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Everything posted by mvan1

  1. Riobard, nice job on a nice post - I am rescinding your Bavarian clock forthwith. Job well done -
  2. You said saunas, plural. I don't think people on this forum would likely visit more than one sauna in Barcelona - Sauna Thermas. Sauna Thermas is the only true hustler sauna in Barcelona. It has been operating about the same since it was remodeled several years ago. Most people, including me, like the place. You will find a variety of guys from various countries. There are some regular gay saunas in Barcelona. I have not been to any of them. I heard the regular gay saunas are nice.
  3. What an arrogant and unappreciative post! When you ask questions and criticize the answers given to you, don't expect additional answers or information. Some posters to this forum might overlook your condescension but most will not.
  4. It is good to see you're enjoying Rio. It is also good to see that you have a good observation of the composition of sauna garotos.
  5. Is that a joke? If so, I am sorry I cannot find any humor. I am in Brazil as I write this. I have been visiting Brazil for about sixteen years numerous times each year. I could not venture a guess how many times I have been to Brazilian saunas. I do know it is at least five hundred times. It has been my experience, and the experience of countless other sauna visitors, that at least half of the sauna garotos are twinks. Yes, at least half! Perhaps we have a different opinion in defining a twink. Maybe I need a new definition of twink but I think not. Clearly it is not correct to write that it is rare to see twinks in the saunas. Edit - I just saw the new post of Latbear4blk who also confirmed my observation of many twinks in the saunas
  6. mvan1

    Joe Biden Exposed

    That is scary! To have smart and educated people supporting Trump is difficult to understand. I always thought it was a dummy or not-so-bright person or bigot that supports Trump. Maybe that is why many people prefer not to discuss politics for fear of offending someone. Our country is sure in a mess, the way I see it and the way many others see it. On topic is something in the news the past couple of days that involves Britain’s ambassador to the United States (a very bright man who graduated summa cum laude from the third-oldest university in England) who called Trump “uniquely dysfunctional” and "expressed grave concerns about American economic and foreign policy, in a series of cables that were leaked to the British tabloid the Daily Mail and published on Saturday." "The leaked cables, prepared by Kim Darroch (who has served as ambassador from Britain to the US since January 2016), cover the entirety of the Trump presidency, even touching on an official state visit to the UK less than a month ago, when the Trump and his family attended a banquet at Buckingham Palace and afternoon tea with Prince Charles and Camilla, and laid a wreath at the Grave of the Unknown Warrior." There are some extremely bright people who can see Trump for what he really is!
  7. mvan1

    Joe Biden Exposed

    It remains a mystery to me, also, why anyone would support Trump; gay or otherwise. Of my many clients, I have only one who openly supports Trump, and that client, coincidentally, has been in and out of hospitals many times for drug issues. When that client has lucid days and he brings up the subject of Trump, I ask him how he could have allegiance to Trump considering Trump's obvious dislike for minorities (my client is a minority in the entertainment industry). My client responded by stating that Trump wants to make our country "great again" which to me, is not a meaningful answer. It is merely a repeat of something Trump used as a self-serving slogan in his quest to get into the White House. When was our country greater than it was before Trump came to office? Was it when homosexuals were put in jails or mental hospitals merely for being gay? Is that what Trump wants? Was it when police could have fun raiding gay bars merely to harass gays? Would Trump like that? Most people on this forum do not realize it was only 1967 when being homosexual ceased to be illegal in the United States. Think about it - And Trump wants to reverse advancements of minorities in order to "make America great again"
  8. You seem to not want to read. Latbear4blk has not previously been to Rio. He has been there only a few days on his current visit to Rio. The prices he quote to you are based on HIS few days of experience in Rio. The guys in sauna Clube 117 ask various prices ranging from R$100 all the way to R$300 or more. Some guys will ask a higher price but when a customer does not accept, will counter with a lower price. Depending on your personality, you might find a guy from the sauna to spend time with you during the day. The price for the guys time would depend partly on what you plan to do while you are together. As to the guys speaking English, I answered that for you in my response to you. I have visited Brazil for nearly 16 years, multiple times each year. I am quite knowledgeable about the saunas, the pricing and of how to treat the guys found in the saunas. Again, I suggest that you read the "Latin" section of the forum to see additional comments that are current. That information should be helpful. Attitude makes a big different on whether you will enjoy your time in Brazil. Your having extensive experience with guys in Thailand will not be much of a guide to you in Brazil. Again, good luck on your first visit to Brazil - And, you are welcome.
  9. Are you not aware that the psycho Trump rescinded Obama's easing of tourism to Cuba? We Americans cannot currently or legally visit Cuba for purposes of tourism. After Trump and his family had their tour of Cuba (without much news coverage) Trump canceled Obama's progress in easing Cuba as a U.S. tourism destination. Here is a New York Times article (there are many news sources that show that tourism to Cuba is thwarted because of Trump): https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/05/travel/cuba-cruise-travel-ban.html?action=click&module=RelatedLinks&pgtype=Article On the other hand, if your post is directed to non U.S. readers, your recommended guide could be a good source for those who visit Cuba.
  10. mvan1

    Joe Biden Exposed

    You are more misguided than I thought. Why would I apologize to you if that bigot Trump gets reelected? I have watched news reports that show Trump supporters mindlessly agreeing to every bigoted and hateful thing he says. Please recall Trump's comment about the West Virginia protest by a nazi group where Trump said about the violent group of Nazi's " "you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides." https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/08/nazis-racism-charlottesville/536928/ One thing for sure is Trump and his supporters will not succeed in their quest to "make America white again" which clearly is what Trump and his supporters want. Don't forget your previous disparaging comment about the North and the civil war over slavery. Your comment revealed your true feelings about minorities. "When" Trump is reelected? That is delusional on your part. Trump's base is getting smaller as time goes by. Even now, it is not enough to get him enough votes to be reelected. Despite your support of Trump, he clearly is a bigot and dislikes minorities. You, being a gay, are a minority. It bewilders me to try to understand why you support Trump while he clearly has contempt for your lifestyle, and has said so many times. One example is what he has done to the gays in the military.
  11. No, that thread was started ten years ago. If you read the thread, you will see that is has many current comments from various forum members who visit Rio. Also, you should read the "Latin" section of the forum to see additional comments that are current. All of your questions are answered in the various posts concerning Brazil. You might have to look for the answer about whether the guys speak English. The answer is "generally not" Although it seems difficult to believe, your not knowing Portuguese and the guys not speaking English there is little or no problems for purposes of meeting someone compatible. As to finding someone for a long-term basis, it could be difficult. Many of the guys are married or are in long-term relationships. They work in the saunas solely to earn money. When their work day is finished, they go home. Of course, it is possible you will find someone who will spend more time with you. Good luck on your first visit to Brazil -
  12. As you implied, when you go to a cabine, your locker is vulnerable for theft. You must give your locker number to get a cabine. The front desk employees know that you will be away from your locker for a while. As Oscar Wilde said in one of his plays (which applies to some of the sauna employees) "I can resist everything, except temptation." thus the temptation to steal easy money is irresistible to some. So there you have it. The very people who are supposed to protect you from theft of your valuables, know exactly where you are - away from your locker and valuables. Statistically, you will not be burglarized. So, continue to have fun.
  13. mvan1

    Joe Biden Exposed

    Hilarious, but beyond the comprehension of a Trump supporter.
  14. mvan1

    Joe Biden Exposed

    I am supposed to find false information and bigotry humorous? No thank you
  15. mvan1

    Joe Biden Exposed

    There you go again; distorting facts and showing your disdain for anyone who is not White. You wrote in your above quoted post: "You do remember that MS. Clinton was among the first to question BO's place of birth?" and "I view Hilary Clinton's supposition that BO was not born in the USA as fantasy." No, unlike you, I do not remember something that did not happen. It was not Hillary Clinton who claimed that Obama was not born in the U.S. The origin of the false rumor was tracked back to two of Hillary's supporters. Hillary never entertained or uttered that false allegation like your hero Trump did repeatedly in newspapers and on television over and over again for years. See this fact check article: https://www.factcheck.org/2015/07/was-hillary-clinton-the-original-birther/ The fact that two of Hillary's supporters made that false claim sparked Trump, to start a nasty campaign against Obama (claiming that he was not born in the U.S.) that lasted many years. We all know that Trump had frequent television interviews falsely claiming that he had "secret" proof of Obama's birthplace being in Kenya, not the U.S. However, Trump never released the "secret proof" because no such proof exists or ever existed. Even after Obama authorized the release of his birth certificate, Trump continued to question Obama's birthplace. Trump also insisted that Obama's official birth certificate was false. In other words, Trump insisted the official state records of Obama's birth certificate were made up even though the certificate had a State seal of authenticity and the certificate was authenticated by the county recorder. One thing you should realize and remember is that you also are held in contempt by Trump because of your sexual orientation. Although you strongly support Trump, if he knew of your lifestyle, you would be on his long list of people to hate. He has often let his feelings about gays be known. I suspect that your strong support for Trump is really motivated by your own dislike for minorities. Your feelings come through in things you write and the strong support you show for Trump and his rantings. I especially recall your recent comment about the civil war (that was over slavery) and how you referred to the side that opposed slavery with disdain. The next time you want to make a false accusations (like you did about Hillary), please check your facts so that you do not look foolish when shown proof that your allegation is false. Your Hillary post merely reconfirms your true feelings for minorities. There are none so blind as those who will not see!
  16. Hi, I hope you don't mind a controversial question regarding taking a photo of a hustler's identification. I realize you take the photo for your protection. However, in order to take the photo, you must ask the guy for his identification, tell him you want to photo it, and then place the identification in a position it can be photographed. Then, you must take your camera phone to copy the identification. However, if the guy is dishonest and is up to no good, what is to prevent the guy from grabbing your phone, leaving and taking his identification with him, thus leaving you without a phone? It seems asking a guy if you can photograph his identification is setting up an adversarial situation that could end up unpleasant.
  17. Hi, actually, my locker- theft experience is not so unusual when you factor in that I have been visiting Brazil for sixteen years many times each year. This equates to more than 100 visits to the country. I cannot recall how many visits I have had to the saunas. To have only two thefts from my sauna locker in that much exposure is really quite remarkable.
  18. mvan1

    Joe Biden Exposed

  19. Rodolfo is not Brazilian. We do not know that he sacrificed himself to go to school. He claims to be a medical doctor. He also admits to not having practiced medicine for more than two decades. Rodolfo could be a Trump like person, making up stories. Maybe he was a medical doctor. It seems strange for a medical doctor to leave his country of nationality to make his living from proceeds of a sauna rather than treating patients. Now, back to whether there will be a smooth transition - - Where there is a will - - - - - - -
  20. mvan1

    Joe Biden Exposed

    You did not answer my question which was whether you approve of Trump's hounding of Obama (for years) falsely claiming that Obama was not born in America. How does your response relate to my question? Answer? - it doesn't
  21. Considering how much Rodolfo cherishes money, I suspect the transition will go well despite Rodolfo's frequent bad decisions. Rodolfo, the current sole owner is like the cartoon character, Uncle Scrooge when it comes to money. Where there is a will, there is a beneficiary or a way.
  22. Although it does not happen often, sauna lockers get robbed. Sometimes by a client with a pass key to the cheap locks that are on the sauna lockers. Sometimes by an employee of the sauna. Theft at the saunas just goes with the territory. Even at Lagoa I had my locker burglarized once. All that was taken was money. The thief was nice enough to leave enough for me to pay my sauna fees. I did not see the thief. However, at a different sauna in Sao Paulo (that later went out of business) I happened to go to the locker room at the same time a sauna employee had my locker door open and had already stolen most of my money that was in my locker. I looked at the sauna employee and asked him why he was in my locker. He said he had entered it by mistake. Incredibly, the employee that had unlawfully entered my locker, now works at Lagoa. I am sure the thieving employee recalls the incident and remembers me. Whenever he sees me at Lagoa, he nevers speaks or says hello. Instead, when he passes me, he puts his head down and looks at the floor. The scoundrel! So, to answer your question, you take a chance on leaving anything of value in your locker at the saunas. I still leave money in my locker but I do not leave my phone there. I never pay by credit card so I do not have any credit cards in the locker. As they say in Brazil, Cuidado!
  23. https://riotimesonline.com/brazil-news/rio-travel/sao-paulo-city-for-nature-lovers-places-not-to-be-missed/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRioTimes+(The+Rio+Times)
  24. mvan1

    Joe Biden Exposed

    Did you approve of Trump's hounding of Obama about his American citizenship when it went on for eight years?
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