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Everything posted by mvan1

  1. Hotel Atlantico Copacabana: 2018 Room Prices from $35 - Expedia.com‎ banahotel atlantico praia copacabanahotel atlantico rio de janeiro copacabana hotel astoria copacabanahotel atlantico rio de janeiro tripadvisoratlantis copacabana hotelpromenade princess copacabana
  2. Bucky, your past few posts included links to FOX NEWS to support your opinion. Most people know that Fox News is a station that is right-wing and preaches bigotry and hatred of gays. Since you like Fox News so much, let me furnish some information about one of its lead "newscasters" named Laura Ingraham who is six feet three inches tall and earns five million a year preaching her bigotry. Here is but one example of a documented act of hatred she did while she was a student at Dartmouth - concerning gays: "Views on homosexuality[edit] In her senior year at Dartmouth College, Ingraham was the editor-in-chief of an unofficial conservative college newspaper, The Dartmouth Review,[9] becoming its first female editor.[citation needed] Ingraham wrote several controversial articles during her tenure. Notably, she sent a reporter undercover to a campus LGBTQ meeting. She then published a transcript of the meeting and included the names of the attendees, describing them as "cheerleaders for latent campus sodomites".[10][11] She was criticized for forcibly outing the meeting's attendees.[11] At the start of the meeting, an oath of confidentiality was read whereby participants in the meeting were assured that information from the meeting would not be made public.[11] Ingraham claimed confidentiality did not apply, because the meeting had been advertised, and defended the outing of the gay students as a "freedom of the press issue".[11] Jeffrey Hart, the faculty adviser for The Dartmouth Review described Ingraham as having "the most extreme anti-homosexual views imaginable", claiming "she went so far as to avoid a local eatery where she feared the waiters were homosexual".[12][13]" It was not until she learned that her own brother was gay that she eased up on some of the anti gay hatred. You see Bucky, you give respect to Trump and people like the hateful Laura Ingraham who do not respect you. There are many others on Fox News who are bigoted. One more thing, did you know that Trump has one of his cell phones programmed so he can watch Fox News merely by one click of a button? He loves to hear his name on Fox News and he loves the fact that they are frequently playing clips of Trump. Trump clearly loves himself. Bucky, you probably never heard of Oscar Wilde. One famous thing Oscar Wilde said reminds me of Trump, namely (quoting Wilde) "To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance." Bucky, wake up and smell reality.
  3. Bucky, you presented a clip that includes the lunatic Candace Owens. She is another misguided person who has drawn negative attention because of the bizarre things she says in demonstration speeches and for her loud and vocal support for Trump. Here are just a few of her bizarre ideas: Climate change Owens rejects the scientific consensus on climate change.[31][5] She has called climate change a lie used to “extract dollars from Americans.”[5] Me Too Movement Owens described the #MeToo Movement - which was an international movement against sexual harassment and assault - as "stupid" and said that she "hated" the movement.[32][33] Owens wrote that the #MeToo Movement was premised on the idea that "women are stupid, weak & inconsequential."[32][33] She is critical of feminism.[34] Abortion She has said that abortion is “extermination” of black babies. Welfare[edit] She has advocated for an end to all welfare programs. So, Bucky, if you continue your support for Trump and support for this coo-coo lady, it won't be long before all three of you will be like peas in a pod (a loony pod). By the way Bucky, abortion kills all babies, regardless of race. Your loony person says abortion "exterminates" black babies. She left out all other races. Misguided people galore!
  4. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/there_are_none_so_blind_as_those_who_will_not_see Poor Bucky - think about the above link - do you recognize yourself in it?
  5. Trump on gays rights, right, Bucky?
  6. Hi Oz. The problem is intermittent. I suspect the Brazilian internet provider I am using might be the cause. Rome was not built in a day. Things will work out eventually.
  7. I tried just now and it works with a laptop.
  8. I still cannot log into the forum using a desk top and/or a laptop. However, I can access the forum on my telephone. I know of four other members who are using their phone to access this forum. Is anyone able to access the forum using a computer?
  9. Makes sense, thanks
  10. I really like this site. It offers us a certain amount of freedom of expression and, of course, education on places we like and/or can visit. I sign into banks, to airlines, to hotel sites and to government sites (that sometimes require complex passwords) all without a problem. However, it took me twelve different attempts to sign in here. The forum is sometimes very quiet. Could the reason be that some people cannot access the forum while others have no problem with access? Maybe the programmers might look into making access a bit easier.
  11. I got signed out (unintentionally) after sending the above message to Oz. Perseverance will solve the log in issues.
  12. Hi Oz, I have a similar problem as @Latbear4blk described in his below post. I tried many times to log on with out success. As I am in Brazil at the present time, I thought it was the goofy internet service here causing the problem. Is is not the internet here preventing me from logging in. Only after I used tethering from my telephone and signed in from the main page (using a lap top) and signed in yet a third time from the forums page (not the main page) did I access your forum. Could you let your techs know that they still have work to do in getting members logged on? Thanks in advance -
  13. Bucky, check out this link to an article that appeared in the Chicago Tribune in May of this year: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/politics/factcheck/ct-analysis-trump-false-claims-20180501-story.html- The above linked article confirms that Trump told more than three thousands VERIFIABLE lies from the day he took office until the article was published; and the lies continue. So, if Trump said he will protect the gays, is his statement one of the three thousand recorded lies? Do you have anything that is not fictional to support your loyalty to the man who does not hold a similar respect for you? The other video with the black youth was silly and was nothing more than immature poppycock. You occasionally furnish clips to support your misguided allegiance to Trump. Each time you present something, it is shown to be false. Your Trump fantasy allegiance makes me think of an appropriate idiom that can be found in literature - (written about 2,500 years ago) by the wonderful philosopher, Aesop. He may have had you in mind when he wrote: “Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow.”
  14. As you know, the Fox News clip you presented in your earlier post shows the niece of Martin Luther King. You said that she is just a voice in a growing choir. However, her voice is slowly being drained away. She was a DEMOCRATIC congresswoman in Georgia - FOR ONE TERM- When she tried to get reelected, she lost big time. During her campaign, she repeatedly harped about repealing gay rights and repealing legalized abortion. Her voters did not want to hear that nonsense. After she lost the election, she switched parties and now claims to be a Republican. She highly supports Trump - just like you, Bucky. Do you also want to repeal gay rights and the right of abortion?
  15. Bucky, the lady in the Fox News clip (shown above) is considered a loony. She is the niece of Martin L King. She capitalizes on his name. She makes a fortune giving speeches using the name of the deceased CRL. She wants to outlaw abortion which she calls "genocide" and, look what she thinks about YOU, Buckey! "During a 1998 speech at the University of North Carolina, King offered the Westboro Baptist Church argument against granting equal rights to gays and lesbians:[7]" "Homosexuality cannot be elevated to the civil rights issue. The civil rights movement was born from the Bible. God hates homosexuality." _________________________________ Now Buckey, do you still idolize someone who thinks you are hated by your own god?
  16. Here you go Bucky - If you, Bucky, were around when the Jesse Jackson photo was taken, YOU would not be allowed to rent an apartment from the hideous bigot know as the orange urangatang, aka, Donald Jackass Trump. Here is a link to just one of countless articles that confirm his bigotry with respect to housing and non whites: https://www.npr.org/2016/09/29/495955920/donald-trump-plagued-by-decades-old-housing-discrimination-case Bucky, you have to stop being in denial about the Trump bigot. Face it, if he could get away with it, you would not exist.
  17. Yes, I remember this event. It was about the time that Trump was cited by the City of New York for not allowing blacks to rent any of his apartments. Did you also read about that citation given to Trump and to his daddy, Bucky? It seems they were/are both bigots. How does the proverb go - "like father, like son"
  18. Trump tweeted "Pfizer should be ashamed for raising prices" We should tweet "Trump should be ashamed for being Trump. And, poor misguided Bucky should tweet "please, someone help me realize my stupidity for showing allegiance to the meanest and hateful bigot known to civilization, Donald Jackass Trump.
  19. Lagoa sauna - reminder - the special prices are again tomorrow night (Monday) - the R$30 entrance special and discounted room prices. Last Monday the place was packed. Roldolfo was rolling in money - Of course, there is no guarantee this Monday will be as packed - but if you are in Brazil and in the area, remember what Roldolfo always says - "cum one and cum all" to my sauna.
  20. Your question about wearing street clothes is easy to answer, but not totally. In Sao Paulo, you can definitely wear street clothes both at Fragata and at Lagoa saunas. However, both of these saunas have a room for garotos to view porno and masturbate to porn trying to get an interested client. Clients often go to these porn rooms to engage garotos for sex. These rooms are reached going up a stairway at each sauna. At the bottom of each stairway is a sign (in Portuguese) that says street clothes are not allowed. Is the sign enforced? I do not know. Since you are not Brazilian and do not read Portuguese, what is the worst thing that can happen to you if you enter these special rooms wearing street clothes. Again, I do not know. The signs are there for other than decoration. I assume the signs are enforced. Just be aware if you enter the porno rooms that you are passing a sign that says street clothes are prohibited. Or you might ask one of the employees if you can wear street clothes in the porno rooms.
  21. By the way, boytoy is no longer blocked from wifi aboard aircraft. On my flight to Brazil the other day, I tried again to access this forum. In prior times, I always got a message saying the site was blocked due to content, or words to that effect. The connection went right through without a hitch. If anyone cares, while on long deadly dull flights, you can now access this forum. Progress - what would we do without it?
  22. UPDATE - Rodolfo's sale on the entrance price and quartos was a success. Last night there were lots of clients and garotos at Lagoa. A good time was had by all. Whoever convinced Rodolfo to lower the price on Monday gave him good advice, at least for last night. Monday is usually a quiet and dull night at Lagoa. Even on those dull nights, employees are paid to service very few clients. It is obvious that Rodolfo does not make a profit on days when expenses occur but clients do not come to the sauna to offset those expenses. However, with the new lower Monday night entrance rate (R$30) and lower cabine rates, Rodolfo is basking in reais today. How long with the special price last? Only Rodolfo can answer that question. Those who anticipate a trip to Sao Paulo in the near future might want to give Lagoa a try on Monday as well as some of the other days when the sauna is filled with beauties and more. However, if your trip is scheduled a month or so in the future, you might want to check to see if the special Monday night rate is still available.
  23. I am impressed that you picked on my sarcasm about Rodolfo being "generous" If a prize existed, such as a Nobel-less prize for being stingy, Rodolfo wins hands down. Rodolfo's advertisement for a R$30 sauna entrance fee is not generous. He is desperate. As many of us know, Monday night at Lagoa is usually slow or terrible. He lowered the entrance rate for that day to encourage people to visit his sauna. Nothing more, nothing less. My first example of Rodolfo's stinginess that I recall occurred several years ago when I and some friends had dinner at a nice restaurant with him. At dinner, Rodolfo ordered things the rest of us did not order or even want including a bottle of expensive wine. You guessed it; when it came time for us to pay the bill, Rodolfo ran out on paying his share of the dinner that was more than 75% solely attributable to things he ordered. Laughably, he was the one who suggested our going to dinner. It was not worthy of our time or effort to attempt have Rodolfo pay his share of the dinner that he suggested. I am confident he knew exactly what he was doing when he pulled off that little scam on us. In your response, you mentioned Edgard - He died several years ago. Edgard's estate, including his 2/3 interest in ownership of Lagoa, is an amusing story for another day -
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