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Everything posted by mvan1

  1. It is not only oil Brazil wants from the Amazon. Bolsonaro and his buddies want to clear the plant life in order to have more space to grow more exportable food and animal products, mainly - beef. Brazil is already a heavy exporter of beef and other farm products. The additional land made available (by burning and clearing the Amazon) will, supposedly, allow Brazil to increase farm production thus bringing in more money to Brazil via exports to other countries. As to the air being reduced from the deforestation - that is also a hoax according to Trump and Bolsonaro (despite scientific proof to the contrary). "Global warming is a hoax" is a montra often repeated by Trump and/or Bolsonaro and/or any of their many low IQ supporters). Trump has an easy solution for those who are gullible enough "to believe the hoax". If the worldwide oxygen really thins to a point of being an issue to all life (animal and plant), we humans can always survive if we each buy one of these things: https://store.mainclinicsupply.com/inogen-one-g3-portable-oxygen-concentrator-p/inogen-c.htm#&panel1-4?gclid=Cj0KCQjwwIPrBRCJARIsAFlVT8_Jn72_amf06p82nRV7v6Uy3axI9iNJTT1tOQAQTMSlPFFhh2HdpQAaAmCyEALw_wcB The morons (Trump, Bolsonaro and their puttet supporters) forgot to mention that food we eat to live (animal and plant life) also needs oxygen to grow and survive. Those morons offer no logical solution. They continue to repeat the false claim that global warming is a hoax and that deforestation of the Amazon is not a real threat. Moreover, such an act will result in a major source of food and revenue to Brazil. Rubbish -
  2. When Notre Dame was on fire, it was seen as a global emergency, millions of people physically sent millions to an already millionaire church/tourist attraction. The Earth's most important LUNG is ON FIRE right now, yet we are not nearly as concerned... #AmazonRainforest 7:17 AM · Aug 21, 2019
  3. mount From USDUS Dollar To BRLBrazilian Real 1USD = 4.12050BRL 1 BRL = 0.242689 USD 1 USD = 4.12050 BRL US Dollar to Brazilian Real Conversion Last updated: 2019-08-24 00:33 UTC
  4. Finland Plans to Ban Brazilian Meat Imports into Europe Because of Fires in the Amazon Posted: 23 Aug 2019 08:48 AM PDT RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The country occupies the rotating presidency of the European Union; The Finnish Finance Minister Mika Lintila said he "condemns the destruction of the Amazon rainforest". Finland, which holds the rotating presidency of the European Union (EU), said on Friday (23) that it intends to find a way to make the […] The post Finland Plans to Ban Brazilian Meat Imports into Europe Because of Fires in the Amazon appeared first on The Rio Times. Demonstrators Protest in Favour of the Amazon at Brazilian Embassies Around the World Posted: 23 Aug 2019 07:58 AM PDT RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - On Friday, 23rd, demonstrators organized several protests for the preservation of the Amazon in Brazilian embassies around the world. They gathered in cities such as London and Berlin and took posters against deforestation and forest fires. Besides the British and German capitals, protests were also called in Mumbai, India; Paris, […] The post Demonstrators Protest in Favour of the Amazon at Brazilian Embassies Around the World appeared first on The Rio Times. Evo Morales Hires Supertank Aircraft to Fight Fires in Bolivia’s Amazon Region Posted: 23 Aug 2019 07:14 AM PDT RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Bolivian President Evo Morales has authorized the hiring of a Boeing 747 aircraft named Supertanker to fight fires in Bolivia's Amazon rainforest region. The aircraft, which can carry up to 75,000 liters, is expected to start work on Thursday . . . To read the full NEWS and much more, […] The post Evo Morales Hires Supertank Aircraft to Fight Fires in Bolivia’s Amazon Regionappeared first on The Rio Times. Amazon Escalation: Macron Says France Now Opposes EU-Mercosur Agreement Posted: 23 Aug 2019 06:27 AM PDT RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - French President Emmanuel Macron said on Friday, August 23rd, that Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro "lied" about his commitments to the environment and announced that, under these conditions, France is opposed to the free trade agreement between the European Union and Mercosur. "Given Brazil's attitude in recent weeks, the French President […] The post Amazon Escalation: Macron Says France Now Opposes EU-Mercosur Agreementappeared first on The Rio Times. Glock Wins Bid to Supply Firearms to São Paulo State Police Posted: 23 Aug 2019 06:21 AM PDT RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Austrian manufacturer Glock has won an international bid from the São Paulo State Police and is to supply forty thousand semiautomatic .40-caliber pistols to the department. The initial estimate was to pay up to R$2,000 (US$500) for each firearm. But after 28 rounds of bidding, Glock made the best offer […] The post Glock Wins Bid to Supply Firearms to São Paulo State Police appeared first on The Rio Times. Merkel’s Spokesperson: Chancellor “Fully Supports French President” on Amazon Posted: 23 Aug 2019 05:54 AM PDT RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - German Chancellor Angela Merkel's spokesperson said on Friday, August 23th, that the fires in the Amazon constitute an "urgent situation" to be discussed during the G7 summit this weekend. The declaration comes in support of a request from French President Emmanuel Macron in this regard. "The Chancellor is convinced" that […] The post Merkel’s Spokesperson: Chancellor “Fully Supports French President” on Amazonappeared first on The Rio Times. Eduardo Bolsonaro Posts Video Calling French President an “Idiot” Posted: 23 Aug 2019 05:22 AM PDT RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Federal deputy and son of the President, Eduardo Bolsonaro (PSL-SP), posted a video on social media entitled "Macron is an idiot". Eduardo Bolsonaro said the post is a message to the French president, Emmanuel Macron. Last Thursday, August 22nd, Macron said the crisis in the Amazon should be discussed at […] The post Eduardo Bolsonaro Posts Video Calling French President an “Idiot” appeared first on The Rio Times. Opinion Survey Ranks Bolsonaro as Third-Worst Leader in Latin America Posted: 23 Aug 2019 04:00 AM PDT RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Brazilian president, Jair Bolsonaro, is the third worst-rated leader in Latin America; only the leaders of Cuba and Venezuela are worse, according to research done in fourteen countries in the region. JUST LIKE TRUMP HAS MADE THE U.S. A LAUGHING STOCK OF THE FREE WORLD, LOOK WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO BRAZIL WITH THAT NUT-JOB BOLSONARO
  5. Courtesy of Fox News: https://www.foxnews.com/world/brazil-president-poop-every-other-day Who is crazier, Brazil's president or Trump?
  6. Do you mean like Trump so often does?
  7. The below quote is taken directly from the study linked from the University Pennsylvania medical school study that I linked in a previous post. "There have always been triatomine bugs and cases of Chagas disease in the U.S., but the kissing bugs we have here don't come into homes frequently like the more dangerous species in South and Central America do," Levy said. "I am much more concerned about the role of bed bugs. They are already here -- in our homes, in our beds and in high numbers. What we found has thrown a wrench in the way I think about transmission, and where Chagas disease could emerge next." Considering that I placed this thread in the South America section of the forum, I wanted to alert those who visit and sleep in South and Central America to the fact that they are more at risk than those in most other countries for the cousin of the bedbug we commonly see in America. Thanks for your additional input about this matter. It it is clear that I don't have to post the Einstein cartoon quote for you. By the way, there is controversy whether Einstein really said or wrote that quote that applies to bull headed people who think they know everything about every subject (but they don't). Many sources attribute the quotation to Einstein while others sources say they cannot confirm that he said it. Nonetheless, it is a great quotation in the right situation, whoever said it.
  8. Based on your absurd response, you think that you know more than the researchers at one of the finest medical schools in the world - University of Pennsylvania. You over ruled that research report with some gibberish that has nothing to do with the issue or subject of this thread. Because you were proven wrong, you next went off on a tangent to discuss mosquito bites and an infected hangnail. The best advice for you is to try to understand the wisdom of the below quote from Einstein.
  9. I don't know where you got your information but your assertion about bedbugs not being harmful is false. According to the below cited scientific research (University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine), bed bugs are a health hazard and can transmit a deadly disease. Date: November 17, 2014 Source: Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania Summary: Bed bugs, like the triatomines, can transmit Trypanosoma cruzi, the parasite that causes Chagas disease, one of the most prevalent and deadly diseases in the Americas, research has confirmed. You wrote "get over it!" I hope you "get over it" if you happen to fall prey to an illness caused by bedbugs. Read the below article and you will be better informed. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/11/141117174328.htm
  10. https://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc-bed-bugs-vary-genetically-depending-neighborhood-article-1.2517959
  11. https://www.10best.com/destinations/brazil/rio-de-janeiro/attractions/museums/ Despite occasional dangers, Rio is a special place like none other in the world - it really is!
  12. https://www.cnet.com/features/bed-bugs-are-giving-airbnb-users-headaches-and-itchy-bites/
  13. I have read your posts over several years. Prior to the above-quoted post, I previously appreciated your level-headed statements. Did you not bother to read the evidence presented showing that the poster in question had reported the exact same mugging twice - once in October of last year and again in February of this year? That double reporting of a mugging, with exact same facts, put the poster's other claim of two additional muggings in the same month in doubt. To add to the doubt of the alleged duplicate muggings at the beach, the poster did not present any details of the two additional muggings he claimed occurred in the same month; February of this year (three muggings in one month). Copies of the poster's own prior postings to this forum from last year were presented as proof the same mugging with exact same details were reported in October of last year and again in February of this year (plus two additional muggings in February that offered no details). How could you have ignored the above facts and copies of the posters prior reports and write your inappropriate comment implying that we were "venting venom" against the forum poster? The tragedy (to use your chosen word) is that you responded to our posts without reading or acknowledging the facts. You owe three of us an apology for your inappropriate attack. To my knowledge, no one on this forum ever wrote anything doubting your own street mugging that you reported as happening to you on Avenida Atlantica some years back.
  14. Astute? Read the subsequent posts, there is serious doubt whether he was robbed three times in one month or at all in that month. Contradictions are a bitch when there is a paper trail to get you!
  15. Given proof of the poster's double reporting of the same crime (over a five months span) leaves little incentive to believe anything the poster writes in the future or anything the poster has written in the past in these forums. In addition to double reporting of the same crime more than once (plus claiming two additional robberies in February of this year), the poster bragged about having lived in Brazil for ten years and knowing the local language. Big deal! Many of us know the language and many of us have visited Brazil over many years. The poster's boasting about his ten-year residency and boasting of a language proficiency leaves the impression the poster believes his knowledge is superior to any other long-term visitor to Brazil. I think credibility of the poster is non existent.
  16. https://riotimesonline.com/brazil-news/rio-de-janeiro/robberies-increase-in-rio-de-janeiro-by-as-much-as-79-percent/
  17. Where else would you suggest he try to meet someone of the type he prefers? I visit Vienna a lot and I know the city and attractions well. However, a new person could get disappointed if they are looking for a particular type of hustler and that person is not readily available. Prague has turned into a waste of time unless someone is looking to find druggies. If he goes to Zurich and goes into the Paragonya sauna, he does not have to know much of anything. He merely presents himself and he will be approached by hustlers, assuming there will be hustlers available. He can either say - yes or no to any hustler that approaches him. I was not aware there are so few hustlers at the sauna. It will be Springtime when he arrives on his journey. I cannot imagine why the sauna in Zurich would not be filled with hustlers. He could use hunqz or rentmen to find a huster but that is awkward for a first time traveler to a city. Perhaps you could refer him to one of the agents you mentioned in your post.
  18. Hi, Bel Ami twinks are not interesting to me although I see lots of them at the places I visit in the cities you mentioned. Considering you mentioned Vienna, Prague and Zurich, I would think your best bet for finding the type of guy you seek would be in Zurich. There is a sauna in Zurich called Paragonya. It is located in a decent neighborship with decent hotels nearby. It has a large variety of guys of all sorts from various countries. Paragonya sauna went through a bad time a few years ago when it was overridden by Romanians. However, things are almost back to normal. This means you have a high probability for having a good time and for finding what you like. Here is a link to Paragonya. https://www.paragonya.ch/en/ Prague has deteriorated too much for a first time visitor to know how to find what you seek. There are countless people using drugs in Prague, which is another reason I do not care for Prague like I once did. Vienna, is too complicated for a new person. You would have to rely on the internet for finding guys. There is a sauna that you might like but Vienna would not be my first recommendation for you. Unquestionably, if you visit the Paragonya sauna in Zurich, you will find what you seek. Good luck
  19. Have no fear - Just remember, the sole owner, Rodolfo, has no other source of income except for the sauna. Rodolfo likes lots of young men and lots of expensive things, especially his BMW automobile. If you think that Rodolfo will allow a lapse in time for opening a new facility at a different place, you don't know Rodolfo. Money is his god. Even though the lease is expired on the sauna, Rodolfo can still use the sauna month to month, which is what he is doing now. The new project of building condominiums on the land where the sauna now stands is not yet finalized. Until that condominium project is funded, the Lagoa site will not be demolished and Rodolfo can continue with his month to month arrangement. After all, the owners of the land also want money, which they are getting from Rodolfo for the sauna facility.
  20. If you have any problem believing that Trump is a chronic habitual liar and racist, just watch a couple of minutes of the below linked public interview with Trump. In the interview, the most egregious lie uttered by Trump is that his father was born in Germany. However, Trump's father was born in New York, just like Trump was. WHY THE LIE? When Trump spews his frequent and hideous racist comments, why does the media not play the public interview of Trump lying about his father's birthplace? That lie of Trump is so easy to prove by public documents. That interview should be played each time Trump is caught in another bizarre racist rant. That interview confirms that Trump cannot be believed except when he says he wants to make America white again. Here is the link to the interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmhiInYqlTU
  21. No, you are not mistaken. You would have had to watch the utube video to know that. I am impressed. That particular d'say exhibit was held both in Rio and Sao Paulo. The Da Vinci (discussed above in the news article) is currently being displayed in Canada.
  22. Warning - not for those looking for Brazilian sauna stories - ignore this thread - - Once in a while, and not very often, Sao Paulo and Rio are blessed with some extraordinary cultural events. Last year, MASP had a large exhibit of more than one hundred Henri Toulouse Lautrec original paintings and drawings. A few years prior to the above event, The Museum D'orsay in Paris decided to remodel and wanted a good place to store a large number of wonderful paintings during the Paris renovation. Sao Paulo and Rio were chosen for the famous paintings. The display was spectacular. Here is a short utube film made of the exhibit of paintings from the French museum. Notice the beautiful interior of the Brazilian building chosen to display the Paris paintings: There were many more famous cultural events in Brazil over the years. Now, in October, there will be a Da Vinci exhibit like none ever presented. The exact day in October is not yet published. For those who want to see something in Brazil other than the saunas, check out this article that discusses the upcoming Da Vinci exhibit: https://riotimesonline.com/brazil-news/rio-entertainment/art-and-culture/unprecedented-da-vinci-exhibition-comes-to-sao-paulo-in-october/ Sometimes it is good to take a break from the saunas and see a bit of culture! Try it, you might be surprised and like a bit of cultural found in Brazil. I am in Brazil so often that I have time to see these things. -
  23. What! Jeffrey Dahmer - You? Do you remember who he was? I might have to restore that Bavarian clock.
  24. Over the past year, I had many disappointing visits to sauna Lagoa. A few of my visits were "okay" but my "okay" visits did not equal the quality nor quantity of garotos I found at Lagoa over the past sixteen years of visiting Lagoa many times each year. I realize that nothing is forever (except for death and taxes). My disappointment with Lagoa was because of the marked change in the type and quantity of available garotos. Over the past year or so, it was not unusual to find less than a dozen garotos working at Lagoa even on supposedly popular nights. In fairness, there were days when there was a nice turnout. In other words, not all nights during the past year were disappointing but most were on the nights I was there. Included among the available working guys were the garotos of "yesteryear" who still hope to make money even though their beauty has long ago faded. Also disappointing was that even on nights when Lagoa had a fair amount of business, many of the garotos that showed up for work were effeminate twinks which, to me, are not interesting. The changes described above have a ripple effect because Brazilian clients also noticed the decline in quantity and quality. My Brazilian friends who are long-term clients at Lagoa do not want to pay the R$65 admission price and other related expenses associated with visiting Lagoa merely to visit other clients or see garotos that do not appeal to them. Consequently, clients also reduced their visits to Lagoa. However, last night was not okay - it was great. - There was a new "crop" of garotos most of whom I never saw prior to last night. In the past, Wednesday and Friday were usually the busiest and most interesting nights to visit Lagoa. I expect to return to Lagoa next Wednesday hoping that I will enjoy Lagoa as much as I did last night and in prior years. If Lagoa is as nice as it was last night, I will post an update. A couple of additional comments about last night: I arrived at Lagoa around six o'clock and time flew by fast. At ten o'clock a "show" began. The person presenting the "show" had the sound speakers turned up so high it was difficult to speak or hear anyone above the "music" noise. The high volume noise coming from the show was my signal it was time to call it a night. I left Lagoa a little past ten o'clock. Rodolfo was present last night and seemed happy at the large turn out of both garotos and clients (this meant money for Rodolfo and he LOVES money). When asked about the move of Lagoa to a new location, Rodolfo declined to discuss the move. All he did was make a sad look and changed the subject. Hope springs eternal. ReplyForward
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