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Everything posted by mvan1

  1. - Exactly. Funny and right on point. -
  2. "Olympic sailor Erik Heil floated a novel idea to protect himself from the sewage-infested waters he and other athletes will compete in during next year's games: He'd wear plastic overalls and peel them off when he was safely past the contaminated waters nearest shore. Heil, 26, was treated at a Berlin hospital for MRSA, a flesh-eating bacteria, shortly after sailing in an Olympic test event in Rio in August. But his strategy to avoid a repeat infection won't limit his risk. A new round of testing by The Associated Press shows the city's Olympic waterways are as rife with pathogens far offshore as they are nearer land, where raw sewage flows into them from fetid rivers and storm drains. That means there is no dilution factor in the bay or lagoon where events will take place and no less risk to the health of athletes like sailors competing farther from the shore. Rio won the right to host the Olympics based on a lengthy bid document that promised to clean up the city's scenic waterways by improving sewage sanitation, a pledge that was intended to be one of the event's biggest legacies. Brazilian officials now acknowledge that won't happen. http://bigstory.ap.org/article/cabd453515244bf2b1063e15f6b680c9/ap-test-rio-olympic-water-badly-polluted-even-far-offshore -
  3. In my last post to you, I cautioned you by stating “Be careful when responding, your internet troll costume might get soiled more than it already is.” You ignored my caution and, sure enough, you made a bigger fool of yourself than even I thought you could. Your troll personality caused you to call a respected and bright poster to this forum “stupid” simply because he did not agree with you, the perfect, always right, resident-troll of this forum. There is no reason (except for your being a troll) for your having written the following: “You evidently are too stupid to understand simple English. My "most of us" comment only has to be 51% to be correct.” Do you think your nasty comment to that poster impressed anyone on this forum? The only thing you accomplished by your unwarranted comment to him is reconfirm what a nasty person you are. Earlier this year when you repeatedly attacked posts I made to this forum, you said you would ignore me in the future. I was happy about the prospect of not having to deal with you anymore. However, a troll cannot be trusted to keep its word. Predictably, the other day you came out from your hiding place and wrote some incendiary remarks that reconfirmed that you cannot be trusted to keep your word. You cannot resist remaining this forum’s resident troll. The poster that you attacked for no reason, gave an accurate assessment of you in his response to your nasty comment about him. As you know, he wrote, “Look, it's clear that you're an internet troll with wayyyyyyyyyy too much time on his hands. You're probably also a troll in real life as well.” Based on your behavior in this forum and based on occasional e-mails I receive from other posters concerning your behavior in general, I have to wonder why you anger so many people. Your being a troll is the only logical answer I can conclude from your behavior. Please keep your word this time and leave me on ignore. I really appreciate that.
  4. The nasty remark you made to that well respected poster is something expected from an internet troll - Interpreting your post, a person can have hundreds or thousands of posts to this forum (even if most of the posts are meaningless and mindless grunts or less) and that person has more credibility than someone (like the person you mocked) who has fewer, but quality posts. You might want to look into the difference between quality versus quantity. Be careful when responding, your internet troll costume might get soiled more than it already is. Internet troll: In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory,[1]extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion,[3] often for their own amusement.
  5. Great idea. Thanks for reminding me. Here is a useful article that appeared in today's Rio Times. http://riotimesonline.com/brazil-news/rio-politics/impeachment-proceedings-opened-against-brazils-president/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRioTimes+%28The+Rio+Times%29 -
  6. Your misreading of the OP questions bordered on scolding the OP for his post by saying to him "So what's your "real question?" Your not-so-polite response to the OP is why I asked if you were joking. You later admitted misreading what the OP wrote. However, you just added another faux pas to your latest post by telling me that I should " - hold off in showing my supposed "apparent, quasi omniscient answers to and about everything "South or Central America." I know Brazil quite well. I visit there often and after visiting that country more than 130 times I am a lot more qualified than you to offer opinions and suggestions concerning Brazil. In connection with your inclusion of "Central America" in your instructions to me, you made another misread. I have not offered suggestions about Central America in this forum. My exposure to that area is limited to one one trip and I certainly cannot offer any substantive advice about that area. Please check your facts before you write things that make you look foolish. This is only a bulletin board. When you write so many dumb things you are destined to receive not-so-polite answers. -
  7. ? ? ? You are joking! Corujinha and the other places the OP mentioned are not saunas. Those places have been discussed in this forum many times. Corujinha was located on Siquiera Campus, just down the street from the hotel that Americans used to use - Hotel Atlantico. Corujinha had countless hustlers in the evening. The hustlers also walked around the place and stood across the street waiting for clients. Many Americans who visited the saunas went to Corujinha after the saunas closed. So, his "real question" is clear. As to any places like the ones the OP mentioned, there are none, to my knowledge. If the OP were to travel to Sao Paulo or to Porto Alegre, there is a hustler bar in each of those cities. The hustler bars are open only in the late evening. -
  8. The guys in Medellin compared to the guys at Thermas in Barcelona are nothing alike. Not even remotely in looks and/or behavior. While there are lots of Brazilians there, there are also many guys from different parts of the world. Try the place, you are sure to find someone you like. If you have never been to Thermas and plan to visit the place, you are in for quite a nice treat. -
  9. That low fare on American Airlines is still available. Today, I entered arbitrary dates and got the following result: Flight Depart Arrive American Airlines AA 215 WiFi Available Choose Seats (American Airlines 215) Los Angeles (LAX) December 3, 2015 07:40 PM Travel Time : 12 h 5 m Cabin Class : Economy Seat : unassigned Sao Paulo (GRU) December 4, 2015 01:45 PM Booking Code : O Plane Type : 788 American Airlines AA 216 WiFi Available Choose Seats (American Airlines 216) Sao Paulo (GRU) December 7, 2015 12:15 AM Travel Time : 12 h 35 m Cabin Class : Economy Seat : unassigned Los Angeles (LAX) December 7, 2015 06:50 AM Booking Code : O Plane Type : 788 Your Trip Price: $510.24 USD Baggage and Optional Charges Link opens in a new window
  10. con·jec·ture an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information. Just because some of us commented on behavior that could have been a disaster for the person who went to the apartment of a garoto he did not previously know and whose language he did not know, does not equate to "have it thrown back in my face by message board people who live perfect lives without mistake." That is quite a conjectural leap you made - How do you know that we "live perfect lives without mistakes?" I wrote my criticism because I was concerned for the person and tried to make him realize the potential danger he created for himself. One benefit of the criticism we rendered, is that the OP will probably never make the same mistake again (I hope).
  11. That is the key - - - "with the saunas" which does not include going alone, while in a foreign country, to the apartment of a garoto you have never met and whose language you do not know. As Badboy81 stated above in his post # 7, all the guy got was three hundred reais which is a lot less than he could have got had you been robbed or worse. I think the responses in the thread directed at the original poster makes him now realize what never to do again in the future. The responses were a good "learning lesson" for the original poster (I hope). -
  12. Joke about Donald Trump: http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/c2b2b130bf/10-hours-of-walking-in-nyc-as-a-donald-trump?_cc=__d___&_ccid=7avqoz.nycj42 -
  13. What could have possessed you to go to the apartment of an unknown garoto in a foreign country with your not knowing the local language? I am at a loss for words to explain my reaction. Others have already told you of the faux-pas. -
  14. I agree that "U.S. food" prepared in foreign countries rarely tastes the same as it does in the U.S. However, the Marriott in Copacabana, for Thanksgiving, imports many of the ingredients (spices and turkeys) for the dinner. Even the cranberries were "Ocean Spray" brand when I was last there for a Thanksgiving dinner. I cannot vouch for the dinner of yesterday, as I was not there. However, in many prior years, the dinner was authentic when compared to the taste of U.S. Thanksgiving dinners. Now, when it comes to other foods from American chain restaurants in Brazil (Carl's. KFC, Burger King, et cetera), I agree, there are not very good. Nonetheless, the locals like the different recipe for preparing those foods with the American name associated with it. In the end, it depends on our tastes that build up over years. -
  15. - Every year, Marriott Hotel in Copacabana offers, in its hotel restaurant, an authentic American Thanksgiving dinner, including imported cranberry sauce. I have attended there with friends several times over the years. The meal has always been excellent. The price per person, using today's exchange rate is only a little more than $30.00 including a 10% tip added by the hotel. If interested, you can call the hotel for the dinner hours or read this advertisement describing the dinner: http://www.americansocietyrio.org/amsoc/newscontent.asp?id=7719 Gobble, gobble - -
  16. - http://riotimesonline.com/brazil-news/rio-business/brazilians-disconnecting-their-mobile-telephone-lines/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRioTimes+%28The+Rio+Times%29 -
  17. - http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/0b68157864/you-re-so-hot-with-chris-mintz-plasse-and-dave-franco?_cc=__d___&_ccid=7avqoz.nycj42 -
  18. - http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/f3b10cf203/james-bond-and-jason-bourne-have-a-secret?utm_campaign=newsletter20151112&utm_content=most_popular&utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&utm_term=fd&_cc=__d___&_ccid=7avqoz.nycj42 -
  19. What an interesting and well organized account of your trip. Considering that you included a great amount of information relative to your trip, I am not clear why you added your excellent report as an addendum to an existing thread titled with a different person's name. Over time, your post being added to an already existing thread will make it difficult to locate the valuable information that you provided. I suggest that you copy your report then make it a new and separate thread with your own title. Your report covers a lot of information that is not readily available even from internet searches and not available in the existing thread. Therefore, your information deserves its own thread. If you decide to make a separate thread, you can ask OZ to delete the post you added to a thread that is titled with a different person's name and the other person's trip to Cuba. This is just my opinion and, of course, if you are happy with your report being at the tail end of another thread, so be it. Despite the above suggestion and comments, thanks for taking the time to prepare and post hard-to-find information about Cuba. I found the information useful. -
  20. It is currently about half-past midnight in Sao Paulo, November 20, 2015. Today is a holiday in Sao Paulo (Friday). I will be meeting a couple of friends at Bar Fama in a while. Last weekend, Bar Fama was just "okay" but I was just told to come to the bar because the holiday has caused a lot of people (clients and garotos) to visit the bar tonight (Thursday after midnight) (Friday morning). Supposedly, the bar is filled with garotos and clients and loud singing drag queens and dancing go-go boys. If anyone is interested in visiting Bar Fama at some time in the future, like I wrote previously, the bar opens late. When you visit the bar at night, you don't see much of the architecture in the area because most places are closed. If you see the building during the day, you would never know that fun things happen there in the night. Here is a daytime Google image of the building just in case you care and/or plan to visit the place. The day photo will help you realize where the bar is in relation to other buildings in the area. Here is the Google photo: https://www.google.com.br/maps/place/Bar+Fama/@-23.5410812,-46.6481655,3a,75y,197.9h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1swoFb9Ch70cI4Y327BFaZ-w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x42e5869e522d262!6m1!1e1 Now, I am off to the Bar Fama. If it is exceptional, I'll make a report -.
  21. - You would care if you saw it. Refer back to my original post. I described the penis as tiny with a "severe and peculiar bend to it." The bend makes almost a boomerang bend. A more descriptive way to describe it is the bend is almost a half circle. The end of the penis, when hard, points back toward his abdomen. I have no idea how he climaxes as that did not happen during the encounter. I suspect that if he were to masturbate, he would have a difficult time, given that the end of the penis points in the wrong direction. Now tell me, truthfully and with sincerity, that you could ignore something like this if your partner playmate were built like that. -
  22. Good point. However, given the great looks of the garoto, size would not generally have been an issue. I never thought of checking. I did not anticipate the situation because I have never seen anything like it previously, and most likely, never will again.
  23. As I entered sauna Fragata tonight, my attention was immediately drawn to one of the most handsome garotos I have ever seen in Brazil. I never previously saw the garoto in any sauna in Brazil. The garoto saw that I noticed him and came up to talk to me. I advised the garoto that I just arrived at the sauna and had to go to the changing area but would return and have a conversation with him. I hurried and went back out to where the garoto said he would be waiting. The garoto was there looking as gorgeous as he was when I first saw him. Normally, I like to spend a little while in a sauna before engaging in activities with a garoto. However, in this case, the garoto seemed in a hurry to capture my attention, that he already had. He was so charming and gorgeous that it did not matter that I missed some quiet time for relaxing. The garoto and I agreed on a price then proceeded to a suite together. Everything seemed so electrifying being in the company of such a handsome and charming garoto. The anticipation was beyond explanation. However, in the room was quite another set of facts. Although the garoto is handsome and is charming as I said, when he dropped his towel I almost went into shock. The poor guy had the smallest penis I have seen. Even when he became aroused, the maximum length is around three inches, at best. Not only that, his penis is very thin and it has a severe and peculiar bend to it. I didn't know what to say to the guy. I tried to hide my feelings of shock or disappointment or pity for him but chemistry (or lack thereof) is a telltale signal that doesn't need words. As best I could, I let on as though I had a good time with the garoto. I paid him our agreed arrangement. Even sadder than the tiny funny shaped penis is the fact that the garoto asked me if I want to see him again and also asked for my telephone number. How difficult it must be being anatomically deficient and, at the same time, being so gorgeous. Later tonight I will be going to Bar Fama (the place doesn't get busy until around midnight). It is raining heavy now in Sao Paulo. The rain might affect the turn out at Bar Fama. I'll write a report if the place is fun. -
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