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Everything posted by MsGuy

  1. "While all pharmaceutical treatments have side effects, racism is not a known side effect of any Sanofi medication." Sanofi tweet. Who knew a Big Pharma outfit like Sanofi had such a dry sense of humor.
  2. Nope, no tits, Sucky. (Sorry AdamSmith). Apparently this shit oozes straight out of their guts. Well, it beats Soylent Green, I guess. And it has potential as a drug delivery system too.
  3. No, not milk made from bug juice, real cockroach milk. Apparently there's this species of cockroach in Hawaii that does the live birth thing instead of laying eggs. And produces "milk" to feed their young. And, of course, foodies have discovered that its far more nutritious than the stuff you get from daries, so they're scarfing the stuff like the sick puppies they are. Glutan free, sustainably produced and enviromentally friendly (unlike cows, cockroaches don't fart methane). I know you don't believe a word of this so here is a link that documents the whole phenom.
  4. For years one member of my church's Board of Elders (governing body) sat in a second row pew. If the sermon ran over 12 minutes he would lean forward, shoot his sleeve, lay his arm ostentatiously over the back of the first pew and tap his watch. Since the Elders in our church hire, fire approve expenses and set the salary of the preacher, folks always got out in plenty of time to eat before settling in to watch the game on TV. The congregation was in general agreement that if you couldn't make your point in 12 minutes, you weren't likely to do any better in 30 and, in all fairness, the duration of the scripture reading the sermon was based on wasn't included in the 12 minutes.
  5. Choreography by Bob Fosse; Casting & costumes by Ru Paul; Produced by John Waters. How much gayer could it be?
  6. Yikes! We have been warned, boys.
  7. Oz, much as I love you, I aint sitting here in Mississippi with an oxy tube stuck up my nose and funding your Thai boys in Bangkok. Well... Maybe if you sent me pictures. Maybe.
  8. Aw, Lucky... You done gone and made him blush
  9. I used to do that too! I got to be quite the connoisseur. Novels, texts, encyclopedias, all good. Coated magazine paper was something of an acquired taste,, at least for me. National Geographic though was delicious once you got used to it. And the New Yorker too, if I recall rightly. Newsprint and that cheap stuff comics were printed on were just nasty.
  10. Sorry, AS, but I don't give mulligans on end of the world predictions. Particularly when the idiot sub judice made major $ off all those folks who couldn't count the first time around.
  11. Maybe it's really Brahms using stolen a pic? You might want to meet up in a public place before you take him back to your hotel.
  12. I beg to differ. Footmen: Molly boys:
  13. Sorry, AS, I misread you as pooh-poohing the potential revenue from full service corporate events with Molly boys in period costume. "This way to your quarters, Sir James."
  14. So what's so wrong with hooking, AS? Every little bit helps.
  15. Eight frames, Sixteen balls. Not a strike, narry a single spare in the lot. As our eloquent leader would say, Weak. So weak!
  16. Gotta go with Kjun on this one. I'm not a fan of veins popped out all over the arms either.
  17. Maybe my brain is even more addled than usual but I thought the Army was supposed to occupy Rio until then end of the year. to suppress crime. Patrol the streets and all that.
  18. Speak for yourself, Sucky. Me, I prefer a good blow job.
  19. I think we have reached the root of the problem, dear Sucky. Only them as don't need 'em look good wearing 'em. Besides I gave up chasing fashion when my Nehru jacket went out of style before I even had time to get a wrinkle in it.
  20. Kjun, so the bulge under the fly didn't seem a tiny bit suspicious to you?
  21. Real Kentucky Fried ad: Why can't anybody do funny shit like this in the good ole USofA?
  22. I learned that Big Pharma is evil as ever. And the good old USofA is still the only place that facilitates such greed. What, there's no other country whose government is open to bribery? Horizon Pharma raises price of Vimovo painkillers in US to nearly $3,000 Naw, I didn't just learn that. And neither did any of you. But we still sit back and pay and pay and pay. And that's not news either, is it?
  23. "Often when the visit of a modern monarch is planned, for example during the construction of a new building, a special royal lavatory pavilion is built for the occasion." ^ Can't have the Queen squatting in a Port-A-Potty. * See lookin's link.
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