - Here is a clip from an old movie with Marlene Dietrich playing a Madam and David Bowie playing a hustler (gigolo). In this scene he is being recruited by Dietrich to be a hustler. It is a great film if anyone is interested in seeing how prostitution works when it is not controlled by police involvement.
Please furnish a citation that confirms a "young adult" was included in legal proceedings against rentboy - I have never seen any credible accusation of trafficking on rentboy or any young adult charge that was litigated. In the initial accusation against rentboy, the zealous female prosecutor made up charges to make the matter a sensation to the public. However, at conclusion of the prosecution, there was no charge of trafficking. The final charges were prostitution. Not trafficking.
I don't want to beat a dead horse, because this matter happened more than a year ago. However, as you recall, once upon a time, there was an adult site called rentboy. It had been in existence for many years. In the years that I looked at the site, I never saw any children advertised on that site. I also never saw any trafficking. Despite no child porn or trafficking, the owner and some of the employees were arrested. After a few days, the employees were let out of jail. However, the government seized all the money of the owner which made it impossible for him to defend himself (without money to hire an attorney). That type of government behavior is rather extreme in a democratic country. Considering the above example plus Craigs List closing its personal ads (which I occasionally read) I never saw any trafficking or children on Craigs List either. Therefore, I am not clear why Warren and Rubio wanted to have the bank accounts closed for sex workers that they repeatedly and erroneously called traffickers. The bill they put together did not isolate child porn. If you go back to the bills (that were never sent to the House for a vote) they were quite explicit in going after anyone who advertised sex for money. Anyway, I am happy for you that you have Warren to look forward to as a contender against Trump. Anyone who would will cause Trump to be defeated and driven out of office is my hero regardless of whether I agree with their prior deeds. Peace
I agree with you in that people can change their position over time. However, Warren and Rubio teamed together to co-sponsor a bill to close bank accounts of anyone being a sex worker or "suspected" of being one. What does a bank account have to do with sex work? Can you relate to the amount of time those two spent on their proposed bill to force banks to close the accounts of sex workers. The issue is not merely their time spent. Something like those two planned is down right mean and hurtful. Can you imagine if your bank accounts were closed? Can any reader here find any logic in closing the bank accounts of sex workers or those suspected of sex work? Again, the bill did not get taken seriously by those who could vote on the hideous proposed law. For those who want a reminder of what Warren and Rubio tried to do to sex workers, here is an article again: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/human-trafficking-banking-bill-sex-workers_n_5b045577e4b0740c25e5efd1
There is an old idiom that goes - - A leopard does not changes its spots but it sometimes covers the spots to get what it wants - - - - - That woman was so hateful against prostitutes. As I already provided, she and Rubio co-sponsored a bill to force banks to close the bank accounts of prostitutes or "suspected" prostitutes. How hateful can one be? Although she says she would be open to decriminalize prostitution, remember it was only a couple of years ago when she and Rubio tried that hideous stunt to get sex workers to lose their bank accounts. Thank goodness the rest of Congress had more sense than she and Rubio and let the project drop. Here is the article again in case someone missed it: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/human-trafficking-banking-bill-sex-workers_n_5b045577e4b0740c25e5efd1 Someone should ask her in an open interview about the discrepancy of her present claims contrasted her bill to strip away bank accounts from prostitutes.
Oz, you have a good memory. It was Warren who co-authored the bill that helped close down Craigs list and other sites that escorts used. Is that women getting like Trump? The bill was signed into law by that Trump freak last April 11, 2018 - https://www.huffpost.com/entry/human-trafficking-banking-bill-sex-workers_n_5b045577e4b0740c25e5efd1 "A new law that shuttered websites used by voluntary sex workers to screen clients has already forced some to risk their lives by returning to the streets to find business." "But the broad bipartisan alliance that passed that legislation last month isn’t done. Now, Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), who both voted for the first bill, are pushing a proposal in the Senate that would impose similar restrictions on sex workers’ bank accounts — a move that sex workers say could further endanger their income, safety and lives."
For those who visit Brazil and first spend time in Sao Paulo then go to Rio, you might want to be aware of the below article. The article advises that the largest runway at Rio's at Santos Dumont airport will be closed for a month for upgrading. Only small aircraft will be allowed to use the smaller runway at the downtown airport. This mean that flights from downtown Congonhas Airport (Sao Paulo) will fly to the larger international airport (GIG) in Rio, much farther than downtown Rio (SDU). If you are visiting Sao Paulo during the above dates shown in the title, and if you plan to visit Rio from Sao Paulo, make sure you book one of the smaller aircraft to Rio (SDU). If you don't, your flight will land at Galeão International Airport (GIG) which is a long taxi or Uber ride from the areas we generally use. Traffic is usually heavy along this route. Here is the article: https://riotimesonline.com/brazil-news/rio-de-janeiro/runway-renovation-will-restrict-flights-at-santos-dumont-airport-in-rio/
Who said you cannot afford to visit Barcelona - - - -
mvan1 replied to mvan1's topic in European Men and Destinations
You might want to check the ad again. The flights are on United Airlines, not on Brussels Airlines. Yes, the ad is up to date. -
Who said you cannot afford to visit Barcelona - - - -
mvan1 replied to mvan1's topic in European Men and Destinations
It is not a mistake fare. Mistake fares are usually lower than the fare shown. There are fewer mistake fares shown in the past year or so. Computer technology has improved which currently catches mistakes usually before the mistake fares are shown to the public. This ad offers a lot of flights all the way from November into March of next year and the flights are on United Airlines. If the fare were a mistake, United would have pulled the offer by now. The offer still shows on United's web site.