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Everything posted by mvan1

  1. Simple - unlike the U.S., much of Europe does not require a visa from Brazilians. Many sauna guys that we see in Europe entered there legally but after the passage of time, they over-stayed their allotted time to remain in Europe, which normally does not exceed six months. Many of the Brazilian sauna guys seen in Europe return to Brazil fairly often which starts the six-month clock running again, which makes them "legally" in Europe for up to six months after they reenter. Some sauna guys have been in Europe for years and could be deported if caught. I was in Spain a few years ago when there was a "round up" of sauna guys who over-stayed their allotted time. The saunas were deadly dull during that enforcement period. Conversely, sauna guys cannot get a visa to visit the U.S. unless they "have a compelling reason to return to Brazil" and the standard to answer that question comes from the U.S. government, not from the sauna guy. I personally know of only one instance of a sauna guy being admitted to the U.S. However, he was admitted, not as a tourist. Rather, he was admitted as a student. His sponsor (a frequent visitor to Brazil) enrolled the sauna guy in a college and the sauna guy was accepted for admission. On the basis of the college admission, the sauna guy was issued a student visa to enter the U.S. The standard for admission to Europe, on the other hand, is rather simple. The below information explains how there can be so many Brazilians in Europe. However, the reason they are there is to make money. Visa requirements for Brazilian citizens: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A Brazilian passport Visa requirements for Brazilian citizens are administrative entry restrictions by the authorities of other states placed on citizens of Brazil. In 2014, Brazilian citizens had visa-free or visa on arrival access to 146 countries and territories, ranking the Brazilian passport 21st in the world.[1] Mercosul members and some other countries (as shown below) do not even require a passport; a national or state-issued Brazilian identity card is enough. Nevertheless, this piece of identification must be in good conservation state and less than five years from its issue date. Contents 1 Visa requirements map 2 Visa requirements 3 Territories 4 Vaccination 5 Passport validity 6 Israeli stamps 7 Fingerprinting 8 See also 9 References
  2. Now I have heard everything (almost). I.e., an app to order a sandwich (to pick up in the terminal) while you are still aboard an aircraft. This sandwich is in high demand at the airport and it is nutritious and tastes pretty good. As the author states in the below linked article, there is often a line to order this sandwich. The fact that people are willing to stand in line for this sandwich, indicates that the sandwich must be good. If you are connecting through Chicago, O'Hare, consider this as an alternative to various restaurants at the airport or waiting to eat airline food - yuk! http://viewfromthewing.boardingarea.com/2015/04/25/now-you-can-order-your-sandwich-when-you-hit-the-tarmac-at-ohare-and-thats-a-good-thing/ -
  3. SPEAKING OF AIRPORT THEFTS http://viewfromthewing.boardingarea.com/2015/04/26/woman-cleaning-aircraft-at-new-york-jfk-stole-1500-mini-bottles-of-liquor-she-could-have-avoided-jail-with-this-one-simple-trick/
  4. A LITTLE MORE ON THE SUBJECT - Here’s How New Boeing Overhead Bins Will Make Boarding Faster and Flying EasierMany flyers don't remember that before 9/11 passengers could take two carry on bags onboard. Generally passengers had a free allowance of three bags -- and those could be two carry ons and one checked bag, or one carry on and two checked bags. This changed by government regulation. The TSA wanted fewer bags going through the checkpoint, which meant less screening work, and fewer delays given a fixed throughput at the checkpoint. Continental Airlines actually pushed back: they had installed higher capacity overhead bins as a customer convenience. Passengers wanted to carry on bags, and they viewed this accommodation as a competitive advantage. Continue reading Here’s How New Boeing Overhead Bins Will Make Boarding Faster and Flying Easier... -
  5. With the larger over-head bins, of course, the baggage claim carrousel will be less busy which means less of a wait for luggage to arrive from the aircraft. The key is, will your bag make the flight? Or, will TSA or others, abuse your luggage? See this recent CNN report _ This is quite shocking - http://www.cnn.com/2015/04/13/us/airport-luggage-theft/ -
  6. It won't be that bad. Boeing recommended that airlines begin boarding the larger bin aircraft earlier than conventional sized bin aircraft. It was suggested that larger bin domestic flights will board 10 minutes earlier than planes with the conventional size bins. International flights will board 20 minutes sooner. Whether this happens is yet to be seen. The only air carrier that will soon have the larger bins is Alaska Airlines. Others will slowly follow.
  7. You are welcome. I also perfected my carry on luggage procedure down to a science. It is not the checked bag fee that causes me to avoid checking a bag. All it took was for me to have a checked bag rummaged through by TSA and/or baggage handlers. The mess and inconvenience caused by the bag abuse caused me to never check luggage anymore. Now I am spoiled. I no longer have to wonder if my bag is aboard my flight and I no longer have to wait at the baggage claim carrousel. What is not to like?
  8. For those of us who travel a lot and do not like to check luggage, Boeing has come to our rescue. Below is a link to a video that shows the new overhead bins that will eventually be standard on all new Boeing aircraft. Overhead space on an airplane is often difficult to find unless you board early. With the new type bins, there is up to 48% more bin space. This will make a lot of customers happy. Take a look at this 2015 video that shows the bins -
  9. You see, there is a mixture of many - See this - it contains the same guy you posted (plus others): http://arirossner.photoshelter.com/gallery/Gay-Ipanema/G00002rCBAo.kOWw/
  10. Based on my reading of the few posts you made to this forum, I conclude that you are a bright and reasonable person. In connection with your post concerning “white” garotos, I noticed you began your assertion (based on your own admission) limited to only “a few posts.” You wrote “I have noticed in a few posts that people are totally memorized by very traditional white looking males in the saunas scene - - -.” Considering that your observation is based on only “a few posts” I think that you reached an erroneous and conjectural conclusion based on those “few” posts you noticed. While it is true that in this forum there are a lot of photos of so-called “white” garotos, there are also many photos posted of garotos that are not white. I personally visit Brazil a lot. Among other things, I visit the saunas and other places where there are lots and lots of available garotos. I do not seek out or hunt for white garotos. Although I am Caucasian, I do not prefer Caucasian garotos. I suspect that you noticed the following during your trips to Brazil: Lagoa sauna in Sao Paulo has lots of white garotos. Lagoa also has many non white garotos. Sauna Fragata in Sao Paulo has fewer white guys than does Lagoa but those non white garotos are successful in meeting clients of all sorts (Gringos and Brazilians). Sauna Clube 117 in Rio often has several white guys but more often has mixed-raced garotos. Sauna Meio Mundo in Rio has fewer whites than any of the popular saunas. Sauna Mezzaninu in Porto Alegre, on weekends has a fair number of white garotos but the non white garotos far out number the whites. All of the garotos, regardless of race, have no problem meeting clients, otherwise, they would not pay for the transportation and entrance fee for the sauna. There are other places in Brazil that I visit where there are many available garotos. Those places have only a small ratio of white garotos. If, instead, you had written, “I have noticed in a few posts that SOME people are totally mesmerized by very traditional white looking males in the saunas scene - - -.” I would agree with your statement. In summary, I think that your sample size (“a few”) is too small to conclude what you asserted.
  11. For those who regularly visit Brazil, spending time with garotos is not limited to, as you said “this 20-30 minute stuff in a Cabin the size of a jail cell.” Typically, the time in a Brazilian cabine is one hour or more, not 20 or 30 minutes. If you find that you are compatible with a garoto, it is not uncommon to have that garoto visit you in your hotel and spend many hours with you or even spend the night or even days. It is also not uncommon to spend a lot of time with garotos sightseeing and other activities. Over the years, I have developed many friendships with garotos. Some garotos I have known for several years and we still keep in contact. Several, I have taken on trips to other cities within Brazil and to other cities, outside of Brazil. Other forum users have reported similar experiences and long-term relations with Brazilian garotos. Take for example, tomcal, who reports on this forum. I absolutely believe all that he reports. I believe this because I have had similar experiences with garotos. I have traveled to Thailand and found it very nice and entertaining. However, when I think of Thailand, I think of it as a nice place I visited a few times and enjoyed. When I think of Brazil, I think of it as a comfortable “second home” and a place where I have immeasurable enjoyment and where I can be myself away from the taboos that are still found in the U.S. and in so many parts of the world. If we all liked the same thing, how dull life would be.
  12. Most guys of our persuasion, who visit Brazil, quickly learn that Brazil is the place "where the hottest guys are!" It is easy to get "hooked" on Brazil and extremely difficult to stay away. There really is no other place in the world like it.
  13. Actually, the study is little more than - poppycock (ˈpɒpɪˌkɒk) n 1. senseless chatter; nonsense [C19: from Dutch dialect pappekak, literally: soft excrement, from pap soft + kak dung; see pap1] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003
  14. Penis sizes in various countries in the world, what an odd study. Most penis sizes shown in the chart are "self reported" which indicates possible (or probable) exaggeration on the part of the guy claiming penis size. Based on my personal observation and experience, together with having traveled to many of the countries shown in the chart, the reported sizes are highly exaggerated. "Self reporting" is akin to a lie detector machine with the electricity turned off. The chart supposedly reports size while soft (flaccid) and while hard (erect). Both results seem out of line. Take a look at this - http://survey.thebulgeproject.com/charts.php If anyone believe the reported result, please so indicate.
  15. I also cannot locate a date for the Rio gay pride parade. The last pride parade was in November of 2014. Considering that the parades are usually one year apart, I suspect that the parade will be sometime in November of 2015, but that is only a guess on my part. Here is an interesting article that discusses the pride parade held in Rio last November: http://riotimesonline.com/brazil-news/rio-entertainment/rios-19th-gay-pride-parade/ Speaking of gay pride parades, I assume that you found the date of the Sao Paulo gay pride parade, which is May 4, 2015. According to all articles I read, the Sao Paulo gay pride parade is the largest in the world. Check out this article that discusses the Sao Paulo parade: http://www.gaypridebrazil.org/sao-paulo/
  16. For those who enjoy history and literature (in between hunting for escorts), the insensitive remark made about the photos (posted up thread) reminds me of something written more than six hundred years ago, by the famous poet/writer, John Lydgate, (1370-1451). Lydgate wrote a response for people who repeatedly criticize good faith efforts of others. His response is just as true today as it was when he wrote it centuries ago. “You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time.” In short, thanks for the photos posted, they were great, as were (are) all other photos posted here.
  17. On April 16th, a retired gay man was found murdered in his apartment in Sao Paulo. He had met a hustler from Lagoa and allowed the hustler to stay with him in his apartment. After three days of staying with the man, the hustler took the cord from the man's land-line telephone and wrapped the cord around the man's neck and strangled and killed him. The hustler took only the man's cell phone and credit cards and a little cash - - plus the man's life. The police claim that they are hunting the killer but I suspect that not much work will be done to look for the killer. The murder of a gay man in Brazil does not garner high priority for the police. I presented this report only to keep visitors to Brazil in perspective. Usually, visitors to Brazil have such a wonderful time they tend to forget the ugly side of life. It is not uncommon for gays to be killed even in gay-friendly Brazil. It just takes one bad guy to cause something like this to happen. Then, we get shocked back to reality. For those who read and understand Portuguese, here is a link to the event reported in the Brazilian news - http://noticias.band.uol.com.br/brasilurgente/video/2015/04/16/15443479/aposentado-e-enforcado-por-garoto-de-programa.html
  18. Given the bizarre laws discussed in the below cited article, I think it would be impossible to take a "leisure" trip to Singapore. Gay sex is illegal and comes with a two-year jail term. It is illegal to walk around your house naked And, see this article - http://www.businessinsider.com/absurd-laws-of-singapore-2012-6
  19. Most of us don't think about bad things while we are in Brazil. I have been lucky during my many trips. The only thing I lost was a cheap cell phone that someone picked from my pocket while I was on the Metro. However, with so many expensive smart phones in use today, anyone who uses them in public is at risk. Here is an article that discusses theft and shows that even Brazilians can be targets of thieves. http://riotimesonline.com/brazil-news/opinion-editorial/letter-such-crimes-affect-brazilians-as-well/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRioTimes+%28The+Rio+Times%29# So, the message is - use your phone but not in an area where you can have it taken from you either with force or grabbed as one runs past you.
  20. The guy did a mini soap opera a while back. It is possible that he hopes to do more television or acting work. I do not know what he does now. The video you found is a good example of a decision that might someday be a source of regret to him. The decision to make an x-rated video then post that video on the internet could derail his future work in films and acting or modeling. Watching the video answers the question of whether or not he is circumcised. I will take his photo with me and ask Monique (the owner of Clube 117 in Rio) if she remembers him. Most of the saunas still in existence keep records on the garotos working there (a photo of the garoto's "RG" and a current address and phone number). The "RG" contains a photo of the garoto. If he really worked at Clube 117, there might still be records on him. How long the saunas keep records is not known to me. I will return to Brazil in a couple of weeks and will post any information I learn from Monique or from others (if anyone is interested).
  21. In another thread on this forum, a photo was added. I did a little research about the photo and learned that the guy in the photo is a Brazilian who, supposedly, used to go to sauna Clube 117 in Rio about 7 or 8, or so, years ago. Although I have been to that sauna many, many times, I never saw him there. Several photos of the guy appear in the various links below. Maybe some long time members remember the guy and might also recall that Calvin Klein used to visit sauna 117 fairly often while Klein owned a condo in Rio. In one of the sites I located in the search of his photo that I read about this guy, he said his favorite underwear is the Calvin Klein brand. I wonder if this guy likes Calvin Klein underwear because he might have been one of many garotos that were short-term "friends" with Calvin Klein that were plucked from the saunas. Here is some information I posted about the Brazilian in the other thread on this forum: _____________________________________________________________________________ "In consideration of the fact that I visit Brazil often, I will comment on the guy in the photo. His name is Bernardo Velasco He is Brazilian. He was born in Niteroi, near Rio de Janeiro He plays soccer and tennis, only as a hobby and not for pay. He is not a baseball player even though he is modeling holding a baseball catcher's mitt. His favorite clothing Brand is Calvin Klein - funny - Calvin Klein often visited Clube 117 in Rio during 2004 through 2010 when he owned a condo in Rio. Bernardo Velasco is now age 29 - the photo was taken about five years ago. He has learned a lot of English, according to various gossip sites you can find using Google. He formerly worked on a teen soap opera called Malhacao. I could not determine from Google what he does now. In his early 20s, he occasionally visited Clube 117 in Rio ( the sauna) - according to gossip rags found through Google. Although I have been to that sauna countless times, I never saw him there. If you are interested and can read Portuguese, you will find lots of information about him. Apparently, he is very popular in Brazil. Just set google to google.com.br then enter his name. On this web site - http://bernardovelasco.tumblr.com/- there is a button where you can communicate and/or leave messages for him. I don't think he would appreciate any messages about escorting. A few more pictures of him - http://lustpleasure.tumblr.com/page/2 There are lots of videos of him on utube. Many show him in loose fitting clothing and in some videos he shows a large bulge through his underwear but he never shows total nudity. Now you know more about him than you wanted to know. What an interesting find - to present that picture. Thank you very much." _____________________________________________________________________ Does anyone remember this guy or has anyone seen him around Rio? Here is a link to the other thread: http://www.boytoy.com/forums/index.php?/topic/24044-jew-stu-who-knew/
  22. You wrote that you plan to see Rio and Sao Paulo. I assume that you are aware that each airline company has different rules concerning stop overs. If you have not yet bought your ticket, you might want to make your itinerary include either a stop over in Rio or Sao Paulo. You will save money rather than buy transportation between those cities after you arrive in Brazil. If you do not schedule a stop over in your original ticket, there is a penalty to change it later to add the stop over. If you don't change your original ticket or do not include a stop over, you will have to pay for transportation between Rio and Sao Paulo. Unless you buy your Brazil trip ticket on line, weeks in advance of travel, the short trip between Rio and Sao Paulo can cost you several hundred dollars. Alternatively, there is a very nice bus that travels between Rio and Sao Paulo (there are no trains). The bus as more comfortable as flying in business or first. You have a huge reclining seat that becomes flat if you chose. You can sleep a large portion of the trip. The bus takes between five and six hours with one stop for dinner or lunch. Here is the web site for the best best bus company http://www.autoviacao1001.com.br/en Remember, airplanes have delays and traffic to and from airports is sometimes clogged. Some Brazilian airlines make you check your carry on bag. With a bus, it goes without delay, most of the time. And, it takes you from town to town, rather than to and from some out of town airport. For your first trip, you may not want to spend a lot of time trying to squeeze in as many sites as possible. There was a 1969 movie called "If It's Tuesday, This Must Be Belgium" which was a comedy, of sorts, and included world wind travel trying to see as many places as possible in a short time. In the end, the travelers were so tired, they did not enjoy the trip. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0064471/ You asked for an opinion/advice, now you have mine. Boa viagem
  23. In response to your request, I offer my opinions in connection with “solo traveling” to Brazil. Firstly, traveling alone or with someone is a personal decision that can turn out to be a good or bad decision. Some people fear traveling to unfamiliar cities and the thought of visiting an unfamiliar city can be overwhelming, to many people. On the other hand there are people who are adventurous and travel almost anywhere either with someone or alone. During my first trip to Brazil and a few later trips to Brazil, I traveled with friends. Unquestionably, traveling for the first time or first few trips with a travel partner builds a “comfort level” for being in Brazil. Several times I mentioned that I traveled to Brazil many times. I recently completed my 123rd trip to Brazil. I will be returning to Brazil again in just a little over a couple of weeks. Obviously, based on my frequent trips to Brazil, I like it there. I also learned and know a lot about Brazil, first hand. At the present time, I usually travel alone to Brazil. I stay in Brazil anywhere from ten days to one month each time I go there. My trips that last one month are only a couple of times each year. When I began to travel “solo” I felt a little awkward but I quickly became comfortable traveling alone. Of course there are benefits to traveling with friends. You have companionship and you are put on somewhat of a schedule to go to certain places at certain times. This makes good use of your limited time in Brazil and you benefit in sharing taxi fares. Over time, you both learn locations and you both learn the metro system. You also both learn when to take a taxi or bus and you learn various ways to get around in Brazil. At the same time, don’t lose sight of the fact that human nature makes us each have personal likes and dislikes. For example, I might want to visit places on certain days but a travel companion might want to visit a different place on that same day. Another factor of traveling with someone is that you see the other person a lot. Sometimes, you see the other person too much. If you are both at the same hotel, you see the person at breakfast, lunch, dinner and at various places you both visit. At saunas, you might find that your travel companion is competitive and competes with you in connecting with particular garotos. If a trip to Brazil is a short trip, it is common to see your travel companion repeatedly and every day. However, when you see the same person every day and visit the same places together, every day, sometimes people tire of each other. That is just the way life is. I realize that just because I am comfortable doing a particular thing, or visiting certain places, does not mean that a travel companion will or should be comfortable with what satisfies me. A travel companion also has personal likes and dislikes. During my many trips, I have had some great travel companions and I have had some absolute monsters. One travel companion insisted that I accompany him everywhere and at all times. This made that trip very stressful and being around him, unpleasant. Over the years, I have become comfortable traveling solo around in Brazil. I developed a routine schedule that makes my visits to Brazil very satisfying to me. Do some research. Write down addresses and names of places you want to see and/or visit. Find which metro and other transportation methods will take you where you want to go. Bottom line: Don’t fear traveling solo. Happy travels.
  24. ~ ~ ~ THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: I don't want to brag or make anyone jealous or anything, but I can still fit into the socks I wore in high school.
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