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Everything posted by mvan1

  1. What an interesting summary of your visit to and activities in Colombia. After your just having spent two weeks in Colombia, my question is, would you return there unless your reason to return were primarily for business? As I previously reported, late last month and earlier this month I visited Colombia for the first time. I visited only one city, Medellin. My present thought is not to return to Medellin or anywhere else in Colombia despite my having a decent time in Medellin. There are too many other places I enjoy more, especially Brazil and certain parts of Europe. -
  2. I don’t believe you are well intended. Furthermore, I don’t care if you do or don’t compliment me on any post I made or might make. The bottom line is that you, in tandem, repeatedly and inappropriately, created dissension over a post I made to this forum in good faith relative to The Rio Times. The Rio Times is not a scientific news source, but neither is this forum. As to your unsolicited recommendation to me, I suspect you are bright enough to know where you should file that. Such a fuss over a few links that I made to the Rio Times - My, oh, my - http://modernmelly.m...talker-tactics/ -
  3. You just can't let it go, can you? http://modernmelly.me/2015/09/04/top-internet-troll-trash-talker-tactics/
  4. As an additional comfort zone for visiting Sao Paulo, a couple of days ago, tomcal posted the following regarding Sao Paulo: Sao Paulo - Lagoa was amazing last Saturday, packed! I stayed until midnight! Sunday night Lagoa was also good. Fragata on Saturday night was fairly busy with quite a few customers at 5:30, but there wasn't one escort that interested me so I left at 6:15. and went to Lagoa tomcal is a frequent visitor to Brazil and has been for more than a dozen years. He really knows the good places. His recommendation for Sao Paulo speaks for itself. In addition to the saunas, during the day, there is much to see and to do in Sao Paulo.
  5. I can understand your apprehension concerning Rio. You mentioned GRU (Sao Paulo) and Porto Alegre. As you stated, Porto Alegre is relatively safe. It does not have roaming gangs like Rio has. I am presently in Sao Paulo and I am totally comfortable here. I spend a lot of time in Sao Paulo. There is a lot to do here. There are no roaming gangs here either. During the day there is a lot to do and see. In the evenings, there are two decent saunas (Fragata and Lagoa). You might want to look into changing your ticket and visit Sao Paulo until the crime situation in Rio is better controlled. I changed my weekend trip to Rio and will be going to a different city. The situation in Rio is too uncertain. -
  6. Internet Troll A person whose sole purpose in life is to seek out people to argue with on the internet over extremely trivial issues. Such arguments can happen on blogs, Facebook, Myspace and a host of others. The best thing you can do to fight an internet troll is to not answer..or report them.
  7. Thanks for the words of encouragement. Your description of some of the nasty posters in this forum is right on - Troll - Internet Troll A person whose sole purpose in life is to seek out people to argue with on the internet over extremely trivial issues. Such arguments can happen on blogs, Facebook, Myspace and a host of others. The best thing you can do to fight an internet troll is to not answer..or report them. A forum should be a place to exchange ideas. Not a place to repeatedly argue and write stupid things. Unfortuneately, this forum has more trolls, per capita, than most other forums. I can't help but wonder what has made these people so miserable, unhappy and hostile to make them behave as they do. -
  8. There were a few readers of this forum that criticised the Rio Times as a less than reputable source of news. To appease these few, I stopped posting links from Rio Times. Despite the criticism of Rio Times from those self-identified superior news source readers, there is an article that appeared in Rio Times today that I believe should be posted for those who visit or plan to visit Rio de Janeiro. The article cites several large news sources for its content. I am citing the article for us common folk, therefore, those who previously criticized Rio Times for being substandard are politely asked to disregard this thread and the related article. The material reported in the article is very disturbing. Worse, though, the news could influence future travel plans for those who vacation in Rio. I know that I am no longer comfortable about visiting Rio because of the reported marked increase in crime in there. The article discusses several events that appear to be ongoing and/or escalating in Rio. As the bulk of my Brazil time is spent in Sao Paulo, where such incidents are rare (if at all), I am considering postponing my upcoming weekend in Rio to visit other cities instead. Vacations and tourism are for enjoyment. If one must be constantly reminded by daily news reports of wild gangs and muggings (or worse), what is the point for visiting such a city? I am curious, has the increase in reports of violent crime in Rio have an effect on traveling to Rio? If so, you might want to give Sao Paulo a try. Here is the article: http://riotimesonline.com/brazil-news/rio-politics/possible-vigilantism-on-the-rise-in-rio-de-janeiro/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRioTimes+%28The+Rio+Times%29 -
  9. Last night when I posted the link to Alterosas, I tried to add some humorous narrative. In the process, the post got made twice but the narrative disappeared. I showed the example of a police raid that occurred because a church moved in across the street from the sauna. The sauna was raided because the church ladies lied to the police and said there were under age garotos working at the sauna. It was untrue. Eventually, customers got tired of the police harassment and the sauna closed. An earlier poster in this thread said he had heard a rumor of a proposed raid/robbery on a gay sauna. I posted that the only armed raid on a sauna was from the Sao Paulo police. Many people have fond memories of that sauna that no longer exists.
  11. There is not much more I can report. As I previously wrote, earlier this month I visited Medellin. I got lucky and met a compatible companion at Club Tobi. Despite the enjoyable companion, I doubt that I will return to Colombia. I am presently in Brazil where I am comfortable, where I have been many times and where I plan to return many times in the future. I think it is great that you explore various places. It is only after first-hand knowledge can one know the true feeling of contentedness. -
  12. He spoke reasonably good Portuguese (unusual for Colombia) and, of course, Spanish. Just curious, how did you decide on visiting Colombia as opposed to other places? -
  13. Look a little closer at the entrance fee shown on Club Tobi's website. It is not $20.00 as you posted. On Tobi's site, the price is shown as $20,000 which is twenty thousand Colombian pesos. At the present exchange rate, that equals around $6.70 U.S. entrance. https://translate.google.com.br/translate?hl=en&sl=es&u=http://www.elclubdetobi.com.co/&prev=search There are not many English speaking tourists at the club or in Medellin for that matter. Depending on when you are at Club Tobi, the variety and types of available "pregagos" vary greatly, as do the masseurs. I went to Club Tobi only once. I did not choose to engage a masseur nor most of the guys at the club the evening I went there, although many were good looking by certain standards. I lucked out by meeting one of the traditional prepagos in the club and he was my "regular" until I left Medellin. He made seeing Medellin more pleasant than it would have been had I not met him. Here is an expanded translated screen shot of Club Tobi so that you can check out the prices: TOBI CLUB In the midst of the hectic city, CLUB TOBI is ideal for comfort, rest and spend perfect to put in harmony to both body and spirit while pleasant oasis. We are one of the largest male SPA Club of Colombia, already have a 4-story plant, designed to provide maximum comfort possible to our guests. ... Know our facilities ... Attention schedule Monday-Friday: 2pm - 10pm. Saturdays, Sundays and holidays: 12pm - 10pm. Themed parties and events: 12 p.m. to 2 a.m.. Entry Full Access: $ 20,000 * Full access to all facilities. Every Tuesday, "Full Access" for just $ 12,000 One more thing, try to learn the streets in Medellin. The night I went to Club Tobi, three different cab drivers could not find it. I ended up walking and finally found the unmarked doorway that led to the club. This link is something you should study before you arrive in Medellin. It will help you find your way when a local taxi cannot. http://www.medellinliving.com/how-to-locate-street-addresses-in-colombia/ -
  14. You are not an asset to this forum. You are causing people to leave this forum and/or not participate. I have received communications from other posters about the negative effect you have on this forum. Many will not post anything to this forum because of you and/or your hallucinatory friend that lives in Rio. OZ spends money to run this forum. At the same time, the behavior of you and that nut in Rio, drive people away. Eventually, the site will close due to lack of traffic. Unfortunately, your behavior will be a major contributing factor for the closure. I will let you have the last word (word, in your case = nonsensical babbling). What a miserable person you are. And, not a bright one, either. -
  15. Such a nasty, hostile and silly post. That iphguy poster does not know me and I do not know him (just as I don't know you either). All I know of either of you is from the argumentative and disoriented posts made by him and by you. Therefore, it is laughably presumptuous for either of you to claim anything about my motives and/or beliefs. I never claimed to be an expert on Brazil. You and your hallucinatory friend made that up. Because the ihpguy character moved to Rio, it appears that he expects visitors to Brazil to look to him for all answers concerning Brazil. It is he who wants to be considered the expert about Brazil. He claims to be a retired florist. I was not aware that a florist could move to Brazil and suddenly become an expert just because he moved there. Many people in Brazil, even Brazilian natives, do not have a clue about local issues. As I wrote, you and your friend do not know me. Despite not knowing me, you stated that I am "nothing but a Sex Tourist in Brazil" which is false. Considering some of your prior posts on this forum, wherein you discussed the type of effeminate, very young and skinny males that you pursue in your travels, your assertion is irrational. Through many posts to this forum, I shared my knowledge of Brazil that I gained from more than one-hundred trips there and much time spent there. Most forum users were helped from my information. I wrote in my response to the iphguy character that it is obvious why this forum has such little traffic compared to similar forums. When posters like you and the iphguy character repeatedly and unjustifiably attack posters, potential posters tend to shy away and not participate.
  16. The supposed false report is this link: http://riotimesonline.com/brazil-news/rio-sports/task-forces-collects-28-tons-of-rubbish-in-guanabara-bay/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRioTimes+%28The+Rio+Times%29 A normal person would read the above cited article and either accept the information or reject it. It is that simple. However, in your case, you did neither. Instead, you claimed the article is false and you repeated your assertion in your most recent post (above). More strange is the fact that you initially wrote that I had “cut and pasted” the article in a post to this forum. The above cited article is from a reputable news source. The article discusses problems associated with contamination of the waters off of Rio de Janeiro. Despite the fact that you claim to be a retired florist and not a scientist nor one who works with the agencies in Rio that are attempting to resolve the water pollution, you flatly insisted that the article I cited is “false” (see your above quoted response). If you are a retired florist, as you claimed, with no related training or experience in ocean water pollution, for you to insist that you know more than scientists and agencies that are currently working to resolve the water problem is ridiculous. -
  17. Is there something that was cut and pasted in this thread? I looked but didn't see anything cut and pasted. I saw a link that you had posted to the Daily Mail - (post # 3 above) http://www.dailymail...test-event.html Is there something in the Daily Mail article that was erroneous and cut and pasted? Then there was the link I posted - (post # 1 above) http://riotimesonlin...(The Rio Times) I was not aware that the news sources cut and pasted erroneous information. If you have time, I appreciate your pointing out where cut and pasting occurred and where it is erroneous. Much obliged. -
  18. I said I would ignore you unless you made another attack at something I post. You don’t know me and I don’t know you. The only thing I know about you is based on the numerous contradictions that you post to what I write in this forum. I cannot understand what motivates you to behave as you do. Your contradictions are often illogical. They demonstrate that many things you read are beyond the scope of your comprehension. They also confirm that you are a disagreeable person. Your latest illogical statement is shown in your response and quoted above in the heading of this post and below, highlighted. In addition to your not knowing me, you don’t know anyone I know in Brazil or how many long-term friends I have in Brazil or how much time I spend in Brazil. Therefore, your illogical comment - “Lets see I can listen to a resident who speaks the language or a visitor who has no ability to have meaningful conversations with Brazilians.” Based on many of the things you have written in this forum, it is obvious that everything must be your way, without any compromise on your part. Your opinions are the only opinions that matter (in your mind). For purposes of harmony and getting along in this forum, I often read things that are not accurate. Unlike you, I don't resort to personal attacks at those who wrote the inaccuracy. However, in your case, I must be blunt in order to penetrate your defensive armor that prevents you from being civil. I conclude this response with a quote from a famous philosopher who wrote “You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.” -
  19. In response to your first question about Bruno, I do not know him and have not seen him in any of the saunas in Brazil. You know, of course, that based on his telephone number, he is in Sao Paulo. As to renting a car in Brazil and driving between Rio and Sao Paulo, I suggest that you not do this unless you know Portuguese. There are too many issues involving driving in Brazil. If you cannot speak the language, you could run into major problems on the roads or in traffic. I twice rented a car in Brazil and I would never do so again. The complicated rental agreement is a hassle, even with a major company such as Hertz. While the highways between Rio and Sao Paulo are good, and the little towns where you can exit the highway for lunch or sightseeing are interesting, the parking issues can be a nightmare. If you park the car in a large parking facility or with a hotel, there are not so many issues. However, if you park on the street while you explore the town, when you return to the car, you will most likely find a street person sitting on or near the car telling you that you owe him money because he "guarded" the car for you. If you do not speak Portuguese, you will not know what he is saying. Parking is sometimes next to impossible. If you don't read the street signs correctly, the car can be ticketed or towed away if you disregard a parking restriction for time of day or night. If you want to see some of the countryside between Rio and Sao Paulo, you can take an executive bus that is extremely comfortable. The travel time is approximately five hours (but can be more time because of traffic). The bus makes a rest stop about half way through the trip for lunch or dinner. If you choose the executivo class, the seat assigned to you will be large and comfortable and will recline to almost a flat position. I took the bus trip twice and both times it was pleasant. The bus company I chose was called 1001 which is listed in this link of several bus services serving parts of Brazil: http://www.clickbus.com.br/pt/busca/sao-paulo-tiete-sp/rio-de-janeiro-rj/ Enjoy Brazil -
  20. Check out this report: http://www.tourmycountry.com/austria/guertel-vienna.htm -
  21. With heavy site traffic, sometimes the web seizure notice page does not load. Try and try again. Considering that there is very little traffic at the http://myredbook.com/ site, if you click on that link, you will see that the IRS has joined in the raid. Look at the three emblems at the top of the linked page. On the far right is the emblem of the IRS. The first paragraph also mentions the IRS. -
  22. Your allegation is one of the dumbest, know-it-all type remarks posted to this forum. Thanks for acknowledging that I can read. Maybe one of these days you also might learn to read sufficiently so that you will not repeatedly misinterpret things I and other posters contribute to this forum. I will resume ignoring you in the future unless you repeat with another attack at something I post. -
  23. On Tuesday of this week, the owner and five employees of rentboy.com were arrested as discussed in the below link. Information at the link will provide greater detail of what occurred. So far, two gay "escort" sites have been seized by the FBI, the DHS, the IRS and local police (myredbook.com and rentboy.com). The reason stated for the seizures is "prostitution." However, the seizure obviously includes more than just prostitution because of the involvement of the Internal Revenue Service. Considering that the Internal Revenue Service is involved in the seizures, is is obvious that the IRS is alleging that the site owners and/or the escorts who contracted with clients, did not include related advertising income and escort fee income in their income tax returns. The federal indictments went on, in detail, describing specific sex acts that were offered on the sites. There was no need to go into detail and name certain excorts except to sensationalize or ridicule the gay community. Click on the below links to see your tax dollars at work: http://myredbook.com/ http://rentboy.com/ https://tribwpix.files.wordpress.com/2015/08/rentboy-complaint-redacted.pdf -
  24. - Who would have imagined that Rio's bay, is as it is? Most of us know that the Olympics will come to Brazil in less than one year. Incredibly, 28 tons of trash were recently removed from the bay, where some of the Olympic events will be held. According to the below cited artilce, there is still more rubbish to remove - Take a look at this - - - - - - http://riotimesonline.com/brazil-news/rio-sports/task-forces-collects-28-tons-of-rubbish-in-guanabara-bay/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRioTimes+%28The+Rio+Times%29 -
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