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Everything posted by mvan1

  1. Translation of above link: Men had to stand against the wall while waiting for documents to be checked - Photo Leonardo Soares, Diário de S.Paulo SÃO PAULO - If it weren't for the luxury cars parked in front of 40A Avenida Alterosas, in Vila Matilde, in the east zone of São Paulo), the place would easily pass for a warehouse. The brown facade is discreet and there are no signs. The Alterosas gay sauna is located there, one of the oldest in the region. It has existed for 37 years. The Civil Police received an anonymous report of drug use at the location and raided the house on Thursday afternoon. Around 40 men in towels were surprised in the basement saunas. Many were over 50 years old and were in the company of young men. Everyone was taken to the first floor of the nightclub, where they had to form a line against the wall. Still wearing towels, the men waited for around 30 minutes while the police checked their documentation, kept at reception.
  2. https://extra.globo.com/noticias/brasil/sauna-gay-de-37-anos-recebe-visita-da-policia-741071.html
  3. Hello, there is no need to be concerned about your being Asian and visiting Sao Paulo. Sao Paulo has the largest population of Japanese outside of Japan. There are many other Asians in Sao Paulo that are not japanese. I have been to Sao Paulo many times. I think you will find the area of Sao Paulo that is called Liberdade, filled with many Asian restaurants and shops and friendly people. Have not worries.
  4. You are funny. It took me a few minutes (or less) to find the guy's ad on rentmen. It took you about the same amount of time (or more) for to tell others that they have too much time etc. Please let me know when I should stop laughing at your comment!
  5. Is this the one you mean? https://rentmen.eu/Andystar He was last in Norway but his ad has expired. He has not checked his ad for almost two years. If you go to his ad, you can try to reach him by email from that site. The fact that his ad has expired, his phone number is hidden. He is not Brazilian - rather he is Spanish, therefore, he would probably not escort in Brazil. There is too much competition for non Brazilians to escort.
  6. https://riotimesonline.com/brazil-news/brazil/u-s-dollar-will-remain-at-or-above-r4-for-a-while-longer-project-analysts/ The Rio Times U.S. Dollar Should Remain Near R$4 Through Year-end, Analysts Project In the year to date, there was a net outflow from Brazil of almost US$9 billion, compared to an inflow of more than US$20 billion in the same period in 2018. By Richard Mann - October 1, 2019 RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - There is, among economists, the concept of fair value of an asset, but as well as tourists who postpone their travel plans abroad, most of these experts have not considered the new value of the dollar, around the R$4.15, to be right. There are explanations of why the U.S. currency has gone up, and nothing indicates that it will fall anytime soon, to the disappointment of those who have planned to take vacations abroad.
  7. Thanks - By the way, did you go inside? If so, was the building already an existing sauna?
  8. Hi, do you recall the name of the street of the replacement sauna? Is Rodolfo taking over the sauna that was opened about a year ago but is failing financially? So many secrets and contradictions. Rodolfo does not have the best reputation for honesty.
  9. There you go again, getting most things wrong. Other than for Riobard posting fake assertions, no one is fighting, as you erroneously wrote. People are curious about the sauna Lagoa. Many from this forum like that place. We were told there would be a replacement for the sauna because the sauna building is slated for demolition to build apartments on the land. The current owner, Rodolfo, continues to keep secret the replacement address for the new sauna. He also continues to postpone the date of opening the replacement sauna. We are exchanging information along with some goofy information provided by riobard. I think only you would conclude that a "fight" was in progress. https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english/misanthrope
  10. This is what it means: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vA2ZJYW2FeM
  11. I did not say I would get the address of the new sauna from Lexus-Nexis. Go back to my post where I said: Even though you were playing a game on me, I ended up learning something from your game. Therefore, all is well that ends well. I eventually remembered that the firm where I am affiliated in the U.S. is a Nexis-Lexis subscriber. And I am an authorized user with my own password. I had no idea that as of a couple of years ago, Brazil legal documents became available to Lexis-Nexis. I tried to access the documents a little while ago but the Brazilian site is shut down until Monday. Once I get access, if the Brazil site is similar to the U.S. site, I will be able to view each and every document submitted to the court for Edgarde's estate. With Lexis-Nexis in the U.S., we can view any and all court documents filed with the court clerk. I hope and assume one can do the same with the Brazilian documents. We will see. In addition, if there is currently a dispute filed between Rodolfo and Edgarde's estate about Lagoa, I will be able to view that also. Depending on the sensitivity of the issues, I might not report back here. However, if, as Rodolfo said, the estate is closed and he now owns 100% of Lagoa, I can report that. The documents might even show the address for the alleged "new location" if there really is a new location.: In the U.S., Lexus-Nexis contains only documents actually filed with the court. What I said is shown above in large letters. I said the documents MIGHT even show the address - - - - - - " snip - The documents might even show the address for the alleged "new location" if there really is a new location. Lexis-Nexis is a wonderful tool and time saver - but it is expensive - It has a competitor that claims to be better but I am happy with Lexis-Nexis and see no reason to change to another provider. https://www.lexisnexis.com/uk/lexispsl/competition/document/391332/5BJ4-9351-F187-72BC-00000-00/Brazil_merger_control__2017_ - Edited Saturday at 07:24 PM by mvan1 Edited Saturday at 07:24 PM by mvan1
  12. Maybe this place is not as good as my friend said it was. I found a few more reviews of the place that say the guys are fun but the place is small and not clean. Here are some reviews I found of the place: By Joseph S If you are in Rio de Janeiro place at some point visit this fun bar guaranteed... Discreet and safe View original By André H The location is not nice, not indicated go on foot, nor walk out on foot. Place Peca by the hygiene of both cabins and the bathroom that is exactly compared with the amount of customers it receives. View original By lrojasmellado When I walked in it was a dark and a bit creepy place, but then we realized that that is the style of the place.... If you want to have sex in Rio, in Seven you will find it, a democratic place full of men, where you can only have fun. I only have two reviews, the music too strong and permanent all the time, it should be a little bit lower; and the bathroom dirty and too small. Just that! Enjoy! Here is a link to their website which includes phone numbers address , prices etc. https://www.sevencruisingbar.com.br/unidades/rio-de-janeiro
  13. How interesting. I will have to call my Brazilian friend and tell him about this. It is odd that rooms are available for rental while the facility prohibits prostitution. I wonder is the prohibition against prostitution is like the prohibition at Sauna Thermas in Barcelona. As those who have been there recall, just as you enter the cruising floor and immediately to your left, there is a large sign on the wall in several languages prohibiting prostitution. A similar sign is in sauna Adan in Madrid and in Kaiser Brundl, in Vienna. In my experience, no one pays any attention to those signs. Could the signs be enforced in Rio?
  14. I have never been to either one. Until my friend alerted me to his find, I never heard of either place. My friend said he has not been to the one in Sao Paulo. He said they are affiliated. Oh, with respect to the one in Rio, my friend said he paid the bar tender R$15 for a small cabine. The garoto wanted R$40 - Of course, he gave him more. All in all, he had a fun time and plans to return. He did say that the place is on the second floor and the facility is small.
  15. I just had a phone call from a long-term Brazilian friend who alerted me to a place he visited for the first time. He said the place is great and fun. The address is: Praca da Republica 141 | Segundo andar - Estacao Central do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro 20211-350, Brazil The Place is called 7 Cruising Bar The gist of his message was that there are, in the facility, "garotos walking around nude and cabines are available". He did not discuss any prices he paid to any of the garotos. There are mild reviews of the place on Tripadvisor: https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g303506-d12495081-Reviews-Seven_Cruising_Bar-Rio_de_Janeiro_State_of_Rio_de_Janeiro.html
  16. Are you aware that your post does not make any sense? If you have those supposed finds, post them! Quite a simple thing to do.
  17. Given your propensity for posting attachments to many of your posts to the forum, I wonder why you continue to keep what you supposedly found, a secret. That is a Rodolfo trait to keep secrets. Despite what you claim to have found, I will wait until tomorrow when I can access Lexis-Nexis and read actual copies of documents filed with the court. This assumes the system of Lexis-Nexis is compatible with the American system we have in the U.S. Supposedly, Brazil is now a member of Lexis-Nexis. I previously posted a link that claimed Brazil has become an affiliate to Nexis-Lexis. There will be no need for more speculation about a move or new location. I will see copies of actual documents that ignore speculation. Yes, there could be a replacement sauna for Lagoa in process. However, the address of the replacement sauna is childishly kept a secret from anyone who asks Rodolfo for the address of the replacement sauna. One has to wonder why he refuses to disclose the address. The excuse Rodolfo offered for not telling where the new sauna will be makes little to no sense. Supposedly, Lagoa will be moved to an existing sauna that was recently remodeled AS A SAUNA and which is going out of business. That means, there is little to no remodeling required. This contradicts excuses for delays in opening the replacement sauna from "sometime in October" to "the middle of November" and now until December 15th. The mystery will end if I can access the Lexis-Nexis tomorrow. Caution: Based on the Terms of Service with Lexis-Nexis, if there is anything highly confidential or if a non disclosure agreement exists, I cannot post that information to a public forum. If the information merely discusses delays and a true intent to open a replacement sauna, I can post that. If the files show an earnest attempt to open a replacement sauna with delays beyond the control of Rodolfo, I sincerely apologize for my doubting a move of Lagoa to a new location. Like I wrote in other posts, over the years, I have seen many saunas come into existence and many close for no obvious reason. Nothing lasts forever. We shall see.
  18. Can you be so kind as to tell me how your post relates to the Lagoa issue?
  19. I don't know how I can stop laughing at what you write! I first met Edgarde more than fifteen years ago. As discussed, he was the 2/3 % owner of Lagoa. I went to Lagoa more than one hundred times over the years. I spoke with Edgarde countless times at Lagoa and went to dinner with him twice along with his other friends. I have been to his house and have met his lady housekeeper who now lives at the house that Edgarde owned. However, you know more about spelling Edgarde's name than I. Hilarious! Just because some other posters on this forum have misspelled Edgarde's name when mentioning him, does not mean the letter "e" should be omitted in spelling his name correctly. Please sit down and try to think of more funny things to write. It is a dull Sunday and a few more absurd comments from you would make the day go by faster with laughter.
  20. Let it go! You do not even know the last names of Edgarde and/or Rodolfo - Without the names, how could you have done a search for a legal matter concerning those two? You claim to have found documents via a free search, but you decline to present the documents. You do not present the documents because they do not exist. Do you really expect anyone to believe that you found legal documents about those two through a free search while searching in English when all the documents are in Portuguese, again, without using or knowing the last names? You are funny. At least you gave me a good laugh for today - for that I say "thanks"
  21. https://rentmen.eu/TierryRichardy/#rmotd Read this guy's description of himself. BRAZILIAN XXL I AM LAYWER, SEXY, MUSCLE AND WITH A BRAZILIAN PENIS DESIRED TO SATISFY YOU IN SEX! THE BRAZILIAN SEX YOU DO NOT FIND ANOTHER SAME! YOU'LL TALK ABOUT ME TO STOP WITH THE PENETRATION, BECAUSE IT DOES NOT ACCEPT THE PRESSURE OR YOU WILL ENTER INTO A ORGASM OF SO MUCH PLEASURE I dare anyone to hold back laughter at his goofy English He claims to be Brazilian - he could be
  22. Just in case anyone is interested in this excellent company, here is a little history and its current status: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LexisNexis And no, the documents found on Lexis-Nexis cannot be found for free on Google! Thus, a statement like " Well, it was no feat to find it, it took but a few minutes" - is false. Can you believe, the Chinese banned Lexis-Nexis in China? "Pursuant to instructions from Chinese authorities, in 2017 LexisNexis withdrew Nexis and LexisNexis Academic from China.[51"
  23. Even though you were playing a game on me, I ended up learning something from your game. Therefore, all is well that ends well. I eventually remembered that the firm where I am affiliated in the U.S. is a Nexis-Lexis subscriber. And I am an authorized user with my own password. I had no idea that as of a couple of years ago, Brazil legal documents became available to Lexis-Nexis. I tried to access the documents a little while ago but the Brazilian site is shut down until Monday. Once I get access, if the Brazil site is similar to the U.S. site, I will be able to view each and every document submitted to the court for Edgarde's estate. With Lexis-Nexis in the U.S., we can view any and all court documents filed with the court clerk. I hope and assume one can do the same with the Brazilian documents. We will see. In addition, if there is currently a dispute filed between Rodolfo and Edgarde's estate about Lagoa, I will be able to view that also. Depending on the sensitivity of the issues, I might not report back here. However, if, as Rodolfo said, the estate is closed and he now owns 100% of Lagoa, I can report that. The documents might even show the address for the alleged "new location" if there really is a new location. Lexis-Nexis is a wonderful tool and time saver - but it is expensive - It has a competitor that claims to be better but I am happy with Lexis-Nexis and see no reason to change to another provider. https://www.lexisnexis.com/uk/lexispsl/competition/document/391332/5BJ4-9351-F187-72BC-00000-00/Brazil_merger_control__2017_ -
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