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Everything posted by mvan1

  1. “First of all I never made some promise to you especially when you make such a stupid post. Try reading the headline of your post ?” The fact that your sentence is grammatically incorrect does not alter the fact that you did say, several months ago, that you would no longer respond to anything I write. Again, your word and/or honesty are non existent. Was my post so egregious that you had to make such a hostile response? “You love finding articles from questionable sources such as Rio Times and posting them . You got called on that by a number of members in the Brazil Forum.” How do you know if I “love finding articles from questionable sources - - - .” Even though your writing indicates that you have less than average intelligence, let me advise you that The Rio Times is not a “questionable source” even if you and some fellow forum trolls criticize(d) the publication in the Brazil section of this forum. The Rio times is not the New York Times but it is hardly a “questionable source” as you inaccurately described it. “You must really be bored reading these questionable sources. But who knows this one could be true and if true you think Thailand Immigration acted rashly.” There, you go again with more errors and poor sentence structure. As to my being bored, the only thing I find boring on this forum is you, when you make a hostile post or when you post photos of young men who appear to be underage and/or when you express sexual admiration over such type pictures. “It is almost ridiculous for you to try and say your post was to educate those who mutilate their passports.” It is “almost ridiculous” for me to try? I did not “almost” try to say, I did say but you misquoted me, as usual. Your lack of command of your own language is astonishing. I wrote above in my initial response to your post that you are a contributing factor in quality posters leaving this forum. You are not the only person responsible but you are a major contributing force for several posters abandoning this forum. You really should curb your hostility. Soon the forum will be comprised of mainly trolls like you. Your prior posts confirm that you call people on this forum, ignorant, stupid, dumb and a variety of names. One must wonder why you think you need to resort to name calling while participating on this forum. Your hostility would be inappropriate, except for the fact that you fit the troll definition. In addition to your inappropriate name calling behavior in this forum, do yourself a favor - stop misspelling the word "traveler" and "today's" as you do in many of your posts when you use those words. Also, stop over punctuating your sentences. It is simply wrong to do so. You write similar to an emotional high school drop out when you over punctuate a sentence with excess punctuation like ???? and !!!! Here is but one example of your over punctuation (with the word "traveler" misspelled as well as the word "today's"): ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ #2 firecat69 Esteemed Member Members 612 posts Posted Yesterday, 11:32 AM This post from a supposed World Traveller and its Title shows how ignorant somebody can be! In todays world if you rip pages out of your passport the immigration officials would certainly have reason to wonder what countries she may have visited. Does Terrorism maybe mean anything in your world???? Hooray for Thailand!!!! _____________________________________________________________________ - You also repeatedly misuse the word then when you mean than. There are countless other instances where your posts demonstrate that you have a poor command of your own language (I assume that you are American). If you live in a large city, you might consider enrolling in a remedial English course. There is much written in news media and on the Internet about Internet trolls. Clearly, this forum has a few such trolls and, unquestionably, you are the most offensive troll of your other few troll forum members. Here is a very fine definition of an Internet troll. The definition is as though it had you and a few of the other trolls in the forum in mind: In Internet slang, a troll is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion,[3] often for their own amusement. Most of the forum users are bright and decent people. Some have contributed a great deal to the forum just as I have contributed and helped many users. On the other hand, your contributions have been limited to mostly discord, name calling, criticism of others and, of course, posting questionable photos that I described above. One can hardly call your behavior in this forum quality. The simplest thing is for you to once again agree to ignore me and I ignore you. However, that is not in your nasty nature. Therefore, it is now time for you to respond with more illiterate nonsense. Happy trolling.
  2. You just can't let this forum remain at peace, can you? This is the third time you violated your own promise to ignore everything I post. In other words, you have shown other readers that you are not truthful in keeping your word. Your comments concerning the passport/Thailand immigration article I presented are inappropriate and childlike. I did not write the article. I presented the article to show possible consequences of someone mutilating a passport. Your interjecting "terrorism" concerning my post demonstrates how far your hostility extends. Your other numerous posts directed at different other posters, wherein you call various posters names (stupid, dumb, liar, ignorant et cetera), have contributed to your chasing away posters of this forum. If you continue your ways, it won't be long before you and your few fellow forum trolls will be the only ones left posting here.
  3. - http://viewfromthewing.boardingarea.com/2016/02/26/uk-woman-deported-thailand-used-passport-toilet-paper/ -
  4. - When you go through the supposed scanner at the security section of the airport, all is not necessary well. Check out this scam. Nude-o-scope scanner machines were rigged to signal certain gay employees that handsome men were being scanned so that those gay TSA employees could grope the handsome men. http://viewfromthewing.boardingarea.com/2015/04/14/how-denvers-tsa-manipulated-the-nude-o-scope-so-they-could-get-to-fondle-attractive-passengers/ Read the article sited above. Here’s how the creepy scam worked: “He related that when a male he finds attractive comes to be screened by the scanning machine he will alert another TSA screener to indicate to the scanning computer that the party being screened is a female. When the screener does this, the scanning machine will indicate an anomaly in the genital area and this allows (the male TSA screener) to conduct a pat-down search of that area.” We, as tax payers and travelers, paid for this nonsense. -
  5. - http://riotimesonline.com/brazil-news/rio-politics/international-health-officials-arrive-in-brazil-to-assess-zika-actions/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRioTimes+%28The+Rio+Times%29 -
  6. The edit function does not work - The above should say that there is now only a two-hour difference in time between the U.S. East Coast and Brazil.
  7. The Brazilian States that observed day-light saving time are now back to standard time effective last Saturday night at midnight. There is now only a one-hour difference in time between the U.S. East Coast and Brazil. -
  8. Did you get a chance to read that bizarre complaint filed with the court involving Rentboy? Although the complaint included a lot of unnecessary details about sexual terms used in ads placed on the site, the complaint also discussed how the employees were paid. The employees were paid a salary and were getting a Form W-2 each year. The W-2 is a starting point for the reported income. Their income was reported. The legal fees and related expenses can be deducted against the W-2 income, assuming the fees and expenses were paid. -
  9. - Although it will not make them whole, again, at least the employees can deduct their legal fees and related expenses on their 2015 income tax returns. The deductions will reduce their tax liability for 2015. The tax benefit is better than no benefit or no relief.
  10. Effective today - Post Nation U.S. and Cuba sign deal restoring passenger flightshttps://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2016/02/16/u-s-and-cuba-sign-deal-restoring-passenger-flights/ Jet Blue, AA, UA and Delta all want part of the new flights to Cuba - -
  11. The South forum is a bit slow lately - therefore, it is a good time to reminisce about Rio's airport and the sounds one hears while waiting for a departing flight. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=8976813 http://www.npr.org/player/v2/mediaPlayer.html?action=1&t=1&islist=false&id=8976813&m=8976814 Those who have been to Rio by air have heard this voice over and over again. -
  12. More good news in connection with U.S. flights to Cuba - See this: http://www.flyertalk.com/articles/u-s-airlines-can-apply-for-cuba-travel-starting-tuesday.html -
  13. If there is any doubt that the Zika virus will affect tourism to Brazil and to other countries affected by the virus, take a look at this article. The article discusses Delta Airlines' policy with respect to the airline offering refunds to passengers who have already purchased tickets to countries where the Zika virus has been confirmed by the CDC. The refund policy will have an obvious negative affect on tourism to Brazil and to other affected countries. UA and AA will be announcing their policy next week. http://www.bizjournals.com/atlanta/morning_call/2016/01/delta-issues-zika-virus-travel-advisory-customers.html
  14. Things are moving along fairly quick normalizing commercial air flights between the U.S. and Cuba. A year or so ago, who would have thought this much progress would have been made at this time? It won't be long now before we will be able to purchase a non stop flight from major cities within the U.S. on legacy carriers directly to Cuba. It has been fifty years since that was possible. http://seekingalpha.com/news/3107006-u-s-cuba-sign-pact-restoring-scheduled-flights?dr=1#email_link -
  15. Let me correct what you wrote "However, Zika is so mild that many people don't even realize they got it. Only 20% of people who pick it up get sick. So it's really mainly a concern to pregnant women, or for pregnant women who might be infected in the US by someone who picked it up on a trip and brought it back." It is not only pregnant women who are at risk. It is women, in general, who might become pregnant in the future who are at risk. The CDC has made announcements to encourage women who plan to have babies in the future to avoid Brazil and areas (countries) that have the virus. As you wrote, the symptoms can be mild. Women can contract the virus and not know they have it, then get pregnant. The baby will either die or be deformed as described below. Any reasonable woman would be concerned if her chances of having a baby born with a deformity is increased by visiting a country listed by the CDC as a place to avoid if she has future plans to become pregnant. These women, who planned to accompany their spouse/husband to Brazil are the ones encouraged to cancel. Not single men. According to some travel blogs, airlines have received numerous cancellations of trips to Brazil because some women (who are not pregnant) had planned to accompany their husbands to the Olympics and have canceled the trip at the recommendation of the CDC. Women who contract the virus even before getting pregnant or during pregnancy have a high probability of having a child born with microcephaly, an abnormal smallness of the head, a congenital condition associated with incomplete brain development. I suggest you read the articles I cited in my original post, plus articles about the virus, before you conclude that the virus will not be a major threat to the travel industry of Brazil. Of course, single adult males traveling to Brazil are at minimal risk of contracting the virus. I also do not plan to cancel my trips to Brazil. The point I am making it that many women are canceling which affects the travel industry in/to Brazil. At this time, no one knows the total financial impact of the drop in travel because the Olympics have not yet commenced. If you still doubt that there will not be a huge impact on the number of travelers to Brazil because of the Zilka virus, all I can say is "good for you."
  16. I travel to Brazil nearly every month (except for December) and have done so for many years. I have been to Brazil more than 140 times including lots of trips to Rio. Until the past year or so, flights that I was on had a lot of Brazilian passengers and most flights were nearly full. Because of Brazil's fairly recent recession, planes that I have been on over the past year of so, were often half full or less. Prior to the current recession, the flights were roughly about half Brazilian versus other nationalities. The current decrease in seat utilization by Brazilians is obviously influenced by Brazil's recession and Brazil's recent high unemployment. However, a new negative element has entered the travel/visitor equation, the Zika virus. Although I have no scientific figures to show if the Zika virus will cause less visitors to Brazil, I think it is reasonable to conclude that the Zika virus epidemic will cause many fliers to stay away from areas where the virus is prevalent, such as in Brazil. Today, the American CDC announced and confirmed that the Zilka virus is in Brazil. Thus, it doesn't take a genius to realize the Zika virus will have a negative impact on the number of future passengers visiting Brazil. How many less visitors remains a guess. Read the two articles I cited in my opening post. Here is but one warning from the CDC: "The CDC is warning pregnant women to protect their babies by avoiding travel to South America, Central America and Caribbean countries such as Puerto Rico, where the virus is spreading fast. Women who are already in those countries should take precautions to protect themselves from mosquitoes, which are the main way that the disease is transmitted, Frieden said."
  17. Hi, Based on your recent posts, you were in Rio not long ago - Nothing has changed at the saunas since you were in Brazil on your last trip. The only thing that keeps changing is the exchange rate between the dollar and the real - but even that is not materially different. Prices, open and closed days at the saunas and busy nights, free nights et cetera remain about the same.
  18. - According to the first article cited below, the American CDC said that the Zika virus is spreading quickly in South America - There goes more trouble for the Olympics and for Brazil's tourism - http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2016/02/10/cdc-confirms-link-between-zika-microcephaly-brazilian-babies-who-died/80179898/ and http://www.cdc.gov/zika/disease-qa.html -
  19. There is a semi "competitor" site similar to this site, known as "daddys" On that forum is a series of posts relative to Dominican Republic. The person who started the below linked thread on the other site went into specific details about facts and circumstances in connection with meeting working guys in Dominican Republic. Below is a link to the thread from the other site - the thread contains a wealth of information. I don't think the poster who created the thread on the "daddy" site posts in this forum. I know a lot about Dominican Republic and how and where to meet working guys. The information in the thread does not conflict with what I know. In fact, the information expands on my knowledge and experiences of and in the Dominican Republic. During my next trip to Dominican Republic, I intend to check out some of the information presented in the below linked thread from the other site. Here is a link to the thread: http://message-forum.net/threads/2015-dominican-republic-santo-domingo-diary.106417/ -
  20. - Using three different browers, the site will not open for me. Is there a code to open the posting link? -
  21. EDIT - clarification: "On the other hand, if you visit Salvador or Recife, I recommend that you consider a guide. But, a guide is not essential because there are some very fine saunas in those cities as well." When I said I recommend that you consider a guide for Salvador and Recife, I should have said that there is so much history in those two cities that a guide would be helpful if you intend to learn about the city in addition to learning about the saunas in those cities.
  22. As difficult as it is to believe, you will not need any such groups like you described in your inquiry. You said you would be visiting Brazil - I assume it is your first trip. If you go back and read many of the threads and posts related to the cities in Brazil you plan to visit, you will have sufficient information to maneuver your way around the sauna scene in Brazil. After you arrive in Brazil, you will find your way to the saunas that are discussed in this forum. You will learn by being in the saunas how to meet garotos. It takes little to no effort to meet garotos. You will be approached by garotos once you arrive in the saunas. You will have to learn to say "no" to garotos you do not find appealing. As I wrote, your reading prior threads then going to the saunas, will be enough for you to enjoy yourself in the saunas in Brazil. Sometimes, while in the saunas, you will hear English spoken. You can assume that the people speaking English are American or English or Australian. If you hear English, you can approach those speakers and ask for ideas about the saunas or other places to visit in Brazil. But, you really don't need help. Brazil is unique - you won't need any groups to guide you - everything comes automatic. That is why people like Brazil so much. There is no other place in the world like it. On the other hand, if you visit Salvador or Recife, I recommend that you consider a guide. But, a guide is not essential because there are some very fine saunas in those cities as well. In short, read the threads and go to the saunas - everything else comes automatically. Have a pleasant trip. -
  23. An unpleasant trend of bank withdrawals by Brazilians was reported for the month of January. Among other things, the report confirms a severe recession but worse, it confirms that many Brazilians are living off of their savings rather than living off of money earned by working. The increased unemployment in Brazil is one reason we are seeing a new crop of sauna workers (garotos). "The net outflow of savings deposits also has been attributed to Brazil's recession and high inflation and joblessness, which have forced Brazilians to withdraw money for basic expenses. EFE" Here is the article that is not good financial news for Brazil and/or its people: http://latino.foxnews.com/latino/news/2016/02/04/central-bank-record-net-savings-withdrawals-in-brazil-in-january/ -
  24. That is good to read that the customer base was as you described the last couple of times you were at Club Tobi. As I wrote about Club Tobi in my post above "I was at the club only one time. I am wondering whether I arrived at the Club at the wrong time or on the wrong day." The night I was at Club Tobi could be described as a "bad day" when the mix of potential or available guys is not up to the expectations of all or most. However, it is entirely possible that we have totally different opinions of what is attractive. After all, as Aseop once said "Please all and you please none."
  25. Using street addresses to locate specific places in Colombia can be confusing. However, after you understand the unusual way addresses are assigned to buildings and places in Colombia, getting to an address is relatively easy. Last year, during my trip to Medellin, two different cab drivers could not locate the address for Club Tobi that is located in the middle of town. Part of the confusion of finding the place was caused by heavy traffic that was present at the time I decided to visit the club. As I wrote in another thread, I ended up paying the cab drivers then getting out of the cab and then walking to Club Tobi. One thing that made it easy for me to find Club Tobi is the below cited web article that explains, in detail, how to decipher and find places based on the unusual street address system found in Colombia. Anyone planning a trip to Colombia might want to print the article as a reference (or at least study the article) for when they arrive in Colombia. http://www.medellinliving.com/how-to-locate-street-addresses-in-colombia/ Happy travels
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