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Everything posted by mvan1

  1. ~ ~ ~ THE SENILITY PRAYER: Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway, The good fortune to run into the ones I do, and The eye sight to tell the difference. ~ ~ ~
  2. ~ ~ ~ An elderly woman decided to prepare her will and Told her preacher she had two final requests. First, she wanted to be cremated, and second, She wanted her ashes scattered over Wal-mart. 'Wal-Mart?' the preacher exclaimed. 'Why Wal-Mart?' 'Then I'll be sure my daughters visit me twice a week.' ~ ~ ~
  3. ~ ~ ~ Reporters interviewing a 104-year-old woman: 'And what do you think is the best thing About being 104?' the reporter asked. She simply replied, 'No peer pressure.' ~ ~ ~ I've sure gotten old! I've had two bypass surgeries, a hip replacement, New knees, fought prostate cancer and diabetes I'm half blind, can't hear anything quieter than a jet engine, Take 40 different medications that Make me dizzy, winded, and subject to blackouts. Have bouts with dementia. Have poor circulation; Hardly feel my hands and feet anymore. Can't remember if I'm 85 or 92. Have lost all my friends. But, thank God, I still have my Florida driver's license. ~ ~ ~
  4. I very recently confided to my best friend that I was having an affair. He turned to me and quietly asked, 'Are you having it catered?' And that, my friend, is the definition of "OLD"
  5. I really enjoy visiting Brazil. The only two things I dislike while I am in Brazil are (1) the frequent holidays and (2) the frequent protests/demonstrations. Today's protest/demonstration is supposed to include "500" cities and "hundreds of thousands of people" throughout Brazil. The protest will lead no where because it is fueled by another futile attempt to oust Brazil's president. The protests to oust her continue even though the president appears to have not committed any impeachable offense. Quite simply, the people just don't like her even though she is on her second term. On the plus side, the protests give Brazilians a way to spend some time together for a cause even if the cause is only to get together. Here is a link that discusses the protest/demonstration: http://riotimesonline.com/brazil-news/rio-politics/protests-expected-in-500-cities-throughout-brazil/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRioTimes+%28The+Rio+Times%29
  6. 1. With respect to Medellin, where is the best place to find and meet with an escort? 2. Is it safe to invite an escorts to a hotel room? 3. Are escorts allowed to visit a foreigner's hotel room? 4. Are there "short term" hotels in Medellin? 5. Are they easy to find if such places exist? Thanks in advance for a response.
  7. Both versions (English and German) are great. The plot involves an older man infatuated with a younger stage singer. That scenario could fit some of the members of this forum, if the gender were changed on the younger stage singer. I had forgotten that I had read that both versions were made at the same time. The English version was not released until a few years after the German version's success. The films were made in 1929 but the German version was released in 1930 and the English followed later. Oh, "I'm ready for mein Großaufnahme, Herr Sternberg" comes from the old film, "Sunset Boulevard" starring Gloria Swanson and William Holden and Eric Von Stroheim. What a splendid movie that was. Ja Wohl.
  8. Speaking of old songs - how about this one that has some funny words. Sung by Marlene Dietrich. Originally sung in German in an old black and while German movie called Blau Engel. The film did so well, it was redone in English starring the same - Marlene Dietrich - The English title was called Blue Angel. How "butch" Marlene sounds in this song: https://twitter.com/erisis/status/451427543271227392
  9. Speaking of old songs - how about this one that has some funny words. Sung by Marlene Dietrich. Originally sung in German in an old black and while German movie called Blau Engel. The film did so well, it was redone in English starring the same - Marlene Dietrich - The English title was called Blue Angel. How "butch" Marlene sounds in this song: https://twitter.com/erisis/status/451427543271227392
  10. Thank you very much for the information. When you wrote the above "I "mod" (moderate) for a couple of the hottest single guys, one of whom hasn't been on for a couple months but lives close to me and the other - - - ". "but lives close to me - - - " does this mean you now live in Colombia or does the performer live in the U.S.? How does this work? You see, some of us are virtual question boxes.
  11. I could not find the area on the web page to actually access or view any of the shows. All I see is a listing of some of the models. All of the areas on the site are shaded out where normally one would click to navigate a site. In short, I merely view the site's home page without the ability to visit any other pages of the site. Do you recall the web address to access the site? Maybe the address I got from Google is incorrect. With respect to virtual credit card numbers or disposable card numbers, are you not concerned using these numbers in Colombia? With the warnings associated with these confidential "throw away" numbers is that you use an IP address that is trusted. Do you trust the internet in Colombia? You wrote that you use a throw away (virtual) from Citi. Doesn't Citi require you to sign on to their site when you use the virtual card to buy the tokens? Below is a little information and caution concerning these type cards: "The process of obtaining virtual numbers varies with the card issuer. Every issuer has its own system for handing out disposable numbers. Some may give you a couple of options. Some tie disposable numbers to their online banking services and may require that you register for online banking to be able to use disposable numbers. Others may have you log into their site when you need a virtual number. Still others may give you the option of downloading a program that will pop up when you're checking out online and ask if you want a virtual number. Whatever version you use, be certain that you're dealing with the site you intend, and not a phishing site. Use your own bookmark or type in the address yourself (and double-check your spelling). What you don't want to do: Click on a link that you receive in an email. Since the whole point of virtual numbers is keeping your credit card numbers out of the hands of bad guys, you need to be extra careful that the site you're visiting to get those numbers is legit."
  12. Thanks for the information. I just Googled chaterbate and went to a link that resulted from the search - they want $350.00 U.S. to buy tokens - can that be correct? Is it worth that kind of money? How long will $350 last when submitting tokens? I never heard of the company or service.
  13. Without appearing clueless, what is CB? How does one open it? Thanks
  14. The video shows and says it all. The officer is rightly charged. How can a person running away (in the opposite direction from a police officer) put the officer's life in danger? Answer? It doesn't and can't - Thank goodness for technology and for those folks who have the presence of mind to photo and/or video occurrences involving events like this. Were it not for the video, it would have been the word of that officer who killed the man. As the idiom goes, a picture paints a thousand words. -
  15. As if there was not already a massive outcry over the huge Petrobras scandal, Brazil's "Internal Revenue Service" is also involved in a nasty scandal involving billions of local currency. This likely means that the Brazilian Real will sink even farther than it has so far during the past year. It won't be long before we are getting at least 4 - 1 in currency exchange. Here is an article that discusses the problem and the scandal: http://riotimesonline.com/brazil-news/rio-business/tax-scandal-may-cost-brazil-billions-in-revenues/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRioTimes+%28The+Rio+Times%29
  16. Prior to your going to Medellin, how did you do your research? Did you have a friend guide you along the way? Are you adventurous? I have never seen a guide book or a web site on Medellin that discusses the gay scenes except a mere mention of its existence. Then, again, if one were to look for a web site for details on Brazilian saunas, none exist. True, the well known Brazilian saunas have web sites but nowhere on the web site does it advertise garotos (hustlers). You either have to go there in person or read a site similar to this site to know or learn about the garotos. Did you travel alone? Is your current trip the first time you were in Colombia? Do you feel at all threatened other than the caution you expressed in your first post? I suspect that many forum members here find your information exceedingly interesting. Like I wrote, thank you very much and I look forward to seeing additional posts from you. -
  17. What a caring and splendid report. I have always wanted to visit Medellin. However, I heard so many bad things about the place. Instead, I chose to continue visiting Brazil, Argentina and other South America countries, rather than Medellin or any other city in Colombia. Prior to my visiting Brazil, I had heard bad things about the supposed dangers in Brazil that ended up not being true. Brazil, could be dangerous if I were not cautious. In my many trips to Brazil, I have never experienced anything bad except a minor incident of someone picking my pocket and stealing my cell phone from my pocket while I was on the Metro. That is so minor that I consider it less than nothing. Based on your report, it seems that a prudent person could have a good time in Medellin provided normal caution were practiced. Thank you very much for your report and for the information. I look forward to your next report.
  18. Thanks for reporting your personal experience from earlier this year. Based on what tomcal, you and riosul wrote, together with what my friends reported, the issue of checking in a carry on is probably random rather than a new fixed rule for all passengers. I am wondering about the misplaced bag or loss statistics. If checked bags arrive without a problem, the only inconvenience is the delay in waiting for bags to be off loaded and taken to baggage claim. If a bag is misplaced, your weekend could be filled with inconvenience if your personal items are separated from you because the airline lost the bag.
  19. Now I see why my friends are having problems with their carry on bags. Their bags weigh more than 11 pounds. Is this a new rule or are TAM and GOL merely enforcing a rule more than in the past? Considering this has never happened to me (being forced to check a carry on), I guess I was lucky in the past. When I travel within Brazil, I usually leave major items in Sao Paulo then use a smaller carry on bag when I travel on weekends to other cities. Taking the bus to and from Sao Paulo and Rio is not much more time consuming than going by plane considering the traffic and check in times at an airport. However, a bus from Sao Paulo to Porto Alegre is out of the question. Tomcal, when you travel to Porto Alegre, I assume you have to check your carry on - has it ever been lost or delayed?
  20. I receive e-mails and phone calls from friends who live in Brazil or visit Brazil fairly often. These friends occasionally fly on weekends both from Santos Dumont (in Rio) and/or from Congonhas (in Sao Paulo) to Porto Alegre. During the past few months, even though they travel with a small carry on and use either TAM and GOL airlines, two of my friends were required to check their small bag that would easily fit in an over head bin or under a seat. For those who travel to Brazil, has this happened to anyone here lately? It has never happened to me. However, I will be returning to Brazil at the end of the month and do not like the idea of having to check a carry on bag. Considering how often bags get lost or stolen (or rifled), this new requirement ( if it is a new requirement) seems like a lot of extra work for the airlines and an aggravation for passengers. If anyone had this happened, were you allowed to at least keep your lap top with you, assuming you had one? Brazil is great but this check in of carry on luggage is not great. In fact, the requirement is quite dumb, in my opinion.
  21. How keen of you to raise this possibility. Although I have been to Rio many times, I never noticed any bad air quality. After reading the below article, I wonder how dense my senses are. According to the below article, the air quality in certain sections of Rio is not good. Naturally, the bad air could (will and should) impact the Olympics. I wonder how the Olympic committees are going to handle the air pollution issue during the events. It seems there is one problem after another when it involves the Olympic events. Here is the article: http://www.rioonwatch.org/?p=6734
  22. Today’s Rio Times reports that a Dutch transport technology company used GPS to track and compute 146 major cities of the world to determine how cities rank traffic wise with traffic congestion. Again, for the second consecutive year, Rio ranks number three for having the worst traffic. Worse, even than Sao Paulo - One line in the article grabbed my attention where it states: “Residents of Rio de Janeiro lose a hundred hours per year on average stuck in traffic.” Remember, the above statement applies NOW - Before the Olympic start next year. This study and confirmation cannot bode well for next year’s Olympic games. Here is a link to the full article: http://riotimesonline.com/brazil-news/rio-real-estate/rio-has-third-worst-traffic-of-146-cities-in-the-world/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRioTimes+%28The+Rio+Times%29
  23. You brought up a good point. I had not touched on the recharge issue. I am in Brazil so often that I do not run into the problem of my prepaid amount expiring. Depending on how much “prepay” amount added to the SIM, the SIM remains valid for as little time as 30 days or as much as six months. For example with TIM, if you recharge with amounts less than R$27, the prepaid amount is valid for only 30 days. If you recharge for R$27 the prepaid is valid for 90 days and if you recharge for R$50 or more, the prepaid amount is valid for six months. Other carriers probably have different expiration times. One reputable recharge company in the U S is a company called “Cloncom” and this company accepts credit cards for recharging foreign SIM cards. Here is a link to that company. http://www.cloncom.com/?lct=s
  24. Thank you for the kind words in your post.
  25. Although garotos in Brazil might find your request unusual from requests made by most clients, remember, you are the client. If you select a garoto and limit the garoto to non sexual activities, I don't think you will have a problem. If you hire a garoto solely for purposes described in your post, I suggest that you remain in a sauna while you are engaged with the garoto rather than inviting the garoto to your hotel. Your description of what you prefer is common in the U S and while hiring some escorts from internet sites. However, in Brazil, sex does not come with taboos found in the U S and in many other countries. Therefore, if you invite a garoto to a cabine in Brazil, the garoto is going to expect that you will engage him for sex and might think you are joking with him about not wanting sex. If you make it perfectly clear that you want the garoto solely for the purposes you described, I suggest that you have a Portuguese speaker explain your request to the garoto you select prior to going to a cabine. Thus, the answer to your questions is, yes. You can hire a garoto for massage with mutual touch. Most garotos would likely be a bit puzzled why you would not engage him for sex but most would go along with your request. As I wrote, you are the client. The garoto can say "yes or no" and you go from that point. As to finding strippers for private dances, I have not encountered that in any of my many trips to Brazil. If you are intent on "tipping" a garoto but not engaging the garoto for sex, all you need do is visit most saunas. In the saunas you will find the type of guy you described. Many garotos walk around the sauna wearing only a towel. There is no rule against your tipping a garoto while you both engage in mutual touch.
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