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Before visiting the saunas in the evening - here is a day-time event that might be interesting to attend: http://riotimesonline.com/brazil-news/rio-entertainment/photography-exhibition-celebrating-rios-history-opens-on-citys-anniversary/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRioTimes+%28The+Rio+Times%29 Celebrating Rio de Janeiro's 450th year - There is no charge to see the exhibit - -
I agree, I plan to see the film. Here is a little more of the background of the story: http://www.bustle.com/articles/22952-eddie-redmayne-to-play-lili-elbe-in-the-danish-girl-who-is-the-1900s-trans-pioneer
Thanks for your interesting post. If you do not mind, I have a question (asked further in this post). As I previously wrote, I have not been to Bangkok for many years. When I was there, there were countless Thai guys that I found interesting. To my knowledge, I never saw any Vietnamese while in Bangkok. Unrelated to my trips to Bangkok, I also spent a fair amount of time in Saigon, (now - Ho Chi Minh City) Vietnam. In my observations, the Vietnamese guys did not look anything like the Thai guys. The body and facial features were as different as night and day between the two nationalities. On some rare occasions, I found some Vietnamese that were mixed with the French, as a result of the Indochina War. That combination made an interesting looking guy. Finally, my question - Am I correct in assuming from reading your post that Bangkok, the bar Hot Male and the street that you find enjoyable, are frequented by a lot of Vietnamese and guys from Laos? If so, what do you think is a reasonable guess for the ratio of the mix - )Thai versus Vietnamese)? I ask the question out of curiosity. I know that after the Vietnam was ended, many Vietnamese left Vietnam and immigrated to many other countries. In the U.S, the largest Vietnamese population, outside of Vietnam, is located in Orange County, California. This all happened after the Vietnam war ended.
Thanks lookin - Of course, your answer makes sense. It is easy to target a market based on cookies in a computer. The cookies identify the sites visited by the computer. This site and other escort sites leave lots and lots of "tell tale" cookies in a computer. The app used the cookies to specify the restaurants. Our privacy seems to be ebbing away at a fast rate. Just curious, do you go to "early bird special" restaurants?
I received an e-mail from Citibank this afternoon. There was an offer for a smart phone app that is unique in that you can visit certain restaurants and pay your entire tab (including the tip) by using your smart phone. The app is called "Tabbed Out" I think it is a good app but it leaves me puzzled. The app lists available restaurants all over the U.S. but especially in the area where the phone is located, unless you tell the app to choose a different area. You can select any area with the app. When I looked for a choice of restaurants near me, to my surprise, many of the restaurants have a note next to them saying "gay restaurant" which puzzles me. I do not live in a "gay" area. Why in the world would Citibank recommend an app that spells out certain restaurants that are supposedly gay restaurants? Moreover, why would a new app like this identify certain restaurants as "gay restaurants?" I would think identifying restaurants as "gay" could cause problems for some of those restaurants. Not everyone is liberal. Remember, the app goes to all Citibank customers and ostensibly, will go to customers of other banks as well. Citibank does not own the app. Below is a link to the web site of Tabbed Out. Has anyone used this app or seen it? Does anyone have an opinion different from mine? Here is a screen copy of my e-mail that describes the app: Leave Your Old Wallet at Home... We got this covered. Say goodbye to waiting for your server at the end of your meal, and forget about waiting in that long bar line. Here's How It Works Haven’t used TabbedOut before? It's Easy. Open the app and find your location on the home screen. Open a tab at the venue. Order your meal or drink as usual, but remember to tell your server or bartender that you’re using TabbedOut, and tell them your name or unique TabbedOut code. When you’re ready to leave, simply hit “Pay Check,” adjust your desired tip (20%, 25%, 30% or write in your own), and hit “Pay Now.” TabbedOut will charge your credit card with the total bill, no need to hand your credit card over to your server. Welcome to TabbedOut! We hope you enjoy your enhanced mobile payment experience. Step-by-Step Guide We’re excited to have you as part of the TabbedOut experience! If you have any issues at any time, please don't hesitate to email us any questions. Do you need to re-download? Visit our website.
Even though I am all for education and progress, this procedure is too far "over the top" for me. If, some day in the future, the procedure really could be done on humans, I can envision countless psychological problems for anyone (including their families) surviving such an operation. It is my opinion and belief, eventually, we all reach a point when the only logical course is to "surrender the horn of plenty" and let go of life. If someones' health were so bad where this procedure were the only alternative to sustaining life, I suspect not many people would willingly be a party to it. But, the article is interesting.
Thanks for the information on the hotels and apartment possibility. I am almost convinced that I should go to Bangkok after I return from my upcoming trip to Brazil at the end of March. I keep thinking that I should be getting tired of Brazil but I am not. At the same time, I visit other countries, only for variety and for a change of things to see and do. This thread has my interest peaked.
Hi planetime, Thanks for the assurance of not having a problem finding quality guys in Bangkok. I can relate to the fact that we all have different likes and dislikes. All we can do is try. With luck on our side, things generally work out favorably. You mentioned about an apartment and staying one month or so. If I like Bangkok, I will consider an apartment rather than a hotel. It all depends on my comfort level when I get there. Initially, I will use a hotel. I am more adventuresome than many of my friends who are content being a sit-at-home and hiring escorts from rentboy or sites like that. Thanks again for the interesting reports.
OZ, ขอบคุณมาก (thank you very much in Thai) for the information. With respect to the advice not to fall in love, that is not a problem. If I have not fallen in love after my 122 trips to Brazil, it is unlikely I will fall in love in Bangkok. When I used the word "hint" I really meant to say recommendations. My main question is which hotel to choose. When I was in Bangkok a few times, years ago, I stayed at the Erawon, Montien, and I think the President. Those places may not be around anymore, considering that hotels get bought out by various chains and hotel names change so often. I will be much obliged for a recommendation for a decent hotel close to the fun areas. I also need a hotel that does not have an issue with visitors to a guest's room. After such a long absence from the city, I will not stay in Bangkok more than one week on my first return. Therefore, I prefer to stay in one of the larger chain hotels until I get to know the city again.
Prices Are Way Up For The Hot Boys at Club 117
mvan1 replied to travguy's topic in Latin America Men and Destinations
http://www.yelp.com/biz/eclipse-rio-de-janeiro - -
Hi planetime: Thanks for the interesting reports. You wrote that finding guys in Bangkok is easy. My question is - Are the guys that are easy to find in Bangkok, good looking by standards that are equal to the standards of escorts advertising on gayromeo.com? I love Brazil and I will continue to visit there. However, I also visit other places. I have not been to Bangkok in many years. Maybe it is time to check out that city again. I am curious if I would or could like visiting Bangkok as much as I enjoy visiting Brazil. A few hints or comments will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
When you read through the narrative of the manual, either the Thai's are insulting the Chinese or the Chinese are not good tourists. Based on all the good things I have read about Thailand, I assume the manual does not apply to the behavior of American tourists in Thailand. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/destinations/asia/thailand/11416014/Thailand-issues-good-behaviour-manual-for-Chinese-tourists.html
Be careful of generic or medicines not obtained from an original manufacturer - See this video made by the makers of Viagra: http://www.viagra.com/buy-real-viagra/counterfeit-viagra-videos.aspx As you can determine from the video, fake Viagra is manufactured to look exactly like the real thing. Even the packaging looks real. Although it costs more to buy medicines from an original manufacturer, at least you know that the medicine is manufactured under inspected circumstances. P.S. - I did say the video was made by the makers of Viagra. Therefore, the video was obviously intended by the manufacturer to scare off people from buying generic. In reality, generics, of all types, are sold all over the world and we rarely hear anything negative about them. On the other hand, we often watch television and see advertisements from law firms looking for clients who have been harmed by using various other medications manufactured by licensed drug companies. What are we to do? Even buying from the original manufacturer can be an issue. Just a word to the wise. -
Just curious. OZ, since you also traveled to Brazil a lot, is it really so that Bangkok maintains the status of "ease of finding sexy boys is better than anywhere else on earth."? Easier than in Brazil? It has been a long time since I was last in Bangkok. Therefore, I must admit that my knowledge of Bangkok is absolutely obsolete. -
Prices Are Way Up For The Hot Boys at Club 117
mvan1 replied to travguy's topic in Latin America Men and Destinations
Sexy Rose click on the above blue "link" for some old reviews Rua Alvaro Alvin 37 Rio de Janeiro Adult store with arcade Directions: Located next to the Rex Cinema in Centro, near the Cinlandia Metro. Phone: 2532-6262 Also - click on this link: http://www.cruisinggays.com/Rio-de-Janeiro/bookstores/24860-Rose/ -
I think that most frequent visitors to Brazil agree that Brazil has an unusually large number of holidays compared to the U.S. and to many other countries. In addition to the holidays, there are lots of strikes (greves) that disrupt banking and certain other services in Brazil. Over the years, I have had to make changes to my schedules, plans and itinerary while I was in Brazil because I failed to check ahead for holidays and certain banking strikes. Depending on how one feels about the effects of holidays (places being closed) it is a good idea to be aware of these dates. Taking the above one step farther, I learned that, next month, on Sunday, March 15, 2015 there will most likely be major disruptions in most of the larger cities in Brazil. The disruptions are in connection with urging of mass demonstrations (peaceful - supposedly) as further attempts to have Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff impeached. I will be returning to Brazil soon for several weeks. Unfortunately, I will be in Brazil during the demonstrations. I am not concerned about safety. Rather, I find holidays, strikes and demonstrations more of a nuisance because of the effects to local transportation and businesses and some of my favorite restaurants being closed. If the demonstrations take place, as urged by social media, it will be difficult, or impossible, to get from place to place in large cities while streets are blocked by demonstrators or local transportation is unavailable. For those planning to be in Brazil during the middle of March, this message is a word to the wise. Like I said, the demonstrations will be in the larger cities, such as Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Curitiba, Porto Alegre et cetera. There won’t be much demonstrating in the Northern parts of Brazil. Below is one such notice that encourages Brazilians to take to the streets about this matter: ATENÇÃO BRASILEIROS! Dia 15 de março de 2015, domingo, que chamaremos o Dia da Dignidade do Brasil, nós nos reuniremos e sairemos pelas ruas de todo Brasil pelo Impeachment Democrátido da Presidente Dilma Rousseff como fizemos em 1.989 com Collor de Mello. Nosso protesto é pacífico contra o golpe que o Brasil está sendo vítima e contra a corrupção generalizada dos golpistas no poder. Pedimos que todos usem roupas verde e amarela, levem a bandeira do Brasil, porem não admitamos bandeiras de partidos políticos. É de se esperar que as autoridades e corruptos prejudicados pelo nosso protesto voltem a contratar os “Black Blocks” e outros baderneiros para desvirtuar o nosso protesto patriótico contra a baderna reinante no país. Portanto, não aceitem provocações, não participem de atos de violência ou vandalismo que é o que desejam os corruptos governamentais. Por amor ao Brasil e ao nosso futuro, repassem esta mensagem à sua lista de e-mails, do whatsapp, do face-book e todas redes sociais que fizerem parte. Antes de dois anos de mandato, terá que haver novas eleições. Não podemos assistir inertes a tanto escracho com o nosso pais e nosso futuro. VAMOS PARA AS RUAS DEMONSTRAR NOSSO NOJO POR TUDO ISSO! - See more at: http://diplomatizzando.blogspot.com/search/label/manifesta%C3%A7%C3%B5es%20de%20massa#sthash.MSqvwDXv.dpuf
In both of your responses you used the word arguments and argue. Responses to your questions had nothing to do with "arguments" or to "argue" or any other form of squabbling. I believe that most of the answers you received were good faith answers that were within the scope of this forum. Quite simply, you are asking, on an open public forum, for answers to extremely complex questions. This forum is not the place to get the kind of answers you seek.
Funny - However, there would not be any attraction, one of the key elements. Without attraction, whoever it was being the top would not satisfy the bottom. Attraction is the key! -
Assuming that you are not just "pulling out legs" and pretending to be so unaware, let me explain a little more than I already did. 1. As I stated earlier, there must be attraction. 2. Having met the necessity of attraction, each person has a preference for doing certain or specific sex acts. 3. Basically, some people need to be "top" while others need to be "bottom." Based on what you previously posted in connection with your sexual preferences, you are a "bottom." I have read many of your posts to this forum. It is clear that you are not a stupid person. Naive, yes, but stupid, no. Therefore, if you still claim that you have a problem understanding the answers given to you, then I must return to my original assumption and then conclude that you are playing with us. -
Did we miss something here? Did the "daddy" character get reported to the authorities? If so, for what reason?
This link might help with that decision or response: http://www.gay.net/eye-candy/2014/12/03/ashley-parker-angels-bare-butt-our-newest-obsession -
- You omitted the most critical word that explains your dilemma. Succinctly, that word is "attraction" which is the answer to your question.