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Everything posted by mvan1

  1. Sorry, the video cited is not - "a video sample of some typical Brazilian sauna boys." Although on rare occasions there is graphic sex shown on a stage during a show at a sauna, the general or "typical" night at a sauna does not include anything even similar to what is shown in the video. The video cited was filmed during Carnival at an event in Rio called Scala balls. At Scala events, activities shown in the video are ordinary and customary. Those openly displayed activities, as displayed in the video, are allowed only during Carnival events. Here is a small explanation of Scala: http://www.rio-carnival.net/rio_carnival/rio-carnival-balls.php While it is possible that some of the males shown in the video could also be garotos from a sauna, I did not recognize anyone even though I have been to Brazilian saunas countless of times. Ordinarily I would ignore this misleading post. However, I am concerned that readers, not familiar with Brazilian saunas, might view video and falsely assume that the activities shown in the video are commonplace at saunas. They are not. Let us keep information accurate for those who visit Brazil or for those who are considering a trip to Brazil.
  2. You got lucky in your case with the advice given to you by another sauna person. Unfortunately, many times we pay for advice or for a guide but the advice or the guide is not very good or does not meet our expectations. Despite a few bad experiences (some for you - some for me and some for probably all), Thermas Barcelona leaves a favorable impression.
  3. - Here is a wake up call for some of us visitors to Brazil who see only the glittering side of the gay scene: http://www.latimes.com/world/brazil/la-fg-ff-brazil-homophobia-20150322-story.html -
  4. I always have a splendid time at Sauna Thermas. The remodel of a couple of years ago made a great improvement to the place. Too bad that the lighting on the "cruising" level isn't just a little bit brighter. Otherwise, the place is fine. As to getting a fair cut, that is just the way things work. You seem to have had a good result from the good natured match making.
  5. - Thanks for posting this excellent article - -
  6. There are the hustler bars (one main one), certain cines, shopping malls, certain streets and parks. You just have to know where they are. You learn this "after a while."
  7. Some or most visitors to Brazil prefer to visit the many rent boi saunas in order to make a "hook up" with a hustler. On the other hand, just in case you are an internet type person who prefers to hire from web ads, rather than in a sauna or elsewhere, here is a Brazil web site that might be to some liking: http://www.garotolandia.com.br/ Unless you speak and understand Portuguese, you will most likely have a problem contracting with the guys advertising on that site. Some guys speak English or have a friend who can help with the communication, but most do not. Therefore, it can be frustrating to try meeting a garoto from a web address even though some people prefer that method. At the least, you can always call the garoto and try to communicate. If your preference is to meet from an internet ad, this is an alternative. By the way, there are lots of alternative ways to meeting guys in Brazil. The saunas are the easiest but are not the main meeting places.
  8. Of course you are making sense. I am currently on my 123rd trip to Brazil. My trips last anywhere from ten days to one month each time I visit here. I have visited Brazil saunas more times than I can remember. Additionally, I have seen many saunas come and go during the years of my visits. In view of the foregoing facts, I think that my opinion concerning Brazil and the saunas and the garotos (male hustlers) is exceedingly valid. Bottom line, to answer your question, you will not have any problem, whatsoever, snagging countless incredibly handsome garotos. If it matters to you, as it matters to many who visit here, engaging a Brazilian garoto is tantamount to engaging a part-time boyfriend. As the expression goes, in Brazil, when you hire a garoto for an hour or longer, most of the time you get the "boyfriend experience" and often the one-time engagement turns into a friendship. This is probably why so many gays get "hooked" on Brazil after they visit here. There is no other place in the world like it. I have been to many places in the world - nothing compares to Brazil. Try it, you'll like it.
  9. I don't know where the person got his or her information, however, it is not correct. The fares are available and will be available until either American or Delta decide to end the price war. No price war has been announced. The fare you quoted ($2,370) is not the fare for the price war. The price war fare runs around $1,550.00. Check out the article I cited then use Matrix to find a fight with the $1,550.00 fare for the day you want. The $2,370 price that you cited is a different product, altogether.
  10. That must be why Phoenix is included in the fare war. If I recall correctly, there is a Brazil visitor on this forum who lives near or around Phoenix. The fare might benefit that person. Some of these fares are valid for several months. Some business class fares from the U S to Brazil run in excess of 8,000.00 but usually, you can snag a business class fare for around five or six thousand dollars (if you are lucky and keep checking).
  11. Both American and Delta airlines are offering significantly low business class fares to Rio or to Sao Paulo from selected cities in the U S. The business class fare is fairly close in price of the ordinary coach fare. Here is an article discussing the fare war. Don't wait too long to decide if your intent is to visit Brazil. This price war won't last long. The low fare is valid originating from eight U S cities. Oddly enough, the fare is valid in Phoenix, a city that is not a hub to either air carrier. Of course, at these low prices, there are certain restrictions that must be followed. http://viewfromthewing.boardingarea.com/2015/03/19/fare-war-american-and-delta-offering-1550-business-class-roundtrips-to-rio-and-sao-paulo/
  12. To my surprise (and breaking with tradition), last night Lagoa did not have a large turn out of garotos. Generally, a Lagoa customer can count on Wednesday and Friday nights to be spectacular as to the abundance of handsome and available garotos. Last night was a dud. Although there were several good looking garotos, there were, at most, 20% of what generally is available on Wednesday nights. There were the "regulars" that have been selling their wares at Lagoa for years. Those poor guys just don't realize that their looks have long since passed them by. I expect that future Wednesdays will produce a good turnout of garotos. Hopefully, last night was only a single night of bad luck. Incidentally, the rains in Sao Paulo could be the cause of the low turn out. This is rainy season and the rains are predictably, unpredictable.
  13. Is this the Humbolt 52 you mean? If so, as of last month, it is closed. Humboldt 52 February 13 · Hello to all our fans, customers, friends and future friends .. It's a shame to announce that at this time our Humboldt52 is closed, Unica cause has been that in a routine inspection have found that our customers like to dance and that kind not allowed in a restaurant (licensed possess) because in our country there is even the possibility of license bar. We are in the process of appeal to the office where they belong said inspectors and we are confident that our explanations will be heard and soon we will be open again .. This explanation I write primarily because you, our customers, our future customers, in short all those who visit us, friends deserve to know the truth because we are closed and secondly because I have received some of the comments that have been made in the street, drugs, dead, discussions etc and each version I hear really bothering far have made me laugh ... Thank you and will keep you informed .. Congratulations for Valentine's Day and best wishes. With love and the certainty of seeing you soon in Humboldt. Carlos Manuel Go to this link to read more: https://es-la.facebook.com/Humboldt52 UPDATE As of March 8th the bar is reopened -
  14. It is not true. Although many customers think the place should close because of the rotten attitude of most employees, the sauna is still open. I just called there (+34 915 32 91 38) and luckily spoke with one of the few nice employees. He told me that they are not closed and that the sauna is very much open for business. Quite often, the employees at the front office and a couple who work keeping the sauna tidy, are extremely rude for no reason at all. This turns off a lot of customers. The only reason clients and rent boys tolerate such shabby treatment by employees is because the place is the ONLY rent boy sauna in Madrid. On occasion, there are some very handsome rent boys available. Not all employees are rude but most are. The sauna closes at 11:00 p.m. As to other options n Madrid - After the sauna closes, there is a very nice "hustler" bar called Black and White" that often has some very handsome rent bois available. Here is a link to Black and White - http://www.nighttours.com/madrid/gayguide/black-white.html Black and White opens late but stays open until the wee hours of the morning. Try it, you'll like it.
  15. - Funny! The days of my friend being charming have long since passed him by. Thus, trying to teach him would be futile. -
  16. Tomcal, I enjoyed your list of excuses given by the garotos for their wanting money. I was disappointed in not seeing a familiar excuse told to me time and time again (several times each year by the same garoto) "hoje é meu aniversário" "Today is my birthday" - In other words, their fake birthday is just another attempt to get extra money.
  17. Unquestionably, TomCal's post is true, generally. However, there is always the exception to the general rule. Provided there exists sufficient maturity on the part of both parties, it is entirely possible for a garoto and a client to have a "working" relationship without being 'in love" so to speak. A working relationship between a garoto and a client includes the garoto's services that a client would typically pay for in the sauna, plus companionship. The garoto benefits from the client's willingness and ability to pay more for the services beyond what is paid in the sauna. Such a working relationship would not be possible for some people because it would be too difficult to control emotional involvements or attachments. There are people in this world who could not help but feel "in love" under the above described circumstances. The author of this thread is one example. On the other hand, there are people who simply enjoy the company of special garotos and seize the opportunity to show the garoto other things in life that the garoto ordinarily would never see. Enjoying such companionship is "priceless" under the right circumstances. In this situation, neither party forms an emotional attachment, beyond a close friendship. These people do not fall in love, as the term goes. But, they do become lasting friends.
  18. Last night when I was out and about, I noticed huge crowds on the streets. I also noticed that police had blocked off some of the major streets in Sao Paulo. I knew there is a planned demonstration for Sunday. However, this demonstration last night was rather silly. Last night's demonstration it to show support for the politician that Sunday's demonstration is suppose to call for impeachment. In other words, on Sunday there is a demonstration to impeach the president. However, last night, there was a demonstration to show support for the president. Seems like a lot to do about nothing. Brazilians love to demonstrate Here is an article that appeared today discussing the events. http://riotimesonline.com/brazil-news/rio-politics/thousands-of-pro-government-supporters-march-in-brazil/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRioTimes+%28The+Rio+Times%29
  19. You posted your situation on a public forum. Therefore, I feel that you want an honest answer. That, I will provide even though my response appears blunt and/or unsympathetic. Nonetheless, my response is well intended and hopefully will be helpful to you. First, let me say that your predicament reminds me of a friend of mine who is in a similar quagmire with a Brazilian sauna boi. My friend met a sauna garoto more than five years ago. The garoto continues to tell my friend that he loves him. At the same time, the garoto does not work a normal job and has not worked during the period he has been involved with my friend. The garoto is married and has two children. The garoto's wife does not work which means the sole source of income to the garoto and to his family is from hustling in a sauna and deceiving sauna clients. The garoto plays a clever and profitable "game" which he wins, most of the time. There is no question that handsome Brazilian garotos exist and many have a charm that is special and unique. These attributes are not found in most other cultures. Some garotos use their good looks and charm to their extreme advantage. Combine a handsome, charming and deceitful garoto with a vulnerable and sensitive older gay man and you have a recipe for an irreconcilable and one-sided relationship that can only equate to frustration and unhappiness for the older gay man. I have repeatedly tried to help my friend analyze the facts surrounding his relationship with the garoto. However, he is blinded to facts Conversations with my friend do not help. I don't know a solution to help extricate my friend from this unrealistic fantasy he has with the garoto. Each and every time my friend tries to break off the relationship, the garoto responds with more lies in order to keep the game going so that the garoto can continue to "milk" my friend for more money. After all is said and done, and after the relationship finally ends (and it will end), only the older gay man will be the loser. I have one final thought to ponder: If a client suddenly stopped giving money and/or gifts, how long would an alleged love for a client last? I suspect the garoto would quickly look for his next easily manipulated client.
  20. Let me amplify my statement - "It almost seems like old times with the Real trading as it is currently." Even though prices for hotels and apartments in Brazil have increased unrealistically, many other items have not increased materially, specifically, garotos. Therefore, even though inflation has caused some items to go beyond the official inflation rate, most garotos have pretty much stayed the same price or only minimally increased. With the increased trading exchange rate, it does almost seem like old times (with respect to engaging garotos). By the way, the Real closed tonight at 3.18 - ,
  21. Despite what I heard or read about Sao Paulo garoto prices increasing, I must disagree. About one year ago, there was an effort (of sorts) for garotos at Lagoa to inflate their asking price. The effort failed, for the most part. My own personal experience and the experience of others at Lagoa support my observation that garoto prices at Lagoa have not increased over the past few years. Asking prices increased for a short period but that did not last. On the other hand, I did notice that the official taxi company at Sao Paulo's international airport increased its "fixed" fares. The fixed fare from the airport - GRU to the area of Morumbi was about R$150 and to the Paulista area, the fixed fare was about R$120. Those same fixed rates were in effect for a couple of years, including this past January. However, the fixed fares have increased more than 25%, just since January. Considering the increasing high unemployment in Brazil since last year, it is unclear why the "regulated" taxi co-op at GRU authorized more than 25% increase, far greater than inflation. Our stronger dollar (currently) helps to offset the taxi increases. Despite the increased fixed taxi rates, I strongly urge travelers to use regulated taxis from airports. You get ripped off in the new price but at least you will get to your destination without a hassle over the price from an independant taxi driver or some driver pretending to be a taxi service.
  22. It almost seems like old times with the Real trading as it is currently - The Real closed this evening at: 1 USD = 3.13924 Earlier in the day, the Real was trading at: 1 USD = 318548 The rate has been fluctuating all day. Sunday, there is a planned (supposedly peaceful) demonstration in the larger cities of Brazil as another attempt to impeach President Roussef. Some economists think that the anticipation of the impeachment demonstration might be influencing the Real to slide so much. On the other hand, probably no one knows the actual or full reason (s) for the Real decline. Unquestionably, for Americans, the decline is good. Not so for the Brazilians. If the lower exchange rates continue, we will be seeing a lot more Americans vacationing in Brazil.
  23. Many of us who visit Rio de Janeiro think little to nothing about the dangers of visiting there. We have the same feelings about visiting anywhere else in Brazil. Check out the below link: http://riotimesonline.com/brazil-news/rio-politics/three-police-are-shot-and-killed-over-48-hours-in-rio-de-janeiro/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRioTimes+%28The+Rio+Times%29 The article discloses that 57 police officers in Rio de Janeiro were shot just since January 1 of this year. If we combine the largest cities in the U.S. and total the crime statistics, we will not find anything like the crime statistics in Rio de Janeiro, one single city. Despite the news of the high crime rate in Rio de Janeiro (and other large cities in Brazil), I have no plans to reduce my travels to Brazil. For those of us who visit Brazil often, the above cited article makes it clear that a “reality check” is in order. The reality check confirms the idiom “all that glitters is not gold” as it applies to Brazil and all of its wonders. It is a good idea to periodically remind ourselves that we are not in utopia (even though it might seem like utopia) while in Brazil. Continue to enjoy Brazil but be aware of statistics.
  24. Convert United States Dollar to Brazilian Real | USD to BRL Latest Exchange Rates - March 6, 2015 close of day: 1 United States Dollar = 3.06179 Brazilian Real
  25. Welcome to the forum. Although the dates you mentioned are dates that I will not be in Brazil, feel free to direct any question to me via this forum concerning things you might want know, or to see or to do in Brazil. I probably can answer your questions or direct you to an answer. My next trip to Brazil is the end of this week until the end of March. This will be my 123rd trip to Brazil. Based on the dates you furnished, I will miss your upcoming visit. While I enjoy the saunas of Brazil, I also enjoy visiting various sites around Brazil. When I am in Brazil, most of my time is spent in Sao Paulo. I know that city quite well. The saunas are heavily discussed in other posts and are well known. Therefore, there is no need for me to add anything about them. At the same time, there are other interests in Sao Paulo. For example, Sao Paulo has eighty museums, if you like that sort of thing. In addition to the museums, often there are traveling art exhibits and performances by world known and famous performers. The cost to see these exhibits are often free. Even when there is a cost, the price is ridiculously cheap. Such events are found in Sao Paulo and other large cities in Brazil. One traveling exhibit I really enjoyed was the exhibit of the museum D’Orsay of Paris, France. While that museum was being repaired and remodeled, more than one hundred paintings were sent to Sao Paulo and to Rio for exhibit. Here is a U-tube presentation of the Museum D’orsay exhibit. Sorry, there is no English - the narratives are in French and Portuguese. The paintings speak for themselves - therefore, the lack of English in unimportant. If you choose to watch this video, be sure to notice the beautiful building that houses the place in Sao Paulo where the exhibit was shown - This is NOT the MASP building. With respect to Rio and Porto Alegre, Tomcal is extremely knowledgeable about those cities, as evidenced by his numerous postings accompanied by photos. There are other posters to this forum that also might help answer any question you might have. You wrote that you have been visiting Brazil for five years. Brazil is a wonderful place, isn't it?
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